On July 03 2012 07:26 Malinor wrote:I guess you guys finally deserve a progress pic. Some of you probably remember that I was strong once. Unfortunately when you stop eating, that doesn't last. But I guess in this case the picture says enough. Don't click if you don't like looking at fat naked man. And imagine that I probably had already lost 5-10kg before I took the first picture, but there is no picture of my worst time. + Show Spoiler +Thanks for all your support over the last couple of years.
I opened that spoiler and just went "wow" -
From the way I said it, my room mates were all like "shit man, what happened?" - It was a very serious time in our apartment. That's damn impressive. Way to go Malinor!
On July 03 2012 07:26 Malinor wrote:I guess you guys finally deserve a progress pic. Some of you probably remember that I was strong once. Unfortunately when you stop eating, that doesn't last. But I guess in this case the picture says enough. Don't click if you don't like looking at fat naked man. And imagine that I probably had already lost 5-10kg before I took the first picture, but there is no picture of my worst time. + Show Spoiler +Thanks for all your support over the last couple of years.
There's no other way to say this. You are the fucking man. Congratulations on the transformation!. Outstanding progress.
Today's workout: Front Squat 70kg, 80kg, 90kg, 110kg, 120kg, 130kg, 135kg (PR) 100kg, 105, 110kg, 115kg, 120kg, 125kg x 3 80kg x 2 x 5
Bench Press: 2 x 5 x 80kg, 1 x 5 x 85kg (left shoulder giving me trouble still). ChinUps: 10-8-8
Wow malinor... that's incredible. Your face changed so much, well done.
First muscle up today :D been trying to get that elusive thing for so long, felt great. Also, great job Malinor!!!!!!
On July 03 2012 11:29 GuiltyJerk wrote: First muscle up today :D been trying to get that elusive thing for so long, felt great. Also, great job Malinor!!!!!!
Grats I've never tried one. How far past just being able to do a pullup and a dip were you when you were able to do one?
Really inspiring malinor!! Keep it up man!!
On July 03 2012 11:41 Risen wrote:Show nested quote +On July 03 2012 11:29 GuiltyJerk wrote: First muscle up today :D been trying to get that elusive thing for so long, felt great. Also, great job Malinor!!!!!! Grats  I've never tried one. How far past just being able to do a pullup and a dip were you when you were able to do one?
I was doing Pull ups with 25 pounds on a belt (I weight ~160ish, so a pullup at 116% BW essentially) and I haven't done weighted dips before, but I can do ~15 in a row, the hard part is the transition. I just pulled up as hard as I could, and once my hands were around my chest I like leaned forward and pressed with all my might. Extra motivation was a guy standing next to me who everyone thinks of as super strong
Another update. Get neck brace off in two weeks: 4 weeks ahead of schedule. :DDDDDDDDDDD
On July 03 2012 12:22 GuiltyJerk wrote:Show nested quote +On July 03 2012 11:41 Risen wrote:On July 03 2012 11:29 GuiltyJerk wrote: First muscle up today :D been trying to get that elusive thing for so long, felt great. Also, great job Malinor!!!!!! Grats  I've never tried one. How far past just being able to do a pullup and a dip were you when you were able to do one? I was doing Pull ups with 25 pounds on a belt (I weight ~160ish, so a pullup at 116% BW essentially) and I haven't done weighted dips before, but I can do ~15 in a row, the hard part is the transition. I just pulled up as hard as I could, and once my hands were around my chest I like leaned forward and pressed with all my might. Extra motivation was a guy standing next to me who everyone thinks of as super strong 
So what you're saying is: "Ya might fall tryna do what I did, kid" 
I'd die trying 15 dips in a row, or pullups with a 25lb belt lol. Makes me even more impressed that you were able to do that.
On July 03 2012 14:49 Froadac wrote: Another update. Get neck brace off in two weeks: 4 weeks ahead of schedule. :DDDDDDDDDDD
malinor : you look incredible! those arms.. wow. i bet you're still relatively hella strong compared to most of us haha.
but the #1 thing that changed and the most incredible was the area around your neck. your trap muscles and clavicle are showing. incredible transformation.
On July 03 2012 07:34 GoTuNk! wrote:Show nested quote +On July 03 2012 05:32 requiem wrote: 3 mo into ss, gained 20 lbs and now been stuck at 172lb for 2.5 weeks. just feel full all the time man. consequently, lifts are flatlining as well. vitamin + 4k iu vit d + fish oil + recently a little bit of creatine.
meals are like cereal w/ soy milk +2x eggs, chipotle, 4x whey scoops, 2x bananas, chicken and rice (the halal food with white sauce), beef noodle soup +egg, pho + extra meat on side, taco bell (2 chalupas + taco combo), wendys (3 jr cheeseburgers). the whey + banana i try to do everyday, and out of the other meal options, i usually pick 4 of them to try to get 3k-3.2k kcals
lifts are currently:
squat 270 3x5 huge huge struggle, starting to get scared to go low as possible bench 140 5/4/3 3rd failure press 100 5/4/x(95 for last set and bumped out 5 reps) 3rd failure clean 135 5x3 super difficult, i tried 1 set of 3 at 140 lol'ed and took off the cookies dl 285 1x5 decent pullups constantly something like reps of 6,4 or 7,5. no real improvement although i started to deadhang them more
fuark, i just feel so weak on the bench especially when im lookin at guys benching above their bw with ease any advice/suggestions are very welcome Zafrumi introductory cycle is 2 weeks oo
damn youre right. i'll just combine the two weeks into one. should be np
Wow malinor. That's the kind of progress you see on TV :p
Looking good Malinor.
Success story (;
GJ Malinor, what a beast :D
Beat my previous 155kgx5 deadlift record with 160kgx5. Feels SO good.
Holy shit malinor, well done.
On July 03 2012 07:26 Malinor wrote:I guess you guys finally deserve a progress pic. Some of you probably remember that I was strong once. Unfortunately when you stop eating, that doesn't last. But I guess in this case the picture says enough. Don't click if you don't like looking at fat naked man. And imagine that I probably had already lost 5-10kg before I took the first picture, but there is no picture of my worst time. + Show Spoiler +Thanks for all your support over the last couple of years.
JESUS CHRIST Malinor. I mean fuck!!! I knew you were dedicated but this is some straight up crazy shit. Have you been constantly lifting heavy, have you been doing any cardio and ps what's your diet plan looked like?? Once you get your excess weight down you will be the most immense personal trainer (if you want). If you post your before and after pics you will get immense clients or at least be able to post your pic in many different types of places and inspire everyone.
On July 03 2012 21:36 sc4k wrote:Show nested quote +On July 03 2012 07:26 Malinor wrote:I guess you guys finally deserve a progress pic. Some of you probably remember that I was strong once. Unfortunately when you stop eating, that doesn't last. But I guess in this case the picture says enough. Don't click if you don't like looking at fat naked man. And imagine that I probably had already lost 5-10kg before I took the first picture, but there is no picture of my worst time. + Show Spoiler +Thanks for all your support over the last couple of years. JESUS CHRIST Malinor. I mean fuck!!! I knew you were dedicated but this is some straight up crazy shit. Have you been constantly lifting heavy, have you been doing any cardio and ps what's your diet plan looked like?? Once you get your excess weight down you will be the most immense personal trainer (if you want). If you post your before and after pics you will get immense clients or at least be able to post your pic in many different types of places and inspire everyone.
@everyone: Thanks for the kind words.
Yes, I have constantly been lifting heavy, though the focus shifted. I have been squatting and deadlifting all the time but the last two months since I have some kind of quadriceps injury that just does not leave me alone (but I now get physiotherapy and electro-therapy, hopefully that helps). I cannot really bench, but I do lots of Overhead work. Since I am capable of mastering my bodyweight, I train chin-ups and pull-ups religiously, as well as weighted Dips. On "off days" I do handstand work and L-Seat progression. So basically, the focus is shifting a little to more bodyweight training. Though I want to keep squatting heavy for the rest of my life, lol.
For cardio, I do run, and by that I mean everything from 30m sprints over tabata intervalls to 90min long slow steady runs. I prefer fast intervalls and sprints nowadays, but since the injury everything above 70% intensity is kind of risky. I do Jump Robe 2-3 times a week. I started above 150kg without any previous training, I couldn't do two jumps in a row, let alone support my bodyweight on one foot. I am now working on "Criss-Cross Double-Unders", and do a lot of HIIT work while sprinting with the robe.
My diet has been 3000kcal a day, and since some time I have gone up to 3300, because I don't have to lose that much weight anymore. I try to get 150g of protein every day, which has not happened in quite some time, last year my nutrition was better. In general I prefer eating heavy on carbohydrates and low on fats, just because of the foods I like (potatoes!).
First Tuesday workout in a long time that I've actually made decent progress: Squat 1x3 80, 100, 2x3 120kg Press 1x5 40,50, 1x3 62.5kg - My press was stalling for a long time, came across this article and tried applying what it said today. My press felt infinitely better, I highly recommend it. Deadlift 1x3 60, 90, 105, 120, 140kg - I realized last week that I've been, stupidly, using my left hand as the overhand in my mixed grip. Switched it today and it felt a lot better. EZ-bar curls 3x8 48kg Shrugs from the rack 3x3 125kg - I'm gonna try these for my grip strength for a few weeks and see if it helps.
On July 03 2012 22:19 Luxae wrote:First Tuesday workout in a long time that I've actually made decent progress: Squat 1x3 80, 100, 2x3 120kg Press 1x5 40,50, 1x3 62.5kg - My press was stalling for a long time, came across this article and tried applying what it said today. My press felt infinitely better, I highly recommend it. Deadlift 1x3 60, 90, 105, 120, 140kg - I realized last week that I've been, stupidly, using my left hand as the overhand in my mixed grip. Switched it today and it felt a lot better. EZ-bar curls 3x8 48kgShrugs from the rack 3x3 125kg - I'm gonna try these for my grip strength for a few weeks and see if it helps.
That is a ton of weight for 8 reps. You must have crazy strong biceps. Are these strict curls with full range of motion or more on the cheat curl side/ partial ROM?