The 2012 Weightlifting Progress Thread - Page 29
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Sweden5302 Posts
On October 08 2012 07:05 Flicky wrote: Video A squat form check video. Sorry about the bad angle and rotated video and thanks in advance to anyone who pitches in. Looked pretty good imo, though everyone I've ever heard opine on the matter says that you should never rack backwards. Also, I think you can actually rotate the video after it's uploaded to youtube. | ||
Germany4719 Posts
On October 08 2012 07:05 Flicky wrote: Video A squat form check video. Sorry about the bad angle and rotated video and thanks in advance to anyone who pitches in. Looks like you are losing tension in the bottom position. I believe you need to keep the abs tight and always remember the chest-up cue. | ||
England2656 Posts
On October 08 2012 09:04 phyre112 wrote: Keep your chest up, and think "hips through" I believe you need to keep the abs tight and always remember the chest-up cue. Thanks for the help (you too osmoses). Can you guys just elaborate on the two points here? I know I've buckled in the past at higher weights and these sound like things that will stop it. | ||
United States3090 Posts
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United States3090 Posts
On October 08 2012 20:53 Flicky wrote: Thanks for the help (you too osmoses). Can you guys just elaborate on the two points here? I know I've buckled in the past at higher weights and these sound like things that will stop it. You're doing a good job of sitting back into the motion, but when you reverse and start to come up, your hips are leading the motion a bit, in the "up" direction. Your hips are where ALL the power flows through in the movement, and if you let them out, it turns into a "squatmorning". If you can start the upward part of the squat with bringing your hips forward, it'll naturally keep your torso vertical, put your legs in a position with better leverage, and give you the hamstring stretch that brings you out of the bottom. I see this problem in a lot of people's squats, and it's something I constantly have to fight with on my own. Might be that I kinda project it, but if you find yourself "squat morning"-ing on heavier weights, maybe that'll help. | ||
Sweden5302 Posts
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Iceland1699 Posts
Squat: 75kg x 5, 85kg x 5 and 97,5kg x 12 - shamefully exhausting but good cardio. Leg extensions and leg raises to finish this off. Keep it up friends! | ||
Germany4719 Posts
On October 08 2012 20:53 Flicky wrote: Thanks for the help (you too osmoses). Can you guys just elaborate on the two points here? I know I've buckled in the past at higher weights and these sound like things that will stop it. From my perspective: If you stop the video at the bottom position you will see that your upper body goes slightly forward,as if you were to bow. focussing on "chest-up" means a) trying to stay as upright as possible and b) that your chest rises first (at least basically at the same time as your hips). As you can probably deduct, both are cues to prevent the bow and let your body learn the right movement pattern. But if you are too weak in your lower back and abs, that obviously won't magically make you stronger. Keeping your abs tight is the thing you have to do to perform the movement correctly. The big breath you should take before the squat is primarily not because you could run out of oxygen during the movement, but to create pressure against your abs. Just sitting in front of your computer, just slouch over and then do it a second time, but taking a deep breath beforehand and create tension in your abs. You should realize how that again correlates to the slight bow at the bottom of the movement. Just for completion, it is not really a huge deal in your squat video, it is just that bad habbits obviously develope over time. And if you train the wrong way, your squats are not gonna get prettier as they get heavier. | ||
Sweden5302 Posts
So basically no chins or pullups for a week. Considering not doing any deads as well, but I really dun wanna skip those. | ||
United States3090 Posts
On October 09 2012 03:23 Osmoses wrote: 82kg squat today, no problem, but I'm definitely gonna have to lay off arms for a week. Can't even grip the bar during squats without pretty bad aching in my fossa cubitalis (dunno wtf that is in english), my lower arms and my biceps. So basically no chins or pullups for a week. Considering not doing any deads as well, but I really dun wanna skip those. I think we'd just call that the "inside of the elbow" in English, it doesn't have a real name (or, one that's used outside the medical community) | ||
United States12704 Posts
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United States1963 Posts
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United States12704 Posts
On October 09 2012 05:13 LovE- wrote: Yay for seeing progress! I started off ~3 weeks ago having you use the assist machine for my dips (5x5 with 55lbs. assist) and this past Thursday I was able to get through pretty easily 5x5 with only 25 lbs. assist (The lowest). I think this coming Thursday I will be pushing to do 5x5 with no help. Hopefully I can make it ![]() Nice work! Keep us posted on your achievement Thursday with no assistance ![]() | ||
United States12704 Posts
110lb ohp 5-3-3 :\ Some glute ham raises, standing cable crunch, hanging leg raises and... 225lb back squat 1x20 >:D didn't feel like going really heavy with my hip bothering me so I beasted 20 reps! rawr. Also, I focused on hips coming forward at the bottom of the squat and I think this helped. Before I had been thinking through too many queues. | ||
United States1963 Posts
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Norway484 Posts
On October 09 2012 16:13 LovE- wrote: Okay so what happens if I can do 5x5 pull ups with no assistance? I am going to look extremely silly with a 10lb weight chained to me next week lol. Do I continue until I can do, say, 5x10 reps? Then go for the 45lb 5x5? Suck it up and leave your ego at the door. It may look ridiculous, but small increases is the best way to increase imo. I have personally done this myself, and while it hurt my ego, it paid off in strength gains. I went from 8 bodyweight pullups to performing a muscle-up in just about 5 weeks by starting out small and adding small weights every session. I'd recommend getting up to 7-8 bodyweight reps and then add a 10lb weight, and there upon add 2.5lb a week. There's no way you would be able to go from 5x10 bodyweight reps to 45lb 5x5. | ||
Germany4719 Posts
That something like this might look stupid is only in your head. It's over with within 10 minutes and 4 weeks from now you use 25lb or more and noone gives a flying fuck. | ||
Iceland1699 Posts
Bench Press: 45kg x 5, 52.5kg x 5 and 60kg x 15. Some incline db presses and pressdowns. | ||
Australia73 Posts
Week 3 (being 1reps+) Squat Day 3 x warmup sets then 132.5kg x 5 150 x 3 167.5 x 5 (still had quite a few reps left in me but jim wendler recommends leaving a few reps to spare) then 105kg 5 x 10 The program is alright. Started all my lifts at 90% like the book says. I'm finding the progression quite slow and easyish but I guess thats what the program is about. Steady strength gains. | ||
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