New inhouse logistics TBD. In the meantime, feel free to hang out in the league general discord https://discord.gg/0lCEKA3jUEFxERzd ("add lol" in #welcome) and get some ad-hoc games going! |
Hey guys,
I decided to record a bit more detailed replay analysis of the first (only) game last night that I played in. It's more for my own learning but I figured other people might want to watch it. I analyze my part first, bot lane, then mid.
After looking at the stream it seemed like my mic levels were kind of crappy, so it's very hard to hear me when there's action and the game gets loud. During the lulls it's fine, though, and I do most of the analysis while I have the game paused.
Here it is: http://www.twitch.tv/upperbound/b/450669520
On another note it seems like my overall play gets blemished by some really, really, dumb stuff as I point out during my replay analysis. It's pretty frustrating to play pretty well and make some really awful mistakes game after game that basically ruin everything.
Will be making a channel, 6pm EST today.
Ares also brought up a good point that we need to set up a rotation if too many people just end up waiting one or two games while ten go at it for two-three in a row. While, I don't think there's necessarily any "strict" enforcement, I do encourage people to be willing to sit out and take a break after a game. You can join me in the spectating channel while you wait! =)
These inhouses have made me not want to play soloq anymore. Thanks TL.
On August 24 2013 23:44 KissBlade wrote: Will be making a channel, 6pm EST today.
Ares also brought up a good point that we need to set up a rotation if too many people just end up waiting one or two games while ten go at it for two-three in a row. While, I don't think there's necessarily any "strict" enforcement, I do encourage people to be willing to sit out and take a break after a game. You can join me in the spectating channel while you wait! =)
Incorporate pickup basketball rules:
Winning players stay, losing team is replaced by the players who have been waiting the longest. Most fair system known to man.
On August 24 2013 18:03 imBLIND wrote:Show nested quote +On August 24 2013 16:48 wei2coolman wrote:![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/0BSSW5L.jpg) Blue team loss (forgot to include victory/loss part) Some added comments (I was the cait): Vayne botched an engage that should have gotten me before fiddle support came to rescue me. This happened again sometime later, but I felt like I should've died whenever vayne got in her range. She also had bork and I had minimal lifesteal, which also scared me even more. I feel like laning wise I'm not that bad at ADC, but when it comes to engages and teamfight positioning, I'm worse than a silver ADC. That last fight where I got caught is enough proof of that. Rammus would've also gotten a bunch of easy ganks bot since we were always pushed up. If it wasn't roffles camping mathies, I think bot lane would've been a lot more sour than it actually was. The game plan should've been mid and bot pushing as hard as we could, evelynn throwing wards in their jungle for counter ganks mid and bot, ignore the lost top lane, and try to get cait/annie as fed and farmed as possible. I have no idea what the hell happened until cait and fid got zoned by diana/vayne while nasus/eve/annie were trying to kill the fed riven/lulu/rammus. Does anyone have any advice on how to position yourself as the ADC against a dangerous team/on a losing team? How much of the positioning depends on the rest of the team, and how much can I do for myself? That game might've just been a bad game since we were going against an extremely fed riven and farmed diana, but I dont think that's enough of an excuse for me to do no damage to their team. ADC against assassin is always like playing on knifes edge. As far as that game was concerned, outside of being as good as DL, there wasn't much you could do. Ideally, as Cait, you should have been dodging all diana Q's with your E or flash (if necessary), all while being away from any teammates (so diana can't just hop and suck you in). There's no real way to deal with rammus if he's able to sneak through front line and just taunt you, other than cleanse/qss. Other than that, you should have been able to deal with any teamfights other than those 2 main threats.
On August 24 2013 21:22 KissBlade wrote: I have Mathies on auto mute in Teamspeak from now on. He is the first player that I refuse to play a game with. Unless he proves he can actually learn something rather than nod his head and revert back to his previous behavior within the span of one day, I will auto ban Mathies from any IH games that I'm making. That's all I'm saying on the matter.
Edit: Why the hell are people even bothering giving him criticism or responding to him? Is there ANYONE in these IH's that can say with a straight face that he doesn't ruin the experience for people on his own team or any game he just happens to be in? In game wasn't *so* terrible, it's the postgame analysis that makes me facepalm really hard. Also, roffles, please more input for me in that game. You barely said anything after that game 
I wonder if Cleanse might've been more effective for Cait in that game. I know barrier is always a nice go to in lane but Cleanse seems very useful against Rammus, Lulu
On August 25 2013 01:13 KissBlade wrote: I wonder if Cleanse might've been more effective for Cait in that game. I know barrier is always a nice go to in lane but Cleanse seems very useful against Rammus, Lulu Cleanse is purty good, especially against something like Rammus.
United States7639 Posts
I really want to play more inhouses, but I keep getting some inexplicable and utterly disabling lag T_T i don't lag in soloqueue at all... is there some network/server difference between soloqueue and custom games? or maybe i was just unlucky x_x
Registration - Ingame name Zella Dae - Rank and division Don't play ranked (I am level 30) - If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two) Mid, ADC - For each role, identify two champions you wish to improve on Quinn for either role, orianna (mid), graves (ADC) - If you are Plat or higher, just include rank and division
On August 25 2013 01:21 Kiett wrote: I really want to play more inhouses, but I keep getting some inexplicable and utterly disabling lag T_T i don't lag in soloqueue at all... is there some network/server difference between soloqueue and custom games? or maybe i was just unlucky x_x
I have no idea what causes this lag, I was fine all week then I play a normal with my friend and teamfights become a slideshow.
As for Mathies, the game I played with him was fine, but we didn't do a bunch of postgame analysis, which is apparently where the problem is? Unless my memory is horrible he lost lane pretty hard and didn't rage or anything.
I'm a little disappointed that it seems like the good players try hardest against Mathies and seem to do the most to try to teach him when he is the most bad mannered and least receptive to criticism, and then really relax against people with better attitudes. I understand it's fun to dumpster the kid with an inflated ego and no social skills, but even so...
Seems like rewarding bad behavior.
As more ihs are done, eventually there is going to be a blacklist of people we get fed up with.
United States1865 Posts
man i had some fun playing in houses last night i'll definitely hop in some more !
if there are games going on tonight i'll play
I skipped the last few IHs because I wanted to get in some games alone to kind of get a better feel for what I want to do. I put some things down on my registration, but I feel that I wasn't really sure that's what I wanted to focus on when I got into the games. I got Kha'Zix and Sejuani in that time, and played some ADC (should I say Marksman?) games. Aside from Tristana, I'm not really into the late game hyper carries all that much. And I love assassins like Kha'Zix. However, I do want to get better at jungle, as my game against Monte earlier this week (Nasus v Trundle) made me realize that is by far one of my weaker roles, and I have very little confidence in it. I should start on timing camps, then get a feel for how champions play so that I don't 1v1 stupidly, and to get a feel for the lane situation to know if I can get help in a play.
So, if there's games tonight I'm in.
Jesus with all of these high-end players in here soon it's just going to be all-diamond teams squaring off (with maybe one unfortunate silver scrub thrown in for the wolves to tear up).
Neo we still on for tonight?
I'm in for today as well, pretty rusty though. Will you be streaming wave?
On August 25 2013 05:32 Mondeezy wrote: I'm in for today as well, pretty rusty though. Will you be streaming wave? Might be duocasting with Neo. Depends on a lot of things ie time, Neo's availability, how bad of a night my kid is having >.<........... I shall do my best however---I was also thinking of yoloq-ing tonight since I didn't last night.
Czech Republic11293 Posts
What is your estimate of when you start? Might be fun (to watch/co-cast or something)
A thought for having diamonds playing to improve but still helping: Have lower players with the same role/champ-wish spectate the game, camera locket on only that champion, and most importantly, playing with the mouse and keyboard as if they were actually playing. The idea is to think about when your actions differ, and keep your mind reflecting on each new situation all the time, not just "my laning was bad" but "when the wave pushed like that there I would've chickened out and taken harass instead of trading". I also think the reduced actual stress would help practicing map awareness. Hmm, If I were playing more atm i would go test it, alas...