Today's Deadlift. I grinded the 4th rep pretty badly..
Loving the videos. Dat beastly lower back. If I were ever to round my shoulders that much, my lower back would also go, and I'd snap myself in half. Really impressive strength there, when do you think you'll max out again?
In two weeks. Next week I only do easy speed work on friday but I'll push my assistance work to the max. The week after I deload on everything and max on friday. It's not my low back that is strong, it's my core and especially obliques that protects me. I'm bulletproof on the Deadlift. The only thing that scares me is biceps injury.
Today's Deadlift. I grinded the 4th rep pretty badly..
Loving the videos. Dat beastly lower back. If I were ever to round my shoulders that much, my lower back would also go, and I'd snap myself in half. Really impressive strength there, when do you think you'll max out again?
In two weeks. Next week I only do easy speed work on friday but I'll push my assistance work to the max. The week after I deload on everything and max on friday. It's not my low back that is strong, it's my core and especially obliques that protects me. I'm bulletproof on the Deadlift. The only thing that scares me is biceps injury.
On October 06 2012 03:25 BlondeOnBlonde wrote: Deadlift: 495lbs x4 @ 179,4lbs bw.
My friend beat me with 5 reps.
Big shoutout to our training partner who had never done 495 before. He did a double like a boss!
I'm sure you've answered it before but, what programs/exercises have you been doing to get your deadlift so good?
More than the exercises it's a strategic approach that I use. Good analysis of the movement, proper speed work and special exercises selection, shitload of abs and a dilligent effort to strengthen te weakest links. I design my programs and they are influenced mostly on Verkhoshansky's and Zatsiorsky's writings, and the interpretations and methods of the Westside Barbell.
Rofl you're going to murder my deadlift pr next time you max at like 15kg lighter bodyweight. I 495x4 is sick lighter
On October 06 2012 22:01 decafchicken wrote: GAME DAY BABY. Time to beat down purdue and get my name back on the scoring leader board we have for the big Ten rugby conference now :-D
I just came back from having squatted 80kg, 3s5r. Feel like a fucking boss. At first I was worried because I was gaining weight a bit faster than I would have liked, but if my lifts keep progressing like this I will EAT THE FUCKING WORLD.
On October 06 2012 03:25 BlondeOnBlonde wrote: Deadlift: 495lbs x4 @ 179,4lbs bw.
My friend beat me with 5 reps.
Big shoutout to our training partner who had never done 495 before. He did a double like a boss!
I'm sure you've answered it before but, what programs/exercises have you been doing to get your deadlift so good?
More than the exercises it's a strategic approach that I use. Good analysis of the movement, proper speed work and special exercises selection, shitload of abs and a dilligent effort to strengthen te weakest links. I design my programs and they are influenced mostly on Verkhoshansky's and Zatsiorsky's writings, and the interpretations and methods of the Westside Barbell.
Rofl you're going to murder my deadlift pr next time you max at like 15kg lighter bodyweight. I 495x4 is sick lighter
Three matches today - D1 game, D3 game, and a B-side game. I'll hopefully/probably play in the second two. Goddamn it's awesome to have a 48 player team.
Today's Deadlift. I grinded the 4th rep pretty badly..
Loving the videos. Dat beastly lower back. If I were ever to round my shoulders that much, my lower back would also go, and I'd snap myself in half. Really impressive strength there, when do you think you'll max out again?
In two weeks. Next week I only do easy speed work on friday but I'll push my assistance work to the max. The week after I deload on everything and max on friday. It's not my low back that is strong, it's my core and especially obliques that protects me. I'm bulletproof on the Deadlift. The only thing that scares me is biceps injury.
BTW, is it me or the PR leader board is missing ?
Never knew abs or obliques was so important for the deadlift. I have to take my situps seriously from now on.
Today's Deadlift. I grinded the 4th rep pretty badly..
Loving the videos. Dat beastly lower back. If I were ever to round my shoulders that much, my lower back would also go, and I'd snap myself in half. Really impressive strength there, when do you think you'll max out again?
In two weeks. Next week I only do easy speed work on friday but I'll push my assistance work to the max. The week after I deload on everything and max on friday. It's not my low back that is strong, it's my core and especially obliques that protects me. I'm bulletproof on the Deadlift. The only thing that scares me is biceps injury.
BTW, is it me or the PR leader board is missing ?
Never knew abs or obliques was so important for the deadlift. I have to take my situps seriously from now on.
It's all about the abs and obliques if you want to pull heavy... Or be Batman.
I've been doing sit ups 25 reps for 3 sets on an decine bench but i suspect I need to increase the weight for it to help my deadlift. maybe 5-8 reps weighted?
Found this quote from Louie Simmons on abs and obliques and deadlifting.
The abdominal muscles are extremely important in deadlifting. The abs must flex first, before the lower back starts to do its work. Lifters with weak abs and a strong back will invariably hurt their back. When the back flexes first without the abs working as stabilizers, the back is put under great stress. Therefore, you must learn to increase intraabdominal pressure while lifting. This will reduce the risk of a hernia and greatly reduce pressure on the disks. The internal and external obliques play a great role in stabilizing the hips, and they initiate straightening the legs in the deadlift. Years ago, when powerlifters could deadlift more than they squatted, the obliques were often much more developed than they are today. Lifters use to do side presses and one-armed deadlifts to develop the obliques. At Westside, we do most of our ab work standing up, with a lat machine. The abs must flex downward to be effective. Oblique work can also be done standing up. Face away from the lat machine with the strap held behind your neck. Put one toot in front of the other and bend forward, flexing the obliques. This will train the abs correctly. You must do all types of ab work. In addition to standing ab work, leg raises and straight-leg sit-ups are beneficial. Don't be confused by the way bodybuilders look. Every time I watch one of those fitness shows, some big-time bodybuilder is telling everyone to keep his or her knees bent to take pressure off the low back. I guess sucking in those abs is a bunch of crap, huh. Because if their abs were half as strong as they look, they wouldn't be worrying about their lower back.
On October 07 2012 06:49 BlondeOnBlonde wrote: Monday: 60-100 reps of standing ab crunch on pulley. Thuesday: 25-40 reps Weighted dragon flag Wednesday: --- Thursday: 30-60 reps Weighted Leg raise Friday: 60-100 reps kneeling ab wheel Saturday: --- Sunday: 25-50 reps standing ab wheel
Do you do abs on off days aswell? Or does it not really fucking matter, and should I just start doing abs 5+ times a week?
On October 07 2012 06:49 BlondeOnBlonde wrote: Monday: 60-100 reps of standing ab crunch on pulley. Thuesday: 25-40 reps Weighted dragon flag Wednesday: --- Thursday: 30-60 reps Weighted Leg raise Friday: 60-100 reps kneeling ab wheel Saturday: --- Sunday: 25-50 reps standing ab wheel
Do you do abs on off days aswell? Or does it not really fucking matter, and should I just start doing abs 5+ times a week?
Extra trainings for abs. I usually do them out of my main training to have more energy to hit them harder.
didn't have much time for assistance work, friend chatted my ear off the whole time, happy i had a spotter though for my 310 attempt, gonna kill 315 hopefully by the end of this month
Keep working, looked easy overall, you've got plenty more weight in the tank there!
Went to the gym with a girl that I got interested in lifting in january or around there. She did 200 lbs for a triple - first time she's done over 185 I believe. Awesome to see progress in people. I did 210 5x5 as expected, was a LOT easier than 205 was. That's more weight than I've done since May. I wonder how far I'm going to be able to ride 5x5 up.... but it's really not looking like it's going to stop, as long as I keep eating.
Also deadlifted 225 for two sets of 5. Felt great, I might start deadlifting again, slowly. Maybe make my wednesdays a front squat day, and do deadlifts afterwards - kinda a TM/advanced novice approach. Will slow my progress though, so I want to at least get to 2 plate squat first, which I should do on Saturday.