you can do seated presses but ive never tried it. like seated dumbell press.... you could even try kneeling since to me seated sounds like a recipe to fuck ur back up or something. idk
side raise varieties are also really effective for shoulder volume but dont do anything to replace ohp imo. but i like them a lot and personally do lying-facedown and right-to-the-side raises , 1 arm at a time since it helps me get range of motion.
close grip bench and dips will just rape your triceps rather than your shoulders. wide grip bench works chest.
If you have dumbells you can just do seated db press, not sure if that would work with a barbell, though google says seated military press is a thing.
Seated OHP is not an option with the setup I have. I also only have dumbbells up to 30 lbs, so that's not an option either.
On September 06 2014 23:30 MtlGuitarist97 wrote: Seated OHP is not an option with the setup I have. I also only have dumbbells up to 30 lbs, so that's not an option either.
Idk then, I guess you can do headstand pushups and try to work your way up to a full range handstand pushup with parallettes or something else that serves the same purpose.
Pr'd clean at 205lb. The posterior side of my shoulders have been nagging me post oly workouts. Any pointers? Usually worst after I do max effort jerk which is the same as my ohp 5 rep max for reference. I'll have videos when I get to my computer today.
On September 07 2014 04:17 mordek wrote: Pr'd clean at 205lb. The posterior side of my shoulders have been nagging me post oly workouts. Any pointers? Usually worst after I do max effort jerk which is the same as my ohp 5 rep max for reference. I'll have videos when I get to my computer today. I would recommend the YTW exercises that Decaf always suggests. Face pulls are also really good (either band face pulls or cable work) and you can also probably do some lacrosse ball work too. Getting a good massage might help a lot as well.
managed 2 reps at 50kg ohp and settled for doing 40kg 5x5 since 45kg was bad.
on the plus side it means my form resets (i clearly have a form problem due to a contorted arm/shoulder that i can keep under control at lighter weight).
on the minus side thats what 2 years progress gone in 2 months :D
i am raping this gym tho so feel great about it
using cable machine for forearm work is really good i think.
since i hoovered all summer and obviously it raped my forearms constantly (serious forearm+grip workout to hoover 2-5 hours per day), i really value keeping forearm work up.
forearm barbell raise is effective (tho not amazing) but dumbbell wrist curls for the supine forearm are pretty shit since you can't hit half of your forearm using that range of motion.
instead i tried using a cable machine, having it come from right down by the floor, and this allows pretty much any range of movement to wrist curl up and really push into your supine forearm at any point.
i also tried a shoulder front dumbbell raise, and was like "holy shit this is super effective exercise??" but then i was like "do i really need more shoulder work? i do ohp, straight-to-the-side raise and lying rear delt raise. if i wasnt doing ohp then this would be fucking great but i think ohp is supposed to replace it".
i've worked up my ankle stretches to 2m30s per ankle x5 and getting some improvement but not enough to squat with (let alone deadlift/pc, tho i cant fucking wait to be able to). i do 40-60kg squats just to mobilise my hips but the ankles pop up way above parallel so i just do whatever for now and keep the faith.
since i finished "warmup week" i need to reset my routine... 4 day repeat or maybe a rest day here and there lol
Day 1 overhead press, lying rear delt raise, side raise dumbell curl, forearm curl, wrist curl abs (beginner dragonflag) mobility
Day 2 mobility squat run
Day 3 bench press pullup, facepull, barbell row abs (beginner dragonflag) mobility
Day 4 mobility squat run
note i add deadlift/pc (hopefully proper oly) in the distant future when +mobility note also facepulls might be shit idk yet
edit: does anyone listen to gym music/running music like eurotrance/happy hardcore/eurobeat? feel free to post some suggestions. ill probs make a thread for it when my internet is working (less than 2k/s atm when it works)
ive been listening to a s3rl mix (plus the usual eurobeat) but decided its time i made my own compilation of awesome running music.
example s3rl Princess Bubblegum + Show Spoiler + example eurobeat Initial D - Night on Fire + Show Spoiler + example happy hardcore - DJ Sammy - Come With Me example eurodance (?) - E-Rotic - Sex On The Beach example catchy songs (of which i know very few) Lilly Allen - Not Fair example chillstep - fuck this shit my net wont load so i cant get any names
Lift 3x a week for a few years, play some kind of sport once a week, go on bike rides regularly, 185lb with a six pack and my HDL is 38 and my LDL 110. hrmph -_-
On September 12 2014 02:18 mordek wrote: Lift 3x a week for a few years, play some kind of sport once a week, go on bike rides regularly, 185lb with a six pack and my HDL is 38 and my LDL 110. hrmph -_-
Well to be fair, those things don't really help your cholesterol level as much as the diet does. What do you eat typically, and what supplements do you take typically?
I rarely eat gluten or any sweets/sugar. I eat vegetables, rice, potatoes, dairy and meats. I occasionally will eat out but try to stick to things that fit what I just said. I take the occasional fish oil and vitamin D. I used to be a lot more regular with those but it's just a few times a week now.
Well according to quick googling, 110 LDL is reasonable, while 38 HDL is low - so you just need to get more good cholesterol. Maybe more fish and and omega-3 supplements.
Zurich15313 Posts
Yeah 110 LDL is totally fine as long as you raise your HDL. Mine was in the 40s and I introduced fish 1-2 times a week into my already very clean diet. Last check I was 65 HDL. Maybe give that a try.
Yeah, the person doing the tests told me "physical activity and exercise will raise your HDL. mmmhmmmm. Thanks guys. I'll try being more intentional about getting fish.
I guess my expectations were I was going to be better than average, not ok
It's actually very difficult for a young male with high testosterone levels to also get a high HDL count. I wouldn't worry about it. Atherosclerosis is not just a result of high cholesterol, but also systemic inflammation.
If you are lazy, you can take omega-3 supplements instead of eating fish. To be fair, 110 is probably better than average lol. Going down to 90s and 70s is for people who need to due to heart conditions.
ive been having 100/120g tinned mackeral/sardines + a large vine tomato for breakfast.
its like £1 total, filling, takes no preparation, fast to eat, and tastes great (with vine tomatoes instead of superstore/trash ones (im never eating "normal" tomatoes again, holy shit)) cant recommend it enough
washes down super well with a cup of coffee if you're that way inclined but really after the first mouthful its enjoyable enough on its own (if u like tomatoes as much as i do) + Show Spoiler + like this but replace the bread with a tomato and replace the sunflower oil mix with brine unfortunately lol
note you can also get tinned salmon which is really nice but its usually in larger tins so you need plastic to seal them and put in fridge and not forget about it. actually it stayed fresh 24 hours np yesterday so maybe ill start doing that the majority of the time now
tinned tuna is nice also o/c but seems to have a reputation as being one of the less good fish for you to eat in large amounts
this is all WAY better than fish oil supplement IMO coz it doubles as being an actual super-fast super-quality breakfast with protein and you 100% trust it to do the job whereas the effectiveness of supplements could be considered speculative
ps i keep the tins in the fridge, i cant imagine how they taste if not chilled. you can buy like 20 tins at once which makes a neat stack in the fridge lol. or take a tin+tomato(+utensil) to work in a bag
That's a good way to go about things. I"ve been doing eggs/fish + tomato + toast + sometimes mushrooms.
Zurich15313 Posts
On July 24 2014 18:54 zatic wrote: So, some data over the past 2 months:
Squat: 100kg 5-5-5 -> 100kg 5-3-2 Bench: 95kg 5-5-5 -> 90kg 5-5-4 DL: 132.5 5x -> 132.5 4x Front Squat: 80kg 5-5-5 -> 90kg 5-5-5 OHP: 62.5kg 5-5-5 -> 62.5kg 4-4-3
Most of those are well off my all time PRs. So update on this TT
Another 2 months later, and my bench and press regressed majorly. This week I failed a 86kg bench and a 57kg OHP. I maintained most of the other lifts at least.
I spend a lot of time analyzing what the hell is wrong with my presses and it seems to be my left shoulder. I don't have any pain, but my entire left upper body seems to be less mobile.
Symptoms during lifting: When I bench press I have trouble retracting my scapula properly. Sometimes it works from unracking, but then with every rep I can feel my left scapula slipping more and more to the side. As a result my entire left side becomes unstable, elbow begins to flare, shoulder to rotate in. OHP I can't make out a specific fault other than that I feel unstable / weak.
Other symptoms: When I am hanging from a pull up bar in a dead hang, I can reach the floor with my right toes. But not with my left. When placing a roller on my upper back, lying down on it, overextending the back and reach up with my arms I can reach the floor with my right hand, not with my left. When I am in front of a mirror and squeeze my scapulars together, I see my right elbow disappear behind my back, but can still see my left.
Over the past 2 months I had exactly one workout where I managed to get my scapula into place while benching. And of course then the lift was really, really easy. But just the same week later I would fail the same weight because my left side is collapsing again.
Stuff I tried so far:
Everything I could find for shoulders and upper back from Kelly Starret. It doesn't seem to help at all. I can spend an hour mobilizing my shoulder, and it will feel really good, but then the next day the same thing happens benching.
Accessory exercises: Close grip and incline bench I have been doing, but there I am experiencing the same issue than with bench. I have added barbell rows and dumbbell bench/incline bench as well.
Been going to physio therapy and had back massages. This works somewhat, but only very temporary for about one day.
This entire development has been going on for about 6-8 weeks. Just in May I was repping out 95kg bench and now I am failing sets 10kg less
Since my left leg is still noticeably weaker than my right from my injury, and I am continuing squatting and deadlift, is it possible the heavy lifts bring my entire body into imbalance and cause my shoulder to be messed up somehow? I am really careful to lift as evenly as I can with the squat and DL but I notice myself leaning on my stronger leg on heavy sets sometimes.
Any advice? I am going to see a doctor next week as well but maybe anyone has another idea?
Since I just noticed myself doing it, are you maybe sometimes leaning on your ellbow?
On September 12 2014 18:20 zatic wrote:Show nested quote +On July 24 2014 18:54 zatic wrote: So, some data over the past 2 months:
Squat: 100kg 5-5-5 -> 100kg 5-3-2 Bench: 95kg 5-5-5 -> 90kg 5-5-4 DL: 132.5 5x -> 132.5 4x Front Squat: 80kg 5-5-5 -> 90kg 5-5-5 OHP: 62.5kg 5-5-5 -> 62.5kg 4-4-3
Most of those are well off my all time PRs. So update on this TT Another 2 months later, and my bench and press regressed majorly. This week I failed a 86kg bench and a 57kg OHP. I maintained most of the other lifts at least. I spend a lot of time analyzing what the hell is wrong with my presses and it seems to be my left shoulder. I don't have any pain, but my entire left upper body seems to be less mobile. Symptoms during lifting: When I bench press I have trouble retracting my scapula properly. Sometimes it works from unracking, but then with every rep I can feel my left scapula slipping more and more to the side. As a result my entire left side becomes unstable, elbow begins to flare, shoulder to rotate in. OHP I can't make out a specific fault other than that I feel unstable / weak. Other symptoms: When I am hanging from a pull up bar in a dead hang, I can reach the floor with my right toes. But not with my left. When placing a roller on my upper back, lying down on it, overextending the back and reach up with my arms I can reach the floor with my right hand, not with my left. When I am in front of a mirror and squeeze my scapulars together, I see my right elbow disappear behind my back, but can still see my left. Over the past 2 months I had exactly one workout where I managed to get my scapula into place while benching. And of course then the lift was really, really easy. But just the same week later I would fail the same weight because my left side is collapsing again. Stuff I tried so far: Everything I could find for shoulders and upper back from Kelly Starret. It doesn't seem to help at all. I can spend an hour mobilizing my shoulder, and it will feel really good, but then the next day the same thing happens benching. Accessory exercises: Close grip and incline bench I have been doing, but there I am experiencing the same issue than with bench. I have added barbell rows and dumbbell bench/incline bench as well. Been going to physio therapy and had back massages. This works somewhat, but only very temporary for about one day. This entire development has been going on for about 6-8 weeks. Just in May I was repping out 95kg bench and now I am failing sets 10kg less Questions: Since my left leg is still noticeably weaker than my right from my injury, and I am continuing squatting and deadlift, is it possible the heavy lifts bring my entire body into imbalance and cause my shoulder to be messed up somehow? I am really careful to lift as evenly as I can with the squat and DL but I notice myself leaning on my stronger leg on heavy sets sometimes. Any advice? I am going to see a doctor next week as well but maybe anyone has another idea?
If you don't feel like a baby after the massage its a pretty poor one. A competent chiro would also check your back and make sure all your muscles and both shoulder joints are properly alligned. I would bet you just need someone to bring your shoulder down and back.
I would start by eating more and changing my routine (you can do other stuff aside from those 6 exercises and endless sets of fives)
Asking a doctor about the staleness in your lift is like asking a random programmer how to get better at bw.