I was wondering if there any replay packs from midhigh/high diamond players playing lower level players not the same skill level players (looking for Terran replays)
I am just interested how they beat weaker players like myself (450-500pts diamond) and how do they play muchups vs other players...
(Not looking for especially exciting games... just grinded games thx)
P.s If there are any korean replay packs i would dig those a lot
dont think your gonna find replay packs of mid/high level players crushing lower level players since they would not meet the low level players in the first place, the closest your gonna get i guess is pro players crushing the highlevel diamond players
that would be like seeing a pro boxer beating up a 10 year old :D maybe a little less entertaining
i was more thinking about mid/high diamonds playing against lower diamond players... i am stuck at this lvl and would like to see how 700-800 pts players play... what strats they use and what are the key points where they excel... but perhaps these kind of players are not yet top tier players.... just below top100 or something.... so it would be easier to see which point should be imporved to get better ( when you watch pro replays its pretty hard to compare them to yourself since they get all the stuff well enough and have a lot of higher apms)
I know Debo just posted a 51 game replay pack. He's fun to watch because he mixes things up a bit.
I think it would be better for you just to watch your own replays and see what you did wrong. The only way to get better is for YOU to improve and there's nothing special that people better than you are doing, they are just doing what you do better. As Day9 would say, they are playing smoothly.
Ok I'll upload my replays, they seem to fit with your description lol, hold on.
I'm currently 732 elo, #34 of Medivac Alamo, 77-43, 64.17% (my ratio has actually been improving recently, as I've been improving). I don't save most of my replays, which are mostly complete noob bashes (games so short/simple) I don't think you'd enjoy them, or a lot of my losses if I'm confident I know why I lost. All of my tourney games are in there, a few custom games vs friends (who are mostly 300/400 diamond), and reps that I feel were either good or exemplary of that matchup/map.
I don't bother trying to copy others' play exactly, I always keep to my own style. In some cases I'll have directly copied someone's build and spun it with my own style.
A few tvzs and tvts towards the end of the pack have me trying out my idea of snipe-drop harass, more or less successful (I lost the first game I tried it, but that was because I wasn't macroing properly, didn't have enough tech-labs and got overrun by baneling/roach).
My style/play definitely changed and evolved over the course of these replays, so if there's something I don't do anymore or do differently, odds are there's a reason I've decided the old thing wasn't as good. Some things are just different approaches, with both things viable, and I'm either still practicing or experimenting with the new thing to learn more, or have just become more comfortable with the new thing.
Anyway, enjoy: [url blocked] Tell me what you think ~~
alright thanks... i ll check them out... anyone else willing to share?! feel free