On May 05 2017 11:54 Aerisky wrote: Fuck me. Anybody ever get a pneumothorax (collapsed lung)? I had one in high school (skinny male), got a chest tube, and it got better. Then doctor neglected to tell me not to get on planes even though I mentioned the trip to them directly, and a couple months into my time in China it collapsed again. That time I just rested it off since I wanted to avoid getting surgery in china.
Anyway, I think I have a small (I say small because it's definitely not nearly as uncomfortable as it was those first two times, but I can definitely still tell) pneumothorax, and I was just wondering whether any of you had experience with them before. I definitely don't want to get surgery so I'm going for the rest route for the time being, but god FUCK it's scary...and annoying, since I'd finally started to gain weight (113 lbs to 131 lbs since the beginning of the year). Vicious cycle, probably shouldn't lift now right? Going to see a doctor in a couple weeks unless it gets really bad, in which case I'll go ASAP, but I wanted to ask you guys about it as well.
Are you saying your lung is partially colapsed now? go see a doctor asap.
Edit: Acording to wiki small ones don't need treatment. However if you are feeling constant pain I would assume the size warrants medical examination (even if no treatment is prescribed) as your best course of action.
Hey, thanks for the concern gotunk. Right now, I feel exactly the same as I do on a day to day basis, except for a little bloating on the left side of my torso. No shortness of breath or fatigue. I'll see a doctor if it gets any worse for sure.
I'd normally schedule an appointment asap but I'm at school right now right before finals, and it would be inconvenient since I usually go see a doctor back home (clinics here are awful). If it gets any worse at all I'll immediately leave though. Right now I think it's a very minor pneumothorax that bedrest should solve, and I'll check with a doctor as soon as is convenient (next wknd) barring a downtown in how I feel.
edit to your edit: yeah, agreed. Right now there's no pain at all--I can only tell because the feeling of "bloating" is familiar, and I'll definitely be seeing a doc as soon as my exams are over.
Had this when I was 19. Walked around with it for weeks. Was rushed to the hospital with blue lights when I finally showed up at the doctor. Years after surgery I hade the exact same sensation in my chest again so I went to the doctor pretty fast. Was determined pretty fast that it was something else. So my advice would be: Go to the doctor. If its nothing it probably won't take much time and if its something it might save your life as this is not something you cure with bedrest.
Ahh, what did it turn out to be? Yeah, I'll try to go ASAP then, thanks.
I don't remember, sorry. I only remember how suprised I was because the feeling in my chest especially when jumping was so similar.
@Garbels: Oh shit, yeah I know exactly what you mean about jumping lol. Thanks in any case. Looks like I'll only be able to make an appointment for after graduation after all, so I guess I'll just take it easy :/
Pretty much failed to achieve all of my fitness goals, but for reference since it looks like I won't be able to lift for at the very least a few weeks to 1+ month (hopefully not 6+ months...), my last successful lifts ended up at:
conventional grip/stance deadlift: 205 lbs 1x5 back squat: 175 lbs 5x5 (was at 185 lbs before injuring hip flexor) bench: 105 lbs 5x5 bent-over row: 87.5 lbs 5x5 oh press: 65 lbs 5x5 bodyweight: 126 lbs, measured first thing in the morning (was at 130 but lost some weight recently)
Pretty shitty but I made significant improvement this year for sure. I'm up from ~113 lbs at the beginning of the year, which was after going through a really stressful time over last semester/break. Hopefully someday I'll be able to keep it up for half a year or so without my lung fucking partially collapsing on me FUCK
Nikes attempt to break the 2 hour marathon - starting in 2 hours and 30 mins!
On May 06 2017 10:08 MrShankly wrote: Nikes attempt to break the 2 hour marathon - starting in 2 hours and 30 mins!
Nice attempt, even though it was pretty much a 2 hour ad. I hope Kipchoge can recover enough to go to Berlin this year and break the record.
Holy shit so close but no cigar. That's crazy though, do you think it'll happen this year?
Also if you have to stop lifting (e.g. because of injury) but you've already went through the loading phase for creatine, should you just stop taking it?
there's no reason to stop taking creatine other than that you don't want to. it probably helps prevent atrophy.
On May 07 2017 07:05 IgnE wrote: there's no reason to stop taking creatine other than that you don't want to. it probably helps prevent atrophy.
It's proven it even helps prevent a bunch of brain diseases on old inactive people. Everyone should take creatine.
Oh wow, no shit? Good to know, thanks.
On May 05 2017 11:54 Aerisky wrote: Fuck me. Anybody ever get a pneumothorax (collapsed lung)? I had one in high school (skinny male), got a chest tube, and it got better. Then doctor neglected to tell me not to get on planes even though I mentioned the trip to them directly, and a couple months into my time in China it collapsed again. That time I just rested it off since I wanted to avoid getting surgery in china.
Anyway, I think I have a small (I say small because it's definitely not nearly as uncomfortable as it was those first two times, but I can definitely still tell) pneumothorax, and I was just wondering whether any of you had experience with them before. I definitely don't want to get surgery so I'm going for the rest route for the time being, but god FUCK it's scary...and annoying, since I'd finally started to gain weight (113 lbs to 131 lbs since the beginning of the year). Vicious cycle, probably shouldn't lift now right? Going to see a doctor in a couple weeks unless it gets really bad, in which case I'll go ASAP, but I wanted to ask you guys about it as well.
Pulmonologist here.
Get an xray soon as you can. As another poster said, most small pneumothoraces resolve on their own. Flights and diving should be avoided for about 2-4 weeks after a pneumothorax resolves. If you're having recurrent pneumothoraces though, you need further evaluation with a CT scan. Good luck.
rooofl biggest prick in the gym today along with nicest guy ever to make up for it lol?
upstairs our gym has a double room, 3x the size of a training boxing ring, with 1/3 of that being the ring, and 2/3 of that being empty mats as well as 6 suspended punch bags (so its a BIG room)
so i go up, to try to attempt handstands against the wall in one corner (i cant even begin to do them). there's a guying doing skipping in the centre 1/3 of the room , i say hi, make a little short talk, then i go to my corner
after like 8 minutes he comes over to my corner and says 'can i use this area?', gesturing to me, and im like, 'sure, im just using this bit of wall here (there's mats up the walls in this 3rd of the upstairs)'
and he says 'no, i want to use the entire area and i dont want to see you there playing on your phone doing nothing'
so im like 'im just using this bit of wall' and he's like 'i dont care, im sick and i dont want to see you sitting there with your phone'
so just to reiterate, the upstairs here has room for like 20 people , including 6 separate punch bags suspended from various places on the ceiling, and he has come right over to my little corner and told me to go away.
i had started gathering up my things coz i thought he just wanted to use the punch bag nearest to me in particular, but i realised that he wasliterally saying that he wanted me to leave the building
so it wasn't like guy was physically or vocally aggressive, or looked strong, or anything like that. instead, the way he was speaking was like he was whining, crying at me, like 'im sick and i dont want to see you with your phone and i want you go away,' like a child's tantrum, it completely took me by surprise and i ended up , having already picked up my things to make space for him, i ended up, in my bafflement, just taking everything and walking to the stairs and leaving him to the 2 mat rooms and 6 punch bags and 1 boxing ring, all to himself
i literally got whined out of the gym , it was shocking.
anyway i went downstairs and a super nice powerlifter let me jump in with him on squats and he was racking and deracking half of every weight with me including the ones i stand on the floor for my heels, he was super nice lol
On May 23 2017 02:30 FFGenerations wrote: rooofl biggest prick in the gym today along with nicest guy ever to make up for it lol?
upstairs our gym has a double room, 3x the size of a training boxing ring, with 1/3 of that being the ring, and 2/3 of that being empty mats as well as 6 suspended punch bags (so its a BIG room)
so i go up, to try to attempt handstands against the wall in one corner (i cant even begin to do them). there's a guying doing skipping in the centre 1/3 of the room , i say hi, make a little short talk, then i go to my corner
after like 8 minutes he comes over to my corner and says 'can i use this area?', gesturing to me, and im like, 'sure, im just using this bit of wall here (there's mats up the walls in this 3rd of the upstairs)'
and he says 'no, i want to use the entire area and i dont want to see you there playing on your phone doing nothing'
so im like 'im just using this bit of wall' and he's like 'i dont care, im sick and i dont want to see you sitting there with your phone'
so just to reiterate, the upstairs here has room for like 20 people , including 6 separate punch bags suspended from various places on the ceiling, and he has come right over to my little corner and told me to go away.
i had started gathering up my things coz i thought he just wanted to use the punch bag nearest to me in particular, but i realised that he wasliterally saying that he wanted me to leave the building
so it wasn't like guy was physically or vocally aggressive, or looked strong, or anything like that. instead, the way he was speaking was like he was whining, crying at me, like 'im sick and i dont want to see you with your phone and i want you go away,' like a child's tantrum, it completely took me by surprise and i ended up , having already picked up my things to make space for him, i ended up, in my bafflement, just taking everything and walking to the stairs and leaving him to the 2 mat rooms and 6 punch bags and 1 boxing ring, all to himself
i literally got whined out of the gym , it was shocking.
anyway i went downstairs and a super nice powerlifter let me jump in with him on squats and he was racking and deracking half of every weight with me including the ones i stand on the floor for my heels, he was super nice lol
Step 1 put in headphones step 2 congrats you're the only one in the gym. Make sure you clean up after yourself.
had to take them off for handstand shit :\ in the future i'll go straight and talk to gym staff, tell them there's a guy being weird and get them to come and talk to him. the last thing i want is any sort of conflict (i didn't leave my room for like 2 months lately), no less conflict in my gym, so it's sort of a toss-up on whether or not i bother. i guess i'm just a bit hopeless to the fact that human beings are a lost cause right now (and then there was a really nice guy afterwards :3 )
why are you on your phone in the gym
coz i can do japanese flashcards in the minute downtimes
On May 24 2017 09:40 IgnE wrote: why are you on your phone in the gym
i use mine to time rest between sets etc
its easier than counting the seconds ^^
why did you let someone smaller bully you?