On November 04 2009 01:31 Liquid`Meat wrote:
My numbers:
Squat: 50kg
Bench press: 50kg
Chinups: 5-4-4
My numbers:
Squat: 50kg
Bench press: 50kg
Chinups: 5-4-4
Time for an update!
new stats now:
Squat: 85kg
Bench press: 60kg
DL: 105kg
Press: 42.50 kg
clean: 50 kg
I've been missing quite a few trainings in December and January, though on avarage i still managed to go 2 times a week. I have a hard time increasing the weight of the bench press, it goes really slow but i seem to be able to increase the others every training.
In general I'm really satisfied with the results, I feel much stronger. Also I stopped caring about food / fat percentage. I just try to get a decent amount of calories throughout the day with some protein in it and still avoid exessive fastfood but not religiously like i did 3 months ago.