On September 24 2010 03:41 DarkspearTribe wrote: I just went to youtube and typed julyzerg to find his game (now I don't know who the fuck is commentating, probably some casters wannabe but w/e)
compared to
I didn't watched the game at all just skipped right to the end just to check out how he's fairing with creep spread and I see 1 creep tumor laid down. That might not prove if he's good or bad but to my eyes every good zerg should be super active with creep spread - It's a new mechanic for zerg that every great player should master. Once this guy practices enough to be pro at creep spreading i'll listen what he has to say about balance.
That's just my personal thoughts.
Yep, but I think hes actually improved creep spreading a lot lately.
On September 25 2010 10:52 Octo_cembeR wrote: Anyone think Blizz will nerf zerg if Cool wins GSL1? I think its quite possible lol
No; they have specifically said that they don't balance based on tournament results
Exaclty. Blizzard don't balance based on tournament results, they balance based on the tears of Terrans.
Terran scrub : Waaaaaaaaaahhhhhh Blizzard: Shh shhh shhhh... Don't cry, whats wrong. Terran scrub : That protoss is a bully, he feedbacked my PDD... *sniff* Now the stalkers shoot the vikings *sniff*. Blizzard : Ok we'll make it so it no longer works on them. But its our little secret k? Terran scrub : Thanks mommy!
The Terran scrub lived happily ever and Blizzard ate their own shoes.
The buildings rarely factored into it. It was mainly Thor vs Ultra and Ultras were significantly better vs Thors before the patch. Poor decision making to go mass Thor, almost any other composition would have won game 3.
P.S. It's not a bug.
A Thor army is the single hardest thing to stop for a Zerg player, Thor was his absolutely best bet if he decided to go for a no aggression macro build. Also, his macro wasn't in top form. He had a 3 bases, one of them gold. If he is making a Thor army, that usually leaves 1k~2k free minerals, which he could have invested in early Turrets (turrets block every possible Zerg harassment), and more expansions, locking the drops down, and forcing the Zerg to have his population stuck at 180 with nothing but Roaches. Also, he could have supported 4+ Factories, he only had 3 the entire time.
The buildings rarely factored into it. It was mainly Thor vs Ultra and Ultras were significantly better vs Thors before the patch. Poor decision making to go mass Thor, almost any other composition would have won game 3.
P.S. It's not a bug.
A Thor army is the single hardest thing to stop for a Zerg player, Thor was his absolutely best bet if he decided to go for a no aggression macro build. Also, his macro wasn't in top form. He had a 3 bases, one of them gold. If he is making a Thor army, that usually leaves 1k~2k free minerals, which he could have invested in early Turrets (turrets block every possible Zerg harassment), and more expansions, locking the drops down, and forcing the Zerg to have his population stuck at 180 with nothing but Roaches. Also, he could have supported 4+ Factories, he only had 3 the entire time.
No way.. ultras and lings destroy thors. Mass thors isn't viable at all in late game when your opponent has the entire map with ultras. How are you going to attack all the expansions without getting flanked. It's impossible. End of discussion.
Even though I think cool is the best zerg right now, I have to agree that his hellion defense was really unimpressive. I expected a lot more after seeing him defend that 4wg rush in his first series of the GSL.
Yep he's 100% right, drops are waaaaaay too effective, you can shift queue like 3-4 drops on separate expos and they will snipe the hatcheries with ease. Nothing short of 600 APM and HUGE map awareness can stop these shenanigans, and that's just ridiculous considering how easy it is for Terran and how little he has to risk for it.
The buildings rarely factored into it. It was mainly Thor vs Ultra and Ultras were significantly better vs Thors before the patch. Poor decision making to go mass Thor, almost any other composition would have won game 3.
P.S. It's not a bug.
A Thor army is the single hardest thing to stop for a Zerg player, Thor was his absolutely best bet if he decided to go for a no aggression macro build. Also, his macro wasn't in top form. He had a 3 bases, one of them gold. If he is making a Thor army, that usually leaves 1k~2k free minerals, which he could have invested in early Turrets (turrets block every possible Zerg harassment), and more expansions, locking the drops down, and forcing the Zerg to have his population stuck at 180 with nothing but Roaches. Also, he could have supported 4+ Factories, he only had 3 the entire time.
No way.. ultras and lings destroy thors. Mass thors isn't viable at all in late game when your opponent has the entire map with ultras. How are you going to attack all the expansions without getting flanked. It's impossible. End of discussion.
All you have to do is turtle with your Thors, back them in a corner with like 20 scv's blocking the Lings/ultras and watch your thors wreck the Zerg army. Also who needs to push out, just stay in bottleneck positions so the Zerg can never get to you and get like 3 medivacs to set up Thor drops to snipe Queens/Hatcheries.
On September 25 2010 10:52 Octo_cembeR wrote: Anyone think Blizz will nerf zerg if Cool wins GSL1? I think its quite possible lol
No; they have specifically said that they don't balance based on tournament results
Exaclty. Blizzard don't balance based on tournament results, they balance based on the tears of Terrans.
Terran scrub : Waaaaaaaaaahhhhhh Blizzard: Shh shhh shhhh... Don't cry, whats wrong. Terran scrub : That protoss is a bully, he feedbacked my PDD... *sniff* Now the stalkers shoot the vikings *sniff*. Blizzard : Ok we'll make it so it no longer works on them. But its our little secret k? Terran scrub : Thanks mommy!
The Terran scrub lived happily ever and Blizzard ate their own shoes.
The buildings rarely factored into it. It was mainly Thor vs Ultra and Ultras were significantly better vs Thors before the patch. Poor decision making to go mass Thor, almost any other composition would have won game 3.
P.S. It's not a bug.
A Thor army is the single hardest thing to stop for a Zerg player, Thor was his absolutely best bet if he decided to go for a no aggression macro build. Also, his macro wasn't in top form. He had a 3 bases, one of them gold. If he is making a Thor army, that usually leaves 1k~2k free minerals, which he could have invested in early Turrets (turrets block every possible Zerg harassment), and more expansions, locking the drops down, and forcing the Zerg to have his population stuck at 180 with nothing but Roaches. Also, he could have supported 4+ Factories, he only had 3 the entire time.
No way.. ultras and lings destroy thors. Mass thors isn't viable at all in late game when your opponent has the entire map with ultras. How are you going to attack all the expansions without getting flanked. It's impossible. End of discussion.
You're wrong, there's not enough surface area for lings + ultras to be effective vs a thor ball. Lings overall is a really shitty unit vs thors, and ultras which compete for surface area die to target fire. Does that make it double end of discussion?
On September 25 2010 10:52 Octo_cembeR wrote: Anyone think Blizz will nerf zerg if Cool wins GSL1? I think its quite possible lol
No; they have specifically said that they don't balance based on tournament results
Exaclty. Blizzard don't balance based on tournament results, they balance based on the tears of Terrans.
Terran scrub : Waaaaaaaaaahhhhhh Blizzard: Shh shhh shhhh... Don't cry, whats wrong. Terran scrub : That protoss is a bully, he feedbacked my PDD... *sniff* Now the stalkers shoot the vikings *sniff*. Blizzard : Ok we'll make it so it no longer works on them. But its our little secret k? Terran scrub : Thanks mommy!
The Terran scrub lived happily ever and Blizzard ate their own shoes.
I'm not a P player, but does feedback really not work on PDD? That's so incredibly lame.
On September 25 2010 05:23 Endorsed wrote: I'm going to laugh so hard when a Zerg wins GSL.
I would cry so hard, just because it will eliminate alot the buff talk Z has done over the last month(s) certainly had a second heartbeat during cool's games today just for the sake of Zerg
I would cry too, but wouldn't it be so fucking funny haha
On September 25 2010 10:52 Octo_cembeR wrote: Anyone think Blizz will nerf zerg if Cool wins GSL1? I think its quite possible lol
No; they have specifically said that they don't balance based on tournament results
Do you sincerely believe this?
I know this
Seems to me that to allow zero influence to balance based on tournament results is awkward. If I was a developer, I would be paying close attention to the pro scene, especially the GSL tournaments. I'd be taking notes in fact.
On September 25 2010 10:52 Octo_cembeR wrote: Anyone think Blizz will nerf zerg if Cool wins GSL1? I think its quite possible lol
No; they have specifically said that they don't balance based on tournament results
Do you sincerely believe this?
I know this
Seems to me that to allow zero influence to balance based on tournament results is awkward. If I was a developer, I would be paying close attention to the pro scene, especially the GSL tournaments. I'd be taking notes in fact.
Notes: 1) The forums are flooded with Zerg QQ. Remember to hire more mods for the release on HotS.
2) Seems like people have no idea how to utilize Zerg's complicated playstyle. Make Hatcheries normal production buildings (like CC's or Rax), but given the ability to build all units?
3) Zerg macro seems to be pretty hard. Automining feature for drones removed - You now have to manually mine with your drones. That'll work!
4) Seems like we actually forgot to make any kind of real explanation of the Zerg race in the Challenges. REMEMBER to make ONLY Terran and Protoss challenges in HotS - the 75% of missions playing as infected Protoss/Terran doesn't make you know those races enough.
5) Banelings are, "cute"? Begin production of 50,000 Baneling plushies. Immediately.
6) The Swarm? Lower Zerglings HP to 10. They now deal 2 damage, and 4 are spawned from each Larvae. Seems like a great solution to bringing back the "swarm" in "The Swarm"!
On September 24 2010 02:14 travis wrote: who can blame him blizzard clearly is either bad at balancing the game or just doesn't care very much about making it good for top level competition
i guess they just don't mind taking 2 years to balance the game when people are trying to play it for a living
This pretty much sums it up... they're more interested in facebook integration, battle.net 2.0 "new" feature, etc than game balance at top lvl..
On September 25 2010 05:23 Endorsed wrote: I'm going to laugh so hard when a Zerg wins GSL.
So 1 zerg tourney wins automatically negates all the other tourney wins by terran. Makes sense.
IT would actually mean that it is possible for zergs to win and that their strategies are developing. Isn't it the same for sc1 when terrans simply weren't winning pre-boxer? I really feel that blizzard shouldn't jump the gun with patching races unless they are really broken like the original 5pool.