New inhouse logistics TBD. In the meantime, feel free to hang out in the league general discord https://discord.gg/0lCEKA3jUEFxERzd ("add lol" in #welcome) and get some ad-hoc games going! |
Registration - Ingame name Inschato - Rank and division Silver II (Formerly Gold IV pre-decay) - If you are a lowbie (Gold or below), include what position you would be interested in working on. (List two) Mid, Support - For each role, identify two champions you wish to improve on Mid: Karthus, Diana Support: Leona, Lulu
Sorry guys, wanted to stream tonight but my guy is having a rough night and I doubt anyone wants crying baby in the background of their game!
Yeah I've been watching and listening in on TS every so often. Really impressed by how manner everyone is.
United States37500 Posts
Lots of fun tonight guys.
Edit: stxz, plz troll less. :[
Btw, I'd really like to say orb, Frost, Unkool & Hummingbird have been really helpful in their insight and advice during these games. Props to you guys.
Only got to play 1 game tonight, but enjoyed it a lot. Hoping to keep the in house hype train rolling.
Watching the stream but Twitch chat etc isn't connecting. Cheers for doing this!
On August 24 2013 13:54 Haasts wrote:Watching the stream but Twitch chat etc isn't connecting. Cheers for doing this!
Okay. I don't think duo casting works too much for me. I'll go back to solo casting. Thanks for letting me join in Monte though!
Watch my stream if you guys want!
i just tuned in, this is alittle lopsided =[
On August 24 2013 14:27 Aukai wrote: i just tuned in, this is alittle lopsided =[
Just wait a bit for another game to start and I will commentate on that!
STreaming now!
Edit: streaming LPL now
Edit: possibly streaming another IH
Edit: never mind. done. thanks for watching everyone!
Things I noticed.
Don't trade with your opponent if he has 6 or 7 creeps to zero early on. You will lose, guaranteed. Shouldn't really even be near the creep wave because the other guy can play aggressive knowing that he'll win.
You could probably win lane without going 4 amp tome build.
If you're so far behind on nasus that you can't go up to auto creeps without dying, you need to stop putting points into Q. Put points into E, and just spam it to get some farm.
Don't freeze the lane top when the other team is 2 man mid and 3 man bot. That's just giving up mid and bot for absolutely nothing in return.
Warding - Pretty poor on both sides TBH.
On August 24 2013 15:14 Amui wrote: Things I noticed.
Don't trade with your opponent if he has 6 or 7 creeps to zero early on. You will lose, guaranteed. Shouldn't really even be near the creep wave because the other guy can play aggressive knowing that he'll win.
I like this as I'm always talking about free damage. The above is exactly what I mean by it
It sounds obvious, but not many people really think after dying/ having a bad exchange in lane:
If you initiate a fight in your lane(1v1 or 2v2), and you lose the exchange/die, you did something wrong. Whether it is that you took much early creep damage, forgot about enemy summoner spells, or underestimated the damage the enemy could do. Something definitely did not go right. You should think about what it was while dead, and remember it for the future so it doesn't happen again.
Too bad replays aren't around right now. Small things like this add up in the long run, and actually will help you improve for the future.
"I'm not going to take advice from you on farming because I'm better than you at csing"
-32 cs mathies at 12 minutes
best quote of the day
On August 24 2013 16:25 -orb- wrote: "I'm not going to take advice from you on farming because I'm better than you at csing"
-32 cs mathies at 12 minutes
best quote of the day
I'm frankly surprised Mathies is allowed to play in these things. He has a fairly bad attitude towards taking advice, and I'm unsure why people think it would change here.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/0BSSW5L.jpg) Blue team loss (forgot to include victory/loss part)
This game just started off on a lot of wrong parts, and I'll go through a lot of mistakes so people can learn. ) Nasus and Annie started D-shield in their lanes. Nasus vs Riven lane, should start cloth armor first. Though Riven does do auto attack damage, early trades are usually E-W-Qspam-walk away, rarely are there tons of auto attacks mixed in. So cloth armor with early wards + pots are the best choice (especially since Roffles likes to camp the shit out Mathies). Annie should never start D-shield in lane, EVER. Annie's AA range is so long, that if anyone comes in on your ass, your hybird pen AA should be smacking there ass at least 2-3 more AA during an AA trade. Not to mention if they get any closer you should be spell blasting them with W and Q's. A more apt start could have been boot start, dring start, etc.
) Annie should be winning lane 1-6. Annie was getting out pressured by Diana. An easy remedy would be grabbing only 1 pt in Q (at level 1), and then 3 levels in W, and then back to Q maxing. This allows you to control creep waves a lot easier, that means when you push, you actually push, and when you want to clear, you can clear. Also, against Diana lane, feel free to AA a lot more against her (highly suggest grabbing hybrid pen runes for this reason, especially on Annie). Also approaching towards level six, try and burn out Diana's pots, and get her down to around 3/4 or 2/3rds health. So when you're level 6, you can instantly do your full rotation. Also not a fan of the RoA. DC first or DFG first would have both been apt choices. Annie shouldn't have any mana problems in lane, specially considering her Q mechanics, and with 2 drings. The lack of farm was partial the fault of botlane and I, since we kept trying to hover mid and take turrets, so we ended up taking up a ton of farm.
)Mathies, my man. You got camped, and that sucks. But guess what? Nasus rocks at getting camped. Pumping all dat Q under turret makes for a strong Nasus. However, you kept over extending and getting dumpstered by dumb easy to see Rammus ganks. Rammus ganks are super fast, so that means you need to ward DEEPER. You should be warding the river all the way towards Blue entrance, not at your bush. If you can see Rammus in your river bush, you're already fuckkkked. Even when your top tier 1 was down, you didn't freeze lane... Essentially, if you get dumpstered on in top, and your tier one is dead. Just freeze lane in front of your tier 2. Don't need to shove, don't need to do anything other than farm up your Q. The second you see Riven in a position that's going to take a long time for reaction (and assuming you see their midlaner in same spot), then you can shove it out extremely hard. Also, you need to get rid of your "high skill cap champion" arrogance. If you wanted to keep blowing on the whole "I want to play high skill cap champions", then just go play DotA, or play SC:BW for all that "high skill cap" bullshit. We suggested malphite as a cheap top laner because you can learn tons of basics, without getting punished too hard for it. Also, LEARN WHAT OTHER CHAMPIONS DO! We as a team should not have to tell you what Riven does as a champion. Should also learn when items are appropriate. No reason why you should be going SV first when Riven is extremely fed. Things like Sunfire+Randuins+Thornmail, are all solid item choices, and especially Sunfire and Randuins, both of which give a nice chunk of HP which also helps you against the AP burst (but seriously, diana not going to dfg focus you down, so you only need to deal with residual aoe burst, which isn't that much dmg).
) Botlane did great, they had an idea of creating great lane pressure to try and alleviate top lane. Didn't work, cuz Roffles is stubborned piece of shit who likes to camp a single lane. (luv u 4ever rawfles) But they did get really strong early advantage, however since I was hovering mid and top, I couldn't generate an early dragon with all this early pressure. Which I think was what lost a lot of the game for us.
) Finishing touches on this game. -let a lane just lose, focus on objectives. Was too caught up in what I should be doing mid/top, that I let our botlane advantage just fall and do nothing -riven is lame. -vayne is lame, also didn't like the zephyr pickup, PD out damages Zephyr even in 2 item vaccum. -i needed to grab more wards, but was too hung up on grabbing zhonyas. also my item build was not ideal. liandries would have been better 2nd buy after spectral wraiths.
On August 24 2013 16:25 -orb- wrote: "I'm not going to take advice from you on farming because I'm better than you at csing"
-32 cs mathies at 12 minutes
best quote of the day i almost pissed my pants laughing when i heard that. Also "malphite is low skill cap champ, so I'm not playing him."
EDIT: just noticed how much fucking MR purp team bought, no wonder I wasn't doing jack shit for damage.
On August 24 2013 16:48 ketchup wrote:Show nested quote +On August 24 2013 16:25 -orb- wrote: "I'm not going to take advice from you on farming because I'm better than you at csing"
-32 cs mathies at 12 minutes
best quote of the day I'm frankly surprised Mathies is allowed to play in these things. He has a fairly bad attitude towards taking advice, and I'm unsure why people think it would change here. I always thought it was a joke, lol.