fixed, sorry
The 2014 Weightlifting Progress Thread - Page 52
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Germany18839 Posts
fixed, sorry | ||
Denmark708 Posts
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Germany18839 Posts
On April 22 2013 00:05 KOVU wrote: I'd say sit back more and fully thrust your hips into lockout and if you can just lower the weight fast. You're in a really vulnerable position when you lower the weight, so just drop it as fast as possible. And ditch the gloves, they add inches to your bar making the grip harder. Thanks. I'll post a video after a few responses / probably a week when I made adjustments ![]() As for dropping the weight as fast as possible, I'll see what I can do to make that work (living 5th floor) and I don't want to fuck my neighbours :D haha. Appreciate your answer | ||
Austria1797 Posts
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Germany18839 Posts
On April 22 2013 00:34 decaf wrote: You are probably referring to romanian deadlifts, which technically aren't dead lifts. You might want to read Starting Strength to educate yourself about the subject a bit. Why the harsh tone. | ||
Denmark708 Posts
Naruto just take the advice from other people. I would highly suggest you to read starting strength too, Decaf is just trying to help you. | ||
Germany18839 Posts
On April 22 2013 00:44 KOVU wrote: When i said "drop it as fast as possible" I meant "lower it as fast as possible". Naruto just take the advice from other people. I would highly suggest you to read starting strength too, Decaf is just trying to help you. I did take your advice. Also you can help other people without being harsh. PS: I already read SS in the past , not all of it, but parts. Edit: cleared it up via PM. | ||
United States2983 Posts
On April 21 2013 08:55 decaf wrote: This is always extremely related Man, my crush makes me look like a tool x: If you check his latest clean video, he got huge.. that boy is a monster. Can't wait to see him compete in 2016, while Ilya Ilin cannot be beaten, I'll sure be rooting for Clarence~ Clarence on the clean video: I find that interesting. I don't do weightlifting, but I'm guessing bigger biceps could affect the rack position, but decaf #1 (yes you have the honor of being the #1 ![]() I'd also like to know what kind of changes he made to his grip exactly. He probably just widened the spacing between his hands in the clean, which is to accommodate the lack of flexibility from getting bigger. He is a freak though! 160kg bench! | ||
Germany5638 Posts
overall i pretty much stayed consistent with the workout schedule, just mixed weights up a bit inbetween for 2 reasons: 1. my strength was/is hugely imbalanced. when i did my first squats with 20kg i could barely walk down stairs afterwards, at the same time i was doing 50+kg bench without any problems. 2. i decided to go for the home gym (various reasons) and i didnt have a squat rack for almost 3weeks. which made squats and ohp really shitty to do. since my rack arrived ive went by the sheet again from where i was approx. for my body im ~90kg @ ~187cm atm. more on the "solid" side of body types, i never was the fragile/skinny type and played handball,football,basketball in my teens. stats atm: squat 45 kg bench 60kg ohp 37.5kg row 42.5kg dl 65kg outside of the bench i rarely/never did them before and as said i could barely do some of them without feeling like shit after at the start. lost ~3kg bw since i cut some crappy habits out of the diet (and hugely reduced my beer/alcohol intake) while gaining strength and some muscle. so for 1 month that was a bit weird thx to lack of equipment im quite satisfied and motivated so far. also its funny to notice how stuff like squats that BUSTED me up with basic weight at the start now barely do anything to me at current weight. weights will progress according to the 2.5/5kg increase of sl from now, if my stats are hugely imbalanced please tell me ~ will try to get some videos for formcheck in the next month. | ||
Germany18839 Posts
At least my experience | ||
United Kingdom1629 Posts
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Germany18839 Posts
On April 22 2013 01:59 Deadeight wrote: I used to do 5x5 deadlifts. Personally I think it impacts your recovery too much. If you have a week with 2 times deadlift, its at least 3 days between deadlifts, did it really impact your recovery? I had the impression the squats were way more critical in terms of recovery, because you had them in every workout day. I guess that shows how different people are. Just wanted to share my opinion :-) he has to decide / try what works best for him I guess | ||
United States860 Posts
Spoilered as much as possible so I don't wall of text you guys, but this is quite long. I figure some of the guys thinking about doing a meet one day might find it interesting. Back in February I wrote: + Show Spoiler + On February 16 2013 02:43 BenKen wrote: Hi Everyone, GOALS BenKen Powerlifting 2/15/2013 || 4/20/2013 Bodyweight: 165lb to 165lb Height: 5'9, age 32 Squat: 258.82* to 275 Deadlift: 376.99* to 400 Bench Press: 225 to 255 Total: 860.81 to 930 (301 wilks) * dentotes calculated off of 5RM, haven't tested in a while. Been a while since I've been on TL, but somehow my powerlifting hobby has brought me back. I signed up for a meet (first ever) in April, kind of on a whim. Figured it would be nice to have something to train for, even though I have zero chance of placing. Just preparing and being part of a competition should be fun, I hope! I'm more than happy to take any words of advice from more experienced powerlifters in here. Squats are so hard for me, so that's going to be my hardest goal to reach. DL I have decent confidence I can reach in two months, and on bench last time I tested I was having a bad day, but I've hit a touch and go 255 a few times before, so I'm fairly confident there. 9 weeks to meet. So how did I do? First, some backstory:+ Show Spoiler + Training was an awesome experience for me. Never missed a scheduled training session between february and the meet, and for the most part felt close to on track to hit my goals at the meet. Training is way more fun when you have a deadline and an event to aim everything towards. Squat has always been my weakness, but I had beaten my goal (275lb) by hitting 285lb in training and felt good about it. On Bench, about a month before I was repping 225 on my work sets, so hitting my goal of 255 seemed within reach, but I soon found out I was way farther away than I thought. Deadlift was incredibly demoralizing for most of training but I tried my best to keep working on it. Sometimes after an awesome DL session i wouldn't be able to pull 90% of what I just did for like two weeks, and I was only going heavy on DL once a week. I had hit 385 in training for singles, but 400 (goal) wouldn't move off the floor. "Ok, save it for the meet" I told myself. The meet I was signed up for was aimed at novices and crossfitters, so they had a free open gym session a month before where you could talk to USAPL judges and practice lifting with commands. This was an eye opener. All of the sudden my bench that I was so confident in wasn't worth jack shit with how long they made me pause at the top, at the bottom, and after the lift. Also, I wasn't even locking out all the way. So my 225 for reps was really 225 for a bunch of no-reps. Ohcrap.jpg. Squat and DL seemed ok by USAPL standards at least. For the last three weeks of training, I did heavy holds at the top before my bench work sets, and had my training partners call out commands for me, and hoped that was enough. Took the week off of training leading up to the meet, and this actually was quite difficult. I was so used to lifting on a set schedule that I was antsy all the time, couldn't sleep, and generally grumpy until meet day. Annoyed the crap out of my GF! At least now I know what to expect. I cut water around 4pm the day before just to be sure to make weight, but wasn't worried about it. I had been waking up right below the limit for weeks just eating and drinking normally. Slept like crap the night of the meet even though I can usually sleep through a train wreck, plus my dog decided to throw up at 4am. And that pretty much gets us to meet day. 8am weigh in, and my flight started at 10:30am. And a TLDR:+ Show Spoiler + Went 6/9. I screwed up on squats (but I think I can learn a lot from it), felt really good on bench, and hit a PR on my 3rd attempt DL (yay!). So how did it go? Squats first (of course):+ Show Spoiler + 225.7 (3 whites), First attempt crushed. Second and third attempts I ran out of gas out of the hole. Ugh. Lots of excuses, but it all boils down to I picked a weight that was too heavy. I was tired as hell from not sleeping the night before, still felt dehydrated, and waking up early and lifting early just felt weird ( usually lift after 5pm). Also, nerves. Like I said, lots of excuses, but all in all, the experience was good from a "well I can learn from this" standpoint. More on this later. Bench:+ Show Spoiler + 225.7 (3 whites), 242.5 (3 whites), Moderately discouraged and embarrassed after squats. About equal to pylon blocking your own natural and getting smashed in the open pit at MLG (which I have also done). Still, I'm kinda old now and have competed on an amateur level in lots of things over the years, so I wasn't that worried. Plus, bench is my favorite lift (lolbenchbro), and everyone was super nice and encouraging at the event. Anyway, first attempt felt awesome. My first attempt was heavier than the final attempts of everyone except two other people in my flight (like I said, novice/crossfitter meet), so I felt like I got a little redemption in the warmup area after this one. Second attempt was the longest grinder of my life. 2nd attempt internal dialogue: "3,2,1, give me the begin command, you're trying to kill me... finally... wtf!?! give me the press command... omgomg i'm gonna die...oh yeah leg drive... jesus let me rack this thing...holyshit3whitesyayayay!" I was toast after that though. Gave 248 a go and almost locked it out but that was fine. Still had the second highest bench in the flight. If I'm going to hold my PRs to USAPL standard then basically all of my gym PRs are worthless, so I'm gonna count the 242.5 as a huge PR. ![]() Deadlift:+ Show Spoiler + 330.5 (3 whites), 385.7 (3 whites, tied gym PR) , 402.5 (3 whites, >goal PR!) First attempt, crushed. The advice of "make your first attempt your last warm up" is a good one. Second attempt felt like the singles I had hit in the gym. Felt heavy but good. 3rd attempt, well the gf caught it on camera, so I guess you guys should just watch it. I was scared walking up to it (failed this twice in training) but got pumped up by the crowd and seeing my gf had moved to the front row to record it. I was over the moon happy after this one. Post meet thoughts: + Show Spoiler + Went 6/9. Missed my goal on squat, didn't hit goal on bench but came close enough that I feel good about it, and hit my goal on DL, which was awesome. Squats, well back to the drawing board. Got some ideas on this though, but gonna take another week off first. Also, I need to account for my current energy level when picking squat attempts, since squats are always first at meets. By the time bench rolled around I was back in my groove and felt just as strong as I do during training days, if not more. At the beginning of the meet I felt so out of it, like I was running on empty. Glad I went through this though, so now I know what to expect next time and will plan accordingly. Bench and DL went more or less according to plan, so very happy with that. Had a ton of fun, everyone was nice as hell and we were all cheering each other on. Some old powerlifting guys gave me some nice pep talk too before a lot of my attempts, which was awesome. Definitely gonna do another one. Progress report and training going forward: + Show Spoiler + Since this is the progress thread, I guess I gotta report progress: February 1RM - Goal - Result: Squat: 258.82* - 275 - 285 (gym PR) Deadlift: 376.99* - 400 - 402 (meet PR) Bench: 225 - 255 - 242.5 (meet PR) Wilks: N/A - 301 - 288.466 (only counting meet scores) *denotes calculated off of 5RM Beat two goals, almost hit my third goal, and better attempt picking would have gotten my 4th goal I think. Planning to take another week off from training, and then going on vacation for two weeks, so I'll probably be weak as shit when I hit the gym again. Gonna look for another meet to train for maybe near the end of the year, and set some new goals. Also, I'm thinking it's time to restructure training a bit, and will most likely go to a Texas Method setup. It's pretty close to what I do already with GSLP so I think it's just a natural transition for me. Thanks for reading! | ||
Austria1797 Posts
Since you're fairly new I strongly recommend reading Starting Strength (really do), it not only covers correct form but also progression schemes (which are extremely important if you want to progress as fast as possible), injuries, how to warm up correctly, why you're doing what you're doing, nutrition, and lots of other smaller subjects. To make it short, yes, your lifts are imbalanced, but it will even out eventually. With that bench press you should be squatting ~80kg, so almost twice the amount of what you're squatting now. You can use to get an idea of how much you lift and where you're at. But don't get caught up with those numbers, especially when you're just a beginner. Your squat will increase much faster than your bench, trust me (I went from 80kg to 100kg squat in 3 weeks, while bench stayed the same). I don't know about 5 by 5 (stronglifts), but Rippetoe tells you to deadlift 1 set of 5 reps (other main lifts are 3 sets of 5) and I think it's the same with SL iirc. Just stick to the program and if you find the time, read SS. Good luck. | ||
United States16368 Posts
first one is pretty good imo, your form deteriorated as your progressed do mini reset after each rep and that should fix that up can't really tell from the video, but just a general guidance, the weight should be on your heels once the bar starts moving up your shins, if that's already happening, then kudos | ||
United States530 Posts
On April 22 2013 02:13 BenKen wrote: MEET REPORT! Spoilered as much as possible so I don't wall of text you guys, but this is quite long. I figure some of the guys thinking about doing a meet one day might find it interesting. Back in February I wrote: So how did I do? First, some backstory:+ Show Spoiler + Training was an awesome experience for me. Never missed a scheduled training session between february and the meet, and for the most part felt close to on track to hit my goals at the meet. Training is way more fun when you have a deadline and an event to aim everything towards. Squat has always been my weakness, but I had beaten my goal (275lb) by hitting 285lb in training and felt good about it. On Bench, about a month before I was repping 225 on my work sets, so hitting my goal of 255 seemed within reach, but I soon found out I was way farther away than I thought. Deadlift was incredibly demoralizing for most of training but I tried my best to keep working on it. Sometimes after an awesome DL session i wouldn't be able to pull 90% of what I just did for like two weeks, and I was only going heavy on DL once a week. I had hit 385 in training for singles, but 400 (goal) wouldn't move off the floor. "Ok, save it for the meet" I told myself. The meet I was signed up for was aimed at novices and crossfitters, so they had a free open gym session a month before where you could talk to USAPL judges and practice lifting with commands. This was an eye opener. All of the sudden my bench that I was so confident in wasn't worth jack shit with how long they made me pause at the top, at the bottom, and after the lift. Also, I wasn't even locking out all the way. So my 225 for reps was really 225 for a bunch of no-reps. Ohcrap.jpg. Squat and DL seemed ok by USAPL standards at least. For the last three weeks of training, I did heavy holds at the top before my bench work sets, and had my training partners call out commands for me, and hoped that was enough. Took the week off of training leading up to the meet, and this actually was quite difficult. I was so used to lifting on a set schedule that I was antsy all the time, couldn't sleep, and generally grumpy until meet day. Annoyed the crap out of my GF! At least now I know what to expect. I cut water around 4pm the day before just to be sure to make weight, but wasn't worried about it. I had been waking up right below the limit for weeks just eating and drinking normally. Slept like crap the night of the meet even though I can usually sleep through a train wreck, plus my dog decided to throw up at 4am. And that pretty much gets us to meet day. 8am weigh in, and my flight started at 10:30am. And a TLDR:+ Show Spoiler + Went 6/9. I screwed up on squats (but I think I can learn a lot from it), felt really good on bench, and hit a PR on my 3rd attempt DL (yay!). So how did it go? Squats first (of course):+ Show Spoiler + 225.7 (3 whites), First attempt crushed. Second and third attempts I ran out of gas out of the hole. Ugh. Lots of excuses, but it all boils down to I picked a weight that was too heavy. I was tired as hell from not sleeping the night before, still felt dehydrated, and waking up early and lifting early just felt weird ( usually lift after 5pm). Also, nerves. Like I said, lots of excuses, but all in all, the experience was good from a "well I can learn from this" standpoint. More on this later. Bench:+ Show Spoiler + 225.7 (3 whites), 242.5 (3 whites), Moderately discouraged and embarrassed after squats. About equal to pylon blocking your own natural and getting smashed in the open pit at MLG (which I have also done). Still, I'm kinda old now and have competed on an amateur level in lots of things over the years, so I wasn't that worried. Plus, bench is my favorite lift (lolbenchbro), and everyone was super nice and encouraging at the event. Anyway, first attempt felt awesome. My first attempt was heavier than the final attempts of everyone except two other people in my flight (like I said, novice/crossfitter meet), so I felt like I got a little redemption in the warmup area after this one. Second attempt was the longest grinder of my life. 2nd attempt internal dialogue: "3,2,1, give me the begin command, you're trying to kill me... finally... wtf!?! give me the press command... omgomg i'm gonna die...oh yeah leg drive... jesus let me rack this thing...holyshit3whitesyayayay!" I was toast after that though. Gave 248 a go and almost locked it out but that was fine. Still had the second highest bench in the flight. If I'm going to hold my PRs to USAPL standard then basically all of my gym PRs are worthless, so I'm gonna count the 242.5 as a huge PR. ![]() Deadlift:+ Show Spoiler + 330.5 (3 whites), 385.7 (3 whites, tied gym PR) , 402.5 (3 whites, >goal PR!) First attempt, crushed. The advice of "make your first attempt your last warm up" is a good one. Second attempt felt like the singles I had hit in the gym. Felt heavy but good. 3rd attempt, well the gf caught it on camera, so I guess you guys should just watch it. I was scared walking up to it (failed this twice in training) but got pumped up by the crowd and seeing my gf had moved to the front row to record it. I was over the moon happy after this one. Post meet thoughts: + Show Spoiler + Went 6/9. Missed my goal on squat, didn't hit goal on bench but came close enough that I feel good about it, and hit my goal on DL, which was awesome. Squats, well back to the drawing board. Got some ideas on this though, but gonna take another week off first. Also, I need to account for my current energy level when picking squat attempts, since squats are always first at meets. By the time bench rolled around I was back in my groove and felt just as strong as I do during training days, if not more. At the beginning of the meet I felt so out of it, like I was running on empty. Glad I went through this though, so now I know what to expect next time and will plan accordingly. Bench and DL went more or less according to plan, so very happy with that. Had a ton of fun, everyone was nice as hell and we were all cheering each other on. Some old powerlifting guys gave me some nice pep talk too before a lot of my attempts, which was awesome. Definitely gonna do another one. Progress report and training going forward: + Show Spoiler + Since this is the progress thread, I guess I gotta report progress: February 1RM - Goal - Result: Squat: 258.82* - 275 - 285 (gym PR) Deadlift: 376.99* - 400 - 402 (meet PR) Bench: 225 - 255 - 242.5 (meet PR) Wilks: N/A - 301 - 288.466 (only counting meet scores) *denotes calculated off of 5RM Beat two goals, almost hit my third goal, and better attempt picking would have gotten my 4th goal I think. Planning to take another week off from training, and then going on vacation for two weeks, so I'll probably be weak as shit when I hit the gym again. Gonna look for another meet to train for maybe near the end of the year, and set some new goals. Also, I'm thinking it's time to restructure training a bit, and will most likely go to a Texas Method setup. It's pretty close to what I do already with GSLP so I think it's just a natural transition for me. Thanks for reading! Wow! Great job! Hitting that PR is always great, especially when there are lots of people watching ![]() | ||
United States860 Posts
On April 22 2013 02:35 autoexec wrote: Wow! Great job! Hitting that PR is always great, especially when there are lots of people watching ![]() Thanks! Go to You'll for sure find a meet there. I didn't really get into powerlifting until recently, but it seems like there are a lot of high school level events in my state (Georgia) so I think you'll be able to find one no problem. | ||
Iceland1699 Posts
Go get some more meets soon but not too soon. Any plans on moving up in weight? | ||
United States860 Posts
On April 22 2013 07:43 sJarl wrote: Good job on the PR BenKen! Go get some more meets soon but not too soon. Any plans on moving up in weight? Thanks man! 165 feels really good for me right now, so I'll probably compete at that again next time, but I'm not opposed to moving up to 181. I like to stay somewhat lean, but I've been slowly gaining weight over the past two years and that will most likely continue I'm guessing (I was 145lbs in 2011). | ||
Germany4719 Posts
all weights in kg
The 'Power Cleans' were basically with no jump at all. I just accelerated the bar all the way up and caught it. Maybe I really should train them more regularly to get to 100kg or so. But I probably won't ![]() First time in my life I used a Leg Press, and it was interesting. Just absolutely no replacement for squats in any shape or form. | ||
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