This is my first time commenting here but...
OMG. Get a triple kill as an adc before 5 minutes. Team is 18-8 ahead. THEN LET'S DIVE GALIO...3 TIMES!!! Mid galio gets fed, top wukong gets fed, I cry myself to sleep.
I'm so angry at my team, not because they played badly (used to it) and not because they ignored me saying "don't engage 2v5" by pings and actually typing it out right before they did it (happens all the time) but because they blamed me for the loss. I ended up 11/5 and the only one who did not suicide 10 times. The 8/14 elise asks the other team to report me for not joining in the aforementioned 2v5 feeding BONANZA.
It's about time we start asking ourselves, are we losing team fights because the adc isn't here or because we're choosing to engage without the adc? Did I lose my lane because of a lack of ganks or because every time our jungler was nearby I was hitting the enemy tower? And why did the motherf------- team decide that suiciding under a tower to kill a tank when soraka has her ultimate up was the best course of action?
The amount of qq you get for playing teemo is insane. I get flamed almost every time on champ select by my own team.
I got mass reported one game, received a warning afterwards . reason: "Report teemo trollpick top, useless champ. Look at lcs noone plays teemo there you suck noob" - Support twisted fate
Hey, dumbass. Just because you aren't using SGU doesn't mean you're not a shitty Udyr if you pick him after they locked Sejuani, Malphite, Zed and Graves. Even worse if your "build" is spirit stone -> rush cutlass -> swifties -> try to finish BotRK when you gave up first blood with a shitty invade. Not even talking about you facechecking when we see Elise support going into our jungle and their hyper-fed Graves disappear nearby. Oh, look, you get stunned freely and dropped to 100 HP before I get to Lulu ult you.
Sure, he wasn't the sole reason we lost. But this kind of random shit gets old, I mean, it's not because pros like Vulcun or Dignitas have shit decision-making that you should take it as an excuse for yours.
Next game? TF dies to Annie at 4, says "flash and ignite for a kill, so bad", proceeds to try to fight her when she hits 6 and has stun up as he's 4, dies again. He used 2 ults just to come back to lane. Twitch doesn't follow-up on a gank, then flashes under their tower to try and get a kill that we obviously can't get anymore. Zed flashes out of Amumu's range, then walks right into it (via a bush) to die anyway. Twitch tells Annie he'll rape her, with shitty smileys and stuff. He and TF are French. Can't really help our reputation.
Not sure if I should believe in some promo series shitty games curse, or just in myself playing at 7 PM. On the other hand it's holidays so shitty kids at any hour of the day.
On August 01 2013 03:23 Alaric wrote: Hey, dumbass. Just because you aren't using SGU doesn't mean you're not a shitty Udyr if you pick him after they locked Sejuani, Malphite, Zed and Graves. Even worse if your "build" is spirit stone -> rush cutlass -> swifties -> try to finish BotRK when you gave up first blood with a shitty invade. Not even talking about you facechecking when we see Elise support going into our jungle and their hyper-fed Graves disappear nearby. Oh, look, you get stunned freely and dropped to 100 HP before I get to Lulu ult you.
Sure, he wasn't the sole reason we lost. But this kind of random shit gets old, I mean, it's not because pros like Vulcun or Dignitas have shit decision-making that you should take it as an excuse for yours.
Next game? TF dies to Annie at 4, says "flash and ignite for a kill, so bad", proceeds to try to fight her when she hits 6 and has stun up as he's 4, dies again. He used 2 ults just to come back to lane. Twitch doesn't follow-up on a gank, then flashes under their tower to try and get a kill that we obviously can't get anymore. Zed flashes out of Amumu's range, then walks right into it (via a bush) to die anyway. Twitch tells Annie he'll rape her, with shitty smileys and stuff. He and TF are French. Can't really help our reputation.
Not sure if I should believe in some promo series shitty games curse, or just in myself playing at 7 PM. On the other hand it's holidays so shitty kids at any hour of the day.
I love those people who recount what the enemy used to kill them as if that would make it worth it. Guess what, it is not. If 2 people use their ult and flash to kill you, you are still dead.
On August 01 2013 05:11 Simberto wrote:Show nested quote +On August 01 2013 03:23 Alaric wrote: Hey, dumbass. Just because you aren't using SGU doesn't mean you're not a shitty Udyr if you pick him after they locked Sejuani, Malphite, Zed and Graves. Even worse if your "build" is spirit stone -> rush cutlass -> swifties -> try to finish BotRK when you gave up first blood with a shitty invade. Not even talking about you facechecking when we see Elise support going into our jungle and their hyper-fed Graves disappear nearby. Oh, look, you get stunned freely and dropped to 100 HP before I get to Lulu ult you.
Sure, he wasn't the sole reason we lost. But this kind of random shit gets old, I mean, it's not because pros like Vulcun or Dignitas have shit decision-making that you should take it as an excuse for yours.
Next game? TF dies to Annie at 4, says "flash and ignite for a kill, so bad", proceeds to try to fight her when she hits 6 and has stun up as he's 4, dies again. He used 2 ults just to come back to lane. Twitch doesn't follow-up on a gank, then flashes under their tower to try and get a kill that we obviously can't get anymore. Zed flashes out of Amumu's range, then walks right into it (via a bush) to die anyway. Twitch tells Annie he'll rape her, with shitty smileys and stuff. He and TF are French. Can't really help our reputation.
Not sure if I should believe in some promo series shitty games curse, or just in myself playing at 7 PM. On the other hand it's holidays so shitty kids at any hour of the day. I love those people who recount what the enemy used to kill them as if that would make it worth it. Guess what, it is not. If 2 people use their ult and flash to kill you, you are still dead. To be fair, there are some cases where it's worth. I was in a game where the whole team was tunnel visioned trying to kill a support who was warding deep. The support was one of those typical "OMG five ults for just me? TROLOLOL" kind. However, that was our cue. They had used almost every ult on the support, which meant that when we closed in on them 4v5, they couldn't do much since all the ults and flashes were burned a minute ago.
But I agree otherwise, especially if it was a ganking situation in the laning phase. Reminds me of this. + Show Spoiler +
On July 31 2013 22:20 OmegaKnetus wrote: The amount of qq you get for playing teemo is insane. I get flamed almost every time on champ select by my own team.
I got mass reported one game, received a warning afterwards . reason: "Report teemo trollpick top, useless champ. Look at lcs noone plays teemo there you suck noob" - Support twisted fate
Yordles are scum. So says General Oddone.
Really sad games today.
First game - blitzcrank joins game late, and dives into enemy team 1v5 3x in a row. It goes okay for a few minutes then TF decides he wants to start running in 1v5 for the rest of the game. Really sad moments, and wish I could actually do something about it
2nd game - Comcast lag kills everything. Can only vaguely see the beginning of the fight, and then the end of it. Lost game pretty much, but tried to help in fights as much as I could. Doesn't help that I can't initiate or land WQ combo as alistar with the skipping.
I just want some fun games and get my wotd already
yeah, never play adc in solo queue. renekton + zac were on me the whole fucking fight and then my teammates blame me for losing the fights because they're so fucking focused on diving the 3/6 vayne and not peeling for me. I about had a stroke that game, holy shit.
Can't win a fucking game anymore. Already got demoted twice. Play three games today. First game, I'm GP vs Yi. I'm up in CS, their jungle tries to gank and I get a double kill and survive, I take down two of their towers, we lose anyways. Second game I'm Shaco. I steal their red, go bot and get a 2-0 at under 4 minutes and steal their next blue. Their jungle Cho doesn't get in a SINGLE gank the entire game. Still, somehow EVERY LANE LOSES? Third game I'm Kassadin vs Teemo. I manage to stay even in CS, then I kill him at around level 8 and go up in CS. Meanwhile, bot + jungler have given Ezreal 8 kills. We fall behind, but we have a good late game team comp, but my team surrenders anyways before we even lose a single inhibitor tower or even baron. I mean, what the fuck.
Lol. 5v5 ranked with WW.
Entire team blames me for not ganking and "trolling" after I get my blue stolen because lux facechecks into an invade. I even pinged for everyone to get into position for a counter-invade because enemy blitz, and lux just facechecks anyway. Top GP goes 0-12 against teemo, our vayne goes 0-5 by 15 min, and enemy blitz lands literally over 80% of his hooks in the mid game (and not a single time on me). And yet, the loss is my fault for not ganking early game.
I got a message after that game ended saying I was reported. Pretty sure all team mates reported me.
If I ever become rich enough to buy Riot, I'm going to do it, just so I can indiscriminately ban these kinds of downies and all accounts that have ever been associated with their current IP address.
Do you only get messages for reports if you get a lot of them? Or is this fairly new? I'm pretty sure I've never gotten that message before.
You apparently get it if you get reported a lot more then you usually do in a short period of time, at least that is what i have heard.
Get Diana mid ahead 3/0 against panth. Give bot 2 kills. Suddenly people start dying all over the map for no apparent reason. They take a dragon. They move to mid. Noone is there. Get 2 free turrets. Still noone there. because people randomly keep on dying all over. Have to start a bad fight or give them inhib for free just because we never have more then 3 people on the map at the same time because people keep on getting caught. So annoying.
If you play proxy Singed, I just wish you a slow and painful death.
I understand if you aren't very good at support, but I am sick of people in soloq who end up supporting and just sulk and don't care how many times they die.
So sick of dora the explorer people dying 12 times in a game 'but i was warding' WHY DO WE NEED TO WARD THEIR BLUE WHEN ITS DOWN AND THEY ARE ALL MIA
Well I hate low ELO. Blue side FP and I don't say much at all, just call/lock mid and afk and the second I get into game, I get raged at for being a fucking nooblord instalocking piece of shit. Well, either that or duo mid.
oh well, still carry np but I swear, my smurf is going to get banned sooner or later even though I do nothing truly offensive just because of just the sheer number of assholes at gold and below.
Fuck this game. First game two people DC during a 3v5 turret dive. Ends up being a 2 for 5, and then they immediately 5 man mid and take 2 inhibs and the game. So fucking BM
Then next game, I have a bot lane fucking xerath support. How the fuck are you supposed to win with that. He goes 1/10/2 or some shit.
First game was easily winnable. Was freaking 12/10 when they ended. Second game was fucking lame as balls. I won my lane vs the exact same guy, But epicly feeding xerath support and nasus jungle can't do shit.