On July 17 2012 02:17 Malinor wrote: My quadriceps sucks. I was in the middle of a training cycle to get me to a 200kg squat again, and after having all the volume in and moving to the intensity phase, I hurt myself doing jump robe. I am not really hurt badly, but from time to time while doing a wrong movement I can get a sharp pain through my quad, and it feels unstable in general. And basically when running above ~80% intensity, every step it hurts on the backside, outside of the right knee (so basically not the knee itself). Took 6 weeks off squatting and deadlifting, no difference. Went to the doctor and got electro and physiotherapy, plus stopped all running for 3 weeks, no difference, nor worse nor better. I would really like to kill some puppies now. I feel like a curl-bro when I go to the gym, keeping myself busy with so much upper body stuff. Anyway, today I just squatted again, 100kg 5x5. And of course, so since nothing that I do seems to make a difference, I just keep on squatting now. Just no weights where my technic could break down. And I'll just go to the doctor and try to get him to make a MRT. On the plusside, I broke 110kg bw for the first time (109,8), even though I had a gigantic day of feasting on saturday. 10,8kg to go. Unlikely that Phyre is gonna meet me there in time though, he does not know how to eat
How is your hip mobility?
A jacked up IT band can be compensating for other things.
What are you doing currently in therapy?
Both doctors I saw told me that the mobility in my right hip was worse than in my left one. They found it weird but didn't really drew any conclusions from it.
I mostly got massages for the connective tissue in my quad. I also did some balancing-work: balance on one foot on a pillow and catch a ball, and some form of balancing (walking) on two bands, like funambulation just on two cords.
I also experience some discomfort on my back, not only in my quad, the problem really is that it is a different spot everyday that hurts. Since you asked here, I will just use this thread instead of the injury thread:
(The points on the outside are marked from both directions, so it is 4 spots in total)
These are basically the points were I am hurting. The problematic one is the one right above the knee, this one causes instability during all movements, especially when running at intervalls at a higher speed (80-90%). Generally the pain is located on the outside of the hip/leg. The pain on my back is more a discomfort, it doesn't really cause any problems.
So I don't really know what to make of it, help would be very welcome at this point.
edit: the origin of the injury was sprinting. It got worse later after I twisted my leg during jump robe one time.
edit2: So I just did some jump robe and just landed out of place once, and I directly a sharp pain as a result: + Show Spoiler +
Felt totally just like quadriceps, but I don't know how these things are related. In general, a lot of explosive movements like jumps (but not all, depends on how I jump) cause me sharp pain.
On July 18 2012 08:08 GoTuNk! wrote: Keep getting stronger and fatter, not that much though, but cant wait to hit 82 (78.5 now) to cut 4kg and get ripped.
Easy day of the week, more smolov tomorrow. I have pain in the same place as Malinor, not invalidating at all, but just fucking tight. After my last set of squats I have to lie on the ground till it stops hurting, but doesn't bother at all while squatting (nor benching).
More smolov tomorrow
I'm pretty sure we just all have fucked up IT bands from squatting like bosses all the time and not doing proper foam rolling/stretching/recovery etc.
I'm doing foam roll + ice + fish oil every day and it eliminates the pain or at least makes it good enough to train on.
On July 18 2012 08:13 FFGenerations wrote: here do this imo + Show Spoiler +
Imo the carry-over from this exercise to chin-ups is not very big. For anyone who needs to ask, if you want to get better at something, the best way is to do the movement itself. If you can't, then do negatives.
I read somewhere that negative pull-ups have very little cary-over for actual chin-ups. Can't remember where I read it though.
If you want to do assisted chin-ups without having somebody assist you, put a chair on the floor about a meter away from where you do the chin-ups and rest your feet on it (with your heels resting on the chair). That way the chair carries some of your weight and you can push a bit with the back of your feet to assist yourself. Something like this:
On July 18 2012 08:13 FFGenerations wrote: here do this imo + Show Spoiler +
Imo the carry-over from this exercise to chin-ups is not very big. For anyone who needs to ask, if you want to get better at something, the best way is to do the movement itself. If you can't, then do negatives.
I read somewhere that negative pull-ups have very little cary-over for actual chin-ups. Can't remember where I read it though.
If you want to do assisted chin-ups without having somebody assist you, put a chair on the floor about a meter away from where you do the chin-ups and rest your feet on it (with your heels resting on the chair). That way the chair carries some of your weight and you can push a bit with the back of your feet to assist yourself. Something like this:
You sure about that? I've seen eshlow recommend negatives for one arm chin-ups so I would imagine that it would work for 2 arm chin-ups.
The quality of negatives depends a lot on how close you are to doing a chin up, I think. If your negative is practically no resistance, and very quick, I could see it being useless, whereas if you can make it take 5+ seconds, you're getting more out of it.
On July 18 2012 11:22 JingleHell wrote: The quality of negatives depends a lot on how close you are to doing a chin up, I think. If your negative is practically no resistance, and very quick, I could see it being useless, whereas if you can make it take 5+ seconds, you're getting more out of it.
Basically this. I would definitely incorporate negatives, they do help. But especially if you are not that close to a real Pull/Chin-Up, you have to be careful. I could basically only do like 3 sets for 2 negatives each, because everything afterwards was just plain dangerous and total overkill for me arms. You try to hold yourself, but are just falling down. There is a lot of bad advice on the internet from people who probably never were in the position to need assistance on this and just pulled a programm out of their ass. I.e. this Scooby guy from scoobysworkshop tells you to do 3sets for 8 reps negatives until you can do one real chin-up, then do 1 real and 7 negatives in a set: I believe if you do that you will just fuck up your arms very badly. I would definitely incorporate them, but more for the intensity. You have to get the volume through the Assistance Machine, Lat Pull-downs and Band Assisted Pull Ups. Biceps work also helps. There really is no other way in my opinion. Also important is that with your assisted work, never cheat on your ROM, there won't be any carryover.
If you are really close to performing one Pull/Chin with full ROM, just do negatives for intensity and Jumping Pull Ups (basically very similiar to negatives, but you can make them less taxing) for volume, and you will be there in no time.
I just like this picture because it looks like I am getting abs
All in all, I'm pretty happy. Wish I woulda lost some more around the love handles area, but whatcha gonna do.
Dropped a lot of weight for sure - but you seem to have lost some muscle as well. What kind of setup and calorie levels did you run for the most part? What were your strength before/after numbers, based on real numbers and not projected maxes?
On July 18 2012 08:13 FFGenerations wrote: here do this imo + Show Spoiler +
Imo the carry-over from this exercise to chin-ups is not very big. For anyone who needs to ask, if you want to get better at something, the best way is to do the movement itself. If you can't, then do negatives.
I read somewhere that negative pull-ups have very little cary-over for actual chin-ups. Can't remember where I read it though.
If you want to do assisted chin-ups without having somebody assist you, put a chair on the floor about a meter away from where you do the chin-ups and rest your feet on it (with your heels resting on the chair). That way the chair carries some of your weight and you can push a bit with the back of your feet to assist yourself. Something like this:
I just like this picture because it looks like I am getting abs
All in all, I'm pretty happy. Wish I woulda lost some more around the love handles area, but whatcha gonna do.
Dropped a lot of weight for sure - but you seem to have lost some muscle as well. What kind of setup and calorie levels did you run for the most part? What were your strength before/after numbers, based on real numbers and not projected maxes?
Anyways, I started off with two weeks of maintenance just to get my eating under control. After that, I did -30% on workout days and -10% on rest days. The weight pretty much shredded off at this point, but that is a given. It worked for around a month and a half or so before my weight began to taper off. I stalled for a little bit and switched to a leangains 16/8 protocol. I didn't do the fasted training part, but I still began to lose weight again.
Around this time, I decided, despite the fact that my diet was working, to go ahead and add a bunch of volume right away to my 5/3/1 schedule and skipped the deload week. I did BBB, but switched up the order (So I'd do 5x10 OHP on my squat days, vice versa, and ect). At this point I began to develop tendonitis, and my losing weight slowed again, maybe as a result of the tendonitis/high volume.
So I switched to maintenance diet for two weeks to try and heal myself up, then went for PSMF. Lost 35 lbs total.
My strength did take a dive in some lifts and not in others.
All of these numbers are actual lifts and not the projected maxes. Squat: 260 lbs x 1 -> 225 x 1 Bench: 175 lbs x 1 -> ??? [I got 140 x 4] OHP: 95 lbs x 1 -> 85 x 1 Deadlift: 260 lbs x 1 -> 220 x 5
The only thing I have really tested is the squat. I know my squat took a dive, but everything else is probably pretty close. I scrapped bench for a few reasons; I don't like it, it hurts my elbows, and it is kind of useless compared to OHP. I modified madcows to run OHP 2x a week, and I scrapped bench for planche progression. For overhead press, I haven't tried to go higher than 85. Finally, I don't think I lost much on deadlift either, maybe 10 lbs.
One thing to keep in mind is I went from 5/3/1 to madcows. That means the previous numbers were based on a much lighter load than madcows; on a max week for 5/3/1 I would have only done X lbs for five, X lbs for a triple, and then a single. On madcows I am doing 5 ramping sets of 5 or 4 ramping sets of 5 with a triple at the end, depending on the day. So these numbers are quite deceptive.
All I am trying to say in the above paragraph is that I now have a much higher workload, and that could be affecting my numbers, so that they aren't really as low as they seem to be. Plus the fact I haven't tried for more than what the program called, besides squatting, I'm not 100% sure how much I lost.
Wow catch I'm liking the cut, looking sweet!!! Insane legs, dat legs even xD. Although it would be awesome to get your upper body looking the same as your legs!!
You're looking great Catch. Berkham recommends first cutting to a lean bodyweight and then just working on strength/recomp, and that seems to be what you've done now. If you can just maintain your current bodyweight while increasing all your lifts by 20% the difference will be massive.
power clean 60kg 15+ reps. its finally kinda easy at 60kg, but now i need to really get my form in shape. because its crap. guy said i need to fix the deadlift, and shrug instead of curl. so that will be next session -_- i have no idea what weight i will have to drop down to when shrugging it up properly. gets on my nerves
I've decided, on Friday I'm going to attempt 180kg (4 plate!) 1RM deadlift! I've never lifted anything heavier than 165kg, but I've done 4 reps on that two sessions in a row with relative ease, so I'm thinking I'll be able to do 180kg I'll also record a video so that you guys can point and laugh at my poor technique.
I fucking hate squatting. Only 2 more days of this nightmare. Had to wear belt today after 2nd set, my back just can't take it anymore. As soon as the back pain dissapeared, scumbug legs decided to remember me that they hurt too.
On July 19 2012 07:49 Daigomi wrote: I've decided, on Friday I'm going to attempt 180kg (4 plate!) 1RM deadlift! I've never lifted anything heavier than 165kg, but I've done 4 reps on that two sessions in a row with relative ease, so I'm thinking I'll be able to do 180kg I'll also record a video so that you guys can point and laugh at my poor technique.
If it was with ease your 1RM may be closer to 190 rather than 180.
Also, you're brave to invite criticism of technique from a 1rm! My form always goes to shit on a 1rm deadlift.
On July 19 2012 07:49 Daigomi wrote: I've decided, on Friday I'm going to attempt 180kg (4 plate!) 1RM deadlift! I've never lifted anything heavier than 165kg, but I've done 4 reps on that two sessions in a row with relative ease, so I'm thinking I'll be able to do 180kg I'll also record a video so that you guys can point and laugh at my poor technique.
If it was with ease your 1RM may be closer to 190 rather than 180.
Also, you're brave to invite criticism of technique from a 1rm! My form always goes to shit on a 1rm deadlift.
Haha yeah, I'm not really inviting criticism, more inviting pointing and laughing since my 1RM technique will almost certainly be shit.
Maybe "with ease" was overstating it a bit since I was aiming for 5 reps and I've only ever done 4 (where I stop because of deteriorating technique). It was easy in the sense that the bar moved from the floor when I expected it to and I never got close to spitting blood or passing out, but at the same time my legs were shaking from the first rep so easy is probably not the right word... I do feel like I can do it though. When my 3RM was 155kg I could do 1RM on 165kg so this is a similar jump. Also, I'm planning to eat like a beast until Friday to make sure this lift goes up :D