Also apparently, our galio thinks that galio sucks at mid and since we asked him to mid, he will intentionally feed. WTF. Still, carried hard with warwick and managed to win.
The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 71
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India1783 Posts
Also apparently, our galio thinks that galio sucks at mid and since we asked him to mid, he will intentionally feed. WTF. Still, carried hard with warwick and managed to win. | ||
United States11761 Posts
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Australia188 Posts
If anyone wants to do some pre-made normals pm me. Better the devil you know than the one you don't. | ||
England6749 Posts
overall team score 15-15 -_- | ||
United States2085 Posts
![]() Start this game, teemo calls mid and then pings non stop for help. He cant handle it vs. caitlin so he runs top dies a couple times leaving mid unattended and then ragequits leaving us 5v4. Enemy Tryn starts spamming nonstop for us to report his teammates for being bad and KSing, meanwhile, we kill him a bunch of times, end up killing all the towers and winning the 5v4. I really like to play this game, but I really kind of hate the people that play it. I've never seen some much BM. I mean, srsly, who complains over and over about your teammates Kill Stealing? Its a team game. If enemies die, its good for the team. | ||
6170 Posts
-.- our team was stomping this morning. 11-1 Akali + 14-3 Shyvana are carrying pretty hard... rest of us are like 3-5-billion and 6-6-billion and one dumbass kat who's like 1-13. Shyvana decides its smart to dive inhib turret, and 2 nexus turrets for a vayne... he dies. We have to teamfight near barron and Akali decides she needs to farm bot. So we lose that one 3v5 Akali comes up and dives in and she dies. Get aced. They push and win. GG | ||
United States405 Posts
What's happened to you lately? When I joined the game over the summer I'd heard that the game had a terrible community and I didn't believe it. Sure, there were people smurfing and the occasional griefer, but on my climb to level 30 I had a decent run with relatively few bumps. Now I've been playing ranked for some time now, and things have gotten bad. I've been on a downward spiral of losses tanking my elo to below 1000. Yes, Elo Hell, it is real, don't let anyone fool you into thinking that it isn't. Elo Hell is a place where, if you don't have godly skill or the luck to grab Akali, you will lose consistently more than you win. The reason for this plumit may have started with you having an off day or week, but soon you'll find every single game puts a rager and a leaver on your team, while the other team seems to play with relatively few hitches. I've been trying to be understanding and nice and manner, but what the hell people? Every game it's autoloss at champion select. Someone afk/dc's at fucking 15 minutes in because they're being yelled at by another player and the entire fucking game just spirals out of control with a slow loss and cries of "REPORT REPORT REPORT!" Here's a hint for you fuckers, surrendering and reporting is still losing the game for you, fight it the fuck out and you might fucking win. Reporting's not gonna change the grand cycle of rage that permiates this game, people will make more accounts, more troll accounts and fucking ruin your experience. I'm quitting this game, I'm done, I can't take the fucking hate anymore. And there's no point in playing ranked when I'm only gonna lose more because I'm the worst LoL player ever, just ask my teammates who are apparently all pros every game and we'd win every game if we could all be a fraction of the amazing players they are. God this community makes me sick. | ||
United States3130 Posts
got out of my losing streak now i'm in a game with 3 fucking trolls. and on top of that they're trying to make me angry in queue. wtf is wrong with people wow. carried that shit 12-4-11... god trolls are the most infuriating people to play with. i'm fine with my trist loss now considering the fact that our team just failed but were trying and not trolling. | ||
Kyo Yuy
United States1286 Posts
On November 20 2011 19:39 ninjakingcola wrote: Dear LoL community: What's happened to you lately? When I joined the game over the summer I'd heard that the game had a terrible community and I didn't believe it. Sure, there were people smurfing and the occasional griefer, but on my climb to level 30 I had a decent run with relatively few bumps. Now I've been playing ranked for some time now, and things have gotten bad. I've been on a downward spiral of losses tanking my elo to below 1000. Yes, Elo Hell, it is real, don't let anyone fool you into thinking that it isn't. Elo Hell is a place where, if you don't have godly skill or the luck to grab Akali, you will lose consistently more than you win. The reason for this plumit may have started with you having an off day or week, but soon you'll find every single game puts a rager and a leaver on your team, while the other team seems to play with relatively few hitches. I've been trying to be understanding and nice and manner, but what the hell people? Every game it's autoloss at champion select. Someone afk/dc's at fucking 15 minutes in because they're being yelled at by another player and the entire fucking game just spirals out of control with a slow loss and cries of "REPORT REPORT REPORT!" Here's a hint for you fuckers, surrendering and reporting is still losing the game for you, fight it the fuck out and you might fucking win. Reporting's not gonna change the grand cycle of rage that permiates this game, people will make more accounts, more troll accounts and fucking ruin your experience. I'm quitting this game, I'm done, I can't take the fucking hate anymore. And there's no point in playing ranked when I'm only gonna lose more because I'm the worst LoL player ever, just ask my teammates who are apparently all pros every game and we'd win every game if we could all be a fraction of the amazing players they are. God this community makes me sick. There are going to be people like that in every match even if you're WINNING. Just ignore them. Heck, there are going to be stuck up players in every community, and generally how stuck up they are is not at all proportionate to their actual skill level. Even when I was actively playing SC2 I had 1v1s against people who refused to gg and leave because they thought I was a "noob" for "rushing" or using an unconventional build or whatever concept they wanted to choose. Ironically, sometimes I get the most flak when I am actually doing well - one time I was called noob for picking Master Yi despite getting first blood and dominating my lane. As for leavers... yeah that happens too. And it definitely makes you want to give up right off the bat since your game just became a 4v5. But honestly it's still possible to win even in a 4v5 if you and your team coordinate well. I had a game 2 days ago where I REALLY wanted to try out Shyvana, and at champion select someone picked her and auto locked in the first second. Then the game loaded and the guy just d/cs leaving us with a 4v5 for the ENTIRE duration of the game. We still won though. When I get a leaver in the first 5 minutes, rather than just leave myself or surrender at 20 minutes, I do everything I can to play the game and see if I can turn it around. Even if I lose, it becomes a VERY GOOD learning experience because you are handicapping yourself by doing a 1v2 in a lane and then having handicapped team fights later, meaning you have to try to find every way to catch their team out of position so that you never have to engage in a disadvantaged team fight. Last night I actually had a situation where two people on my team were duo queue and their Internet was lagging horribly so they BOTH contributed NOTHING to the game. The Garen I was in lane with just stood there by my tower and he leeched EXP but he wasn't able to move, so he disconnected and then his char was recalled. The Udyr was in a similar situation and he also d/ced. Suffice to say, there was nothing we could do about a 3v5. But I still tried to last as long as I could and outfarm the enemy team as much as possible. We ended up lasting 50 minutes before the game ended. Honestly, every time I see someone on my team just leave in the first 10 mins of the game it's a huge QQ moment. But I'm a firm believer of the mentality that "when life throws you lemons, make lemonade." I generally don't care whether I win or lose, as long as I am doing my best by not feeding, keeping up in CS, and helping with ganks and objectives as necessary. The only time I really QQ hard is when someone on our team has an absolutely horrible kill/death ratio, does badly, and THEN blames the entire team on top of that, and then goes so far as to feed on purpose just because he THINKS we're bad as a team. Any way, I apologize that this isn't a direct QQ, but I just wanted to express that a lot of people go through the same thing as you but I still keep trying because I feel bad situations can give me an opportunity to improve myself as a player by having with a handicap. Edit: I just wanted to clarify that I'm not saying you shouldn't ever QQ. Obviously this being the QQ thread and even I've done it myself (though not at other players). I just don't think you should quit just because some players are jerks and want to ruin other people's fun. | ||
United States1600 Posts
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United States12679 Posts
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Canada690 Posts
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United States1723 Posts
On November 19 2011 19:46 MrSandman wrote: Just went 26/7/24 as twitch in a normal game and lost. I'm not angry, I'm just tired of getting 25+ kills, having a 3-1 kd ratio and still losing the game. I mean, I haven't been playing that long and I can do well most games but it seems like everyone else is just freaking horrible. Sigh. If anyone wants to do some pre-made normals pm me. Better the devil you know than the one you don't. I know how you feel. Started out 7/0 shaco and ended up 7/7 due to heavy teammates. | ||
Canada10660 Posts
Just played a 45 minute game 4v5 and barely lost... Our team as a whole was 42/42/69, and had them down to one inhibitor turret. We outplayed them so hard, if we just had one more body we would have won before the 20 minute mark even if they just fed mercilessly. /sigh We literally won all three lanes. I was 4/0/0 as solo top Shyvana before the ten minute mark, we killed all the other teams outer turrets, and I took out their inner top turret at about the fifteen minute mark. We also controlled dragon and had about twice the creep score they did. Yet... we ended up losing because we lost big teamfights (like for baron). | ||
11589 Posts
![]() Me as Karthus. Jax too real. Enemy fiddles too tanky to instagib, too good at ulting for my team not to die. WW, though he was mostly useless, racked up assists by ulting me at the start of every fight, immediately allowing me to be focused because everyone else just ran away -_- Games like this game, more than anything else, is why I can't play for extended streaks. People infuriate me. | ||
9109 Posts
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United States1892 Posts
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Finland1190 Posts
Update: Other game today. Played olaf vs irelia top. Killed her like 5 times. Meanwhile team feeds shaco and he gets like one kill a minute. In the end hes like 25/1/7. I ended as 9/6/6. Gotta say this was one of the worst teams I've ever seen. Well premade bot mainly fed which led to shaco snowball | ||
Canada10660 Posts
On November 21 2011 23:01 Sabin010 wrote: Renekton is OP in Elo hell. At least that is what my team has led me to believe, but anybody who is left alone to kill Fiddle before minions and take 3 more kills on Feedlesticks before 8 minutes, then left alone to free farm cs while feedle is being given blue buff so he can derp it away to the renekton who is now free farming under my teams tower because he dove feedle and flashed out with out going much below 80% hp is going to be able to 1v5 an enemy team under their nexus turrets because he has an incredible advantage. Also call your mia's so that bad ass croc doesn't suprise me in my mid lane landing a dash flash dash stun allowing the le blanc to burst me down. You could also pay attention to your mini-map. You're on a starcraft forum, I'm sure you have the skills to do it. | ||
Finland1190 Posts
On November 22 2011 00:42 iCanada wrote: You could also pay attention to your mini-map. You're on a starcraft forum, I'm sure you have the skills to do it. Lol sorry nvm lol. I was in a hurry lol game was beginning and I thought you addressed that to me. Just read quickly the newest post | ||
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