In my opinion, of course Day9 and JP are leagues better than Husky and HD, but that's also because Day9 and JP have had much, much more experience live casting.
I say: just give Husky and HD some time for them to acclimate themselves to the true Starcraft commentary scene (as opposed to their usual Youtube replays). The two can be obnoxiously wrong at times, but they also can be quite entertaining. I think they have potential; they just need more experience .
I think HDH should be invited to more live events such as MLG.The experience is good for them,this was their first and they were nervous but I believe that around the end they were doing much better.
Of course there is another thing I I need to point out which is the fact that Day[9] would give them tips.I'd expect them to feel better for tomorrow's cast.
My biggest criticism of HDH is that they should look at the camera during the downtime between matches.
I thought their commentary was pretty good though, and really I feel like a lot of the mis-speaking that happens is just because they rush a little bit. If they slowed down and relaxed just a little bit more I think it could really help out. Obviously though nerves played a factor during some of that.
I guess my #1 advice for them is to put forth just a little more practice time towards playing the game and commentating on it. I don't know if perhaps they are overworking on setting up websites and tournaments and things that would distract them from being able to do that.
Still, I think they did a great job and it was nothing less than I expected :D They were a little bit mortified at the beginning but by the end they had a great rhythm and they definitely brought some much needed hype to the more epic games of the tournament.
As for Day9, I think he is doing much better in this tourney than in the IEM. I don't really know much about JP and to be honest I kind of didn't notice him very much.
I think we can all agree those Halo guys from the Old Spice report dragged everything down a notch. =P
On August 28 2010 14:52 phuzi0n wrote: JP has much better chemistry with Day9 than d.apollo did but Day9 seems like he doesn't give his co-casters a chance to talk unless he's out of ideas. Another way to put it is Day9 is a really aggressive speaker. There was once when they both started to say "Welcome back..." after a commercial break and then JP shut up and Day9 didn't give him a chance to talk for at least a minute. I love Day9's commentary but it doesn't seem like he really gives his co-casters a chance to be equal.
But that's exactly why Day[9] and JP make such a good casting team. Day[9] has a dominating 'active' casting personality while JP has a tolerant 'reactive' one. JP knows very well that he doesn't have nearly the level of strategic insight that Day[9] does into SC games and he knows just as well that he doesn't have the same ability to talk endlessly and continue to be entertaining. He lets his co-caster take care of that and provides more 'stability' during the casts by watching the minimap, watching the player's bases, watching the unit movements, and bringing the information to Day[9]'s attention. He keeps him fed with new data to talk about and grounded in what's happening in the game. He does a really good job at the more 'businessman' parts of the casts, and can do entertaining colour commentary when called upon as well. It also doesn't hurt that he can break out some pretty sharp-witted comments during their banter. I'm not saying that this is the only good arrangement that two casters can share, or even that it's the best one, but Day[9] and JP are obviously comfortable in their roles together and it shows in how smoothly they operate.
edit- looks like torm said basically the same last page.
I honestly would have no issue with HD/H if they did 2 things:
1: Husky calm down a tiny bit. Sometimes it's a little over the top and too forceful. Often times it works well, but when it doesn't it falls really, really flat.
2: It's better to say something like, "I'll be curious to see his tech route with that double gas so early. He could be teching to heavy mech play or maybe banshees (etc)" instead of simply always guessing what they'll be doing flat out. Extrapolating a little if needed, but simply guessing all the time looks pretty poor if your overall knowledge isn't as high on the players or game in general.
edit for clarification: If you have solid knowledge of the game or players in general to make assumptions or good predictions about playstyle/bo's, then feel free to do so. If you're just trying to wing it then it wont end quite as well so you're better off being in suspense yourself than simply guessing on air.
Every time Husky said "SAKE" for Socke I wanted to punch him. I just found it incredibly annoying, dunno exactly why.
My criticism is pretty much like everyone else, HDH lacks analytical abilities and as a higher level viewer, I just cringe every time they make a blatantly incorrect statement. Their camera control skills are ok, I can't say I've been very annoyed by it. However, I have noticed times where something happens that surprised me and I think "why didn't they show this sooner?"
They have the drive so I think they can get there. The energy they have during casts is great and I think their voices are solid enough for casting. But they really need to up their knowledge of the game and put more of that drive into improving their casting if they want to continue to do so.
JP + Day I think is the best casting combo I've seen for SC2 so far. I find them incredibly entertaining and knowledgeable. They also work together and play off each other perfectly.
I haven't read all the comments, so maybe someone already said this, but I think they all are good commentators but for different audiences. HD and Husky are better for casual Starcraft gamers who don't really care for all the details but just want to enjoy watching the game with someone talking about what is basically happening. Day9 and JP are more in depth casters who can really analyze what is going on for the people that want to know everything possible about the game and match ups. For example, one of my friends who doesn't play Starcraft told me he thought Day9 was a terrible caster because he talked about things that my friend felt was meaningless to the game. Some people can't appreciate such in depth casting because they lack the knowledge or love for the game. For these people, Husky and HD are "better" than Day9 and JP.
Now, maybe Husky and HD should not be casting for such a huge event as this; however, they have gained such a huge fan base, especially with newbie players, I think having them cast is good publicity for the event.
On August 28 2010 15:22 CaptnIgnit wrote: Every time Husky said "SAKE" for Socke I wanted to punch him. I just found it incredibly annoying, dunno exactly why.
Wasn't there a thread recently that socke is quoted as how to pronounce his name and it's "zock-eh"? Then again, NoNy tried to convince us all that it was pronouned new-knee. Hah, good luck with that, Tyler.
On August 28 2010 14:44 dacthehork wrote: Honestly It's true
The casting in MLG and other events has been bad/worse than it should be. Another example would be having Adam Sesslar or w.e. at Evo, he casted the SSF4 finals and was completely wrong most of the time. They put in casters that are not good due to their popularity/established position. This I guess is "good" for growing it, but don't expect anyone to be thankful we get sub par casting at events that can fly in any caster in the country.
Casting is huge for getting people to actually keep watching/grow, I know tasteless, an amazing caster, get people who might be on the fence about even watching / playing the game and a lot just watch it for the commentary. That's a terrible example, Adam Sesslar was god awful to begin with.
Seems more of a bash thread, haven't seen many posts actually giving constructive criticism
On August 28 2010 13:21 slam wrote: However, as the game has progressed I feel that they have failed to keep up with their quality of commentary when compared to the rest of the communities commentators despite their huge following on youtube and this tournament has further reinforced my current feelings toward them that they are undeserving of the attention.
yada yada
That being said while Husky and HD are being compared to one the best casters in the community it just goes to show how poor of commentaries they are providing. They make very few interesting points, make quite a few errors, and overall put together very poor commentaries in my opinion which lack much color.
I mean it's one thing to bash about how good a commentator is compared to one of the best sc2 analysts in the game currently, but when you walk around the essential problem you don't actually point out anything. Point out those errors he made, explain what "interesting points" he could of touched on.
It's like reading terrible interviews of movies/video games.
At least day9 has improved a lot as a commentator. That chill vs combat ex grudge match commentary he did was a little too angsty for me lol. Welcome to the community, you must be new 
Some of the things I've observed:
- - Looking at the income tab way to much, viewers want to see what's currently happening in the game while you're talking. Use the production tab more often.
- - Husky gets excited prematurely sometimes. Take a breath when something out of the ordinary happens (For instance the random mothership) - This goes back to a comment I read regarding "Him not knowing what he's talking about" it was more of a surprise since you didn't aggressively use the spectator tools provided.
- - Husky is a bit loud naturally, mlg should tweak the audio a bit. Might of been more of a MLG issue than anything.
- - Look at the camera more when you guys are discussion the game before the matches start (Camera time)
Other than that, it just seems they need to take the time to play the game a bit more. First official sc2 lan. Nerves, commentating next to the god himself day9 [intimidation].
It wasn't as bad as people make it to seem (more hate than anything), the last few games were pretty good compared to all the mediocre commentators that popup on youtube.
I also think raelcun and chobo (from sc center's observer episode) touched up on some of the shit commentators needs to get familiar with if someone can post those video links
I think HD and Husky's casting while not intentionally would be better suited to a different audience, HD and Husky's casting would be more suited if they were casting the game to people who have little if any exposure to the game.
They're personalities are great and it would probably draw people who have very little e-sports exposure. Day[9] and JP cast for a crowd thats more like TL, people who know the game and follow things really closely.
I think it's simply because HD and Husky don't have the tournament experience that Day[9] has, theres a reason why casters for NFL and NBA and other professional sports generally include those who have played the game at the same level and maybe they would have one or two reporters that have some knowledge along side, but haven't played the game at the same level.
On August 28 2010 15:25 I_Love_Bacon wrote:Show nested quote +On August 28 2010 15:22 CaptnIgnit wrote: Every time Husky said "SAKE" for Socke I wanted to punch him. I just found it incredibly annoying, dunno exactly why. Wasn't there a thread recently that socke is quoted as how to pronounce his name and it's "zock-eh"? Then again, NoNy tried to convince us all that it was pronouned new-knee. Hah, good luck with that, Tyler.
i think you mean tee-ler
HD and Husky admittedly are the ones who got me into watching SC2 replays and commentary, but now that I've played the game myself for a while and watched day9 and a couple of less subscribed commentators out there I just get annoyed watching them cast. It really came to the forefront in this event that they just aren't ready for the big time yet. They do an amazing service to the community, and I think they should definitely be at the MLG event, but I think they should be doing interviews with players and acting more as hosts.
Husky is fun to listen to a lot of the time because he really gets into the game, but it's like having a color commentator without a play-by-play man (I'm talking about the duos used in live sports like baseball). HD should be that play-by-play kind of guy who isn't as funny but has a deep understanding of the game, but he's just not an experienced enough player. They both seem to get caught up watching the same things, and then they miss out because neither one is popping around the rest of the map or watching the minimap for other things going on. They really need to play for themselves some more so that they can learn the matchups better, you can't get a deep understanding of the game from commentating.
Am I the only one that thinks Jp is the weakest commentator? I mean he's literally the coolest guy in the world but he stumbles on his words a lot and seeing as commentating is essentially just inciteful talking, I would see that as a pretty significant flaw.
That being said, Day9 was definitely the champion as it were, getting very excited during the games.
On August 28 2010 15:37 Slipspace wrote: Am I the only one that thinks Jp is the weakest commentator? I mean he's literally the coolest guy in the world but he stumbles on his words a lot and seeing as commentating is essentially just inciteful talking, I would see that as a pretty significant flaw.
That being said, Day9 was definitely the champion as it were, getting very excited during the games.
jp is working on the casting skills with his round up thing... however, he complements day9 perfectly as previous posts stated
We need wheat/chill commentating. Wheat has the best commentator voice in the world. Seriously I still remember that WCG where he basically was a newb and didn't know anything and STILL had all of us excited about the games.
On August 28 2010 13:39 0neder wrote: Valid comments, but go easy on them, they're not as experienced with live LANs (playing or casting) as Day9 is. Commenting is a not gift, it's a privilege. If you can't stand up, step away.
It seemed like they were constantly improving as they went through the games (didnt watch all of the games). Unnecessary hate.
On August 28 2010 15:44 [GiTM]-Ace wrote: We need wheat/chill commentating. Wheat has the best commentator voice in the world. Seriously I still remember that WCG where he basically was a newb and didn't know anything and STILL had all of us excited about the games.
I really thought he'd be at least at the event when they had him on as a guest before the tournament. I was pumped for that but I can't really complain about the casting.
Yeah, HD and Husky aren't 12 year veterans of the game, but their style doesn't really bother me.
HD and Husky seemed fairly good to me, they are only going to get better with more experience. Obviously if you are comparing them to Day 9 its pretty unrealistic expectations for them to be on that level.
all the people saying HD doesn't know what he's talking about sorta reminds me of one of the first games HD commentated. It was a 2v2 and it was blatantly obvious that his ally was terrible yet HD kept a very patient and ignorant tone as to not disrespect him in his commentary.
I've seen HD play and he is really good. Having listened to his casting since he began making SC2 videos and also seeing him play really makes me think that these "ignorant" comments he makes in his commentary are made on purpose to make it simple and easy for the majority of his subscribers (non-elitists that just want to sit back and watch a game rather then think about why every little decision was made). You can still hear this kind of style in his commentary in his latest videos of Idra vs. Drewbie game where its blatantly obvious to any moron that a single 2 base terran bio-mech ball taking out 4 maxed ultralisk armies in a row from a 6 base zerg is imbalanced. Yet you will notice HD maintains his ignorance and neutrality throughout the commentary.
HD plays zerg very well (not pro obviously) so he knows alot about TvZ and probably personally agrees with all the rage people have about the MU. I don't expect him to go into in depth game analysis because his subscribers have already expressed that they like his commentating as it is. All 196,000 of them.