Been a long time since I posted anything or followed anyone on here. How's everyones strength these days? these are just a few PR's this summer minus the deadlift from the floor. Did 3 strongman shows and did rackpulls instead. lockout feels much stronger now hoping to make a run for 655.
I think it has more to do with what my shoulders are doing than what my scapulae are doing. Obviously the lats are stabilizing, but the shoulders have been in a neutral position. Now they are going backwards.
GoTunk! and JinDesu, I did not literally mean my hips were under the bar. I meant that if you only bend over 20 degrees, you are not going to get much hip drive.
I'm going to the gym in a little bit and I'll try some stuff. I might even talk to one of the Mouseketeers there.
Hey guys. Recently I felt a bit of pain in my elbow during and like 5 mins after doing dips. I searched a bit online and found out that it is advisable to not bend your upper arm more then horizontally. Another thing I read was to warm up with bodyweight dips before doing weighted dips...well I am still too noob for weighted dips anyway and just do 3x7 bodyweight dips so what could I do to warm up? Finally I work out ghetto style at home and do dips between two chairs and I am not sure how far apart the chairs should be. Are they supposed to be right next to my body with my arms touching my body during the motion or with some air between them? Help me, you fitness gosus, dips are my favorite exercise and I want to enjoy them fully again
Chairs shoulder width apart. Keep your lower arms more or less vertical throughout the movement. Shoulders down and back. Elbows pointing back by external rotation. Keep your elbows in. Go as low as your flexibility and good form lets you. Stop if there is stil pain. Unless you already did it like that dont be alarmed if you cant do seven aymore.
What are some sources of protein if I'm allergic to dairy, egg, and nuts? I've been looking everywhere but can't find any :/
I know there's lots of meats/soy, but I was hoping to find like some kind of protein bar but it seems like all of them have at least one of the three .___.
try emailing stores like for advice? no1 really eats protein bars...we just eat real food like tinned mackeral + vine tomato = snack
Man, felt so slow today. c+j up to 3x145lb and barely cleaned 185 a couple times. Felt like I went backwards with technique but I'm sure it's part of the progression.