Then he continued to blame me for EVERYTHING in the game. It was even my fault that his duo buddy shen lost top 1v1. He couldn't exactly explain why, though.
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Germany11326 Posts
Then he continued to blame me for EVERYTHING in the game. It was even my fault that his duo buddy shen lost top 1v1. He couldn't exactly explain why, though. | ||
United States35091 Posts
He's got nothing to shoot for anymore! Only thing he can do is sustain Challenger now. | ||
France2198 Posts
He never left his lane, the whole team got trashed, he blamed only me and my buddy. But that's our fault if team lose, because shit premade ! Maybe the 3-7 Draven and 1-9 Leona were way better, who knows. We spent the game fighting at 4v5, because he was retarded as fuck. Then he said in /all that they should report me and my buddy. lol | ||
France45622 Posts
Then at the end it just made me angry when I realised that the frailty of the comp is just an excuse to have even more throw opportunities. Gosh. | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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United States35091 Posts
On July 05 2013 02:32 krndandaman wrote: meh one of those games where you just can't do anything. im jungle nasus and pretty much the game story was the screen flashing ALLY HAS BEEN SLAIN simultaneously on every lane. I can't go to every lane so I do what I can sacrificing my farm and net some kills/assists. But whenever I leave lane they always find a way to die. 10 deaths on our team within 5 minutes, what? I finish 8/4/2 and we lose double inhibitors before 20 min. Other team honored me and other team jungler said I was the better jungler. sigh. some games you just can't do anything about it. also, for some reason i'm getting matched with plats alot lately (i'm silver 1). both on my team and other team. no duo queue. whats up with this? Either you have plat MMR, or they are stuck in Plat5 and you guys are meeting somewhere in the middle. | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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Canada11044 Posts
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United States33802 Posts
Canada11044 Posts
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Sweden5302 Posts
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Canada1140 Posts
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Germany11326 Posts
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196 Posts
On July 05 2013 21:34 Osmoses wrote: The worst part of this game is raging because you yourself are playing like a retard, and you can't even blame your team for bitching at you T.T | ||
United States1092 Posts
But who do I hate? Who makes my skin crawl and makes me want to be able to banish certain people to a corner of hell? There's a certain type of person who calls support, claims they're a "support main", and when you fight them for it say, "I have to support, I'm bad, I just feed in all the other roles." This is not the person who picks Lux or Nidalee support and tries to AP because they're not in their main role. This is the person who is picking Sona, or Nami, or Soraka, and genuinely believes they're a good support. They'll throw an occasional heal on their ADC, and think they're amazing. But the river is never warded. The brush is never warded. They're the Sona who never steps out to poke the opponent. They stand back and watch as the opposing lane dives under tower, staying just in heal range, but not actually attacking, while the ADC dies helplessly as they were expecting a 2v2 under turret. They'll drop 2 wards across 20 minutes, which will both pinked or oracle'd, then when you complain that you have no vision, they'll say they dropped some, but the enemy keeps killing them. And somehow, with not buying any wards, with keeping their sightstone fully charged and not laying any wards, they somehow have no items either. The money that should be in wards has evaporated, and they're sitting on CDR boots and a Chalice at 35 minutes, and somehow the map is still blind. If you try to tell them how to improve their play? "I'm doing fine stfu and gank." "Stop picking on me or I'll just AFK in the base if I'm that useless." "If I'm not warding enough buy them yourself." Being awful is one thing. Having a bad attitude and not wanting to even learn is another. Thinking you're good when everyone clearly has a problem with your play is downright delusional. And the most annoying part of all, trying to climb the ladder by playing support, just because nobody else ever wants to and it's "the easy role" is insulting to all of us who actually enjoy playing support, and know there's more to getting your ADC fed and controlling the game than pressing your heal button every ten seconds. I want to send all these people somewhere very dark and cold. Or at least have some kind of vote where if 2/3 of the people you play with don't want to play with you again, League is uninstalled automatically from your machine. | ||
Hungary6034 Posts
On July 06 2013 02:12 ArcticFox wrote: Being awful is one thing. Having a bad attitude and not wanting to even learn is another. Thinking you're good when everyone clearly has a problem with your play is downright delusional. And the most annoying part of all, trying to climb the ladder by playing support, just because nobody else ever wants to and it's "the easy role" is insulting to all of us who actually enjoy playing support, and know there's more to getting your ADC fed and controlling the game than pressing your heal button every ten seconds. I want to send all these people somewhere very dark and cold. Or at least have some kind of vote where if 2/3 of the people you play with don't want to play with you again, League is uninstalled automatically from your machine. Amen brother. If i wasn't poor, I'd give you TL+. But I am, so you don't get anything. | ||
little fancy
Germany2504 Posts
The hate we got when they finished the game after their 6th suicide action by rushing the Nexus was over the roof top. They go all ape shit and nerd rage after a really close game: "HAHA FUCK NOOBS LOL GG EASY NP ROFL" and stuff. Out of nowhere. Really toxic. Worst of all, they were German, too, and I'm ashamed to live in the same country as these subhuman beings. | ||
Canada1140 Posts
On July 06 2013 02:07 Simberto wrote: So they picked Nunu and didn't put him in the jungle, and you still complain? I'm more pissed botlane let him walk into our jungle and consume stuff. | ||
United States19573 Posts
Then get towerdived 4v2 right when you get back to lane, and go 3 for 2, only to have top/jungler both die to top akali 2v1. | ||
Germany11326 Posts
And now today: Way ahead, winning teamfights. Then, within 10 minutes: Diana dives turret getting us all involved in a bad fight that ends with a 5 for 2 and gives them the baron that just respawned for free While they are pushing mid with baron, literally on the last wave that they had baron up, exactly when said wave is arriving, 2 people have to go bot to waveclear at the inner turret. Even after the game they still insist that this was the good play, and we just "got caught". Yeah, sure, we could have given them an inhib turret for free, that would be smart. We barely defended inhib turret and went 3 for 4 there. The next time they arrive mid, this time without baron buff, blue ez somehow manages to get caught and instantly die for the gg. Why do people do such obviously stupid things? And all in a row, one each by each of my teammates. Next game: exactly as he arrives in lane, malph dcs. We are basically playing 2v3 bot because lee likes to live there, and still winning, until fed ryze from mid and fed jayce from top decide to join in on the party. Malph apparently has no R button since he still has his ult up after a teamfight where everyone on our team, including him, died. I'll be back in plat 5 soon again. I just feel like i have no influence on this game most of the time as a support, but i really like playing support. It does not even matter if i win lane and ward everything, people still run into stuff that was obvious on wards 3 seconds ago if the enemy is not just sitting on top of a ward. It is like they only look at the map the moment they do something, and disregard all information that is more then 1 second old. I should probably go back to jungling if i want some influence, but i just don't want to deal with the asshole that flame you no matter what you do. Maybe i should jungle and just put everyone on ignore at the start of the game? | ||
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