I really haven't posted here in a while. But like usual I'm coming here for advice, pretty much right now I weigh 165lb-168lbs depending on a few factors, and my goal is to weigh 175-178lb being lean. Currently my progress looks like this:
+ Show Spoiler [Pics (They're really big, dunno…] +
So pretty much my goal is to get the most ripped 175lb body in 6 months (I want to be a bartender as a part-time job; looking good night help) Sort of a new years resolution, and I'm wondering how I should approach it. I've never done SS, but I do feel like my lifts are pretty high to be doing it.
Honestly, last two months I've been super lazy, and I've been in the gym about 5x, on top of doing some bodyweight exercises at home. Now it's summer and I have all the time in the world so for my 6 month goal of being ripped by the end of the year, so I want to put a big dent into my goal in the next 75 days when I don't have school to worry about and I'm only working 3x a week.
My lifts right now are for 5reps:
215lb Bench 275lb Squat 370lb Dead-lift 70lb OHDP 70lb One-arm bent over rows +90lb Dips +25lb Pull-ups
My entire gym life I've been doing low-rep high weight sets, but of course I'm open to change. My only goal right now is to gain 15lb on muscle and lose 3-4lb of fat, doing whatever it takes. I've been getting some weird advice lately, I've stuck to my 3 days split M/W/F, and maybe it'd be useful to change it up, or maybe my routine is good and I just need to be more diligent.
Any tips would be great, looking at my body I feel like my chest needs the most work. My lats have a long way to go too, and besides that my only real concerns are my calves and forearms. I'm confused how I should approach this, if I want to go for a pure bulking cycle for a few months type of thing or if I want to do lean gains progressively. Or maybe I'd be good to switch my rep range higher, and promote hypertrophy to put on size. I think my only real desire is; however I decide to put this muscle on, is to not get weaker, I don't mind seeing my numbers stay the same, I'd just rather them not go down, and as you can see, I'm totally overwhelmed by all of this.
Thank you (:
I'd say go on an intermediate routine. You can change things up to better suit your goals; you might want more hypertrophy (although I personally wouldn't). Intermediate loading is simply weekly progressing compared to workout to workout progression like SS.
Many of them simply use an inverse volume/intensity relationship, with technically just an active rest day inbetween. So It'd be something like... Monday: Higher volume. Medium Day Wednesday: Light day, lower volume. Friday: Lower volume, but heavy. Your PRs should go here.
Although you can probably set up your own routines, you could also check programs like the Texas Method or Starrs over at the SS Wikia. There are a lot of intermediate programs you can check out on that site too.
On June 18 2012 08:58 GoTuNk! wrote: 170kg FS u are such a beast. My raw back squat is around that -_- :D thanks. You probably because you have a much stronger posterior chain relative to me. My fs has caught up to within ~20kg of my backsquat since I've been working on it.
@fiwi lol at chest needing work but you can do +90lb dips. That's impressive.
On June 18 2012 16:41 FiWiFaKi wrote:I really haven't posted here in a while. But like usual I'm coming here for advice, pretty much right now I weigh 165lb-168lbs depending on a few factors, and my goal is to weigh 175-175lb being lean. Currently my progress looks like this: + Show Spoiler [Pics (They're really big, dunno…] +So pretty much my goal is to get the most ripped 175lb body in 6 months (I want to be a bartender as a part-time job; looking good night help) Sort of a new years resolution, and I'm wondering how I should approach it. I've never done SS, but I do feel like my lifts are pretty high to be doing it. Honestly, last two months I've been super lazy, and I've been in the gym about 5x, on top of doing some bodyweight exercises at home. Now it's summer and I have all the time in the world so for my 6 month goal of being ripped by the end of the year, so I want to put a big dent into my goal in the next 75 days when I don't have school to worry about and I'm only working 3x a week. My lifts right now are for 5reps: 215lb Bench 275lb Squat 370lb Dead-lift 70lb OHDP 70lb One-arm bent over rows +90lb Dips +25lb Pull-ups My entire gym life I've been doing low-rep high weight sets, but of course I'm open to change. My only goal right now is to gain 15lb on muscle and lose 3-4lb of fat, doing whatever it takes. I've been getting some weird advice lately, I've stuck to my 3 days split M/W/F, and maybe it'd be useful to change it up, or maybe my routine is good and I just need to be more diligent. Any tips would be great, looking at my body I feel like my chest needs the most work. My lats have a long way to go too, and besides that my only real concerns are my calves and forearms. I'm confused how I should approach this, if I want to go for a pure bulking cycle for a few months type of thing or if I want to do lean gains progressively. Or maybe I'd be good to switch my rep range higher, and promote hypertrophy to put on size. I think my only real desire is; however I decide to put this muscle on, is to not get weaker, I don't mind seeing my numbers stay the same, I'd just rather them not go down, and as you can see, I'm totally overwhelmed by all of this. Thank you (:
I believe realistically you wont gain 15lb of muscle and lose 3-4lb of fat in 6 months.
this is a great article by Lyle McDonald talking about Genetic Muscle Potential http://www.bodyrecomposition.com/muscle-gain/whats-my-genetic-muscular-potential.html
Not to crush your goal of doing that. I think its great to aim high but it may be better to set more achievable goals.
As catch said your lifts are good so an intermediate routine would work best.
I dont think you have to concentrate specifically on a strength routine. (if you did want to i would personally recommend Madcows - http://madcow.hostzi.com/5x5_Program/Linear_5x5.htm)
Something like Lyle McDonalds Generic Bulking routine - http://jcdfitness.com/2009/01/lyle-mcdonalds-bulking-routine/
Layne Norton's PHAT - http://www.simplyshredded.com/mega-feature-layne-norton-training-series-full-powerhypertrophy-routine-updated-2011.html
I've also heard good things about HST - http://www.hypertrophy-specific.com/hst_index.html
Any of these routines are a solid choice. Personally I prefer bulking/cutting cycles. I'd say shoot for 500cals over maintenance so that you don't gain to much fat while bulking.
I hope that helps a bit.
In 6 months you can definitely make a big difference in your physique if you train hard and eat right.
All in all, I think you need to bulk a bit more. It seems to me you look really skinny. (comimg from a 170cm guy who weights 74kg of pure awesome, sup.)
On June 18 2012 23:46 decafchicken wrote:Show nested quote +On June 18 2012 08:58 GoTuNk! wrote: 170kg FS u are such a beast. My raw back squat is around that -_- :D thanks. You probably because you have a much stronger posterior chain relative to me. My fs has caught up to within ~20kg of my backsquat since I've been working on it. @fiwi lol at chest needing work but you can do +90lb dips. That's impressive.
My training doesn't really work around numbers anymore, I think it's a good way to approach weightlifting, it's true when people say: "Your body doesn't know if it's lifting 40lb or 400lb, it only knows whether it's being trained or not.
I just look at my body and compare it to how I want to look and I decide to work those deficiencies.
@funkie Haha well I'm 174cm and 1-2kg heavier than you, so in looking built you're only a little ahead ;p (Yeah lift-wise it isn't close T__T)
And alright I've been pointed to the PHAT this many times, I've heard good things about it... So I can't believe I'm going to do this, but for the next 10 weeks, I'll be going to the gym 6x a week. Hopefully there is progress. Thank you. I decided to check all the programs you linked, I want to try straying away from just pure powerlifting, and I haven't heard enough about HST to jump into it.
Week 1: Bench: 55kg Squat: 70kg OHP: 35kg Rows: 40kg Deadlift: 80kg
Week 4: Bench: 65kg Squat: 87.5kg OHP: 45kg Rows: 55kg Deadlift: 97.5kg
(all 3x5, DL 1x5) where ma SS bros at?
edit; 170cm 70kg bw
done a sick run 10 minutes 1 minute walk 10 minutes 1 minute walk 10 minutes
came to 4.8km or 3 miles my breathing was pretty damn good
oh i got annoyed coz the stupid counter said i had burnt 400+ kcal and i was like wtf i dont wanna burn kcals i need them!
tomorrow will see how far back up my OHP is (dont expect much)
Put me in the bulk/cut camp, its what most successful powerlifters/bb do. Its easy to get ripped being lightweight, but something like 77kg 1.7cm requires cutting and looks a lot more awesome.
I think you need bigger shoulders and thicker arms, just gain some weight without getting fat. That shredded looks girls melt for is low body fat + the above I'd focus on The press, close grip BP, Incline BP, squats and assistance works. Add curls for the icing on the cake, but big arms = big triceps.
Was crunching some numbers on the base smolov I plan to start in 4 weeks. Can't wait to try, seems super fun :D. I wanna beat my geared 186kg at competition raw :p. Today Pressed 60kgx3x5, its cool doing triples with last week doubles. Doing 65kgx2x5 on wednesday. Also I'm starting to love front squats, will keep adding weight lightly (10 pounds/session) cause my left knee feels tight during them (i.e I feel tension at the bottom because i'm not used to going that deep). In a couple of weeks I should be maxed on triples anyway
@fiwi - more lats IMO
Today: FS - 225 255 275 295 305 315 335 355, 3x275 285 295 305 315, 2x5 @ 185 Really awful hang snatch doubles up to 205lb. Had a lot of missed reps ~~ Snatch from 205 up to 265 no misses :D Snatch Pulls - 3x2 @ 295
So any newish strength lifters have this happen to you?
I've been on SS for several months and though I've been lazy about getting it too high up (that's gonna change) I've generally been thrilled with being able to lift what, for me, seemed like really heavy weights just 7 months ago.
I haven't been pigging out or anything but I do try to eat a good amount, and as paleo as possible.
So I've had some people be like damn, son, looking nice but I also had a couple incidents where people were like "you've put on some weight, eh?" and not in the "looking good" way.
Now, I'm a little sensitive about that since before junior year of high school (equivalent, I did Alevels) I had weight and self esteem issues, so that kinda stings still...got nice and slim during the senior year of high school and particularly college...but my gymming was nowhere.
Still, even if I have put on a half inch on my waist (I have) its not like my stomach sticks out and generally? I like how I look when I take my shirt off. Relative to before, I have a hard and strong chest, broad and muscled shoulders.
I'm just wondering if maybe people just really prefer the skinny look or I'm kidding myself and need to focus much more seriously on my diet than on my lifting. Which would suck because I like lifting and like eating lots of protein.
I'm obviously not looking for any definitive answers here, just wondering if people doing "eat big, lift big" programs have had similar dilemmas.
Just squat them, problem solved.
But seriously man, you have to gain weight to get big. I wouldn't worry about the haters; I've noticed people hate when they aren't on your level so to speak, or when you do something that betters yourself. I've seen it happen and I've had it happen to me. I gained a ton of weight while I was on SS, and now I'm starting to get a lot of compliments on my body.
it'll pay off, trust me.
Surgery tomorrow. Not looking forward to it (opening half of back up, replacing rods in cervical, removing in thoracic, will be in halo for a week)
Then another surgery on next monday. Then next friday I go home, and have four weeks of doctor approved vegging, before starting PT. In another 4 weeks I should be capable of basic physical exertion, and in another 4 weeks should be able to lift without limitations :D
On June 19 2012 11:47 Froadac wrote: Surgery tomorrow. Not looking forward to it (opening half of back up, replacing rods in cervical, removing in thoracic, will be in halo for a week)
Then another surgery on next monday. Then next friday I go home, and have four weeks of doctor approved vegging, before starting PT. In another 4 weeks I should be capable of basic physical exertion, and in another 4 weeks should be able to lift without limitations :D
Good luck bro, i know you'll be squatting big in no time ^_^
On June 19 2012 10:08 Autofire2 wrote: So any newish strength lifters have this happen to you?
I've been on SS for several months and though I've been lazy about getting it too high up (that's gonna change) I've generally been thrilled with being able to lift what, for me, seemed like really heavy weights just 7 months ago.
I haven't been pigging out or anything but I do try to eat a good amount, and as paleo as possible.
So I've had some people be like damn, son, looking nice but I also had a couple incidents where people were like "you've put on some weight, eh?" and not in the "looking good" way.
Now, I'm a little sensitive about that since before junior year of high school (equivalent, I did Alevels) I had weight and self esteem issues, so that kinda stings still...got nice and slim during the senior year of high school and particularly college...but my gymming was nowhere.
Still, even if I have put on a half inch on my waist (I have) its not like my stomach sticks out and generally? I like how I look when I take my shirt off. Relative to before, I have a hard and strong chest, broad and muscled shoulders.
I'm just wondering if maybe people just really prefer the skinny look or I'm kidding myself and need to focus much more seriously on my diet than on my lifting. Which would suck because I like lifting and like eating lots of protein.
I'm obviously not looking for any definitive answers here, just wondering if people doing "eat big, lift big" programs have had similar dilemmas.
No worries. I got a little bit of shit too but it was mostly "wow wtf how did you get so big" Then once i shed a bit of the fat from bulking it was GG. Just keep lifting big and being awesome, once you've got a healthy base of muscle you'll look better and then losing the fat won't be too hard and you'll be ballin
On June 19 2012 10:08 Autofire2 wrote: So any newish strength lifters have this happen to you?
I've been on SS for several months and though I've been lazy about getting it too high up (that's gonna change) I've generally been thrilled with being able to lift what, for me, seemed like really heavy weights just 7 months ago.
I haven't been pigging out or anything but I do try to eat a good amount, and as paleo as possible.
So I've had some people be like damn, son, looking nice but I also had a couple incidents where people were like "you've put on some weight, eh?" and not in the "looking good" way.
Now, I'm a little sensitive about that since before junior year of high school (equivalent, I did Alevels) I had weight and self esteem issues, so that kinda stings still...got nice and slim during the senior year of high school and particularly college...but my gymming was nowhere.
Still, even if I have put on a half inch on my waist (I have) its not like my stomach sticks out and generally? I like how I look when I take my shirt off. Relative to before, I have a hard and strong chest, broad and muscled shoulders.
I'm just wondering if maybe people just really prefer the skinny look or I'm kidding myself and need to focus much more seriously on my diet than on my lifting. Which would suck because I like lifting and like eating lots of protein.
I'm obviously not looking for any definitive answers here, just wondering if people doing "eat big, lift big" programs have had similar dilemmas. Right now, you have muscle under fat. Most people have nothing under fat. Within half a year of whenever you choose to get shredded, you will be muscle. Most people will be little bit of muscle under fat, if not just nothing under fat.
Still can't squat yet or do anything like that so I decided to try dips today since I was bored and not going to the gym has made me feel super lazy :<
I don't know if I ever want to try them again... the sign next to it says it works muscles other than your triceps, but I think the sign is a liar... I've never felt such intense agony as when I was pushing out my first 5 dips and all of it was in my triceps rofl ((I'm for sure going to keep doing them as they give me that feel good, I feel so abused pain I used to get from my squats)).
Two more weeks until I can start squatting again... and my legs were starting to look so nice :/
frodac gl
im having seriously disturbed sleep again (been fine for ages)
could it be due to eating too much before bed? i have toast, chopped tomato, eggs, then drink banana+milk milkshake until i cant handle anymore
the rest of the night/morning is constant nightmares and semi sleep. nightmares are crazy yo, i was just slowly hacking someones head off (sickeningly gross/disturbing) with police guns all trained on me after coming out of an mmo dungeon with spikes on the floor by portalling a patient from work with people laughing at me and before that i was dressed with rags as a girl for a festival after falling down a pit in the sand on the beach and before that i was stealing beef from someone (body telling me i want more protein but it was after the meal so must be just a worry)
Dunno about eating too much, maybe you just have some serious shit going on in your awake life right now :p
Lol wtf? Magnesium might help?