On October 01 2009 10:41 jfazz wrote:Ok, sorry for the huge delay, but I have pictures. Feel free to laugh at my pirate beard  Taken this morning, Oct 21. For completeness, my current body measurements are: Chest - 96cm (goal 102cm) Stomach - 70cm (goal 68cm) Biceps - 28cm (goal 35cm) Fear my impressive amount of body hair 
You need to hit the cardio stuff..
Swimming, running, w/e, you need to lose those love handles~~
But very good.
I know I know...ive always had them. hey are the result of years of poor eating, back from when I was a little fat kid I do cardio 3x a week at the moment, but I should probably increase the intensity/length of training. How would you say ill look without the love handles?
WEEKLY UPDATE Well, the week was again one of mixed results (isnt it always?). Weight: 69kg (gained 1 kg, YES! progress is been made) Chest: 97cm (gained 1 cm, only 5 more to goal size) Stomach: 70cm (static, would like to lose 2, but hard to when putting on weight) Biceps: 28cm (static...AGAIN...but certainly getting stronger. My flexed bicep size has increased though)
Gym plans this week is to consolidate my bench presses at all three states (incline, decline and flat) and increase my deadlifts. On wednesday ill keep working on increasing my bicep curl weight, while maintaining my skull crushers (though ive gone up a weight, it is REALLY hard going!). Come friday ill try to go up on the weights for my leg exercises. Ill be eating big this week again to try and gain that last kg of weight.
Ill try increasing cardio as well 
Keep you guys posted.
i did some sets of 1 arm clean and press and arms only rope climbing
and im so sore it's awesome. been a while since ive gotten significantly sore
Hmm doing cardio 5times a week, isn't bad at all, do it often, it will increase your overall perfomance, and you'll overall better and more energy. 
YES! I went for a long hard run today and my shin splints were gone so I ended up running around 10k in 51 minutes which is really good for me. i tried to negative split it (but failed) so my times were 25 minutes going and 26 minutes coming back. It was one of those great runs were you push through the pain and feel great at the end. I'M SO HAPPY RIGHT NOW!
well done, thats excellent! keep up the great work - aim for even better next time!
On October 05 2009 11:15 funkie wrote:Hmm doing cardio 5times a week, isn't bad at all, do it often, it will increase your overall perfomance, and you'll overall better and more energy. 
cardio as in running, swimming, riding a bicycle is awesome for your brain and overall mood. Also very effective way of relieving daily stress. Besides your body will be more fit.
But mix in lifting weights too
On September 28 2009 11:58 jfazz wrote:Lol then my neck should be huge  In the two months since ive come across from Wc3, ive made it to C+ on iccup, and we all know sc skill directly correlates to intelligence. Well, for example yesterday I had: -5 weetbix + 2 bananas in the morning -bowl of chopped carrots and a cupcake in the afternoon -potato, pumpkin, carrot, broccoli, cauliflower and sausages for dinner -3 weetbix and 2 banans for a late snack I was full all day, but thats nowhere near 3000 calories  On my workout days its a little easier because I take protein shakes, but im still struggling  I dont want to eat fatty foods (like those you mentioned energies) because they will just become body fat and not muscle (at least that is my understanding - you need good calories for muscle growth right? not just any clories?). Ill get back to you with photos later. Cheers boys, I love this thread 
What the hell kind of diet is that. You hardly get any protein at all? You should have a decent protein intake on BOTH workout days and off days. Man, you develop muscle when you rest, not when you work out...
Fatty foods don't turn into body fat unless you eat more calories in a day than you burn doing whatever it is you're doing that day. This goes for WHATEVER you eat, doesn't matter. Actually fat is needed for anabolic processes in the body; ie building muscle. So I would rather eat around 1g fat/kg weight if I was you. Also get your protein intake up to at least 100 g/day.
Btw, I would recommend everyone who works out to eat ZMA or make your own ZMA by the very same stuff that's in ZMA:
Magnesium (300-500 mg). Don't get magnesiumoxide; best forms of Magnesium with the highest bio-availabilty are Magnesium-taurate/citrate/aspartate/lactate
Zink (15-30 mg)
Vitamin B6 (10-50 mg)
Helps sleep quite alot. Zink helps building testosterone and semen in your balls. Magnesium is relaxing for your muscles and is involved in over 300 essential processes in your body. B6 is helpful for alot of stuff too. B6 is used in the processing and metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, while assisting with controlling your mood as well as your behavior.
And these vitamins/minerals are also synergists meaning they together make the combined effect stronger than the individual parts.
I have been doing p90x for intervals these last 3 years, for 4 months in a row, then taking like an 8 month break >_<. Today im starting it again and i hope for longer. With p90x plus in the mix. Seriously, when i did the exercise it was hard as fuck but definitely was worth it. I got much stronger, and a bit bigger. Before I started I couldnt do military push ups to save my life, let alone pullups. Now even after the last 8 months of basically no exercise i can still do 10 pullups in a row and some 20 or so pushups in that style.
I never really cared about the diet too much though. Its not the healthiest possible, but its not so bad. I dont really trust supplements, in the way that i dont really have any reason to use them and dont know how to use them.
Weekly Update:
Initial: + Show Spoiler + Weight: 150 lbs Squat: 95 lbs Bench: 40 lbs Deadlift: 115 lbs Military: 5 lbs Rows: 80 lbs
Last Week: + Show Spoiler + Weight: 150 lbs Squat: 110 lbs Bench: 50 lbs Deadlift: 135 lbs Military: 20 lbs Rows: 85 lbs
This week: + Show Spoiler + Weight: 151 lbs Squat: 125 lbs Bench: 60 lbs Deadlift: 150 lbs Military: 25 lbs Rows: 60 lbs
Hooray, 1 pound gain! 
My Squats are progressing at a comfortable pace, and my Bench is starting to gain some momentum, which is great! You'll notice I drastically decreased the weight on my rows, as I felt my form was completely wrong (back rounding, not getting the bar all the way up to my torso as the exercise recommends), so we'll see how that works out for me. My Military Presses are still as brutal as usual, but at least I'm completing the damn sets . I also upped my Deadlift, but I had to skip on them today because I spent all of Saturday and Sunday shovelling A LOT of dirt. I didn't feel my body was well rested enough to go on with them. I'm hoping that I'll be able to dish it out on Friday.
I tried adding dips today but they are much harder than I imagined! I couldn't do more than 5!
On October 06 2009 00:02 Foucault wrote: Btw, I would recommend everyone who works out to eat ZMA or make your own ZMA by the very same stuff that's in ZMA:
Magnesium (300-500 mg). Don't get magnesiumoxide; best forms of Magnesium with the highest bio-availabilty are Magnesium-taurate/citrate/aspartate/lactate
Zink (15-30 mg)
Vitamin B6 (10-50 mg)
Helps sleep quite alot. Zink helps building testosterone and semen in your balls. Magnesium is relaxing for your muscles and is involved in over 300 essential processes in your body. B6 is helpful for alot of stuff too. B6 is used in the processing and metabolism of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, while assisting with controlling your mood as well as your behavior.
And these vitamins/minerals are also synergists meaning they together make the combined effect stronger than the individual parts.
It definitely helps sleep.
Also, supplementing with Vitamin D too. I didn't really get good sleep until I started doing ZMA + Vitamin D.
And yeah Jfazz you really need to be eating AT LEAST 1g/lbs bodyweight if not 1.5g/lbs bodyweight. And holy crap dude, eat more stuff with fat in it. You're gonna give yourself diabetes if you only eat carbs.
All right I would like to request the advice of the exercise pros here again.
I've been doing the Starting Strength program for a while, and I haven't really plateaued, but I'm thinking of shifting my focus to gaining more explosive ability, i.e. running faster, jumping higher. Basically, I'm thinking of doing some plyometrics. My questions are:
1) Should I keep going with the Starting Strength Program, and where's a good place to stop? 2) What programs or exercise routines are good for gaining the explosive power I'm looking for?
For reference, my current lift numbers: Squat: 255 Dead Lift: 265 Bench Press: 150 Military Press: 90 Row: 150
On October 06 2009 09:16 Slithe wrote: All right I would like to request the advice of the exercise pros here again.
I've been doing the Starting Strength program for a while, and I haven't really plateaued, but I'm thinking of shifting my focus to gaining more explosive ability, i.e. running faster, jumping higher. Basically, I'm thinking of doing some plyometrics. My questions are:
1) Should I keep going with the Starting Strength Program, and where's a good place to stop? 2) What programs or exercise routines are good for gaining the explosive power I'm looking for?
For reference, my current lift numbers: Squat: 255 Dead Lift: 265 Bench Press: 150 Military Press: 90 Row: 150
1. Keep going until you plateau. Then reramp up at least once you should make more progress.
2. The power cleans... which you should be doing with the actual SS program.
On October 06 2009 10:19 eshlow wrote:Show nested quote +On October 06 2009 09:16 Slithe wrote: All right I would like to request the advice of the exercise pros here again.
I've been doing the Starting Strength program for a while, and I haven't really plateaued, but I'm thinking of shifting my focus to gaining more explosive ability, i.e. running faster, jumping higher. Basically, I'm thinking of doing some plyometrics. My questions are:
1) Should I keep going with the Starting Strength Program, and where's a good place to stop? 2) What programs or exercise routines are good for gaining the explosive power I'm looking for?
For reference, my current lift numbers: Squat: 255 Dead Lift: 265 Bench Press: 150 Military Press: 90 Row: 150 1. Keep going until you plateau. Then reramp up at least once you should make more progress. 2. The power cleans... which you should be doing with the actual SS program.
If I wasn't self-learning, then I would try and do the power cleans. But without a real trainer, I'm not gonna do it just yet.
On October 06 2009 10:27 Slithe wrote:Show nested quote +On October 06 2009 10:19 eshlow wrote:On October 06 2009 09:16 Slithe wrote: All right I would like to request the advice of the exercise pros here again.
I've been doing the Starting Strength program for a while, and I haven't really plateaued, but I'm thinking of shifting my focus to gaining more explosive ability, i.e. running faster, jumping higher. Basically, I'm thinking of doing some plyometrics. My questions are:
1) Should I keep going with the Starting Strength Program, and where's a good place to stop? 2) What programs or exercise routines are good for gaining the explosive power I'm looking for?
For reference, my current lift numbers: Squat: 255 Dead Lift: 265 Bench Press: 150 Military Press: 90 Row: 150 1. Keep going until you plateau. Then reramp up at least once you should make more progress. 2. The power cleans... which you should be doing with the actual SS program. If I wasn't self-learning, then I would try and do the power cleans. But without a real trainer, I'm not gonna do it just yet.
Yeah, then right now just stick with strength and mass.
Since I posted up that day, I have started eating a lot better. Id say my protein intake per day is averaging 150grams+, and I am already feeling a lot better for it. Im taking a protein shake every morning and every night to add +70grams basically, which has almost doubled my daily intake. On the days I work out, its closer to 200grams.
Im managing to get 2500+calories a day at the moment, which is nice.
Im going to start doing cardio 5 times a week, at high intensity, to try and burn off some body fat...is this advisable? Is their an ideal intensity to burn fat at, or should I just go at a steady pace? I have been doing 20 minute sessions on an exercise bike, managing about 15.5km in that time (about 10miles i guess).
It's hard to build muscle and cut fat at the same time.
It'd be better to focus on you weightlifting to build the muscle and then cut body fat with the high intensity stuff.
So maybe set yourself a goal weight wise with your lifting and once you reach it, start to cut the body fat. Don't fill up on anything and everything though. Concentrate on eating properly, but just more, more, more.
There is always arguments on the best types of cardio, these days my theory is, just do it. Doesn't matter what cardio it is or how, its more important to just do the cardio than to worry about about it. So many people avoid cardio it's ridiculous.
Cardio, squats & deadlifts if your training regime doesn't have those. You fail.
Rowdie is right, you can't really bulk and lose fat at the same time, not efficiently anyway. Just follow the regular bulk and cut phase. Bulk in winter, cut for summer!