The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 465
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Germany11334 Posts
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537 Posts
Calmly go do wolves, then get a kill top. Syndra gets ganked again. She manages to live this time, but the rage continues. "GG your jungler has map pressure ours doesn't." Game ends up being a 50 minute game, lots of back and forth. We secure about 2/3rd dragons and 2 barons. About halfway through Syndra starts buttering up to everyone because it's obvious we are carrying. (She keeps ulting JANNA for some reason.) Ez is managing to kite everything and we are hardcore diving Cait/Ori to kill them instantly. No I didn't play perfectly, and yes, Volibear was probably a better jungler than me, but that's what happens when first pick is nice enough to fill for the last pick and let them get the role they want. | ||
United States1092 Posts
On July 29 2013 22:30 schmutttt wrote: Pick order > call order sorry mate, I've done nothing wrong picking a role they want. I can see why you're stuck in low gold with that attitude. To point: I never duo queue. Never have, likely never will. And until I started using LoLNexus, I really had no idea how many duoqueuers I was actually playing with who never bothered calling roles and such. I support main. But when a duoqueue comes in and asks for it? Most of the time I just let it go and pick something else (usually top). Not because it isn't worth arguing over, but it sets an awesome tone for the rest of the game when people are willing to shift around roles and such, and in general everyone performs better. You are completely entitled to pick ADC. Pick order > call order if there's an argument, always. But if you used the attitude that you put in that post right there when you took the ADC in the game? You completely wrecked any kind of positive vibes your team had. Not saying the support should have trolled you (and didn't watch the game, so don't know if she honestly did), but when you take a negative attitude with your team, you set yourself up for those exact situations. One of these days, people in general will realize this is a team game, and that it works both ways. "Why won't these guys help me?" seems to be the most prevalent thought, when "What can I do to help the team?" is just as important, will also help you improve as a player in general, and is also, in the end, the only thing you can really directly influence when you play league. As for my QQ -- had a Jarvan that spammed Mexican racial insults at a friend of mine I was doing normals because his name is a Mexican food, but said nothing in the game about it, and kept feeding and "constructively blaming" everyone when we "screwed up his ganks." Was completely toxic, both pre and post game, but worded things in such a way that since you can only see in-game chat, Tribunal will never ban him. It makes me sad. ![]() | ||
United States35091 Posts
NOPE COM-FUCKING-CASTIC. 1 months + of not being able to play league. | ||
Sweden5302 Posts
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Canada31494 Posts
On July 30 2013 00:32 Gahlo wrote: The last week or so my daily FWOTD bot games have been going well. Maybe my connection has shaped up enough so I can play again? NOPE COM-FUCKING-CASTIC. 1 months + of not being able to play league. 4 months and counting brehhhhhhhhhh | ||
Australia2470 Posts
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United States20254 Posts
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Australia3856 Posts
On July 30 2013 00:03 ArcticFox wrote: I can see why you're stuck in low gold with that attitude. To point: I never duo queue. Never have, likely never will. And until I started using LoLNexus, I really had no idea how many duoqueuers I was actually playing with who never bothered calling roles and such. I support main. But when a duoqueue comes in and asks for it? Most of the time I just let it go and pick something else (usually top). Not because it isn't worth arguing over, but it sets an awesome tone for the rest of the game when people are willing to shift around roles and such, and in general everyone performs better. You are completely entitled to pick ADC. Pick order > call order if there's an argument, always. But if you used the attitude that you put in that post right there when you took the ADC in the game? You completely wrecked any kind of positive vibes your team had. Not saying the support should have trolled you (and didn't watch the game, so don't know if she honestly did), but when you take a negative attitude with your team, you set yourself up for those exact situations. One of these days, people in general will realize this is a team game, and that it works both ways. "Why won't these guys help me?" seems to be the most prevalent thought, when "What can I do to help the team?" is just as important, will also help you improve as a player in general, and is also, in the end, the only thing you can really directly influence when you play league. As for my QQ -- had a Jarvan that spammed Mexican racial insults at a friend of mine I was doing normals because his name is a Mexican food, but said nothing in the game about it, and kept feeding and "constructively blaming" everyone when we "screwed up his ganks." Was completely toxic, both pre and post game, but worded things in such a way that since you can only see in-game chat, Tribunal will never ban him. It makes me sad. ![]() I still fail to see what I'm doing wrong :/ . I fill when I'm last pick, I take the role I want with first pick. I might put in a preference for a role when not fp but I don't expect it. | ||
United States8519 Posts
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Mozambique16569 Posts
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United States901 Posts
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United States7684 Posts
On July 28 2013 10:07 Simberto wrote: Why do people keep on picking vayne in my team. Always. I hate that champ. Worst ADC in the game. Low range, no escape. Always dead, never not dead. I have to work my ass off in lane just to keep her from dying, instead of working to get my adc ahead. And then they just die and die and die and die. Is that one game out of ten where you totally dominate really worth losing the other 9? I can't imagine people having positive records playing vayne. I hope you don't play normals. | ||
United States7684 Posts
On July 30 2013 09:53 schmutttt wrote: I still fail to see what I'm doing wrong :/ . I fill when I'm last pick, I take the role I want with first pick. I might put in a preference for a role when not fp but I don't expect it. My real question is what was going on during ban phase. | ||
Canada22817 Posts
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Hungary6034 Posts
On July 30 2013 09:37 miicah wrote: Lost a 46min 4v5, enemy team had a jungle brand and 24/7/x fiddle. AMA Don't worry, I have a 0-2 record againts Heimer jungles. One time the Heimer was afk for like 8 mins, but we still managed to lose. Actually, 80% of the time, the troll team wins, so even though I didn't experience it for a very long time, I wouldn't be upset if a teammate of mine picked a clarity-Revive Vladimir, because statistically I'd have a higher chance at winning.:D | ||
United States901 Posts
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Germany11334 Posts
On July 31 2013 04:23 FSKi wrote: ADC/Mid afk for first 10 minutes when I'm the jungler. I take over mid for those 10 minutes. Ashe comes back, dies 10 times in 10 minutes(prior to 20) then starts a team mutiny against me for not ganking. Why the fuck am I going to gank when you're level 1 at 10 minutes? It just doesn't make any sense. I'm pretty sure my whole team reported me. But seriously, if you're afk for 10 minutes of the game, me ganking your lane is a huge waste of time. I just don't comprehend how I got 4 reports, and its my fucking fault that 2 of them were afk. What exactly are the rewards of playing this game again? I only seem to get angry. Yeah, that is the silliest thing, and it always happens. Someone on your team is afk, so you take both buffs and then take over their lane. Which is pretty much the only reasonable thing to do. And your team will not even notice all of that happening, but they will flame you for not ganking. Should you just ignore that lane completely and gank the other two into obvious counterganks while one of your lanes is slowly getting pushed to the inhibitor? | ||
479 Posts
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United States7684 Posts
On July 31 2013 06:05 craaaaack wrote: so what again was the reason you sometimes got streaks so when you lose it is -23 and when you win it is +8? Because fuck you, that's why. | ||
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