Experimented with the mechanics of my deadlift today. Been working from a very low starting hip position - almost the bottom of a squat, and my "weak link" for months has been the first 3 inches of the lift - anything I can pick up, I can lock out. Tried a higher hip position today, and it was AMAZING how much easier the lift was, as far as the stress on the low back, and the required core strength. I think my hamstrings are perhaps very strong, proportionally, but I wasn't engaging them well in the lift. I know I wasn't (and probably still am not) engaging my glutes; I'm bad at that in EVERY lift they're involved in. Either way, my "weak point" immediately disappeared, and the weight soared from the ground. Grip is the new weak point, so I'm going to reset 10% and work on this new set up, and also get used to using mixed grip. Probably do some higher rep days as well. I have liquid chalk coming in the mail already - ordered it on monday, should be in any time.
I've been reading up a lot too, and I think one of the big weaknesses in my squat is that I don't control the descent. It stays nice and smooth the whole way down, but I don't try to act against it at all. From my reading, that results in a loss of tightness, puts a lot of stress on the low back, and makes you activate your hamstrings and glutes at the least optimal point for them, the bottom of the lift. Supposedly I should be able to add a good amount of weight if I stay tight the whole way down (as well as "man the fuck up and don't be afraid of the bar" - but I knew that one already).
Still looking at weightlifting shoes and belts. Just been reading a ton of reviews on shoes... looks like Romaleos are a no, because Ih ave a narrow foot and they're over my budget. I know a guy who has adidas power perfect II, and a guy who has the adistars, so I'll talk to them next time I see them at the gym. As far as everything besides the nikes though... it all seems very up in the air. Saw some 4" leather belts today with the scooped out front where the buckle is, and I realized why the problem with that model... they just don't feel like they cover "enough" to really give support. I wonder if a 6" belt would start to get in the way of motion, but they were out of stock in those, so I didn't get to try one on.
Between breakfast and dinner i'm eating about ~2k calories pure paleo. I'll usually binge a bit on lunch since it has to last me ~8 hours and get fried chicken or a chipotle burito or something similar. But thats literally all i eat, i imagine i'll lose ~6 pounds of fat by the time summer is over. Already seeing a bit of improvement in bf with weights only going up.
That powelifter everyone was quoting last page is Kutcher Oleksandr. One of my favourite powerlifters
I love his intensity.
Although I think people should be aware if they want to look like him (which i can totally understand he looks great. His back is phenominal) that he took steroids. Obtaining his physique naturally would be difficult.
I squatted, benched and DL'ed wednesday. My back muscles feel fine, no DOMS, no pain etc but my muscles hurt when I push them, like when I'm relaxed and would be getting a massage. It's all over my central back, from below the neck to SI joints.
Is this just my body building a lot of muscles? It doesn't feel like regular DOMS cause I can tense them up without problems and it doesn't really hurt so I don't think it's an injury.
also, new Squat and DL PR, 3 x 5 x 75 kg; 5 x 92.5 kg
On June 15 2012 10:59 phyre112 wrote: Still looking at weightlifting shoes and belts. Just been reading a ton of reviews on shoes... looks like Romaleos are a no, because Ih ave a narrow foot and they're over my budget. I know a guy who has adidas power perfect II, and a guy who has the adistars, so I'll talk to them next time I see them at the gym. As far as everything besides the nikes though... it all seems very up in the air. Saw some 4" leather belts today with the scooped out front where the buckle is, and I realized why the problem with that model... they just don't feel like they cover "enough" to really give support. I wonder if a 6" belt would start to get in the way of motion, but they were out of stock in those, so I didn't get to try one on.
I have the Adidas Power Perfect II and they are fine, but I never had any to compare them to. Regardless, I have used them for a year or so, and so far there is no scratch on them, and they are comfortable. Though since they are mostly white-coloured, they obviously get a little bit dirty. But last time I checked you are not a girl, so whatever. I have seen plenty of lifters at the Euros 2012 with those shoes, so they are definitely a quality product, and not some overprized scam to get 18y'olds money. Besides, Adidas is basically THE brand in weightlifting, like 80-90% of the professional lifters lift in adidas jerseys and shoes. so you can not really go wrong with adidas. I believe the main difference between adistars and power perfect II is that the adistars have a wooden sole.
pretty good workout today! only got like 6 hours of sleep last night so I was not very confident going into it, but I channeled the inner decaf and things went pretty well!
started with power cleans: 92.5kg five sets of three (PR)
went on to do stiff legged deadlifts. a buddy was doing the same and we tried to always get one rep more than the other so it went like this
he started with 135kgx6 I went 135x7 so he got 135x8 and then I did 135x9 sadly for me he actually did 135x10 and I was too tired to go again so I guess he won
then for some reason I decided to finish off with squats 60x5 100x1 120x1 140x1 150x1 (PR)
now I'm completely wrecked! gonna lie down and maybe take a hot bath to relax my poor poor legs ^^
I don't have a power rack for squats or have anyone spotting me all the time. Since I'm just doing it as a good core routine and not looking to maximize, could I just stick with front squats? Not paying for gym membership as I have a bench and plenty of free weights at home.
On June 15 2012 22:09 Disregard wrote: I don't have a power rack for squats or have anyone spotting me all the time. Since I'm just doing it as a good core routine and not looking to maximize, could I just stick with front squats? Not paying for gym membership as I have a bench and plenty of free weights at home.
Personally I feel front squats are more unsafe. Can't really dump the bar unless you want it in your lap.
On June 15 2012 22:09 Disregard wrote: I don't have a power rack for squats or have anyone spotting me all the time. Since I'm just doing it as a good core routine and not looking to maximize, could I just stick with front squats? Not paying for gym membership as I have a bench and plenty of free weights at home.
Front Squats are fine. And for the safety reasons as mentioned above, they are normally considered more safe than Back Squats, you can just dump the bar in front of you, nothing should ever happen.
On June 15 2012 22:09 Disregard wrote: I don't have a power rack for squats or have anyone spotting me all the time. Since I'm just doing it as a good core routine and not looking to maximize, could I just stick with front squats? Not paying for gym membership as I have a bench and plenty of free weights at home.
Personally I feel front squats are more unsafe. Can't really dump the bar unless you want it in your lap.
Huh? FS way safer than back squat. Much easier to maintain proper form, too.
On June 15 2012 22:09 Disregard wrote: I don't have a power rack for squats or have anyone spotting me all the time. Since I'm just doing it as a good core routine and not looking to maximize, could I just stick with front squats? Not paying for gym membership as I have a bench and plenty of free weights at home.
Personally I feel front squats are more unsafe. Can't really dump the bar unless you want it in your lap.
Huh? FS way safer than back squat. Much easier to maintain proper form, too.
Are you seriuos?
It's pretty fucking difficult to maintian proper form when front Squatting heavy weights, Believe me I know, I usually front squat 2+ times a week. and It's fucking hell.
Back Squat is a much easier excercise. If you don't agree, you don't, But I'm talking from my perspective, and yes, it is indeed pretty FUCKING HARD.
On June 15 2012 20:06 Zafrumi wrote: pretty good workout today! only got like 6 hours of sleep last night so I was not very confident going into it, but I channeled the inner decaf and things went pretty well!
started with power cleans: 92.5kg five sets of three (PR)
went on to do stiff legged deadlifts. a buddy was doing the same and we tried to always get one rep more than the other so it went like this
he started with 135kgx6 I went 135x7 so he got 135x8 and then I did 135x9 sadly for me he actually did 135x10 and I was too tired to go again so I guess he won
then for some reason I decided to finish off with squats 60x5 100x1 120x1 140x1 150x1 (PR)
now I'm completely wrecked! gonna lie down and maybe take a hot bath to relax my poor poor legs ^^
Just finished week 4 of madcow today. Gonna start hitting new PRs next week. Also, I decided to do cleans today and got a 90kg PR for two singles (previous PR was 85kg - a long time ago). Felt easy kinda, I'm sure i have 95-100kg in me. Damn funkie and your sick 3x5 progression haha GJ
Evidently the #2 superheavyweight weight lifter in the country trains at local olympic gym in industrial space. Got invited to go to manly olympic gym once I"m rehabed, but won't be able to.
On June 15 2012 22:09 Disregard wrote: I don't have a power rack for squats or have anyone spotting me all the time. Since I'm just doing it as a good core routine and not looking to maximize, could I just stick with front squats? Not paying for gym membership as I have a bench and plenty of free weights at home.
Personally I feel front squats are more unsafe. Can't really dump the bar unless you want it in your lap.
Huh? FS way safer than back squat. Much easier to maintain proper form, too.
Are you seriuos?
It's pretty fucking difficult to maintian proper form when front Squatting heavy weights, Believe me I know, I usually front squat 2+ times a week. and It's fucking hell.
Back Squat is a much easier excercise. If you don't agree, you don't, But I'm talking from my perspective, and yes, it is indeed pretty FUCKING HARD.
Yeah, keeping proper form is a hell of a lot harder in the front squat, with those beefy posterior muscles not contributing half of what they could. It just doesn't feel "balanced" - you're fighting it the whole time, much more so than while back squatting.
Also, @osmoses the problem with the illustration you gave is that when you ditch a front squat, you also straighten out your knees and pop your hips back. Your shoulders would stay at essentially the same point (maybe a little forward), but roll forward, and the bar would drop to the ground. Your legs having been straightened, and your hips being back, the bar would fall right to the ground.
Decided my light press days would start with a clean before it, just because I can. They were a lot easier than expected, I was kinda scared at first lol.