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Diet Soda ok or bad? - Page 5
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United States1851 Posts
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United States60 Posts
Aspartame's metabolized into 3 things: Methanol (which is eventually metabolized into formic acid, which is the actual part that can attack your optic nerve. There's more methanol in liquor or fruit juice though than in an average can of coke zero if I recall correctly), aspartic acid (a non-essential amino acid, your body is already making it and getting it from tons of other food) and phenylalanine (an essential amino acid, but people with phenylketonuria aren't able to metabolize it too well and must manage their intake). Assuming there are about 100 mg of aspartame in a coke zero can, that will yield 13.7 MICROliters of methanol. 1/700th the required amount to cause blindness. You'll be fine. Most studies pointing to aspartame and other artificial sweeteners toxicity often require dosages far too high for your average human to ingest to reach the deleterious effects. The one thing I concede to the anti-artificial sweetener camp is it may increase cravings for sweets. But if you have to choose between coke and coke zero (and I need a soda with my pizza, sorry), coke zero is more likely your better bet. The acid argument is void if you drink orange juice btw, citric acid and dilute phosphoric acid are both terrible for your teeth. I'm not sure as to how true the phosphoric acid business is, as your blood is buffered by phosphates. Admittedly you'd be increasing the concentration by adding in phosphoric acid and I don't know what that will do to bones. The person earlier in this thread who's anti-chloride made me giggle, btw. Finally: Let the poor guy drink what he wants, the best argument in my mind is to just reduce the intake for monetary reasons. I personally drink a coke zero on occasion, haven't noticed any negative effects so far and I put equal (aspartame) in my coffee. Only thing I've noticed is I've lost weight. | ||
Canada4218 Posts
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Netherlands30 Posts
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Sweden833 Posts
On November 07 2011 18:37 Nazarene wrote: Don't drink that crap, drink water. Drinking 'diet' soda will make you more hungry and thus make you gain weight (studies in both rodent and man). Furthermore, the acid in these 'diet' sodas will destroy your teeth. I drink excessive amounts of diet soda and weigh less than the average person. Gaining weight is an effect of not exercising properly unless other big factors are counted in. Yes it makes me hungrier but as someone who overall doesn't eat all that much I don't have a problem with it. The cancer argument is rather stupid as well, if I have a bigger chance of cancer by just being outside then I really don't feel like stopping drinking diet soda is on the to do list. | ||
463 Posts
On November 16 2011 00:49 lindn wrote: I drink excessive amounts of diet soda and weigh less than the average person. Gaining weight is an effect of not exercising properly unless other big factors are counted in. Yes it makes me hungrier but as someone who overall doesn't eat all that much I don't have a problem with it. The cancer argument is rather stupid as well, if I have a bigger chance of cancer by just being outside then I really don't feel like stopping drinking diet soda is on the to do list. I don't think you understand how cancer risk works in the real world. As others have noted, diet sodas and artificial sweeteners are filled with terrible shit that will fuck up your body. The only reason they are legal is because early on things like aspartame were backed by plutocrats (Donald Rumsfeld) and are now a major industry. | ||
1303 Posts
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GreEny K
Germany7312 Posts
On November 07 2011 20:17 KeksX wrote: The problem with hearsay is that you can't tell which is really reliable. I heard the complete opposite, that the sugar is way better than artificial sweeteners. Personally I try to avoid artificial sweeteners. I dunno why, just feel better about it. The latest study I have seen stated that sugar is a better and healthier choice than artificial sweetener. Something on discovery channel, or it might have been modern marvels on history. BTW - Haven't touched a pop in the past 3 years. No reason, just wanted to prove I could do it for a year, and then never drank one after that year mark. | ||
Netherlands13241 Posts
There are many studies that give credit to either side. Personally I don't think it's bad if just use it in moderation, like most things. | ||
Poland33 Posts
I'd say that one should definitely not overgeneralise in regards to the, so to speak, "ethical polarity" of particular foodstuffs; i.e.: the "goodness" or "badness" of something is, to all intents and purposes, a matter of opinion. The only generalization that is viable is that one's diet should be as diverse as possible, since every substance is good for one thing, while being detrimental to something else. It is largely a question of priority. I'm on a course of isotretinoin because I want to treat my acne, even though there are side effects of taking retinoids in large doses. This does not make retinoid either inherently "bad" or "good"; however, from my perspective, it makes them instrumental to my agenda. To invoke less extreme examples (that is one’s not rooted in the realm pharmaceuticals), consider smoking (carcinogenic, good for irritable bowel and a stimulant); high protein diet (helps muscle growth, a pain on the kidneys); cholesterol (allows for the production of sex hormones, but leads to atherosclerosis in excess amounts). This is actually a dilemma. Do I want to eat meat and die, or be a damn sissy? It’s really like a Greek tragedy, now matter what you do, there is no right course of action. One can find solace in the fact that one can’t really do wrong either. | ||
Canada55 Posts
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Canada418 Posts
Aspartame causes cancer/kills brain cells/promotes pancreatic disease/etc. If you're gonna make a claim like this, back it up with some sources otherwise you're just pulling shit out of your ass. I don't believe there's ANY conclusive proof of severe negative effects of aspartame. If there is, then show a source and make sure that source is credible. I'm not completely sure why it's bad, but a lot of people are talking about it so it must be bad If this is what you think then you need to spend some time alone and completely change how you think about things in the world. People who drink diet soda tend to eat other unhealthy food This is similar to the "marijuana is a gateway drug" argument - i.e. it's a pretty bad one. Don't drink it. Only drink water. Water is GOOD! NEED MORE This doesn't even address why you shouldn't drink diet soda. It's just following some general idea that things that are more natural = good, and while this isn't necessarily a bad guideline, it's way too general to conclude that artificial things are always bad, without addressing the reasons. And I hope you also know that too much water can kill you too. I'd also like to say that both my parents are heavy drinkers of coke zero. My mother is a doctor and my father has a Ph.D in microbiology ( I know, puts a lot of expectations on my head). Also my brother who is a practicing nutritionist (and a health junkie) drinks it fairly regularly. The only reason I don't is because I can't stand the terrible aftertaste, and I'm a frugal little bastard. | ||
United States5210 Posts
http://www.nature.com/oby/journal/v16/n8/abs/oby2008284a.html http://care.diabetesjournals.org/content/32/4/688.short http://jama.ama-assn.org/content/302/22/2477.extract http://www.nature.com/oby/journal/v12/n5/abs/oby200494a.html In the end, most observational type studies conclude artificial sweeteners are related to increased chance for obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. Is that because diet soda is being used by these individuals to initiate weight loss? Possibly. But there also is some possibilities of AS affected various satiety and differential hormonal outputs (as taste/sugar type stuff do affect the brain neurochemically). However, none of this has been conclusively proven as neither has the above statement. Given that most articles even though they note there may be no causality between AS' and risk factors, they do discourage the use of artificial sweeteners. I would have to agree..... go water / tea / coffee and get off this type of stuff if possible. | ||
2230 Posts
Diet soda usually uses Aspartame which has been shown to be mostly safe (as long as you don't consume a ton of diet soda a day that is. 3-4 cans is okay but 10 or more daily is a no no guys >.>.) Wikipedia: Wikipedia on Aspartame Basically they say aspartame is safe but may lead you to want to crave other sweet stuff (that may or may not be healthy). So in short it's safe as long as you don't go crazy on other stuff. Wikipedia is a reliable guide for topics like this because it cites several sources. Usually see the discussion page or see if there is any neutrality or factual template. If it has neither and there seems to be a lot of sources, usually the article is trustworthy (article really just lists sources anyway). Anyway I say drink water and don't depend on caffeine in diet coke to stay awake or anything. Drinking diet soda once in a while is okay but you could get too "used to it" and find drinking anything else unsuitable. Plus it helps your self control on food + drinks if you are used to drinking water or only drinking it diet soda only once in a while. Safe but probably better to just go for a healthier (in terms of allowing more self control) alternative in general like not as tasty water but still as satisfying is the way to go IMO (also cheaper if you don't go bottled water). | ||
United States1606 Posts
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United States31 Posts
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United States1606 Posts
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United States1072 Posts
Drink water, everyone should be drinking it daily. Also a healthy lifestyle will help you in a long run. I used to drink energy drinks such as monsters, lost and rockstars for a few years. Staying up all night, playing and watching BW all night is not good either. :[ Not good for my health big time... Glad I kicked the habit. | ||
United States38 Posts
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United States30 Posts
a summary on sciam reads: ...A new study with rats shows that low-cal fat substitutes can actually promote weight gain. Dieters can choose from an array of snacktackular options in which sugars and fats are replaced by artificial, low-calorie substitutes. That sleight of hand seems ingenious. You can let your body think it’s getting the sweets and fats it craves while keeping the calorie count to a minimum. But the new study suggests that this strategy is likely to backfire. Rats that consumed a mix of full-fat chips and chips with olestra wound up eating more and got fatter than rats that noshed on regular chips alone. Their bodies were apparently getting mixed messages. A mouthful of fat is usually a signal that calories are coming, and the body reacts by getting ready to burn fuel. But olestra, which tastes like fat, carries no calories at all. So the body soon learns to stand down in the face of fat. All fat. Even real fat. Because as Shakespeare almost said, a chip by any other name still swells your seat. sciam source: http://www.scientificamerican.com/podcast/episode.cfm?id=fat-substitutes-may-make-you-fatter-11-06-24 | ||
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