The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 448
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Bulgaria4096 Posts
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United States2316 Posts
Game 1: crush bot lane, mid and top feed and get face rolled. Game 2: essentially afk support so get rolled bot lane, mid and top do nothing with jungler being bot all laning phase. DW was all my fault. | ||
India2889 Posts
On June 30 2013 16:36 Shotcoder wrote: typical start to my weekend of games. Game 1: crush bot lane, mid and top feed and get face rolled. Game 2: essentially afk support so get rolled bot lane, mid and top do nothing with jungler being bot all laning phase. DW was all my fault. Yeah, I've noticed, the quality of games on weekends takes a massive nose dive. I was thinking an increase in population might make the matches better. Also the crowd tends to be a lot younger,or atleast feels that way. | ||
Bulgaria4096 Posts
![]() Games that are supposed to be over at minute 25 continue for 25 more minutes and you just cannot push your teammates to finish it, there was a game where we got aced between their naked nexus and fountain, because I was the only one trying to kill the nexus, the others were fighting at their fountain, that game continued for 15 more minutes, before I backdoor their nexus:-))) People were reporting me for kill steals in a game where I was 12-2-1 (1 assist) and overall the team had like 16 kills or smth. There were other bullshit happening, but cant remember all of them, however, dont get me wrong, I am not mocking their gameplay skills, people are there to learn, I am pretty bad at that game as well, but the quality of the humans that are in bronze is just ridiculous, its kind of scary that they are many and they are among us, no matter that this is a game, they won't be a lot different in real life IMO. p.s and dont get me started on the level and the intensity of insults in these games, just dont ![]() ![]() | ||
United States10531 Posts
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Canada747 Posts
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United Kingdom184 Posts
On July 01 2013 14:02 SoraLimit wrote: In what possible way do people think that Fiora jungle is going to actually work? What kind of mind thinks "hmmm, I think I'll fiora jungle cause it's soooo good!"? Same people that think YI is a brilliant choice of jungler and we're all "Noob" for not doing anything when he ganks, well good sir picking Yi when we lack the CC was always going to work... | ||
3583 Posts
And I do okay, but this game is fucking hard and my teammates are all either way better than me or are more than a few clowns short of a circus or nine years old. I play beginner bots and my team is one guy who is 75/0/2 and three guys who are 0/30/5 and me who is 7/4/20 (because these guys keep stealin mah kills). I fucking tibbers pwn some dude-bot and am about to finish him when fucking Garen whirlwinds in from the fucking side hatch and penta-kills their asses and then calls me a noob and bitches at my teammates. I feel like I'm not getting any better because I just roll midlane every time with no wards and no knowledge of what to do other than try to stun and tibbers pwn people. Fucking game is hacked man. edit: Oh and the worst part is that when I tried some advanced bots I went like 0/17/4 and my team spent the entire time asking me why the fuck I wasn't leashing (without telling me wtf leashing means, still not clear on that btw) and bitching at me to go back to beginner bots. but I don't learn anything in beginner bots. this shit is ridic. | ||
Bulgaria18893 Posts
On July 02 2013 03:56 sc2superfan101 wrote: Just started this game (as in just downloaded it and started playing like a week ago). First I go Lee Sin or whatever his name is. I get uber owned in every practice (me and bots versus bots) I play. I assume this is because Lee Sin is too hard for me. So I look up some stuff and ask around and people tell me to try Annie. So I play her. And she's pretty good. I like her style. I feel comfortable enough to try some Co-op versus AI. And I do okay, but this game is fucking hard and my teammates are all either way better than me or are more than a few clowns short of a circus or nine years old. I play beginner bots and my team is one guy who is 75/0/2 and three guys who are 0/30/5 and me who is 7/4/20 (because these guys keep stealin mah kills). I fucking tibbers pwn some dude-bot and am about to finish him when fucking Garen whirlwinds in from the fucking side hatch and penta-kills their asses and then calls me a noob and bitches at my teammates. I feel like I'm not getting any better because I just roll midlane every time with no wards and no knowledge of what to do other than try to stun and tibbers pwn people. Fucking game is hacked man. edit: Oh and the worst part is that when I tried some advanced bots I went like 0/17/4 and my team spent the entire time asking me why the fuck I wasn't leashing (without telling me wtf leashing means, still not clear on that btw) and bitching at me to go back to beginner bots. but I don't learn anything in beginner bots. this shit is ridic. Leashing=do damage to the jungle creeps the guy with smite is doing :D.But if you are playing annie mid you shouldn't even be doing it but that's another story :D. I wonder if we will ever see the day when we can actually play a full day of ranked without either it being disabled or getting dc-d a few times because euw is king :/. | ||
United Kingdom50293 Posts
It's like I want to be a good adc to be like doublelift but I end up being spring split cop instead and it just frustrates me that because of my good score I'm the only one who will acknowledge my awful play (Sona did call me out once). | ||
Canada10567 Posts
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Germany11324 Posts
On July 02 2013 04:12 nafta wrote: Leashing=do damage to the jungle creeps the guy with smite is doing :D.But if you are playing annie mid you shouldn't even be doing it but that's another story :D. I wonder if we will ever see the day when we can actually play a full day of ranked without either it being disabled or getting dc-d a few times because euw is king :/. If he starts blue and you are playing Annie Mid, and unless something else is going on, you should be helping your jungler. That does not mean doing 50% of the golems health. But you should be there and do auto q auto. It costs you nothing and helps your jungler a ton. Other then that... First thing you NEED to learn is to stop bitching about killstealing. That is generally stupid. It is also very prevalent at lower levels. Don't do it. Don't think it is a legitimate thing to say just because a lot of people are saying it. They are fools. Don't be a fool. Secondly, bots are weird. They don't act like humans, they don't move like humans, and if you know what you are doing, their routine is very easy to understand and exploit. However, especially in lower level botgames you also get a lot of people who just started playing the game. Just do your and try to improve. If you die to bots, you are doing something wrong. Always. If you don't kill the bot you lane against every 2 minutes, especially as someone like Annie, you can improve on that. Of course that might also lead to you adapting bad habits against actual humans. For example, bots dodge (or actually not dodge) skillshots (stuff that is aimed at the ground, not at enemy heroes) totally different then humans. But still. If you are dying to bots you are doing something massively wrong. Don't act like you can't improve, because you can. Without even seeing your games i can tell you that your lasthitting sucks, your mapawareness sucks, and you can't judge fights correctly. All of that can be trained against any kind of bot. For example, pretty much any decent player is able to beat beginner bots 1v5 on any champion. So if you are not slaughtering them, you can still easily improve. | ||
United States7684 Posts
There's no such thing as KSing..unless... -You're not a carry -You're purposely holding back your spells to KS (I suspect every Lux of this) -You're a shit player and continue to be shit after KSing | ||
Finland33997 Posts
![]() Just another day in the office. | ||
United States2316 Posts
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2220 Posts
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United States3889 Posts
Of course I was proceeded to be told homophobic and blatant rude comments and I then said once game loaded, we need to just play and try our best, I'll communicate and work together(just like that) I got more comments, so I muted 3 members and played the game. Probably lost because of communication, (Trynd and Draven got caught alone 5000 times) but whatever, their fault, don't even care about getting reported for that bs. Just had to get that off my chest. Really I guess this is all my fault for being bad enough to be in this league ![]() | ||
Germany11324 Posts
I know that it is all facade, but why would you want to have an incredibly infuriating facade that hides the whole system? | ||
United States35091 Posts
On July 03 2013 13:06 Simberto wrote: I hate the league system. Why does it value random games in promotion series so much more then other games? It makes no sense. I know that it is all facade, but why would you want to have an incredibly infuriating facade that hides the whole system? Because it appeals to the masses, which have far more hatred for elo. | ||
Germany11324 Posts
This league stuff is a stupid system. It hides what is going on. That can not be a good thing. And it infuriatingly puts a lot of emphasis on promotion series while also trying to put you at a 50% winrate through its matchmaking, making the whole process just frustrating because you have to roll the dies until you finally get that winstreak. It just trys to make the difference between where it actually rates you, and what it displays as large as possible while also confusing you as to what is going on. | ||
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