Following up from my training blog, here is my experience from the Marathon yesterday. First off, people from cologne are awesome. They celebrate everything and have the best sense of humor ever. With your first name right below your start number, the people will randomly shout your name and cheer for you. There are a couple of drum bands at the track and all in all its just an awesome atmosphere.
My goal time was 3:30, which I didn't get, my actual time is 3:39:35. I am still happy with that result though. I would have had to run every km just below 5:00 to achieve my goal, however here is how it went:
km 1: I start off quickly, I am in a great condition and start much too fast. My time is 4:30.
km 2: Since I've started too fast, I slow it down a bit, not a problem, I manage to get into a constant pace of about 4:45 every km.
km 10: 47:00 total. I am 3 minutes in the plus and not a bit tired. I start slowing it down a little bit more, since I have an adequate time reserve, running at about 5:00, right in my time
km 21: 01:41:57. I held my 3 minute reserve. I start feeling the distance, but that doesn't hold me back.. yet
km 26: I have to take it a bit slower in order to continue, lowering my tempo by just a bit. I still think I can do it, judging by my time reserve.
km 30: 02:28:06 I lost a minute during the last 4 km. I continue running, but the exhaustion grows, and I get slower and slower.
km 31: I think of the one thing, that is most likely to motivate me to keep on going. A song from Buckethead, which starts with a quote from Michael Jordan. Jump Man.
I can never stop workin' hard each day I feel I have to improve Hard work, determanation I've got to keep pushing myself
I am running. I lose time but I keep running.
km 34: My feet hurt, my legs are killing me and my stomach is twisting. Not even Buckethead can save me now. I can't continue.
km 35: I was scratching my head, wondering if I really just ran over the line of km 35. I checked my time, and I needed 5:30 for the last km, which wondered me even more. Now I knew it. I could do it. I can finish the Marathon. The time wouldn't be what I had hoped for, but that didn't matter anymore.
km:40 Almost there. More people at the side, they give me motivation. Maybe I can increase my tempo for the last 2 km.
km 41: CRAAAAAMP. Ok, I can't increase my tempo, at least not until the last 200m. I limped along a few metres, then continued running.
km 42: I can see the finish line. I start running as fast as I can in this condition, raise my arms on the last few metres and collect my last power to finish my marathon with a jump.
congrats.. thats a really fast pace for a marathon, i can only do 4kms in 16minutes (although cross country but that doesnt matter). Did you check before hand if u had a heart condition? I'd be scared to run without knowing xD. btw, what did you place?
Thanks. I didn't have a check beforehand, but my health condition was always fine, so I didn't really worry.
Total: 1845/6396 (6396 = finisher, people that quit are not counted) My age (<25 I think) 195/719
And with 97 seconds I just broke 100 seconds in minesweeper, go me
km 10: 47:00 total. I am 3 minutes in the plus and not a bit tired. I start slowing it down a little bit more, since I have an adequate time reserve, running at about 5:00, right in my time
Rofl. If I ran about a hundred meters I'd die.
really nice pace. it makes me feel bad though. i was so proud of my 50:00 10km run today (not a race or anything) until i read that you did a 10k in 47:00. and then ran another 32km... congrats!
United States3573 Posts
Congrats man. I'm training for a marathon myself, I'm pretty excited & nervous. The farthest I've ever run at one time was 10 miles so I'm kind of nervous about 26, but I think with training I can get it.
Grats man. I'm training for my second marathon atm which is early next year. I always seem to find the first few kms the hardest, but after that my body just gets into a rhythm. I'll be aiming for a sub 3:10 (possibly 3:00) time next year.
Pretty impressive, i can only run about 10km ~45min but after that im dead. And thats not even a quarter of a marathon lol.
good pace, I'm impressed. My personal record is 44:41 for 10 K, but I would like to try a marathon or triathlon some day
i wish the US used the metric system so that i could compare times -_-
a marathon is 26.2 miles...wtf is that???
Thanks all, in case you are wondering, my current 10k record is 41:06
1 km is roughly 0,62 miles.
On October 05 2009 21:36 MaReK wrote: Grats man. I'm training for my second marathon atm which is early next year. I always seem to find the first few kms the hardest, but after that my body just gets into a rhythm. I'll be aiming for a sub 3:10 (possibly 3:00) time next year.
Good luck. I'll look to improve my time too next year .
On October 05 2009 23:31 mOnion wrote: i wish the US used the metric system so that i could compare times -_-
YES! Wtf, make it happen. That would be so awesome lol
congratz man
ive done a half marathon but could never actually do a full one
geez man
United States12546 Posts
On October 05 2009 23:31 mOnion wrote: i wish the US used the metric system so that i could compare times -_-
a marathon is 26.2 miles...wtf is that??? To be fair, the distance is arbitrary in KM as well 42.195 kilometres
Wow that is impressive. I consider myself in ok shape but I don't think I would ever even want to attempt a half-marathon much less a full one. Doing the 5k cross country in races seemed pretty damn far in high school so a marathon is just crazy.
I run in Cologne in 2005. Took me 5:04:01 , so you are basically 3 leagues above me, but my only goal was finishing without having to stop once, and therefore it was all good. I remember that I missed the sign for the 39th km. I wanted the world come to an end. I was so happy wenn the 40th kilometre sign came into sight and I was for sure that the last km did not took me over 10 minutes (didn't have a feeling for time and space anymore anyway).
And I agree, cologne is just awesome to run.
And of course, I also started way too fast. Everyone tells you beforehand, but it is really hard to slow down when in the beginning everything is good and you feel awesome
I don't think I could ever do a full marathon. Maybe a half one, or a Tri-Marathon, but not a full running marathon. My body isn't made for it, just more of sprinting =/
My lady friend from NJ is doing her first full in Philly this November and I'm coming up to see her =)
congrats!! that's a kickin' time! how was the course overall? weather-wise, hill-wise etc? anything unexpected crop up while you were running
On October 06 2009 08:29 JeeJee wrote: congrats!! that's a kickin' time! how was the course overall? weather-wise, hill-wise etc? anything unexpected crop up while you were running
Thanks. Weather was perfect, no rain, no sun, almost no wind. The course is flat. There was nothing that would slow anyone down, so nothing to blame but myself 
One thing that might be worth mentioning were the costume runners. By far the best was someone dressed up as Elvis, with a paper-mâché cadillac around his belly and 50s music playing from it. I complimented him for being awesome and continued running.
Chicago Marathon is this weekend.