On June 20 2012 09:14 phyre112 wrote: Had a very nice day at the gym today. Long deadlift workout, I'm trying something new there and I like it, at least for now.
Throughout the workout though, I swear I ran into half the guys I've ever had a problem with on campus. From the guys that brought me to the gym freshman year - just to make fun of me behind my back, guys from the fraternity I dropped pledging, guys from my classes, my extra curriculars, my jobs, everyone I can think of.
I get over to the platform, and the worst one of them is already deadlifting 225, which ends up being his top set. I do my warmup, pass his weight, keep going, and I can see him watching me in between his sets in the mirror every time i put another weight on. Eventually he just leaves. Other guys end up on the squat rack in front of me, the smith machine behind me, the benches or dumbbell racks to the left, somewhere through the workout. Keep on going.... the last set is to pull a 5rm, and I'm pretty tired, but I go ahead and do it anyway. It's hot as hell in the gym, and I'm a bit sunburned anyway, so my entire body is bright red. Dripping sweat, I pull the five rep max. Every time I lock it out, I see four of these guys behind me in the mirror just staring at me, feels great. I set down the fifth rep, but I'm really "feeling it" right now, got my adrenaline going, and I've been deadlifting for half an hour anyway, so I might as well try. I pick the bar up again, and again, and again. Pulled 8 reps of my 5rm, felt awesome, couple guys came up to me afterwards and told me that it was an "impressive lift" and they were amazed such a light guy could do it.
Still not pulling that heavy, but it felt damn good!
Also I'm using mixed grip on my top sets now instead of double overhand, and I did a few sets of shrugs. Need to get used to this. I have blisters for the first time in two years. The palms of my hand are all callous, but my fingers are all soft, and now they're all blistered, and I have to swim tomorrow. Life is great.
Damn that was an exciting tale ,forgot how insanely inspirational this thread is!! Something just makes it so special that we are all TL nerds on our fitness journeys. Haven't checked the thread out for a while seeing as I been doing exams, the prep for which took up all my training time. Getting back on the wagon , did some squats and chest on Mon, doing some back and hammies today . Arms and shoulders as a treat on Fri! Let's do this!
On June 20 2012 09:14 phyre112 wrote: Had a very nice day at the gym today. Long deadlift workout, I'm trying something new there and I like it, at least for now.
Throughout the workout though, I swear I ran into half the guys I've ever had a problem with on campus. From the guys that brought me to the gym freshman year - just to make fun of me behind my back, guys from the fraternity I dropped pledging, guys from my classes, my extra curriculars, my jobs, everyone I can think of.
I get over to the platform, and the worst one of them is already deadlifting 225, which ends up being his top set. I do my warmup, pass his weight, keep going, and I can see him watching me in between his sets in the mirror every time i put another weight on. Eventually he just leaves. Other guys end up on the squat rack in front of me, the smith machine behind me, the benches or dumbbell racks to the left, somewhere through the workout. Keep on going.... the last set is to pull a 5rm, and I'm pretty tired, but I go ahead and do it anyway. It's hot as hell in the gym, and I'm a bit sunburned anyway, so my entire body is bright red. Dripping sweat, I pull the five rep max. Every time I lock it out, I see four of these guys behind me in the mirror just staring at me, feels great. I set down the fifth rep, but I'm really "feeling it" right now, got my adrenaline going, and I've been deadlifting for half an hour anyway, so I might as well try. I pick the bar up again, and again, and again. Pulled 8 reps of my 5rm, felt awesome, couple guys came up to me afterwards and told me that it was an "impressive lift" and they were amazed such a light guy could do it.
Still not pulling that heavy, but it felt damn good!
Also I'm using mixed grip on my top sets now instead of double overhand, and I did a few sets of shrugs. Need to get used to this. I have blisters for the first time in two years. The palms of my hand are all callous, but my fingers are all soft, and now they're all blistered, and I have to swim tomorrow. Life is great.
On June 20 2012 13:12 Donkeys wrote: So now that i have a lot of free time i've been doing "small sessions" (from lift-run-bang.com). Basically I do my madcow shit mon-wed-fri and small sessions on tue-thurs-sat. I've been feeling really good doing them. They basically consist of getting to the gym and doing 2-3 movements. Light weight, lots of reps (80-100 range). They must be movements that don't affect your recovery, basically just to give you a pump and get moving (20-30 mins in the gym max). I've done curls, triceps, lat pulldowns, rear delt shit and abssss. Feels good you guys should try it
on offdays im kinda doing atm
30 min walk/run 5x6 dumbell curl 5x12 shoulder lateral raise (will put up the weight soon) power ball (keep forgetting it lol)
its cool coz you always have a reason to get up (and go to bed), it adds to your feeling of accomplishment so you've done something every day and dont hate yourself that day on the way to work, and reminds you to not fuck up
On June 20 2012 09:14 phyre112 wrote: Had a very nice day at the gym today. Long deadlift workout, I'm trying something new there and I like it, at least for now.
Throughout the workout though, I swear I ran into half the guys I've ever had a problem with on campus. From the guys that brought me to the gym freshman year - just to make fun of me behind my back, guys from the fraternity I dropped pledging, guys from my classes, my extra curriculars, my jobs, everyone I can think of.
I get over to the platform, and the worst one of them is already deadlifting 225, which ends up being his top set. I do my warmup, pass his weight, keep going, and I can see him watching me in between his sets in the mirror every time i put another weight on. Eventually he just leaves. Other guys end up on the squat rack in front of me, the smith machine behind me, the benches or dumbbell racks to the left, somewhere through the workout. Keep on going.... the last set is to pull a 5rm, and I'm pretty tired, but I go ahead and do it anyway. It's hot as hell in the gym, and I'm a bit sunburned anyway, so my entire body is bright red. Dripping sweat, I pull the five rep max. Every time I lock it out, I see four of these guys behind me in the mirror just staring at me, feels great. I set down the fifth rep, but I'm really "feeling it" right now, got my adrenaline going, and I've been deadlifting for half an hour anyway, so I might as well try. I pick the bar up again, and again, and again. Pulled 8 reps of my 5rm, felt awesome, couple guys came up to me afterwards and told me that it was an "impressive lift" and they were amazed such a light guy could do it.
Still not pulling that heavy, but it felt damn good!
Also I'm using mixed grip on my top sets now instead of double overhand, and I did a few sets of shrugs. Need to get used to this. I have blisters for the first time in two years. The palms of my hand are all callous, but my fingers are all soft, and now they're all blistered, and I have to swim tomorrow. Life is great.
Damn that was an exciting tale ,forgot how insanely inspirational this thread is!! Something just makes it so special that we are all TL nerds on our fitness journeys. Haven't checked the thread out for a while seeing as I been doing exams, the prep for which took up all my training time. Getting back on the wagon , did some squats and chest on Mon, doing some back and hammies today . Arms and shoulders as a treat on Fri! Let's do this!
Aye, keep it up with the inspiring gym stories, really motivating.
I woke up this morning feeling weak as fuark but after spending about half an hour (no exaggeration) just lying in bed trying to think up an excuse not to go I got up and went. Had a pretty bad session, had to deload my bench and I've lost reps on my pullups but you know what, fuck it, I went and I'll be stronger for it next time.
On June 20 2012 09:14 phyre112 wrote: Had a very nice day at the gym today. Long deadlift workout, I'm trying something new there and I like it, at least for now.
Throughout the workout though, I swear I ran into half the guys I've ever had a problem with on campus. From the guys that brought me to the gym freshman year - just to make fun of me behind my back, guys from the fraternity I dropped pledging, guys from my classes, my extra curriculars, my jobs, everyone I can think of.
I get over to the platform, and the worst one of them is already deadlifting 225, which ends up being his top set. I do my warmup, pass his weight, keep going, and I can see him watching me in between his sets in the mirror every time i put another weight on. Eventually he just leaves. Other guys end up on the squat rack in front of me, the smith machine behind me, the benches or dumbbell racks to the left, somewhere through the workout. Keep on going.... the last set is to pull a 5rm, and I'm pretty tired, but I go ahead and do it anyway. It's hot as hell in the gym, and I'm a bit sunburned anyway, so my entire body is bright red. Dripping sweat, I pull the five rep max. Every time I lock it out, I see four of these guys behind me in the mirror just staring at me, feels great. I set down the fifth rep, but I'm really "feeling it" right now, got my adrenaline going, and I've been deadlifting for half an hour anyway, so I might as well try. I pick the bar up again, and again, and again. Pulled 8 reps of my 5rm, felt awesome, couple guys came up to me afterwards and told me that it was an "impressive lift" and they were amazed such a light guy could do it.
Still not pulling that heavy, but it felt damn good!
Also I'm using mixed grip on my top sets now instead of double overhand, and I did a few sets of shrugs. Need to get used to this. I have blisters for the first time in two years. The palms of my hand are all callous, but my fingers are all soft, and now they're all blistered, and I have to swim tomorrow. Life is great.
It really is awesome the moment someone sees you as the lightweight. It's more room for you to make them drop their jaw when you get your shit together and you lift like you're meant to.
Osmoses we are both in the running together towards 100kg bench and squat ok? will let you know where im at tomorrow
im gonna write my daily theoretical routine here while im resting inbetween sets for the hell of / coz im pumped atm
mon - squat, bench, dead tues - run 30 mins, curl, lateral raise, power ball wed - ohp, power clean thur - run 30 mins, curl, lateral raise, power ball fri - squat, bench, dead sat - run 30 mins, curl, lateral raise, power ball sun - off mon - ohp, power clean
Awesome to hit a new PR on presses, but I dont think I can do 5 doubles with 70kg, will add 2,5kg only for next week.
My back is getting really blasted, I'm sure when I start proper deadlifting again the new muscles will help a lot. Side deadlifts and Dimel deadlifts are sick, not making any progress on pull ups though. Guess its because my arms are smoked from presses.
Yeah it's down from going out 3-4 nights a week to maybe 1 or 2, I imagine it's been a huge help in terms of both not wrecking my recovery and better, more frequent training.
What are the 30 min runs for and what's a power ball? You can probably also find something better to do than lat raises 3x a week ^_^
Have seem to barely lost weight in the last ~5-6 weeks though despite being at what i imagine is a rather significant deficit, I'm only consuming ~3000 cal give or take and would think i'm burning 3500-4000. On the bright side stronger muscles and less fat = not too worried about it :D 94kg is just looking like a difficult weight class to get down to!
30 mins runs coz i do no sports and my heart rate/breathing/fitness/heart health/whatever its called is dire. i have been keyboard junkie for my whole life so it is important for me to work this aspect of myself rather than pure str training. also im enjoying the sick challenge, and getting out every day means that i dont ever slump and fuck up. if i wasnt doing this running then i could easily say "i have not run for more than 1 minute straight during the last 10 years of my life".
power ball is http://www.powerballs.com/ recommended by another brit TLHFer (deadeight?) . i didnt believe it at first but its sick for starting forearm strength and a sick auxiliary exercise. remember, you're talking to someone who is so weak he manages to pull a muscle holding a 20kg weight for 18 seconds instead of 15
the lateral raises are light weight (4.5kg) 5x12 atm coz i HAD dodgy shoulders (was whining a lot about it months ago). i think they are really really good actually atm and i just mix them with the dumbell curls at home and then follow with the power ball. i like these 3 coz they're so sustainable (ie convenient) and i find them pretty important (for starting strength) .
the dumbell curls are back down to 5x6 @ 15.5kg atm fyi
(yes i will add chinups in the future maybe 2-6 weeks time)
On June 21 2012 09:31 FFGenerations wrote: 30 mins runs coz i do no sports and my heart rate/breathing/fitness/heart health/whatever its called is dire. i have been keyboard junkie for my whole life so it is important for me to work this aspect of myself rather than pure str training. also im enjoying the sick challenge, and getting out every day means that i dont ever slump and fuck up. if i wasnt doing this running then i could easily say "i have not run for more than 1 minute straight during the last 10 years of my life".
Do we have any Orlando folks on this thread? Thinking about getting a running group together for those who want to work on cardio some. M/W/F around 5:15 for a run near UCF. If you're down send me a PM and we can have a little running section on here in the future.
Just came back from the gym and I'm feeling great!
Today was my PR for a single on the squat attempt with 352lbs. First try I went under the bar, but the second I went down I felt like something was wrong with my setup, so I ended up ditching the bar at the bottom. I knew I could do it if I just got in my setup correctly, so I went in for a second attempt and got it!
I'm currently at about 156lbs and I'm hoping to get to around 150-148lbs before I finish my cut.
Dimsum what is your training looking like these days?
On June 21 2012 20:06 Luxae wrote: Just came back from the gym and I'm feeling great!
Today was my PR for a single on the squat attempt with 352lbs. First try I went under the bar, but the second I went down I felt like something was wrong with my setup, so I ended up ditching the bar at the bottom. I knew I could do it if I just got in my setup correctly, so I went in for a second attempt and got it!
I'm currently at about 156lbs and I'm hoping to get to around 150-148lbs before I finish my cut.
On June 21 2012 20:06 Luxae wrote: Just came back from the gym and I'm feeling great!
Today was my PR for a single on the squat attempt with 352lbs. First try I went under the bar, but the second I went down I felt like something was wrong with my setup, so I ended up ditching the bar at the bottom. I knew I could do it if I just got in my setup correctly, so I went in for a second attempt and got it!
I'm currently at about 156lbs and I'm hoping to get to around 150-148lbs before I finish my cut.
Very nice! Around 2.3x bw, impressive.
Not great, I managed to piss off all my neighbors because I did not insulate my platform enough. Also didnt have a squat rack for awhile so my squat feels weak. I'm starting to do my own programming which back and front squats, more hang movements and pulls.
Training alone sucks, but I still go back on the weekends and train with my coach. Darren Barnes(top 56kg) just moved there so it will be fun training with him.
On June 21 2012 08:18 FFGenerations wrote: Osmoses we are both in the running together towards 100kg bench and squat ok? will let you know where im at tomorrow