The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 458
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Bulgaria5710 Posts
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United States2316 Posts
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France2198 Posts
And with Ryze, even when they're in you're range, your spell will never trigger. Bullshit. | ||
United States2300 Posts
On July 18 2013 15:22 Zergneedsfood wrote: Kennen versus Darius is actually not that bad for Darius. Kennen's auto range is the same as Darius's apprehend so trying to harass/poke could be troublesome because Darius can engage + slow and trade back easy. It's still really good for Kennen though. You can stun and run away without Darius getting a sweet spot Q on a pull, and then auto him or zone him for 15 seconds without retaliation. As long as you don't get greedy and all in him (especially after hexdrinker) too early, you'll inevitably push him out of lane or kill him. Plus he's really prone to ganks, and you are not. | ||
United States2300 Posts
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Mozambique16569 Posts
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United States8519 Posts
Edit: Gotten a disconnect on my team in like 3/4 the last few games. Almost won the last one by getting 17 stacks of Mejais on Lux in the critical fight (even with a 4v5 for like 5 minutes about 10 minutes in), but Kat with a free pass to 4 major items is pretty freaking stupid. | ||
France8572 Posts
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United States35091 Posts
On July 20 2013 04:46 Lylat wrote: Played too many ARAMs, can't cs for shit now QQ :'( Switch to jungle/support and it's a nonissue. =] | ||
Germany3605 Posts
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United States15977 Posts
On July 20 2013 04:48 Gahlo wrote: Switch to jungle/support and it's a nonissue. =] Support needs to know how to last hit actually. Holding lane when your AD backs is a underrated skill, and CSing without any sort of AD is hard. The extra couple hundred gold you can get in those situations is a pretty significant possible source of income. EDIT: I get your point and I'm definitely nitpicking, but still. | ||
Czech Republic11293 Posts
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United States13912 Posts
past 5 games i've had 3 people afk either at the start or end of the game last game i had a hec who decided he didnt want to play any more... playing against double ad and he goes sunfire instead of an attack speed debuff item sadly :/ he then near the end of the game decides he doesn't want to play anymore so he goes afk push top while the enemy team is pushing down an outer turret bottom lane, into pushing our inhib turret. i don't understand why people do this.... really wish i wouldn't have to play with these kind of players :/ o also game before that i have a nasus who called top but was last pick and instead of going jungle which was open he decides to run tele/ghost. (so we have no smite doesn't bother talking in champ select) 10 mins in game he decides to talk and bm everyone. we some how win the game (don't ask me how) but still annoys me that i have to play with people like him >< | ||
United States1067 Posts
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United States901 Posts
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Vietnam3530 Posts
thats like 2cs/min... wtf... | ||
Germany2350 Posts
After that I took a break and now I´m 1-0 in promo again going 14-2, 7-0 and 7-2 with Kayle. 2 games people picking Fizz into my Kayle mid. Dunno what to say, its just so random. | ||
Germany11330 Posts
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Finland951 Posts
Uses ult on minions when ever its up, when i ask him to save it for team fights he says "LOL, i am an ADC, i dont use skills in team fights" Ok. :I | ||
United States2405 Posts
In the past few days, for at least 75% of my games that have an Udyr in it, the team with Udyr loses. He's not a "fit into every comp" champ, but this skin is bringing out all the baddies. | ||
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