Personally, I cant see why people have such harsh views against cheesing. I personally feel that it is your problem if you can not adapt to the sitatuion and pull out the win. Many people talk about how BM something is, and in my opinion getting mad at someone for cheesing is the ultimate BM. How dare you condemn someone for playing the game as they want to play it? I personally do not cheese often, but it disgusts me when i see others BM people who cheese.
So, TL.net... whats your opinion on the matter?
Poll: How do you feel about cheesing?Okay with it (864) 58% Hate it (369) 25% Dont care either way (251) 17% 1484 total votes Your vote: How do you feel about cheesing? (Vote): Okay with it (Vote): Hate it (Vote): Dont care either way
Cheesing is okay if it's adding another dimension to your play. WhiteRa's cheese is awesome because he uses it tactically (i.e. to keep his opponent honest) and he's a legitimately good macro player. The guys who just cheese 24/7 on the ladder are honestly pretty sad, though.
Poll needs a bit more of a "neutral but in a non-indifferent way" option.
Anyway, I think cheese has it's place, as long ppl don't base their whole play on it.
United States5162 Posts
Of course cheese is frustrating when on the receiving end of things, but I think it's good for the game in general. Keeps people on their toes and makes for interesting games(If you watched proleague last night you know what I'm talking about). Players need to have both cheese and standard play in their game and not bm about it, but I always love when people call someone else bad because they got beat by cheese.
Totally fine with it. If it weren't a legit choice than it wouldn't be so effective.
I get frustrated losing to it like every other player but I respect my opponent doing whatever they believe gives them the best chance of winning.
people who use to cheese all the time wont get better anyway, so i dont care about "cheesers"
On July 18 2010 05:38 iEchoic wrote: Cheesing is okay if it's adding another dimension to your play. WhiteRa's cheese is awesome because he uses it tactically (i.e. to keep his opponent honest) and he's a legitimately good macro player. The guys who just cheese 24/7 on the ladder are honestly pretty sad, though. I'm fine with it. Great players find new and creative ways to defeat opponents in ways they are not prepared for. If that way qualifies as cheese than so be it. Great players also find ways to counter those strategies. Good players observe the great players and learn from those strategies. Bad players whine about those strategies on the forums.
Cheesing was much worst in bw than in sc2. It was like every 4 games someone would cheese. People are alot better in this game for some reason. I just remember i refused 2 cheese when playing starcraft as zerg(12 hatch all the way baby). You had to stop shit like 2 port wraith proxy gate on python..cannon rushes, bunker rushes. proxie barracks. Okey not all of those are cheeses but they were in my eyes! >: (.
The only annoying cheese in sc2 is fast marauder in tvp
A win is a win. If it's within the (intended) parameters of the game, then it's all good.
On July 18 2010 05:38 iEchoic wrote: Cheesing is okay if it's adding another dimension to your play. WhiteRa's cheese is awesome because he uses it tactically (i.e. to keep his opponent honest) and he's a legitimately good macro player. The guys who just cheese 24/7 on the ladder are honestly pretty sad, though.
my sentiments exactly
To me, it's a high risk move meant to punish your opponent for making assumptions about your play, like a surprise bomb pass in football or a long alley-oop in basketball. It won't work every time but it can catch an opponent off guard and force them to play more cautiously, which you can turn into a longer advantage.
Cheesing on ladder is kind of lame because you might not play that same player ever again, but I can understand that if you want cheese to be part of your strategic arsenal you need to practice it and practice against it.
I'm more annoyed with people complaining about cheese that isn't cheese. Going Dt's 7 minutes into the game because i see you have no detectors is not cheese.
I actually kinda like it when I get cheesed because if I'm able to fend it off I'm guaranteed to win because of my economic advantage, so I go into troll mode and attempt to make them rage quit :3
I definitely think cheese has its place, although there is no denying it is annoying when you're on the receiving end. Thing is, I've had some dedicated cheese defense practice with a friend of mine, and after that it's not so bad. He'd spent the preceding days learning some cheese builds and where and how to use them. We'd start out with 6pool: he'd do it n times in a row, I'd try to defend. Once I could defend, I'd try how far I could stretch my defense to maximize my advantage once I'd survived it, while he'd try and pull it off in different ways (like different positions to hide his proxy gates, etc). After this, something else like cannon rush or PF rush.
With that experience behind my belt, it's definitely less annoying to face cheese in ladder games. I know I can counter them, and any loss comes from a lack of scouting on my part.
Sweden7973 Posts
Okay with it. Doesnt bother me at all. Cannon pushes and such can be compared to all-in tower rushes in wc3, 2v2 where one guy sends all his militas to the opponents base to spam up towers whereas the other guy feed him the required gold and wood. But if you're experienced enough there's always ways to win. So BM just because someone doesnt play the game you 'want' it to be played, then its your own bloody fault.
the only one that really annoys me is cannon rushing
I'm defenitely fine with it. Creative cheese, or whatever we should call it, is just good for the future of SC2. And "standard" cheese should be so easy to counter and the player only have himself to blame if he loses to a cannon rush or 6 pool...
In fact, you ALWAYS only have yourself to blame after losing a game, unless it's a disconnect or something like that of course.
but if u can stop a cannon rush, ur opponent will be way behind..
You give me cheese and i shove whine down your throat FUCKER. i hate losing to cheese!
I'm one of the people who hate cheese since its so annoying but i know i should learn from it and see how to win against cheese instead of losing to it
cheese is fine as long as it has a followup in chase it does not work. the people who all inn 4 mins into the game are bad. ;D