comprehensive variables.txt thread - Page 3
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Finland195 Posts
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France30 Posts
As this file is the key to make everyone's eyes happy. I was wondering if someone knew a guide which describes every variables ? You explained some of them, and some of them are understable by themselves (for example creepQuality ^^) but i'd really like to know what others can do like : "dof=0" or "parallax=0"... | ||
Australia1237 Posts
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United States43 Posts
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United States22 Posts
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Yoshi Kirishima
United States10292 Posts
In 1.4.1 they said they fixed the shader problem but not for me! (unless it's not a shader problem?) What I'm talking about is a constant freezing whenever a new building or unit is finished. For example at the beginning of the game, 2 seconds before my barracks finishes, it will freeze 1-2 seconds. First marine comes out, it freezes again. This is painfully annoying when I'm trying to watch a replay (ideally at 8x speed) because it will literally freeze 2-3 seconds every other second. Sometimes in game it will even cause insane lag for like 5-10 seconds (freezing or fps at like 1), which is fucking annoying when suddenly you see a zerg blew up your entire army with only like 2 banelings. So I heard there is a way to turn shaders to 0? Not just low? Can someone explain and PLEASE HELP ME T_T. Haven't been watching replays at all cus it takes wayyy too long just to finish one. Right now I think I'm supposed to just go to my variables.txt and change the following to "simplifiedCloaking=0 simplifiedShaders=0" ? Thanks so much in advance! | ||
Canada2473 Posts
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Yoshi Kirishima
United States10292 Posts
On February 12 2012 08:12 Xapti wrote: That does not at all seem like a shader problem (or frankly anything that you could change in the game settings all; although textures is probably the closest thing I could think of). I have no idea what could that cause that problem. Oh darn ![]() | ||
United States43 Posts
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Canada2473 Posts
On February 15 2012 06:51 AlphaDotCom wrote: anyone know how to get rid of or reduce the fog on cloud kingdom map, what setting in variables is it or is it even possible cause all that fog is annoying? Read the OP? Show low-ground/pits/canyons/hide-fog This makes the screen/gameplay-area SLIGHTLY "darker", since there is a small amount of fog on normal level ground, but the main thing you'll notice is all low ground (pits,canyons,etc.) that is normally unpathable (unless you specially edit it in the editor) will be visible, as the fog that normally covers it will disappear. Not sure if this increases or decreases performance, but it looks pretty cool IMO. Add line: fog= 0 I found that one myself I think. It's kinda weird that it was there, and it makes me wonder how many other hidden values exist that we don't know about. If that doesn't help (I don't know what type of fog it is on that map), then you might be out of luck. Maps can have a fog level higher than what's normal (it normally starts at 0 elevation [and goes downward]), so I presume that's what cloud kingdom has, but I haven't checked. | ||
Scotland129 Posts
Thanks LAWSONNZ | ||
Scotland129 Posts
User was warned for this post | ||
Germany7411 Posts
On March 08 2012 06:09 lawsonnz wrote: Anyone know? User was warned for this post | ||
Australia45 Posts
Height = 640 Width = 1024 To try and get a 16:10 aspect ratio (my monitor is 1440x900) and reduce my res some more but after starting SC2, nothing changed. Is there a lower limit to the resolution you can set SC2 at or did I screw something simple up? (Yes, I saved my changes) E: Nevermind, I got it to work with 960x600. Now I can use my whole screen again :D | ||
196 Posts
I will explain: If you do some quick testing in a game you will find out that units in motion, once they are selected (as in, they have circles around them), will drop FPS significantly lower then if u deselect them, making the circles go away. The best way you can see the result of this is to make a lot of speed zerglings, run to the watch tower in the midle of Antiga and set your units to patrol all over the place in that very area. The smoke thingys in that area makes the fps drop even further, if you also drag boxes with your curser over these units your FPS will drop even lower. Actually the zerglings can be perfectly still if they are placed at the midle of Antiga and the fps will still significantly drop i they are selected and you drag boxes over them (because of the smoke thingys). Im interested in finding out if these small circles around every little unit is what makes the FPS drop about 40-50% or more in certain scenarios compared to when the units are not selected, because that seems to be the case. I have every tweak currently known in my variables and everything that i can on lowest/off and the comp im currently testing this on is an i5 750 overclocked and stable at 3.9 GHz. Anyways its not about the fps being way too low, its about the fps being crazy low when units are selected (with small circles around them) compared to when they are not selected. Even if removing circles would solve it im not saying i would prefer that, but i could consider it and it would be interesting to see the difference. Edit: Actually i dont think its so much about the circles i think its just about the units being selected circles around the units or not. Isnt that weird though? Why would having the units selected cause for such huge fps differerence compared to not having them selected? | ||
Mexico290 Posts
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United States20 Posts
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Canada115 Posts
Dicking around in the map editor, I found what appears to be a complete list of possible values for variables.txt (actually EditorVariables.txt, but it looks like they share the important stuff). However I'm not sure if it's specific to my installation... open the map editor, go to window -> console, and type in "varlist" for your own version ("help" for a list of other console commands, which is how I found this). spoiler: (my) variable list + Show Spoiler + 32bitshadow = 0 AlertFadeSound = 0.300000 AllowPatchSource = 1 allowtextremove = 0 alphadepthWrite = 0 alttabdisabled = 0 aolight = 0 assemblemoddir = Published AssetPurgeGameCount = 100 autojoinchannel = 1 bitdepth = 32 buildgridhint = 0 camerasmartpan = 0 CanDisableTreeViewRedraw = 1 colorMap = 1 commandhotkeytext = 0 compressUMT = 0 controlgroupmode = 0 creepnormalmap = 1 creepQuality = 1 creepreflection = 0 creepselfshadow = 0 creeptrans = 1 cursorconfinemode = 0 debugssao = 1 declensionPath = LocalizedData/Declension.txt deff = 0 deffspec = 0 deffspecpow = 1 depthDisp = 0 detailocclupower = 16.000000 detailSSAO = 0 detailssaofullocclu = 0.000000 detailssaonoocclu = 0.030000 detailssaoradius = 0.020000 DisableSound = 0 disp = 1 displayflyerhelper = Selected displaymode = 2 displayreplaytime = 1 displayunitstatus = None dof = 0 doubleresources = 1 dragscrollinverted = 0 dragscrollspeed = 20 DTSNeuralSurround = 0 elementsUseFences = 1 errorStringPath = LocalizedData/Errors.txt ExistsCache = 1 extramods = fog = 1 fogvolume = 0 foliagedensity = 0.250000 foliagequality = 1 forcePS14 = 0 forceStoryMode = 0 frameratecap = 0 frameratecapGlue = 60 fsfog = 0 fullocclu = 0.050000 FullPathCache = 1 gamehdr8bit = 1 gametooltips = 1 gamma = 1.000000 GraphicsOptionEffectsDetail = 1 GraphicsOptionLightingQuality = 0 GraphicsOptionModelQuality = 0 GraphicsOptionMovies = 0 GraphicsOptionOverallQualityVer7 = 5 GraphicsOptionPhysicsQuality = 1 GraphicsOptionPortraits = 1 GraphicsOptionPostProcessing = 1 GraphicsOptionReflections = 0 GraphicsOptionShaderDetail = 0 GraphicsOptionShadowQuality = 0 GraphicsOptionSSAO = 0 GraphicsOptionTerrainQuality = 1 GraphicsOptionTextureQuality = 2 halo = 1 hdr = 0 hdr8bit = 1 height = 1200 hotkeyprofile = 0_Default ingamechannel = 0 keyboardscrollspeed = 20 KeyGridLocaleId = 04090409 lastDeviceId = 26873 legacyParticles = 0 legacyRibbons = 0 legacySplineRibbons = 0 lighting = 1 lightingLevel = 0 lightmap = 1 lightmapcastshadows = 0 listfiledir = C://ListFiles/ listfiles = 0 littrans = 0 localao = 0 localeidassets = localeiddata = localight = 0 localShadows = 0 lowqualitymodels = 0 lowQualityMovies = 1 mastervolume = 1.000000 menubarmode = 0 mipbias = -0.750000 motionBlur = 0 mouseoverridesensitivityenabled = 1 mousescrollenabled = 1 mousescrollspeed = 20 mousesensitivity = 0.500000 mousewheelzoomenabled = 1 MoviesSeen = 0 multithread = 1 music = 1 MusicContinuous = 0 MusicHeard = 0 musicvolume = 0.500000 nocachesounds = 0 nocclu = 0.600000 normalmap = 0 observerunitcolorstyle = 0 occluPower = 2.000000 opensafe = 0 pagedPoolLeeway = 8192 pagedPoolLimit = 16384 parallax = 0 parallaxshadow = 0 particlelod = 1 particleobjects = 0.200000 particleterrain = 0.500000 physicsdensity = 4 physicsmaxdensity = 16 pixellight = 0 portraits3d = 0 preBlendedCreep = 0 privacyfriendchat = 0 privacyfriendinvite = 0 privacygamestatus = 0 profanityfilter = 1 reducemouselagenabled = 0 redundancyCheck = 1 refreshrate = 0 resetfoliage = 0 reverb = 1 ribbonlod = 1 rtSize = 1024 sampleFOW = 0 saveallreplays = 0 scriptsearch = shadowmapsize = 512 shadows = 0 sharedPath = Mods/Core.SC2Mod showalerts = 1 showmissiontime = 0 showShadowBox = 0 simplifiedCloaking = 1 simplifiedShaders = 1 soft = 0 softshadows = 0 softshadowTaps = 6 softwarecursor = 0 sound = 1 soundambience = 1 soundambiencevolume = 0.800000 SoundAutoDetectCPUCoreCount = 0 soundchannels = 128 soundeffects = 1 soundeffectsvolume = 0.800000 sounderrors = 1 SoundFormat = PCM16 soundglobal = 0 soundmovement = 1 soundoutput = soundprovider = SoundQuality = 0 SoundResampler = LINEAR soundresponses = 1 SoundSampleRate = 44100 soundui = 1 sounduivolume = 0.800000 speakermode = Unknown spec = 0 splatlod = 1 ssao = 0 SSAOBlockerLookup = 1 SSAOBlurPasses = 2 SSAODepthDownSample = 2 SSAOEncodedDepth = 0 ssaolimit = 0.050000 SSAONoiseBits = 16 SSAOOptimizedSampleDelta = 1 ssaoradius = 0.600000 SSAOSampleCount = 24 SSAOSmartBlur = 1 staticao = 1 staticSM = 0 stereoConv = 50.000000 stereoEnable = 1 stereoSep = 25.000000 subtitles = 0 swapctrlcmd = 0 systemutilitykeysdisabled = 0 targettexeldensity = 1.400000 Teen = 0 TerrainTextureHiResCacheSize = 8 TerrainTextureLowResCacheSize = 50 TerrainTextureSize = 768 testmod = texQualityLevel = 2 texSpace = 1024 textureBasedFOW = 0 tipnotificationshidden = 0 toastFade = 5.000000 toasts = 1 transparentshadows = 0 treadlod = 1 trigcheck = 0 trigdebug = 0 unitcolorstyle = 0 useLowqualitymodels = 1 userManagedTextures = 0 variablePath = EditorVariables.txt voiceagc = 0 voicechat = 1 voicechatfademusic = 0.000000 voicechatfadesound = 0.250000 voicechatinput = voicechatinputgain = 1.000000 voicechatmicboost = 0 voicechatmode = 1 voicechatoutput = voicechatoutputgain = 1.000000 voicechatprovider = DirectSound voicechatptthotkey = voicechatpttsound = 0 voicechatsensitivity = 0.500000 voicechatsoftwaremute = 0 voicechattoast = 1 vsync = 0 watercaustics = 0 waterdeptheffects = 1 waterflipbook = 1 waterreflection = 0 waterrendertargetformat = 1 waterrendertargetsize = 768 watershadow = 0 width = 1600 windowheight = 768 windowwidth = 1024 windowx = 0 windowy = 0 winkeydisabled = 0 worldobjecttooltips = 1 | ||
United States429 Posts
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Germany66 Posts
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