On December 18 2016 09:50 phyre112 wrote:Its an article designed to grab views and sell ads, as are all newspaper/magazine articles. That's why the language and conclusions used in that article are very different from the language and conclusions in the scholarly articles it links to or cites. There's some good information there, and some very strong misinformation as well. Some of it is straight up broscience, and some of it is good actual science that's just presented in a misleading manner. I would be more specific, but I have to get to the gym since it closes in an hour. .8-1g per lb of bodyweight in protein is a commonly cited number as being "enough" for athletes. If you're worried, you can just not use protein powder.
i eat about .7-.8 and i do just fine. Some people believe just about anything the supplement industry tells them.
"oh you need at least 300g of protein a day or you will make 0 gainz"
i guess it depends on your definition of "just fine"
.8-1 is actually from my nutrition classes, not a supplement company. The actual statement was something like ".8g/lb for athletes, or even a little more depending on the intensity of the sport and whether the individual feels they are recovering enough."
Because just using a classification like "athlete" is broad. It doesn't account for the level of the individual; high school baseball is not as strenuous as recreational distance running, and the guy who runs a half marathon a couple times a year isn't on the same level as the people who compete in the ironman.
TL;DR you're probably not eating too much protein. If you feel like you aren't recovering, eat more.
On December 20 2016 04:39 IgnE wrote: i guess it depends on your definition of "just fine"
gaining strenght
if i wasnt getting stronger i would define it as awful
how much strength? how fast? from what starting point? how much muscle?
On December 20 2016 04:48 IgnE wrote: how much strength? how fast? from what starting point? how much muscle?
well i dont care about mass since im not a bodybuilder and im doing mostly bodyweight related stuff these days, rarely do i lift weights.
the last time i tried my 1rm bench was about 150% of bw, squat around 200% and deadlift around 230-240%. So no huge numbers but im fine with that for now since my goals arent related to those lifts. So its hard to answer but i feel im progressing nicely. I have gained a bit of mass however, but its not a goal and more of a side effect of the strength gained
so do you think that maybe your advice about protein intake isn't particularly relevant? or that it should at least be heavily qualified?
On December 20 2016 06:45 IgnE wrote: so do you think that maybe your advice about protein intake isn't particularly relevant? or that it should at least be heavily qualified?
I cant say, im gaining strength at least on a "lower" intake or about 1.5g/kg. Needs might vary in individuals im sure
hey - long time lurker here, first time poster
i've been squatting for many many years (overhead, front, back usually 3 x 3-5 reps) for functional strength and i was thinking about trying to learn how to snatch
i tried my luck on youtube but it's hard to tell what's good advice and clues and what's not - so i was wondering if you guys could recommend a good video or something
thank you very much in advance
(specifically im looking for advice on good form getting the bar off the ground - once it's in overhead squat position i'm gucci)
On December 21 2016 07:59 smilingjuggernaut wrote: hey - long time lurker here, first time poster
i've been squatting for many many years (overhead, front, back usually 3 x 3-5 reps) for functional strength and i was thinking about trying to learn how to snatch
i tried my luck on youtube but it's hard to tell what's good advice and clues and what's not - so i was wondering if you guys could recommend a good video or something
thank you very much in advance
(specifically im looking for advice on good form getting the bar off the ground - once it's in overhead squat position i'm gucci)
Search the calstrength youtube channel for "glenn pendlay, snatch"
+ Show Spoiler +
anything you need more specific/advanced than that, I'm gonna say should be personally tailored (as in at least a form check video if not an actual paid coach.)
Argh i was so close to benching 110kg today tried 100 first which went pretty easy then came very close to 110 on the next lift.
Canada6683 Posts
On December 23 2016 01:26 Pulimuli wrote:Argh i was so close to benching 110kg today  tried 100 first which went pretty easy then came very close to 110 on the next lift. Are you on a specific bench routine? My bench jumped up to ~125 kg when I did the Coan bench cycle, it was insane lol
On December 23 2016 09:05 infinity21 wrote:Show nested quote +On December 23 2016 01:26 Pulimuli wrote:Argh i was so close to benching 110kg today  tried 100 first which went pretty easy then came very close to 110 on the next lift. Are you on a specific bench routine? My bench jumped up to ~125 kg when I did the Coan bench cycle, it was insane lol
Dont lift weights often nowadays, just wanted to test my 1rm since its almost newyears
I am not 100% new to lifting weights but no expert either. Just a quick question, I read somewhere and watched some videos that sets are important in growing muscles. So for example I go:
12x 10 kgs, followed by 8x 12 kgs, and lastly 4x 15 kgs. Is this good for general routine/gaining muscle mass? Do I have to incorporate something like this every single time?
On December 23 2016 21:33 GrandAquila wrote: I am not 100% new to lifting weights but no expert either. Just a quick question, I read somewhere and watched some videos that sets are important in growing muscles. So for example I go:
12x 10 kgs, followed by 8x 12 kgs, and lastly 4x 15 kgs. Is this good for general routine/gaining muscle mass? Do I have to incorporate something like this every single time? What you lift at any given workout isn't too terribly important. What matters is that you improve either intensity or volume over time.
Did the inbody test at my gym https://www.inbodyusa.com/ 6'1 225 and 12% bodyfat which is exactly what I guessed it was lol. Also shows you a bunch of cool stuff like muscle mass per limb (i've def got some imbalance) and water weight and whatnot.
Canada8157 Posts
I'll need an inbodycanada
I think my body is literally falling apart from vitamin d deficiency
Have barely been outside but ive been jumping around/exercising inside and I think I have microfractures in 4 of my toes and my hand is also painful in my right hand pinky joint. I've been practicing a lot of piano. But HOLY shit I'm 21 and I feel like pain everywhere, lower back too from posture probably fml wtf
On January 05 2017 20:50 Aerisky wrote: I think my body is literally falling apart from vitamin d deficiency
Have barely been outside but ive been jumping around/exercising inside and I think I have microfractures in 4 of my toes and my hand is also painful in my right hand pinky joint. I've been practicing a lot of piano. But HOLY shit I'm 21 and I feel like pain everywhere, lower back too from posture probably fml wtf
You do know Vitamin D is the cheapest supplement available right?