New inhouse logistics TBD. In the meantime, feel free to hang out in the league general discord https://discord.gg/0lCEKA3jUEFxERzd ("add lol" in #welcome) and get some ad-hoc games going! |
On August 25 2013 10:03 wei2coolman wrote:![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/04QdEN8.jpg) Will add commentary to this earlier. So, early on, I got sorta fucked by j4 invade, and early rumble push. I got zoned in my own jungle trying to get back into top lane. I kept thinking j4 was going to walk away from tri, but he just stayed there, so I wasted a good 15 seconds trying to walk through tri, to back to my turret, when I should have just gone safe way.
I knew you had it warded because I saw you came to lane with a ward and then it was gone. I had no problems just standing there because you were lvl 1 and I was lvl 3 so there were 0 things you could've done after Nocturne died. Also when you turned around, I knew that you were going to cut through double golems brush and so I cut you off there and we either blew your flash or got a kill.
So I think after your jungler dies in a 2v2 you should just take the long way around to get to lane or just recall or something.
On August 25 2013 12:35 kainzero wrote:+ Show Spoiler +jesus these games are hard
I'm honestly really surprised we were down by an entire 10k before that baron (which was a great call from whoever), I wasn't really looking at cs but kills weren't too far apart and we were only down what, 1-2 turrets and 2 dragons at that point?
First game [0:00 to 42:00]: ProbeRecall, KissBlade, Arkanoid, NaoNao, Nimbus1 vs. 2Sunday, Ketarah, Magnuswolf, ll0f, OMnomnomnomn Second game [49:00 to 1:39:00]: McMilo, Inschato, Arkanoid, Helspeth, Aika Kasumi vs. Mondeezy, Nimbus1, Ketarah, Maidoari, Auswahlaxiom Third game [1:45:00 to 2:33:00] OMnomnomnomn, Ketarah, MagnusWolf, Auswahlaxiom, 5HATCOMBO vs. Arkanoid, Aika Kasumi, FallenLoL, wei2coolman, Hummingb1rd Fourth game [2:41:00 to 3:23:00] Bly08, Mathies, Hummingb1rd, Umasi, Naonao vs.Yomi, 5HATCOMBO, Magnuswolf, Arkanoid, Atrioc
If you guys want to rewatch your game to see what you could have learned, here are the vod times for each games that I have casted. I really recommend some of the lower elo players to watch at least.
When you were commenting on purple's lack of wards on the top half of the map you were pretty off on where purple mid will ideally place wards - usually you want to put them on the far side of the river in the brush instead of on your own side since you can still see all invades and also cover your lane with it.
Registration - SiN PlainPlane
- Silver II
- Mid/Jungle
- Mid: Syndra, Panth Jungle: Lee, Zac
On August 25 2013 14:31 Frost wrote:First game [0:00 to 42:00]: ProbeRecall, KissBlade, Arkanoid, NaoNao, Nimbus1 vs. 2Sunday, Ketarah, Magnuswolf, ll0f, OMnomnomnomn Second game [49:00 to 1:39:00]: McMilo, Inschato, Arkanoid, Helspeth, Aika Kasumi vs. Mondeezy, Nimbus1, Ketarah, Maidoari, Auswahlaxiom Third game [1:45:00 to 2:33:00] OMnomnomnomn, Ketarah, MagnusWolf, Auswahlaxiom, 5HATCOMBO vs. Arkanoid, Aika Kasumi, FallenLoL, wei2coolman, Hummingb1rd Fourth game [2:41:00 to 3:23:00] Bly08, Mathies, Hummingb1rd, Umasi, Naonao vs.Yomi, 5HATCOMBO, Magnuswolf, Arkanoid, Atrioc http://www.twitch.tv/notomi/b/450908303If you guys want to rewatch your game to see what you could have learned, here are the vod times for each games that I have casted. I really recommend some of the lower elo players to watch at least. Thanks so much for this!
On August 25 2013 12:53 Thermia wrote:I'm honestly really surprised we were down by an entire 10k before that baron (which was a great call from whoever), I wasn't really looking at cs but kills weren't too far apart and we were only down what, 1-2 turrets and 2 dragons at that point? I wouldn't be surprised if most of the difference was actually just Rumble/Jarvan. There might have been 7-8k just on that.
Baron was a collective call after we realized that they were all low.
But voicechat was really good, team morale was up and we didn't beat ourselves up over mistakes so that's probably why we didn't feel like we were behind.
The numbers don't show it but KissBlade played really well in forcing fights and baiting ults while doing a ton of damage to squishies.
On August 25 2013 15:30 kainzero wrote:Show nested quote +On August 25 2013 12:53 Thermia wrote:On August 25 2013 12:35 kainzero wrote:+ Show Spoiler +jesus these games are hard I'm honestly really surprised we were down by an entire 10k before that baron (which was a great call from whoever), I wasn't really looking at cs but kills weren't too far apart and we were only down what, 1-2 turrets and 2 dragons at that point? I wouldn't be surprised if most of the difference was actually just Rumble/Jarvan. There might have been 7-8k just on that. Baron was a collective call after we realized that they were all low. But voicechat was really good, team morale was up and we didn't beat ourselves up over mistakes so that's probably why we didn't feel like we were behind. The numbers don't show it but KissBlade played really well in forcing fights and baiting ults while doing a ton of damage to squishies.
I think a lot of it was how gold was allocated too, j4/ori had pretty inefficient builds and no one got any armor because of our triple ap which let me go to town in teamfights.
Registration - Ingame name Crusnik77
- Rank and division Bronze 4
- If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two) Mid and ADC
- For each role, identify two champions you wish to improve on Vayne and Caitlyn/TF and Zed
Registration Ingame Name: Noobofhonor
Rank and Division: Silver I
Positions: Support Jungle
Champions of interest for each role: Support: Lulu, Thresh Jungle: J4, Skarner
On August 25 2013 10:03 wei2coolman wrote:![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/04QdEN8.jpg) Will add commentary to this earlier. So, early on, I got sorta fucked by j4 invade, and early rumble push. I got zoned in my own jungle trying to get back into top lane. I kept thinking j4 was going to walk away from tri, but he just stayed there, so I wasted a good 15 seconds trying to walk through tri, to back to my turret, when I should have just gone safe way. Also, after my first big teleport to pick up early kills, I was low on mana and was kept at turret by rumble for the longest time. I should have just backed and let the turret fall, and freeze lane. I should have also built a bit more offensive, that game, earlier abyssal with chalice, would have been better item choices over BV and Chalice. Teh first kill I got was a complete fluke, Rumble was disrespecting me and kept eating tower shots, and eventually tried to all in me at level 6, of which I just flash juked him in turret, and ulti'd him. Also the big teamfight, in which I tele'd around blue area trying to flank with Malph ulti, did not work out brilliantly. Since they were retreating, I still had a good 30-45 seconds of wave pushing on top, and instead of trying to force some kills, I should have just kept pushing top before teleling. From what I was told, Rumble v Malphite lane, favors Rumble pretty hard, so the fact I was able to keep around even CS with some kills was pretty good, but I think that had a lot to do with my item choices to just survive lane phase.
Me turret diving you was for shits and giggles on my part and I definitely should not have done that. If the rest of my lanes weren't winning and I still dove you the way I did, I could've thrown the game for the rest of my team. I do have a really bad habit to dive for people when I think I can kill them, but I always fail. These inhouses are for me to practice that haha.
Also, Top 5 gayest tricks to win/know about every single lane: 1. Bait out spells and wait til your opponent goes oom to go in. If you're playing against an energy champ, know what his important cooldowns are before you start an engage (ex: renekton's dash has about a 20s CD, kennens has about an 8s CD, rumble's CDs are 5 for his Q and W and 8 for his E, vlad's pool is like 15s, gangplank's orange is like 20, etc etc). 2. If he shows that he's recalling, just go near him/attack him to stop his recall. Giving up a couple CS/turret hits for this is okay imo. In that particular game, it probably wasn't. 3. If you spot the jungler with a ward and he's sitting in a brush, try to keep him there for as long as you can. Going aggressive when he leaves, constantly harassing in position, and baiting an engage are the best ways to do this. This is one of the harder ones to get right since I tend to fuck this up a lot and die anyways. 4. Cheap way to win an engage is to never let them disengage (this is one of the reasons why rumble wins almost every single trade). This requires accurate positioning and takes some time to learn with every individual champ. Very important skill with all lanes. 5. If all else fails, push as hard as you can and throw wards up. Win the CS war. Create a lot of pressure in your lane to drag the jungler away from your teammates. This is the "fuck it" strat that never fails; you can turn any lane into a farm lane with any champ that has decent wave clear.
I feel these are pretty basic/intermediate tricks that every champ should be able to do. Most of the time, people lose to a higher ranked person because they got abused by one of these facts. These tricks become easier to spot in counter lanes than they do in even lanes. For instance, when you were malphite playing my rumble, I never let you back, I deflected most of the damage from your Q's with my W so you went oom, I pushed as hard as I could to drag nocturne up here, and I never allowed you disengage easily. Also, I had to worry about your passive so that I wouldn't get out traded, which would force me to try and engage you every ~5s. Me dying 3 times in lane didn't really phase me out at all; I knew I was probably still even in gold and item choices, and rumble only loses to malphite once items start finishing.
Two things to take from that game in particular:
1) Out of all the champions in leagues, I believe that rumble is one of the few champions that you "think" you can set behind, but he will still be a significant factor in the teamfights just because his ult is on par with fiddlestick's ult in terms of damage( and it has a nice slow). In my opinion, you should've just gotten 1 mres item to counter my mpen and get a sunfire cape to evenly trade with me. The idea is that the health will make your passive better, which would take away half of my Q damage, and the longer I stay next to you, the more damage I take from sunfire. Rumble does not naturally get mres in his item path other than abyssal, which is not a good item to rush on a rumble in most cases. He also forces pretty long trades, which is why sunfire is good against rumble. It overall becomes an even trade if both sides dont fuck up. It would have also made your split push relevant, since malph is a pretty damn slow splitpusher with no AP or sunfire.
2) Staying in postion in a fight is a very difficult skill to learn, but it is probably the skill that takes the least amount of time to learn that will give you the most benefit. Watch Frost's VOD of that game. Me getting a pentakill in that dragon fight was very fortuitous; all of you guys re-engaged out of position after zyra got you guys with her ult (which didnt knock any of you guys up), but then ahri, noc, and malphite decide to go in while ahri and noc were very out of position and walked into my ultimate. They melted almost instantly and had no time to significantly contribute to the teamfight. Hell, caitlyn was still doing the dragon when the fight was happening. Thats how little damage they put out in that teamfight. Lucian had a pretty good position, but then alistar and malphite were completely cut off from him and took free damage trying to get back into position between us and lucian. Their extra tankiness means nothing if they're out of position like that. Lucian wasn't able to get into a better position to focus rumble down quicker, and that was basically the end of the fight. -Alistar should've just gotten hit by the zyra ult. He's not a target worth bursting down, and him dodging zyra ult made him go out of position and was unable to help lucian get into a better position. -Ahri dodged the zyra ult with her R, but then R'd on to my ult to charm (it hit zyra). Going in for a guaranteed charm on a champ is not worth it if you're going to stand on a rumble ult. IF you have to go out of position to get a pick like that, then you must immediately R or flash out or you're going to melt extremely quickly. -Malphite had pretty good position with his ults, but as a result of getting pure mres, he doesn't do enough damage to the team and doesn't have enough health to be annoying. In that fight, he should've tried to make his way to be infront of lucian instead of trying to kill someone right after he ulted. -As a team, you guys should've either been trying to peel for lucian while walking either back down towards the tribush or up towards the blue buff, not collapsing on a lissandra/zyra/rumble who are in position to help each other.
The other one was where you guys caught me, but then all of you guys lined up chasing me coming out of the jungle. Those ults are ridiculously easy to land since everyone is literally in a straight line. Don't chase or retreat out of position. . If you guys are clumped up, that is an extremely easy fight to start and finish. The only other time where people usually clump up is when 2+ champs are trying to siege a turret. You can easily snag multiple people trying to siege a turret since there is only a really small area where you can actually hit a turret without going out of position.
Those were just my thoughts on that game in particular.
Registration - Ingame name aurawashere - If you are Plat or higher, just include rank and division plat 1
On August 25 2013 14:31 Frost wrote:First game [0:00 to 42:00]: ProbeRecall, KissBlade, Arkanoid, NaoNao, Nimbus1 vs. 2Sunday, Ketarah, Magnuswolf, ll0f, OMnomnomnomn Second game [49:00 to 1:39:00]: McMilo, Inschato, Arkanoid, Helspeth, Aika Kasumi vs. Mondeezy, Nimbus1, Ketarah, Maidoari, Auswahlaxiom Third game [1:45:00 to 2:33:00] OMnomnomnomn, Ketarah, MagnusWolf, Auswahlaxiom, 5HATCOMBO vs. Arkanoid, Aika Kasumi, FallenLoL, wei2coolman, Hummingb1rd Fourth game [2:41:00 to 3:23:00] Bly08, Mathies, Hummingb1rd, Umasi, Naonao vs.Yomi, 5HATCOMBO, Magnuswolf, Arkanoid, Atrioc http://www.twitch.tv/notomi/b/450908303If you guys want to rewatch your game to see what you could have learned, here are the vod times for each games that I have casted. I really recommend some of the lower elo players to watch at least. IN MY DEFENSE AS THE NASUS JUNGLE IN GAME 2 I HAD NO JUNGLE RUNES SO I JUST WENT WITH MY FIRST RUNE PAGE (which happened to be ap)
In the future, could you put the names of the players in each game so that we can find games we may want to watch a little bit easier? :D
On August 26 2013 01:28 Fallen33 wrote:In the future, could you put the names of the players in each game so that we can find games we may want to watch a little bit easier? :D alright, I'll do that.