Lux hits binding on Vayne, hits E too, i hit my EQ on Jayce. Vayne has something like 20% HP Left. (He is behind his turret though) What happens next?
A. Lux uses his R too, gets the kill, we push a free tower because of it
B. Lux goes to farm our wraiths, Tristana goes to farm bot, and Lee V pings me back because he needs wolves, and we need to give Vayne some time to farm his HP back up.
And if this only happened once, but Lux hit 3 bindings on priority targets, and then just, stopped... aaaaaargh
On July 28 2013 10:07 Simberto wrote: Why do people keep on picking vayne in my team. Always. I hate that champ. Worst ADC in the game. Low range, no escape. Always dead, never not dead. I have to work my ass off in lane just to keep her from dying, instead of working to get my adc ahead. And then they just die and die and die and die. Is that one game out of ten where you totally dominate really worth losing the other 9? I can't imagine people having positive records playing vayne.
She's strong at the moment. Seems like half of the time she's first pick now. My favorite is the variety who always condemns on the third shot, regardless of whether or not it makes sense. Like I was playing Taric and every time I tried to engage, she'd just condemn them away to get the proc. It's like what the hell, if you just waited you'd get the 3rd auto, and have time for 2 more and then condemn. Thanks for leaving me out to dry in an extremely awkward position because you have terrible habits. Or saving the enemy ADC repeatedly doing the same stuff when the jungler ganks. It's just so infuriating. Learn to play your champion please, and stop first picking that crap when you're not sound mechanically.
...That Annie, Flashing over the wall at bot bluie tower, jsut to die and feed Cait double buff at level 2...I dont even understand. Then has the balls to call people faggots and retards and report everyone else.
Edit: My last 6 games, Won lane lost game due to 1/13 bot lane, 3 afks, won lane lost game, Win, 8 minute top inner and inner mid down, Win lane lose game. Sad as fuck.
I really wish I would stop getting people who don't feel like playing every single game :/.Last few days literally every single game I've had at least 1 person starts to whine how they are giving up and we deserve the loss for something completely random.Also fuck people who pretend that they aren't trolling just so they don't get banned.At least try to be funny if you are gonna troll.
Vayne is really good.She is even getting quite a few bans lately.
Garen, most retarded champ ever
Lulu Zac is so stupid, I hate that combo. Also supports, get oracles after sightstone and mobo boots pls. Now that you don't loose it when you die, there is pretty much no reason not to have a permenant oracles on.
I don't get it, normal game matchmaking op.
Our team:
Silver III Gold V Gold V Gold III Gold IV
Their team:
Diamond I (ended up with 20+ kills and 1 death) Diamond IV Platinum III Gold I Gold II
On July 29 2013 02:42 5miley wrote: Lulu Zac is so stupid, I hate that combo. Also supports, get oracles after sightstone and mobo boots pls. Now that you don't loose it when you die, there is pretty much no reason not to have a permenant oracles on.
The problem is that if you don't do anything with that vision control, at some point you have a support with sightstone and mobos, while the enemy support additionally has an aegis and/or locket. I really like getting an oracles, but sometimes it feels like my team just doesn't do anything with the denied vision, at all, and at some point the enemy support is just so much more useful then i am in teamfights, because they are a lot less squishy, have more CDR, and have auras.
On July 29 2013 02:42 5miley wrote: Lulu Zac is so stupid, I hate that combo. Also supports, get oracles after sightstone and mobo boots pls. Now that you don't loose it when you die, there is pretty much no reason not to have a permenant oracles on.
The problem is that if you don't do anything with that vision control, at some point you have a support with sightstone and mobos, while the enemy support additionally has an aegis and/or locket. I really like getting an oracles, but sometimes it feels like my team just doesn't do anything with the denied vision, at all, and at some point the enemy support is just so much more useful then i am in teamfights, because they are a lot less squishy, have more CDR, and have auras. Meanwhile i spend my money on lots of wards and oracles, and my team still manages to get caught with nearly 100% mapvision or start really stupid fights nonstop, giving no room to actually have an advantage from their lack of vision.
fuck blue ez. seriously. he does nothing. especially when you're paired with taric or leona in lane. why would you build no damage when the whole point or fucking taric is to WIN YOUR LANE. instead you spend all game charging up the tear. Lose lane, lose dragons, do absolutely no damage to thier jungler. ffs.
Having a bad day, already got demoted to gold 3, decide to play one last game. We have a duo. One is plat 3. The other is bronze 5. The plat guy decides that the bronze 5 guy should go mid while he goes jungle. Caitlin wanders off in front of dragon and gives first blood 45 seconds in, Nautilus dies 3 times in the first 10 minutes in his jungle and the bronze 5 has 60 cs 25 minutes in. Against a Singed mid with flash. Jesus Christ.
I like how 2 item Poppy that's 2-7 still blows me up nearly instantly when I'm an ADC. Good god, remake already please.
Double Ezreal, Lux and Lee Sin dmg as Malphite. RAAAAGEEEE
wtf? after a day of trolls and lose all my LP
i get matched with silver skill-level players and then get demoted to gold 2
w/e i'll grind to plat easily after exams
Been playing on some low silver accounts (I'm only low gold so I'm not great) but man there are some really toxic players in silver.
A duo calls bot, I'm fp so I take adc. One of the duo rages and then goes support nid with ignite (no wards). 20 min game.
On July 29 2013 21:06 schmutttt wrote: Been playing on some low silver accounts (I'm only low gold so I'm not great) but man there are some really toxic players in silver.
A duo calls bot, I'm fp so I take adc. One of the duo rages and then goes support nid with ignite (no wards). 20 min game. Tbh, solo-queuers letting botlane to duo-queuers if they ask for it is one case where pick-order priority shouldn't apply imo, not saying that the guy going ignite/no wards support nid isn't an asshole, but you kinda started it :/
On July 29 2013 22:19 BobMcJohnson wrote:Show nested quote +On July 29 2013 21:06 schmutttt wrote: Been playing on some low silver accounts (I'm only low gold so I'm not great) but man there are some really toxic players in silver.
A duo calls bot, I'm fp so I take adc. One of the duo rages and then goes support nid with ignite (no wards). 20 min game. Tbh, solo-queuers letting botlane to duo-queuers if they ask for it is one case where pick-order priority shouldn't apply imo, not saying that the guy going ignite/no wards support nid isn't an asshole, but you kinda started it :/
Pick order > call order sorry mate, I've done nothing wrong picking a role they want.
Still, they queued up together wanting to lane together, why on earth would you not pick sololane or jungle then... Meh