On October 09 2012 21:15 Malinor wrote: Lol, I started my weighted Chin-Ups with 2.5lb on my belt. Had to hold the weight with my knees, since there was not enough weight on the belt to be tight enough to not fall off.
That something like this might look stupid is only in your head. It's over with within 10 minutes and 4 weeks from now you use 25lb or more and noone gives a flying fuck.
This. Unless what you're doing is really distubring or seriously fucking dumb (saw a guy throwing a barbell in the air after push pressing it, clapping, then trying to catch it in the world's most awkward front squat. Huge motherfucker told him to leave the gym after three reps, lol), nobody cares.
Alright thanks guys I'll do it! I don't care if I'm holding a 5lb. weight then.. since I'm not alone. I'll keep you updated this Thursday if I can even do the body weight dips
Back from vacation. The ship had a semi ok gym, dumbbells up to 80lbs, a couple of adjustable benches and a few machines. I pretty much went every day to do pull ups and press variants while eating like a mad man.
Anyway, today: Squat 1x5 70, 1x3 95, 115, 3x2 135kg Press 1x5 40, 1x4 50, 1x2 60, 2-2-1 70kg - I haven't pressed in a few weeks, so it's pretty good that I haven't lost any strength. Deadlift 1x3 70, 1x2 120, 1x1 140, 155, 170kg - felt like my absolute max. Hopefully I'll regain my numbers quickly. Cable machine curls 2x8 130lbs
Goals by end of year (I WILL GET THESE, DAMNIT!) Squat: 300 x5 Deadlift: 345 x5 Bench: 225 x5 Press: 140 x5 PCleans: 175 x3 Dips: 100+BW x5 Chins: 55+BW x5
Front squat 3x5 85 kg PC&J up to 1x110 kg, both my power clean and my jerk was shit, so I stopped there
3 rounds of 10 power snatch (60 kg) 10 handstand pushups 6:15 break up to 10 min. mark, then 3 rounds of 10 thrusters (60 kg) 10 chest to bar pullups 7ish break up to 10 min. mark, then 3 rounds of 10 box jumps 10 toes to bar 2:01
Knee did not complain, and not today either, YES! I will keep on squatting twice a week for a few more weeks and then I will increase to 3 times a week.
On October 07 2012 06:49 BlondeOnBlonde wrote: Monday: 60-100 reps of standing ab crunch on pulley. Thuesday: 25-40 reps Weighted dragon flag Wednesday: --- Thursday: 30-60 reps Weighted Leg raise Friday: 60-100 reps kneeling ab wheel Saturday: --- Sunday: 25-50 reps standing ab wheel
Curious what the form is for standing ab crunch, do you just curl up, pulling the cable maybe 6 inches, or do you bring your whole torso down?
Also, I need an ab wheel. Anyone have recommendations or just any should do the trick?
On October 07 2012 06:49 BlondeOnBlonde wrote: Monday: 60-100 reps of standing ab crunch on pulley. Thuesday: 25-40 reps Weighted dragon flag Wednesday: --- Thursday: 30-60 reps Weighted Leg raise Friday: 60-100 reps kneeling ab wheel Saturday: --- Sunday: 25-50 reps standing ab wheel
Curious what the form is for standing ab crunch, do you just curl up, pulling the cable maybe 6 inches, or do you bring your whole torso down?
Also, I need an ab wheel. Anyone have recommendations or just any should do the trick?
Lock the hips with the obliques and crunch down to parallel with your abs and obliques. Any ab wheel will do. It costs about 10$.
On October 07 2012 06:49 BlondeOnBlonde wrote: Monday: 60-100 reps of standing ab crunch on pulley. Thuesday: 25-40 reps Weighted dragon flag Wednesday: --- Thursday: 30-60 reps Weighted Leg raise Friday: 60-100 reps kneeling ab wheel Saturday: --- Sunday: 25-50 reps standing ab wheel
Curious what the form is for standing ab crunch, do you just curl up, pulling the cable maybe 6 inches, or do you bring your whole torso down?
Also, I need an ab wheel. Anyone have recommendations or just any should do the trick?
Lock the hips with the obliques and crunch down to parallel with your abs and obliques. Any ab wheel will do. It costs about 10$.
85kg squat today, shit is getting heavy, last rep was a struggle.
Also, after I finished squatting both my arms hurt like motherfuckers. Just from holding the bar. Basically no deadlifts today. Didn't even press. Both arms fucked. I have an airsoft shotgun at work and I can't even cock it one-handed anymore.
Gonna chill out and leave my arms alone until I stop being a complete cripple. Still gonna squat though, I can't stop now guldernit!
On October 11 2012 03:46 Osmoses wrote: 85kg squat today, shit is getting heavy, last rep was a struggle.
Also, after I finished squatting both my arms hurt like motherfuckers. Just from holding the bar. Basically no deadlifts today. Didn't even press. Both arms fucked. I have an airsoft shotgun at work and I can't even cock it one-handed anymore.
Gonna chill out and leave my arms alone until I stop being a complete cripple. Still gonna squat though, I can't stop now guldernit!
In case anybody is wondering I'm working out and I've paid my gym membership.
yesterday numbers were:
Back Squat:
50kg x 5, 100kg x 5, 110kg, 120kg, 130kg, 140kg, 150kg, 165kg (At this point a guy came to me and said "You're gonna injure yourself, wear a bealt! and since he jumped in the bandwagon others who do not KNOW shit about squatting, jumped right in. I had to prove them wrong, 165kg back squat beltless for the win and in your fucking face douche).
125kg, 130kg, 135kg, 140kg, 145kg x 3 (last rep was meh, shitty form ) 60kg x 1 x 10
Leg Raise: 15-15-15-15-15
Dips: 10-10-10-10
I was too tired to continue, and left the gym. Today I have to hit it hard and fast, since I have some work to do around 9pm. gogogo me.
Today front squats and clean and jerk are the most important, If I can do chinups and leg/knee raises or some planks that'd be good too.
I also had a steak and bacon with milk for dinner yesterday, it was the greatest meal ever in the history of protein.
edit: How does everyone warm up these days? I usually start to get loose and start jumping around like a mother fucker, I do some bodyweight squats and some presses with 60kg to get the blood flowing, rest is start to do my warmup sets for my workout.
On October 11 2012 03:46 Osmoses wrote: 85kg squat today, shit is getting heavy, last rep was a struggle.
Also, after I finished squatting both my arms hurt like motherfuckers. Just from holding the bar. Basically no deadlifts today. Didn't even press. Both arms fucked. I have an airsoft shotgun at work and I can't even cock it one-handed anymore.
Gonna chill out and leave my arms alone until I stop being a complete cripple. Still gonna squat though, I can't stop now guldernit!
In case anybody is wondering I'm working out and I've paid my gym membership.
yesterday numbers were:
Back Squat:
50kg x 5, 100kg x 5, 110kg, 120kg, 130kg, 140kg, 150kg, 165kg (At this point a guy came to me and said "You're gonna injure yourself, wear a bealt! and since he jumped in the bandwagon others who do not KNOW shit about squatting, jumped right in. I had to prove them wrong, 165kg back squat beltless for the win and in your fucking face douche).
125kg, 130kg, 135kg, 140kg, 145kg x 3 (last rep was meh, shitty form ) 60kg x 1 x 10
Leg Raise: 15-15-15-15-15
Dips: 10-10-10-10
I was too tired to continue, and left the gym. Today I have to hit it hard and fast, since I have some work to do around 9pm. gogogo me.
Today front squats and clean and jerk are the most important, If I can do chinups and leg/knee raises or some planks that'd be good too.
I also had a steak and bacon with milk for dinner yesterday, it was the greatest meal ever in the history of protein.
edit: How does everyone warm up these days? I usually start to get loose and start jumping around like a mother fucker, I do some bodyweight squats and some presses with 60kg to get the blood flowing, rest is start to do my warmup sets for my workout.
On October 11 2012 03:46 Osmoses wrote: 85kg squat today, shit is getting heavy, last rep was a struggle.
Also, after I finished squatting both my arms hurt like motherfuckers. Just from holding the bar. Basically no deadlifts today. Didn't even press. Both arms fucked. I have an airsoft shotgun at work and I can't even cock it one-handed anymore.
Gonna chill out and leave my arms alone until I stop being a complete cripple. Still gonna squat though, I can't stop now guldernit!
In case anybody is wondering I'm working out and I've paid my gym membership.
yesterday numbers were:
Back Squat:
50kg x 5, 100kg x 5, 110kg, 120kg, 130kg, 140kg, 150kg, 165kg (At this point a guy came to me and said "You're gonna injure yourself, wear a bealt! and since he jumped in the bandwagon others who do not KNOW shit about squatting, jumped right in. I had to prove them wrong, 165kg back squat beltless for the win and in your fucking face douche).
125kg, 130kg, 135kg, 140kg, 145kg x 3 (last rep was meh, shitty form ) 60kg x 1 x 10
Leg Raise: 15-15-15-15-15
Dips: 10-10-10-10
I was too tired to continue, and left the gym. Today I have to hit it hard and fast, since I have some work to do around 9pm. gogogo me.
Today front squats and clean and jerk are the most important, If I can do chinups and leg/knee raises or some planks that'd be good too.
I also had a steak and bacon with milk for dinner yesterday, it was the greatest meal ever in the history of protein.
edit: How does everyone warm up these days? I usually start to get loose and start jumping around like a mother fucker, I do some bodyweight squats and some presses with 60kg to get the blood flowing, rest is start to do my warmup sets for my workout.