For every semester since after like my first year in college, I've gone like 3 or 4 times per week until toward the end of the semester, but never made significant progress. I think first year or so my form was shit and I wasn't spending enough time conscientiously learning. But these last couple months I actually feel like I'm getting significantly stronger+gaining mass, and as if my body is actually changing (knock on wood).
Also starting to realize more and more that you guys in here are all fucking freaks lmao, like WTF levels of strength
On March 08 2017 07:25 infinity21 wrote: Beast. I've been injury-ridden and haven't been able to consistently work on my chin-ups. Most I've done recently was 1 rep @ 90 lbs
How much do you weigh?
about 68-70kg or 150-153lbs
Damn dude. I'm ~175 lbs and you're doing heavier chins for reps lmao
didnt even know i could do it that heavy until yesterday tho lol
messed up my forearm about 5 weeks ago doing planche training so i had to back off from all pushing movements and only done light pulls the past weeks until this week when i could resume my pushing and thought id give my max chinup a try
Another good deadlift session in the books! Have never touched these weights for volume before so that's always good. Did 3x6@210, then for the last set went up to 220. Last time 220x7 was a true all-out AMRAP set where I didn't do any prior work, so I'm really happy with how things are feeling.
133kg snatch 163kg clean and jerk today. Really close misses at 137 and 167 :'( Also meant to load 127 for a snatch and accidentally loaded 2.5kg more on one side for 129.5 and it was probably my best snatch of the day lol. Getting close to ready to hit that 305 total for nationals.
On March 14 2017 17:45 Osmoses wrote: On the subjects of sumo deadlifts... What're the odds you accidentally drop the weight right on your foot?
Happened to me one or two times, but lucky for me it barely got caught on my toes. Think you're really only at risk of it if you really try and throw the weight back down.
Training yesterday, bw: 107,7kg: Squat: 160kg x 5-5-5-5-4 Bench: 110kg x 5-5-5-4-4 Pendlay Rows: 70kg x 12-12-12 3sets of Face Pulls 1set of Hyperextensions
The weights are getting really heavy now. I am still gonna increase my squat but probably will stay at 110 at the bench for one more week.
On Sunday I did Deadlifts 180kg x 5 (in weightlifting shoes, that makes it harder for me). I probably should have stopped after the 3rd rep, the 4th und 5th were with atrocious form and my lower back still hasn't recovered.
Was going to try to PR deadlift today. Nope, had to get an infected ingrown toenail ripped out. Currently having trouble standing on my own feet, let alone pulling 300.
PR CITY BABY. Hit 3 PRs on my clean and jerk double at 148, 150, & 153 for a 7 kg PR. I'm a month out from my last chance to qualify for nationals and firing on all cylinders
Had an absolute breakthrough working with my chiro/pt yesterday. I banged up my left shoulder probably 6 months ago in rugby, nothing bad but it was a bit prohibitive in my overhead stuff so my body started to compensate. All my little external rotators were doing the job of supporting my shoulder up and forward relative to my right shoulder instead of my lat pulling the shoulder back and down where it should be because it's a more stable position (like my right shoulder has been doing). This has lead to me pulling unevenly - right arm is more straight and back, left arm more forward and bent, bicep compensating for lat. This also lead to me squatting unevenly - right shoulder sits down and back but my left doesnt = bar tilted to the right = uneven loading of my legs. All these problems compiled leading to some very very frustrating imbalances in my lifting which I've spent hours staring at videos and pictures baffled of how to get my body working like it should be. The shoulder is healthy now - I've just built bad movement patterns into it and that became the only it knew how to work. It took some massage and dry needling in my shoulder to get the muscles relaxed enough to let my lat takeover and some re-patterning exercises to get it firing properly. Will take some work to get it where it should be, but yesterday felt fantastic.