comprehensive variables.txt thread - Page 2
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United States122 Posts
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Canada57 Posts
I know most of you are thinking 'new computer' and i plan on it, just don't have the cash right now. Can someone post what they think is the "lowest possible" settings variables.txt? If it looks like SC1 that's ok, I'd prefer it over the chop. So far I've grabbed bits and pieces from multiple sites, this is what I've got: buildgridhint=1 displayflyerhelper=All displayunitstatus=All dragscrollinverted=1 hotkeyprofile=0_Default localeidassets=enGB localeiddata=enGB mastervolume=0.101695 menubarclickable=0 music=0 musicvolume=0.495763 profanityfilter=0 showmissiontime=1 soundambience=0 Teen=1 toastFade=10.000000 winkeydisabled=1 creepnormalmap=0 creepQuality=0 creeptrans=0 shadows=0 foliagedensity=0 particlelod=0 particleobjects=0 particleterrain=0 shadowmapsize=256 TerrainTextureHiResCacheSize=30 TerrainTextureLowResCacheSize=60 TerrainTextureSize=256 transparentshadows=0 vsync=0 watercaustics=0 waterreflection=0 waterrendertargetsize=256 frameratecap=30 frameratecapGlue=30 GraphicsOptionLightingQuality=0 GraphicsOptionPortraits=0 lightingLevel=0 softshadows=0 softShadowTaps=0 hdr=0 portraits3d=0 portraitsOff=1 fog=0 spec=0 normalmap=0 useLowqualitymodels=1 preBlendedCreep=1 halo=0 I just made some changes, but the game seems to be running. I'm watching a 8 V.Hard match as spectator now to see if they made a difference. Honestly, anything that adds a frame is very appreciated! | ||
Canada2473 Posts
I guess if there was some sort of setting which would cause big bugs if lowered enough (or enabled/disabled) it would be possible, but otherwise Blizzard isn't dumb enough not to make their lowest settings the lowest they can be. Fog can be turned off though, but I doubt it affects FPS much either way. If it does affect FPS, it's possible the fog (enabled) INCREASES FPS as opposed to decreasing, depending on the way the fog's implemented . Many older games (and still new ones) use "fog" to limit line of sight so less polygons and textures are rendered, it just dithers out the display somehow. Oh... there is one more, that I forgot to mention, and it does possibly improve performance, but it's a bit risky to mess around with it because going too low may hinder more than help. That is TerrainTextureSize. As far as I know, you do NOT want to move it below 256 though. Some more information regarding can be found by searching the web I think, but you might want to play around with it a bit. lastly, this is not game-related, but can help as far as I understand: Make sure you enable shortcuts in your graphics card settings, such as catalyst's AI feature (don't remember what nvidia's is called), and use driver versions that work well with the game (this may take research but is usually just the newest version of the driver) | ||
United States1497 Posts
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Canada2473 Posts
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Sweden1068 Posts
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Hungary2335 Posts
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United States1520 Posts
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Hungary13 Posts
On October 17 2010 15:22 Xapti wrote: Fog can be turned off though, but I doubt it affects FPS much either way. If it does affect FPS, it's possible the fog (enabled) INCREASES FPS as opposed to decreasing, depending on the way the fog's implemented . Many older games (and still new ones) use "fog" to limit line of sight so less polygons and textures are rendered, it just dithers out the display somehow. Fog distance limiting only matters in cases of FPS games or any games with a LONG sight range. It might even help in those FPS/TPS custom maps, but for a fixed RTS view, where fog counts as an additional effect, NOT masking huge numbers of polygons, it definately DOESN'T increase FPS. But we're talking about ancient games like Turok (and Voodoo cards) when we're thinking about fog viewdistance limiting. Fog on today's VGAs should not really matter. | ||
2292 Posts
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Australia377 Posts
On your Graphics Options, you can probably set Terrain to Low. Not really noticeable since nobody looks at the foliage or water effects. The terrain option affects the ground, foliage, water and creep If you like your creep looking the same when it was it medium then just set creepnormalmap = 1. For the models option, It affects unit effects, deaths and the such. You can set this to Low since nobody pays close attention to how marauders get cut in half or how Roaches make other units melt. If however, you like the Pylon Aura (the energy field that lets you build buildings). You can set this to High and set uselowqualitymodels=1 (I think lowqualitymodels has something to do with this as well. Need to check) For the question above, set preblendedcreep=0; basically what this option does is either set the creep to "crawl" like normal creep, or make it just pop up in square tiles. The halo=1 option has something to do with post-processing quality option. I set mine to Low (halo=0) since there's no noticeable difference. I set my in-game Physics to Off, can anyone point out if it does any noticeable effects? | ||
Germany162 Posts
Especially the Triple Buffer thing got me a big performance boost for whatever reason. | ||
Australia357 Posts
Apologies for the bump! | ||
2292 Posts
edit: If you set normalmap=1 and pixellight=1 and creepnormalmap=1, but you have preBlendedCreep=1, then the creep will appear bumpy and black (as opposed to grey), and will not "writhe". So, set preBlendedCreep=0, and I found out you also have to set creepnormalmap=1 (makes sense in hindsight). Changing these variables didn't cause any differences that I noticed, whether the creep was writhing or not: creepQuality={0,1} creepreflection={0,1} creepselfshadow={0,1} creeptrans={0,1} Also, I do care when the marauder gets chopped in half, because if that animation doesn't occur, then no death animation occurs (I like overlord pops). But, the pylon aura causes much lag for me, especially when there are more than 3. So I set the models to low in-game, and exited. Then I set useLowqualitymodels=0 and GraphicsOptionModelQuality=0 and lowqualitymodels=0. So now, the pylon aura is just a circle, while the death animation appears. If you simply set models to high or low, the game defines both sets of variables for you. edit: I didn't see any differences when changing GraphicsOptionModelQuality={0,1} or lowqualitymodels={0,1} | ||
United States5003 Posts
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Sweden194 Posts
TerrainTextureHiResCacheSize=24 TerrainTextureLowResCacheSize=50 | ||
64 Posts
This is what it looks like: + Show Spoiler + buildgridhint=1 controlgroupmode=2 displayflyerhelper=All displayunitstatus=All gametooltips=1 hotkeyprofile=Location numbering f2-f4 mastervolume=0.436066 menubarclickable=0 menubarmode=1 music=0 musicvolume=0.180328 profanityfilter=1 showalerts=1 showmissiontime=1 sound=1 soundambiencevolume=0.592593 soundeffectsvolume=0.592593 sounduivolume=0.585185 subtitles=1 toasts=0 winkeydisabled=1 Adding these two rows still seemed to have the effect described in this thread though: simplifiedCloaking=0 simplifiedShaders=0 So it looks like Blizzard takes variables.txt into account when determining graphics settings but stores the ingame ones some other place. Can someone confirm? ---------------------------- Nevermind... i'm an idiot. There are multiple variables.txt. | ||
Canada3 Posts
aolight=0 alphadepthWrite=0 camerasmartpan=0 creepnormalmap=0 creepQuality=0 creepreflection=0 creepselfshadow=0 creeptrans=0 cursorconfinemode=0 deff=0 deffspec=0 depthDisp=0 displaymode=1 dof=0 dragscrollspeed=52 fog=0 fogvolume=0 foliagedensity=0.0 foliagequality=0 frameratecap=101 frameratecapGlue=60 gamehdr8bit=1 GraphicsOptionEffectsDetail=1 GraphicsOptionLightingQuality=0 GraphicsOptionModelQuality=0 GraphicsOptionMovies=0 GraphicsOptionOverallQualityVer7[5]=4 GraphicsOptionOverallQualityVer7[6]=5 GraphicsOptionPhysicsQuality=1 GraphicsOptionPortraits=1 GraphicsOptionPostProcessing=1 GraphicsOptionReflections=0 GraphicsOptionShaderDetail=0 GraphicsOptionShadowQuality=0 GraphicsOptionSSAO=0 GraphicsOptionTerrainQuality=1 GraphicsOptionTextureQuality[2]=1 hdr=0 hdr8bit=1 height=1080 keyboardscrollspeed=51 LastChallengeId=RushDefense lastDeviceId=1557 lightingLevel=0 lightmap=1 lightmapcastshadows=0 localao=0 localeidassets=enUS localeiddata=enUS localight=0 localShadows=0 lowqualitymodels=1 lowQualityMovies=0 mastervolume=0.344322 mousescrollspeed=51 mousesensitivity=0.505050 MoviesSeen=1 MusicHeard=1 musicvolume=0.153846 normalmap=0 parallax=0 parallaxshadow=0 particlelod=0 particleobjects=0.000000 particleterrain=0.000000 physicsdensity=0 pixellight=0 portraits3d=0 ribbonlod=1 sampleFOW=0 shadowmapsize=512 shadows=0 simplifiedCloaking=1 simplifiedShaders=1 soft=0 softshadows=0 softshadowTaps=6 SoundAutoDetectCPUCoreCount=8 soundchannels=64 soundoutput=Default SoundQuality=2 splatlod=0 ssao=1 SSAOBlockerLookup=0 SSAOBlurPasses=2 SSAODepthDownSample=1 SSAOEncodedDepth=0 SSAONoiseBits=1 SSAOOptimizedSampleDelta=1 SSAOSampleCount=8 SSAOSmartBlur=1 targettexeldensity=0.560000 TerrainTextureHiResCacheSize=8 TerrainTextureLowResCacheSize=40 TerrainTextureSize=512 texQualityLevel=1 texSpace[2]=512 transparentshadows=0 treadlod=1 unitcolorstyle=0 useLowqualitymodels=1 voicechatsoftwaremute=1 watercaustics=0 waterflipbook=1 waterreflection=0 waterrendertargetformat=2 waterrendertargetsize=512 watershadow=0 width=1920 textureBasedFOW=0 | ||
Germany815 Posts
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United States34 Posts
Anyone know of a way to make it so pylons are not purple anymore? + Show Spoiler + AlertFadeSound=1.000000 alphadepthWrite=1 aolight=0 autojoinchannel=1 buildgridhint=1 camerasmartpan=0 commandhotkeytext=1 controlgroupmode=1 creepnormalmap=0 creepQuality=3 creepreflection=0 creepselfshadow=0 creeptrans=1 deff=0 deffspec=0 depthDisp=0 displayflyerhelper=All displayunitstatus=All dof=0 dragscrollspeed=100 fogvolume=0 foliagedensity=0.750000 foliagequality=3 gamehdr8bit=1 gamma=1.257233 GraphicsOptionEffectsDetail=3 GraphicsOptionLightingQuality=0 GraphicsOptionModelQuality=2 GraphicsOptionMovies=3 GraphicsOptionOverallQualityVer7[5]=4 GraphicsOptionOverallQualityVer7[6]=5 GraphicsOptionPhysicsQuality=3 GraphicsOptionPortraits=2 GraphicsOptionPostProcessing=1 GraphicsOptionReflections=2 GraphicsOptionShaderDetail=0 GraphicsOptionShadowQuality=0 GraphicsOptionSSAO=0 GraphicsOptionTerrainQuality=3 GraphicsOptionTextureQuality[2]=3 halo=1 hdr=0 hdr8bit=1 height=1080 hotkeyprofile=A keyboardscrollspeed=100 LastChallengeId=TerranCovertOps lastDeviceId=26392 lightingLevel=0 lightmap=1 lightmapcastshadows=0 localao=0 localeidassets=enUS localeiddata=enUS localight=0 localShadows=0 lowqualitymodels=0 lowQualityMovies=0 mastervolume=0.727778 menubarclickable=0 menubarmode=1 mousescrollspeed=74 mousesensitivity=0.505050 MoviesSeen=1 music=1 MusicContinuous=1 MusicHeard=1 musicvolume=0.771429 normalmap=1 observerunitcolorstyle=0 parallax=1 parallaxshadow=0 particlelod=3 particleobjects=1.000000 particleterrain=1.000000 physicsdensity=16 pixellight=1 portraits3d=1 preBlendedCreep=0 privacyfriendchat=1 profanityfilter=0 reducemouselagenabled=1 ribbonlod=3 sampleFOW=0 saveallreplays=1 shadowmapsize=512 shadows=0 showalerts=0 showmissiontime=1 simplifiedCloaking=0 simplifiedShaders=0 soft=0 softshadows=0 softshadowTaps=12 sound=1 soundambiencevolume=1.000000 SoundAutoDetectCPUCoreCount=6 soundchannels=70 soundeffectsvolume=1.000000 soundoutput=Default SoundQuality=2 sounduivolume=1.000000 speakermode=Unknown spec=0 splatlod=3 ssao=0 subtitles=0 targettexeldensity=10.600000 TerrainTextureHiResCacheSize=24 TerrainTextureLowResCacheSize=50 TerrainTextureSize=1024 texQualityLevel=3 texSpace[2]=1024 textureBasedFOW=1 toastFade=5.000000 transparentshadows=0 treadlod=3 unitcolorstyle=0 useLowqualitymodels=0 voicechat=0 voicechatsoftwaremute=1 vsync=0 watercaustics=1 waterflipbook=0 waterreflection=1 waterrendertargetformat=3 waterrendertargetsize=1024 watershadow=0 width=1920 winkeydisabled=1 | ||
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