TL Fitness Initiative (Weight Loss/Gain) - Page 80
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United States1581 Posts
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Philippines2701 Posts
i just had my pullup exercise and on the last rep of the last set (3x5) with weight X, i was only able to do maybe 80-85% of the full range of motion (basically only my eyes were above the bar) does this mean i have to do the same weight again in the next session or is it safe to progress with more weight?? thanks a bunch | ||
Australia12802 Posts
On October 21 2009 16:46 jfazz wrote: Few tidbits from me for today. 1) found these awesome protein bars with 35grams of protein for 280calories. Very happy with these as snacks. Much better than my previous 20grams for 240calories. 2) no carb diet has been surprisingly easy to stick to. I had egg whites and cottage cheese this morning, some grilled chicken for lunch, a protein bar in the afternnon. Ill had some prawns and salad for dinner, workout + protein shake later. Comfortable 150+ grams of protein! 3) my current abs workout routine is starting to get easy - shoudl I add weights? Currently I am doing: -2 x 20 crunches -2 x 20 oblique crunches -2 x 15 lying down leg raises (not sure of the exact name, but you lie flat on your back then raise your legs to 90degrees, works out your lower abs) -2 x 1 minute "plank" any ideas how I can intensify this around the home? I do have access to plenty of weight plates. thanks guys, keep up your great work! I'd stick away from the bars you get in stores mate.. They're often full of sugar and made from really poor quality protein sources. I have some pretty easy to make recipes you can do yourself at home in about an hour if you'd like to try. | ||
Australia672 Posts
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Australia3225 Posts
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United States1581 Posts
Pyramid (do 1 rep of every exercise, 2 reps of every exercise, 3, 4, all the up to 10 reps and back down to 1 rep): 1. Squats on the bosu with weights 2. Pushups on the bosu 3. Situps 4. Shoulder Press 5. Lunges on the bosu 6. Bicep Curls 7. V-ups 8. tic tocs (a stretch->i don't know how it got into my workout.... it was a waste of time) 9. some other pointless stretch 10. burpees the burpees were the killer part. I don't think that stretching is pointless but I don't know why I chose to include those two stretches in my workout. It wasted a lot of time. I probably had about 1 hour to do the workout and I only managed to all the way up (to 10 reps) and down to like 8 reps. I like the bosu btw. ![]() | ||
Australia12802 Posts | ||
Sanya12364 Posts
On October 21 2009 16:46 jfazz wrote: Few tidbits from me for today. 1) found these awesome protein bars with 35grams of protein for 280calories. Very happy with these as snacks. Much better than my previous 20grams for 240calories. 2) no carb diet has been surprisingly easy to stick to. I had egg whites and cottage cheese this morning, some grilled chicken for lunch, a protein bar in the afternnon. Ill had some prawns and salad for dinner, workout + protein shake later. Comfortable 150+ grams of protein! 3) my current abs workout routine is starting to get easy - shoudl I add weights? Currently I am doing: -2 x 20 crunches -2 x 20 oblique crunches -2 x 15 lying down leg raises (not sure of the exact name, but you lie flat on your back then raise your legs to 90degrees, works out your lower abs) -2 x 1 minute "plank" any ideas how I can intensify this around the home? I do have access to plenty of weight plates. thanks guys, keep up your great work! Make sure you get some back exercises in there, too. Your workout is really focused on the front. One idea is to do harder exercises. A couple ideas: Pikes: Lie on ground with arms straightened above head. Lift shoulders and legs a little off ground such that body is balanced on the hip. This is the rest position. Do a crunch while keeping legs straight and arms straight and touch ankles with finger tips. This is the pike position. Do 2 x 10 pikes. Leg Raises: (not your kind) Lie on ground with arms straightened above head. Lift legs a little off the ground. This is the rest position. Lift legs more off the ground (10 inches - 25 cms). Do 2 x 50 leg raises and do them fast. As for the rest of the workout, you can do better by just lengthening your workout or increasing your repetitions. As for weights, in abdominal exercises, I would suggest those weights that you can wrap around your ankles or wrists or arms. | ||
United States5210 Posts
On October 21 2009 18:37 unknown.sam wrote: eshlow i have a question i just had my pullup exercise and on the last rep of the last set (3x5) with weight X, i was only able to do maybe 80-85% of the full range of motion (basically only my eyes were above the bar) does this mean i have to do the same weight again in the next session or is it safe to progress with more weight?? thanks a bunch Depends on how you feel that day. If you think you're feeling good and strong enough to move up from your warmups then go for it. If you're feeling a bit tired that day then stick with the weight you already did. Even if you don't move up, you're still getting a good stimulus, and should be able to move up next time. Also, if you can try to pull any of your weighted pullups to your chest. More range of motion = stronger muscles and potentially bigger muscles. You will fatigue much faster than normal, but hey we're after full ROM work right? :p -------------------------------------- Jfazz: 1. add in some back work 2. Add weight to your abs work. Abs are a muscle like any other although they do respond a bit better to higher reps like calves. So keep the reps around 10-20 and add some weight. | ||
Australia27 Posts
On October 21 2009 21:16 Energies wrote: this isn't really true, the body can use fatty acids for energy just fine. ketones are the by-product used only by certain organs (like the brain). imo, low carb diets are the best way to go if you're trying to reduce fat gain muscle concurrently Are you still bulking mate or trying to cut down for a six pack? Because you need carbs if you're trying to get bigger. You need protein for muscle synthesis/repair but you need carbs to fuel your muscles and workouts. Protein and fat are a pretty average source of energy for the body unless you're in a full ketosis stage. Even then, Ketones have nothing on Carbs. there are a number of diets out there intended for bulking that almost totally neglect carbs, one example is the anabolic diet. these are high fat high protein diets (the macronutrient ratio can range from 80/20 to 40/60) which limit carbs as much as possible, ie <30gms/day. the general idea is to transition to a fatty acid based metabolism one major advantage for those seeking fat loss is lack of hunger on these diets due to the satiety supplied by a high fat diet. high-fat doesn't mean high calories, you just end up eating less, this is the main principle behind the atkins diet. some people report a physiological inability to go without carbs, the anabolic diet allows carb-up weekends however these aren't really necessary according to this guy, and i agree, if you care to check out his gallery you can see that he has had some nice results i recommend you read up on this type of diet because no one link can provide a good understanding of the principles behind a diet. regarding carbohydrates particularly, gary taubes' "good calories, bad calories" is an very thorough book describing the negative effects carbohydrates and the body including descriptions of the mechanisms by which the body processes carbohydrates and lipids. he wrote an article for the new york times about his work on this book. unfortunately much of the literature you'll find regarding extremely low carb diets is anecdotal or individually researched, you won't find any health organisation support for example. taubes' book contains some reasons why this is the case. anyway sorry for the essay but i feel that the view that carbohydrates are vital is a common misconception which can hold people back | ||
United States5210 Posts
Low carb, high fat or high carb low fat diets can work for anything. Usually you use higher fat diets to cut, and high carb diets to bulk. But you can do it either way if you find that high fat works for you for both of them, or high carb works for you for both of them. Like most of the population there is no one set diet that is going to work the best for everyone since everyone is different in their genetics. Some principles are the same, but mostly you have to find out what works the best for you and your health. The key principle, as you get further in your training and nutrition journey, is to experiment to find out what works the best for you. From what I've seen personally is that most (not all) people tend to work better on higher fat content diets where it makes up 40% fat macros. But it's definitely not a rule as some people actually need 50-70%+ carbohydrates. Fortunately, I am not one of those. I lie somewhere in the middle. | ||
Australia3225 Posts
If I wasn't cutting I would still be consuming around 300grams of carbs a day rather than 50-60grams and I'd be loving it! mmm.. bread and oatmeal, how I have missed you guys. | ||
Australia672 Posts
![]() Just to clarify - I do deadlifts and bent over arm raises for back exerices, is that the sort of thing everyone is suggesting as back exercises, or do I need something else to compliment the abs session. Sorry for my ignorance. I increase the reps today, and boy was it tough. Ill start to add weights ASAP, and look into leg weights - just a couple of kg to begin with? Exciting guys, and of course, very much appreciated! | ||
Australia3225 Posts
1200 calories a day. 160grams of protein - 60 grams of carbs - 10grams of fat. Hitting heavy weights on legs tomorrow, and going to cycle 70km in 2 parts on Saturday. Sunday I might just sleep to ignore death approaching. My body really needs a shock, even with the carb cycling it is really hoarding the last of its fat. | ||
United States5210 Posts
Just to clarify - I do deadlifts and bent over arm raises for back exerices, is that the sort of thing everyone is suggesting as back exercises, or do I need something else to compliment the abs session. Sorry for my ignorance. I increase the reps today, and boy was it tough. Ill start to add weights ASAP, and look into leg weights - just a couple of kg to begin with? If you do a large amount of abs work you should also have nearly equal amounts of lower body work. The body works best as a unit when everything is fairly balanced well. I would just add some back hyperextensions into your abs routine. | ||
235 Posts
shown are day 1 and day 2 weights (kg) 1. squat 40, 45 2. bench press 32.5, 45 3. deadlift 50, 60 4. pendlay barbell row 15, 15* 5. military press machine 72.5, 72.5** 6. abs: 3-5 incline weighted situps per set ![]() 7. bicep curls: like 1.5 sets of 12.5kg * i am very long and thin and have long arms and legs. for the life of me i dont know if im doing these right. i think i am but i look like a complete clown and look completely different to anyone else who does them. today i done a few, then tried 20kg, but im so unsure (and hence scared of injury, not to mention looking like a fool) i just give up on them and stop. i asked one guy who seems to know his business to watch me and help, and he seemed to think i was doing them right, but i think he was also very confused since i look like a fucking clown. ** this machine goes up in like 12.5kg increments so im guessing ill have to try to do them without the use of a machine. | ||
Canada720 Posts
On October 22 2009 23:59 eshlow wrote: I don't understand why you guys don't eat the whole egg. The whole egg is fine especially if you're exercising. Cholesterol is used to synthesize your steroid hormones. There's this brand of eggs at my grocery store that guarantees double yolks. It's the only kind I buy anymore. People who don't eat the yolk are lunatics. | ||
Croatia336 Posts
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Sweden2826 Posts
I was thinking bacon + eggs, chicken, lots of vegetables, salmon.....what else? | ||
United States5210 Posts
On October 23 2009 03:42 Foucault wrote: So I'm interested in trying the high fat, high protein diet. What exactly do you guys eat? I mean, when you take out carbs there is a calorie deficit, what do you replace it with? I was thinking bacon + eggs, chicken, lots of vegetables, salmon.....what else? nuts, seeds, olives, avocado, coconut oil, olive oil, almond butter or other nut butters, etc. | ||
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