I just throw in corework at the end since it doesnt hurt. :D You can try reverse situps, hanging leg raises, back extensions, cable chops and lifts, ab roller, etc
Make sure to throw in at least 20 reps of barwork for the oly lifts before and after training. From my experience, linear progression for the strength lifts work great. I prefer more volume like 5x5 but you can play around with it.
Hello everyone, it's been a while since I've posted any news.
I've been practicing the oly lifts seriously for the past 3 weeks and with the help of Coach DimSum my form is improving really quickly.
I first started with the sample program from lifthard. The intensity was too high to properly learn the techniques so Dimsum suggested I drop the weights and do a shitload of empty bar work and light weights, which I did.
I injured my wrist while I was training and it keeps me from catching the snatch. For the next couple of weeks I will focus on the clean and jerk, together or by themselves. I need to work on my jerk a ton. My 1 kilometer long arm span is good for the Deadlift but it makes balancing the jerk pretty hard.
Here are some vids to show my progression, using weights I simply cannot brag about :p
As I said previously, I spend a lot of time doing broomstick and empty bar work. Here is an exercise I really like to learn how to build up tension for the snap and learn balance throughout the pulls. I use a broomstick with a jump stretch band. I like to take pauses during the different phases of the pulls. If you can't get stable whenever you want, chances are the power you produce won't be precise and you won't be in an optimal position to get to the next phases of the lift.
On April 08 2013 03:53 Zafrumi wrote: lol @ the curling girl behind you in the first video keep at it!
She's my gf. She Deadlift 155lbs at a 120lbs, bw having done like 5 deadlift training in her life ahah. She does a lot of Yoga and flexbility. I love her very much ^_^
If anyone else has trouble with cleans and snatches, please try what blonde is doing in his last video. The band seems to help feel where the weight should be. Really interesting!
decaf, any suggestions on how to fix the jump forward?
Band thing is a pretty cool idea! i'll have to try that sometime.
As for working on the jump forward, I'd just take 20-40kg from the high hang and then shift your balance backwards. after that drop under the bar. If you're still jumping forwards without thinking about it try drawing a chalk line in front of your toes or putting a little block in front of your feet so you cant go forward.
You can't tell so much from the angle and the video starts after i've shifted backwards but thats what i'm doing here:
On April 08 2013 03:53 Zafrumi wrote: lol @ the curling girl behind you in the first video keep at it!
She's my gf. She Deadlift 155lbs at a 120lbs, bw having done like 5 deadlift training in her life ahah. She does a lot of Yoga and flexbility. I love her very much ^_^
hehe meant no offense i just thought it was funny that she was doing an exercise that most people look down upon while you were doing one of the most manly exercises on the planet!
Don't worry Zafrumi I know there wasn't any malice in your post.
Thanks decaf for the help! I wasn't paying attention to my feet but now I see the mistake I do. I'll do the drill you mentionned with my empty bar work. I was watching side clips of Ilya Ilin and noticed he lands 2-3 inches behind his initial push. It gives me a good idea of what needs to be done.
I won't do snatches this week because of my wrist. Maybe some empty bar work at the end of the week. Hopefully I'll be able to put some weight on the bar next week.
Really nice work with the band. I heard coach Pendlay talk about doing full snatches with resistance bands with very very light weights, he said the weight snaps back down so quick, it forces the lifter to go under the bar fast. It sounds interesting.
Jared fleming with a monster 163kg snatch (1:22:20 in the video), also Kendrick lifting as a 94kg a bit before that snatch.
forgot my stand for my phone so I just didnt record anything today but sn 40 40 50 60 70 80 85 90 95 97x 97x 90 95x 97x 97x 90 cj 50 50 70 80 90 100 110 115 120x 123x(PR clean) 110 115x 115x 110 bsq 50 90 110 130 140/2x5 dips
my jerk wasnt too good today but I just went for a easy 123 clean pr
On April 09 2013 06:58 Donkeys wrote: Really nice work with the band. I heard coach Pendlay talk about doing full snatches with resistance bands with very very light weights, he said the weight snaps back down so quick, it forces the lifter to go under the bar fast. It sounds interesting.
Jared fleming with a monster 163kg snatch (1:22:20 in the video), also Kendrick lifting as a 94kg a bit before that snatch.
And that guy James Tatum from MDUSA made it to the Pan Am team and it was only his third meet, 306kg total as a 77kg lifter. Pretty crazy.
Yeah looks like jared had a good meet. Glad to see colin burns made the pan am team too (first good lifter i ever saw live, unfortunately it was because he was destroying me in a local meet :p). Looks like Shane Maier is on the team too, met him last week because he lifts at my current gym. Wasn't James's third meet, he's been in plenty (did pretty well in nationals last year) pretty damn good lifting by him though.
15 training sessions today, we are trying a new experimental program at MDUSA... Me, Mike, and James were the first to try it out, it is based on research of animal hypertrophy models
I think they're doing very brief, not exhausting sessions. Something like snatching or CJing up to 80-90% with very low volume, take a half hour break then do it again, 15 times lol. Not sure about the specifics but they talked about it in a past podcast. Trying to see the difference between constantly applying stress on the body throughout 8 hours or so, compared to applying stress in one or two, longer training sessions. Gonna be interesting to see how it works out for them.
15 training sessions today, we are trying a new experimental program at MDUSA... Me, Mike, and James were the first to try it out, it is based on research of animal hypertrophy models
MDUSA does a podcast and they discussed this idea a little bit, the episode where they specifically discuss it is here:
I think I'm going to sign up for a xfit gym membership that's weekends only, is there a program that I can use to train for oly lifts two days consecutively every week?
I'll still have access to my normal gym, which I can use whenever, except I can't drop the weights there from overhead.