Front Squats were really hard. Given that my quads are objectively huge, I feel I am just not very good at them. Dips and Pull Ups were fine, compared to last month I was able to increase my reps significantly (i.e. Dips: 10-10-9-5f). If I hit 90kg 3x3 for the Push Press next week, I will be very satisfied. The last time I did that I weighted more than 150kg.
Bodyweight should be around 109kg tomorrow, which would mean that I lost 1kg during the last week. I am back in business
Was at the gym yesterday, not going to talk much about the workout in particular, but about squats. Well tried them out in the multipress... but :x wow I don't know. They just feel strange even with low weight. I mean I should be able to squat 40kg without any training to begin with, but I actually feel its exhausting not due to the legs, but rather lower back/shoulders, because you pull your shoulders back, rest the bar on your back and keep a straight back.
I'll work on my technique and post videos here... from home, with low - bar only, until I get it. I find them so frustrating T_T
Also, don't use smith machines because they limit your range of motions, and takes a lot away from the exercise. Start with just the bar if that makes you more comfortable.
W.r.t. your lower back, yes, squats will work those areas. If it's fatigue from work, you should be okay, if it's pain, then stop. Post a video and we should find the problem if there is any.
@Naruto The smitch machine is a useless piece of equipment, I would not choose to do anything in it, period. It will be detrimental to your overall health esp long term. Using that machine (or any other machine for that matter) will leave out a whole set of stabilizer muscles and the smitch machine has zero crossover to anything else plus it fucks with natural bar paths. I don't know what your goal is, if you don't care about strength or health and only about looks you can keep using machines, otherwise I'd advise you to quit your gym membership and go find a real one or build your own squat rack. Until that point lunges, pistol squats, cleans, overheads squats, front squats.
On April 23 2013 18:54 decaf wrote: @Naruto The smitch machine is a useless piece of equipment, I would not choose to do anything in it, period. It will be detrimental to your overall health esp long term. Using that machine (or any other machine for that matter) will leave out a whole set of stabilizer muscles and the smitch machine has zero crossover to anything else plus it fucks with natural bar paths. I don't know what your goal is, if you don't care about strength or health and only about looks you can keep using machines, otherwise I'd advise you to quit your gym membership and go find a real one or build your own squat rack. Until that point lunges, pistol squats, cleans, overheads squats, front squats.
I disagree with a smith being useless; just because it's not a replacement for squats doesn't make it useless. Let's not parrot Rippetoe untill we're strong and experienced enough to have our own opinions. I think that doing split squats on a smith is a fantastic exercise for your glutes, hamstrings and quads, especially if your lower back is weak/injured.
On April 23 2013 18:54 decaf wrote: @Naruto The smitch machine is a useless piece of equipment, I would not choose to do anything in it, period. It will be detrimental to your overall health esp long term. Using that machine (or any other machine for that matter) will leave out a whole set of stabilizer muscles and the smitch machine has zero crossover to anything else plus it fucks with natural bar paths. I don't know what your goal is, if you don't care about strength or health and only about looks you can keep using machines, otherwise I'd advise you to quit your gym membership and go find a real one or build your own squat rack. Until that point lunges, pistol squats, cleans, overheads squats, front squats.
I care for being fit and healthy and having sport as balance in my life. Secondly I care about looks. I really do not care if I can deadlift 250kg or 180kg, because I'm not planning to get big by any means. While I stated multiple times that I know and I am very well aware of the superior effectiveness of SS or SL with the basic-workouts (deadlift, benchpress, overheadpress, squats, barbell rows) I wanted to try something different, because at the end of the day , if you have no fun doing what you are doing, you will not keep doing it.
I already said I will work on my squatting technique and I will do deadlifts at home until I run out of weight, I can also deadlift in the gym. The smith machine as I was told by the trainer is inferior, thats true because it hinders natural movement, so what I do in that matter is work on my technique at home and as long as I don't squat hard , I can savely do it at home.
About machines in general, I cannot say that I entirely agree in case of every machine. Pullups for example. I switched back to 5x5 (applied to my schedule) yesterday. I can do the main 5x5 sets with -25kg, but without the machine, I couldn't do 10 pullups and build my back to begin with. So in that case, the machine is helpful and a useful to to work out. There are plently of non-machine workouts that isolate muscles that are just as ineffective (biceps curls for example).
About the smith machine, you can benchpress and be save with it and if you bench proper, it shouldn't hinder your movement all that much to be honest. You can work out your neck, shoulders and calves, but a machine never replaces basic movement. Still doesn't mean it has no place ;-)
Workouts that I'll do and put into my workout are deadlifts, overheadpress, benchpress,squats and barbell rows but right at the moment, I want to work out a different way and I really don't think that should lead towards judging me as non-serious. For a matter of fact, if you want me to squat and do cleans to workout legs, I just cannot do it as effective, because I lack technique. That in the end would mean that I cannot really train my legs, thats why I have the leg press, leg extension and deadlifts in the program. I can do them savely while working on the technique of the proper workout stuff.
On April 23 2013 18:54 decaf wrote: @Naruto The smitch machine is a useless piece of equipment, I would not choose to do anything in it, period. It will be detrimental to your overall health esp long term. Using that machine (or any other machine for that matter) will leave out a whole set of stabilizer muscles and the smitch machine has zero crossover to anything else plus it fucks with natural bar paths. I don't know what your goal is, if you don't care about strength or health and only about looks you can keep using machines, otherwise I'd advise you to quit your gym membership and go find a real one or build your own squat rack. Until that point lunges, pistol squats, cleans, overheads squats, front squats.
I disagree with a smith being useless; just because it's not a replacement for squats doesn't make it useless. Let's not parrot Rippetoe untill we're strong and experienced enough to have our own opinions. I think that doing split squats on a smith is a fantastic exercise for your glutes, hamstrings and quads, especially if your lower back is weak/injured.
I disagree. I still don't see why you would want to do that exercise in the smitch machine rather than just using a barbell.
@Naruto Yes, I find that unreasonable. I don't want to step on anyone's toes and I'm just taking a wild guess here, but to me it sounds like you have social anxiety, which is the reason why you don't workout at a real gym, so you make up a bunch of excuses why it is okay for you to do subpar and unhealthy exercises. + Show Spoiler +
Because my gym doesn't have a squatrack and is smaller and not mainstream, its not a real gym? Way to go man! Also make no mistake between inferior and unhealthy. The stupidity in your post is staggering. While machines are nowhere near as effective, they are by no means unhealthy. If anything the routines you suggested are riskier and bare more risk of injury than anything, because they are harder in both technique and stress on your body.
Also calling out social anxiety is disrepect at its best.
because they are harder in both technique and stress on your body.
Yea, it's like you'd actually have to ...train. God forbid. Tbh a squat rack alone isn't enough for it to be called a real gym, there should be power cages, free chalk and oly platforms - but that's extremely rare. I know you're easily offended, to me it simply sounded like you were getting yourself in the way of performing better and reaching your goals as fast and safely as possible. In the end it's your business.
Machines are fine if you don't care about efficiency, but smith machines are actually bad. It forces you to move along a predefined bar path, and I'm pretty sure everyone is slightly different, and the bar path is probably going to have slight arcs and curves to it rather than a laser cut line.
On April 23 2013 21:06 Type|NarutO wrote: Because my gym doesn't have a squatrack and is smaller and not mainstream, its not a real gym? Way to go man! Also make no mistake between inferior and unhealthy. The stupidity in your post is staggering. While machines are nowhere near as effective, they are by no means unhealthy. If anything the routines you suggested are riskier and bare more risk of injury than anything, because they are harder in both technique and stress on your body.
Also calling out social anxiety is disrepect at its best.
Fuck disrespect. Cambium is right, everyone in this thread is telling you one thing, because we're trying to help you, and instead you're taking it as a personal attack. What were you honestly expecting when you came in here?
And no one said the majority of machines are unhealthy - it's smith machines that we're talking about being unhealthy. They're not useful for squats, presses, bench, or any other multi-joint exercise that I can think of. The only possible thing I can think to do on one of them is calf raises.... but then you might as well just get a dedicated machine.
I came here expecting respect. So far I went to explain that I will work on my squats in terms of technique but cannot use squats nor cleans with heavy weights as long as I am not able to properly do them. If you could explain to me how that is seeking validation I would be glad because I dont understand it. Furthermore I said I will put the overhead press, deadlifts, benchpress and barbell rows into my routine again. Can you explain how this is not taking advice? Decaf just comes along very harsh and full of himself. Do you want to argue that only SS / SL with squats can get you towards your goal?
I never (not in a single post) questioned squats or any other natural movement workout for that matter in terms of efficiency and some people act like I am not willing to learn. Check my post one day after telling me to deadlift. Video uploaded for a technique check.
I will do it for rows and squats as well but the tone here makes me think some people want me to squat and work out legs from the start. While its useless as workout to squat 20kg. I could squat 60/80 to workout but without proper technique that would screw me. Was that more acceptable?
Only thing left for a proper 5x5 are squats and the reason I choose to work out legs as for right now, well the reason you can read in the beginning of the post.
When I am able to proper squat they will replace machines for legs. I really dont see how I didnt take any advice. Make no mistake, I can argue a point and have an opinion while still reading and listening to advice.
On April 23 2013 22:19 Type|NarutO wrote: I came here expecting respect. So far I went to explain that I will work on my squats in terms of technique but cannot use squats nor cleans with heavy weights as long as I am not able to properly do them. If you could explain to me how that is seeking validation I would be glad because I dont understand it. Furthermore I said I will put the overhead press, deadlifts, benchpress and barbell rows into my routine again. Can you explain how this is not taking advice? Decaf just comes along very harsh and full of himself. Do you want to argue that only SS / SL with squats can get you towards your goal?
I never (not in a single post) questioned squats or any other natural movement workout for that matter in terms of efficiency and some people act like I am not willing to learn. Check my post one day after telling me to deadlift. Video uploaded for a technique check.
I will do it for rows and squats as well but the tone here makes me think some people want me to squat and work out legs from the start. While its useless as workout to squat 20kg. I could squat 60/80 to workout but without proper technique that would screw me. Was that more acceptable?
Only thing left for a proper 5x5 are squats and the reason I choose to work out legs as for right now, well the reason you can read in the beginning of the post.
When I am able to proper squat they will replace machines for legs. I really dont see how I didnt take any advice. Make no mistake, I can argue a point and have an opinion while still reading and listening to advice.
If 20kg is what you can do for a proper squat than start there and work your way up. There's no reason not to. Most people don't start off being able to do heavy weights on squats cleans. The point of starting low and progressing linearly is that you build technique, motor skills, and confidence with very easy weights so that by the time you get to heavy weights you're golden.
On April 23 2013 22:19 Type|NarutO wrote: I came here expecting respect. So far I went to explain that I will work on my squats in terms of technique but cannot use squats nor cleans with heavy weights as long as I am not able to properly do them. If you could explain to me how that is seeking validation I would be glad because I dont understand it. Furthermore I said I will put the overhead press, deadlifts, benchpress and barbell rows into my routine again. Can you explain how this is not taking advice? Decaf just comes along very harsh and full of himself. Do you want to argue that only SS / SL with squats can get you towards your goal?
I never (not in a single post) questioned squats or any other natural movement workout for that matter in terms of efficiency and some people act like I am not willing to learn. Check my post one day after telling me to deadlift. Video uploaded for a technique check.
I will do it for rows and squats as well but the tone here makes me think some people want me to squat and work out legs from the start. While its useless as workout to squat 20kg. I could squat 60/80 to workout but without proper technique that would screw me. Was that more acceptable?
Only thing left for a proper 5x5 are squats and the reason I choose to work out legs as for right now, well the reason you can read in the beginning of the post.
When I am able to proper squat they will replace machines for legs. I really dont see how I didnt take any advice. Make no mistake, I can argue a point and have an opinion while still reading and listening to advice.
If 20kg is what you can do for a proper squat than start there and work your way up. There's no reason not to. Most people don't start off being able to do heavy weights on squats cleans. The point of starting low and progressing linearly is that you build technique, motor skills, and confidence with very easy weights so that by the time you get to heavy weights you're golden.
That is the plan. Bar only or very little weight and put up a video for you guys to check over my technique so I don't fuck my joints/knees/back etc. Then I will slowly progress towards higher weights, but as that is not sufficient for my legs I will work them out with machines in addition to that. Sounds like a plan right? Its not always black and white.
I do my "main" workout on pull ups for example with -25kg , but whenever I'm at home I just do as many pullups as possible every 2 hours with my weight. Sometimes I am hard to talk to, I'm aware of that but I really do listen as well :-)
On April 23 2013 22:19 Type|NarutO wrote: I came here expecting respect. So far I went to explain that I will work on my squats in terms of technique but cannot use squats nor cleans with heavy weights as long as I am not able to properly do them. If you could explain to me how that is seeking validation I would be glad because I dont understand it. Furthermore I said I will put the overhead press, deadlifts, benchpress and barbell rows into my routine again. Can you explain how this is not taking advice? Decaf just comes along very harsh and full of himself. Do you want to argue that only SS / SL with squats can get you towards your goal?
I never (not in a single post) questioned squats or any other natural movement workout for that matter in terms of efficiency and some people act like I am not willing to learn. Check my post one day after telling me to deadlift. Video uploaded for a technique check.
I will do it for rows and squats as well but the tone here makes me think some people want me to squat and work out legs from the start. While its useless as workout to squat 20kg. I could squat 60/80 to workout but without proper technique that would screw me. Was that more acceptable?
Only thing left for a proper 5x5 are squats and the reason I choose to work out legs as for right now, well the reason you can read in the beginning of the post.
When I am able to proper squat they will replace machines for legs. I really dont see how I didnt take any advice. Make no mistake, I can argue a point and have an opinion while still reading and listening to advice.
If 20kg is what you can do for a proper squat than start there and work your way up. There's no reason not to. Most people don't start off being able to do heavy weights on squats cleans. The point of starting low and progressing linearly is that you build technique, motor skills, and confidence with very easy weights so that by the time you get to heavy weights you're golden.
That is the plan. Bar only or very little weight and put up a video for you guys to check over my technique so I don't fuck my joints/knees/back etc. Then I will slowly progress towards higher weights, but as that is not sufficient for my legs I will work them out with machines in addition to that. Sounds like a plan right? Its not always black and white.
I do my "main" workout on pull ups for example with -25kg , but whenever I'm at home I just do as many pullups as possible every 2 hours with my weight. Sometimes I am hard to talk to, I'm aware of that but I really do listen as well :-)
Yeah that's good. Just try not to overthink/worry about it. Remember, we're the result of 5 billion years of evolution your body isn't going to crumble doing a natural motion with a little weight on you TBH i wouldn't even both with the machine work, i find shit like leg extensions/curls to be painful and worth very little in terms of gains and smith machine has little carryover to anything. If you want to work your legs i'd recommend things like box jumps, pistols, and other plyometric or bodyweight exercises.
No I will do overheadpress in the gym or at home with a normal bar + weights. I will do squats at home and work on the technique as well as benchpress and barbell rows. I was not using the smith machine for anything but tried to squat there, nothing else^^