The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 457
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Mozambique16569 Posts
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little fancy
Germany2504 Posts
On July 17 2013 03:10 krndandaman wrote: What AD's do you mainly play? My buddy had a similar problem too but it was mainly because he was playing mostly safe/passive style laners such as cait/vayne/etc. Playing adc's such as draven and mf helped carry by stomping their lanes. I play what my team needs (Graves/Corki/MF/Vayne/Cait are what I would call myself decent with), but in cancerQ I stay with Graves/Corki because they can be lane bullies AND have good mobility. The problem I see is that I'm too used to my support buddy. He is starting the trades and engages while I follow up. I go into auto farm mode while staying alert so I immediately react when he goes in. This interaction is what consistently wins us the lanes. Also, he is warding like a boss. The solo queue supports just lack the commanding decision making and overview. On the other hand, I don't know the stranger besides me, so I can't engage and try to 1v2 on my own hoping that he would actually join. So I focus on farming which apparently isn't enough to actually carry the game in the end. | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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United States10671 Posts
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little fancy
Germany2504 Posts
I guess it's the fact that I'm not used to initiate the bot lane plays as an adc with a random player on my side. | ||
Canada11044 Posts
INSULTING PEOPLE DOESN'T MAKE THEM PLAY BETTER. IT MAKES EVERYONE PLAY WORSE. TELLING PEOPLE TO REPORT YOUR TEAMMATES DOESN'T MAKE THEM PLAY BETTER. BLAMING PEOPLE CONSTANTLY DOESN'T MAKE THEM PLAY BETTER. If you can't handle communicating with your teammates without being a piece of shit, then just mute everyone and remove your enter key. Jesus Christ. In the end I did over 20k more damage than Draven, who after blaming me for Leona getting caught at their blue while 4 of their team was MIA and them getting baron after because I was pushing out bot, immediately afterwards went to split push bot while their entire team was MIA and getting killed by Akali. | ||
Kyo Yuy
United States1286 Posts
Fastest way to tank elo is to keep playing games when you're losing ![]() | ||
United States8519 Posts
Also top laner didn't ward and then whined when they inevitably died pushed up to second turret and said we "should take objectives while there are 4 people top" when there was maybe 2 until more people on our side pulled them there. Counting and warding, what is this madness? Worst part is they try to lecture me on taking objectives. If you die like a retard, that's not exactly opening objectives to be taken. | ||
United States1179 Posts
- Stuck in plat with my mmr getting sodomized by fuckwits in solo lanes - Traumatized by today's games after getting fed and ahead in cs as Vayne and having at least 3 people dedicated to solely jump me in teamfights. Even after waiting 5~10 seconds after everyone blows their load, Jax/Lee/Kassadin either Flash, ward jump, or blink into me no matter what the cost. It doesn't matter if they eventually lose the teamfight, they just want me dead no matter what because they want the fed ad carry dead and out of the game. Shit like this is more demoralizing than loss streaks. | ||
United States3889 Posts
Promo series to gold , First attempt. Game 1. Get ahri mid, go mid, do pretty well, pretty flawless victory(by this I mean lots of flaws were had, but we weren't close to losing the game), something like 10-2-7 on stats. Game 2. Get support nami, not my best role, but have faith! My tf doesn't connect for 10 minutes, by the time he's in the enemy jungler has asserted himself all over top, and since he's hekarim, and I''m bad, he gets us bot once or twice too. I end the game 0-2-5, I tried to oracles and clear wards and stuff pretty early on, but they were just all over us, and my team was pretty defeated because of the dc. We were also super behind in farm/objectives, pretty huge loss. Game 3: Get Ahri Mid, this was the one that I can live with, since you know we lost fair and square, I could have played much better this game. Bot and me both win, but the jungler is having a tough time and gets caught by their udyr in an invade, and udyr ganks top twice(wasn't warded). Basically, by 10 minutes top lane is 0-6, and is just saying fuck it every 5 seconds and proceeds to go to lane and die instantly every time, I swear that I never had a chance to gank because top was just dying before I could rotate, and our jungler was telling him "Insert cuss words here" cause rene was farming his jungle(see red buff) on spawn, going to lane, and then dying. Also, I was trying to keep tabs on Lissandra, I followed her multiple times bottom, and also swept into bottom to help trist clean up a triple, during a time where their udyr was ganking bot. Also, I am not one to complain about builds, but top renekton is super far behind and goes Cutlass first, and ends up building entire BotrK before anything like a giant's belt. ![]() Game 4: Get Ryze mid, against keenen, I feel ok with this. Our malphite jungler wants to invade so I head out asap, and then get caught by myself and give FB. It's ok, cause we take their red anyways, and when I come back we catch Udyr leaving our blue and malph gets the kill and now has double buff. I think he takes there blue, then at our red, he pings cause udyrs there, I come down, and get pinched from mid/udyr, and our malph dies to bot lane rotating(our bot lane was really low cause Nami helped invade so bot lane, was behind in levels and stuff. Then malph goes to red again, and instantly dies. Malph rage quits and never reconnects, their team trash talks, we basically walk around in our base, farm waves as they come in, they are able to push into our base by 15 minutes. TL:DR promotion series suck, good times were had. | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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United States10671 Posts
On July 17 2013 04:37 little fancy wrote: I actually do understand the basics in trading. As Corki for example, I always Q + auto combo whenever I can and try to get in the free AAs. However, it's not like the enemies are Bronze V and won't react. If I can't rely on my support to follow up, I am afraid of dying early which would lose me the lane in the beginning. I guess it's the fact that I'm not used to initiate the bot lane plays as an adc with a random player on my side. Isn't Q auto? | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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France3578 Posts
i'm doing my stressful placement series where I don't want to end up bronze. Onto my 4th game, I go 9/0/9 as cait bot while mid and jungle gets fed. Nice win. To follow the momentum, I queue up again, end up jungle Nasus. Enemy team invades and Khazix jungle takes first blood on our Twisted Fate, then proceeds to counterjungle a lot because he's an asshole. ![]() Game goes on with TF doing nothing, Kennen feeding Darius (and crying for ganks, like he should need it dammit), me trying to help mid and get my buffs instead of khazix (who always escapes with his fcking E). Games goes long, during 1h, we have good and bad teamfights, our tristana being quite fed in the end and dealing a lot a damage. On a decisive teamfight after our inihbs respawned, she jumps into the team because she thought she could kill Ezreal... I'm now 3/2 on my series and very sad... My games are either great stomps where I don't even die once, or 1h long games with teammates throwing. T.T | ||
United States10671 Posts
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France3578 Posts
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Bulgaria5710 Posts
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Australia3856 Posts
My last four losses have all been the bot lane getting destroyed 2v2. No ganks, they just suck. | ||
Carnivorous Sheep
Baa?21242 Posts
On July 18 2013 18:58 -Zoda- wrote: Oh I didn't know Darius apprehend was going that far, I'll know for the next time I guess... its a bullshit skill cuz the range is beyond the animation they should really clean that up technically kennen is 10 range more but w\e | ||
United States15977 Posts
First game: Winning, then we all DC at around the 30 minute mark after we pull a sweet Baron fight. Pretty sure we got drophacked. Second game: Pull out the madlife hand on Blitzcrank in lane and get Vayne pretty fed. Internet starts going out for me, leave my team in what is an effective 4v5. We lose. Welp, back to the grind. | ||
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