The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 452
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Canada5878 Posts
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United States2316 Posts
25 minute game and you're 3/9, 1/7, and 3/8? THen you say you play for fun? Wtf why are you playing ranked if you're playing champs you just bought for fun? Edit: Wtf riot, Get your shit together. I don't have a firewall, why can't I connect to the server until 15 minutes into the game? | ||
Netherlands4122 Posts
I raped their whole team in early and midgame but as soon as teamfights started happening they just dove and dove and dove and my team apparently couldn't win the 4v2 somewhere else on the map... | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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Canada11044 Posts
On July 08 2013 20:40 krndandaman wrote: Not really mine, but I feel bad for my friend. He said he always get terrible teammates that are absolutely retarded and I thought he was just exaggerating like most people do. Well, I duoqueued with him a few times and damn. These kids are next level bad, not to mention ragers. He's only a rank below me and it's this bad. We only manage to carry half of the games and lose the others in horrible fashion. When I soloqueue I generally get decent teammates now and even had a nice game today where we carried an 800 ping vayne with 90 cs in 30 min. Holding an ~80% win rate over my past 30 games soloqueue. And I've been getting matched against high golds/plats as a gold V. It's bizarre. Though I have a feeling I just jinxed myself. Time for you to play with the Fiddlesticks jungle who doesn't buy a single ward, but instead gets mobility boots, philosopher's stone and kage's because Nunu is counterjungling him. Then when we're doing Baron, he just lets Nunu walk up and take it, despite the fact that he has TWO ABILITIES that can stop Nunu from using consume. Jesus. | ||
Germany11326 Posts
Also, Zac ganks are fucking annoying. I don't know what to do if he just jumps in every single time i engage in lane as Leona. You can't ward against that shit because he can just be 1000 range behind them and jump in as soon as i engage. And if i don't engage, we also lose lane because if leona never engages, she is just standing around. | ||
China1214 Posts
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United States3482 Posts
Raaaaageeee | ||
United States7684 Posts
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Germany11326 Posts
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United States9109 Posts
dominate a 4v5 that we had no chance of winning but somehow pulled out, +10 LP don't know whether or not to brag or cry | ||
Canada11044 Posts
On July 09 2013 02:58 Jerubaal wrote: ^By far the most aggravating thing is when you win a team fight and people start backing or dicking around in the jungle instead of taking objectives. The worst is when they recall because they have like 25% health. NOBODY IS GOING TO BE ALIVE FOR 30 SECONDS. KILL SOME STUFF. | ||
Germany11326 Posts
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United States33802 Posts
What is this my 10th game back from a month break? Fuck this I don't even remember why this game was fun in the first place. | ||
6038 Posts
That being said, I just wish I could learn to carry harder/influence the game flow better. It's so frustrating to dominate a lane, come out 50+ cs ahead/3-4 kills/0 deaths, and then lose, despite playing out of my mind in teamfights as an adc. I know if I want to improve I need to learn to use these advantages better, but man, I just want to be carried for once in these games - or at least have a team capable of using my advantage to their advantage without me having to spell it out for them. | ||
Bulgaria4096 Posts
On July 09 2013 14:06 Swords wrote: Preface: I am terrible at this game. I'm in bronze, and steadily trying to work my way out. That being said, I just wish I could learn to carry harder/influence the game flow better. It's so frustrating to dominate a lane, come out 50+ cs ahead/3-4 kills/0 deaths, and then lose, despite playing out of my mind in teamfights as an adc. I know if I want to improve I need to learn to use these advantages better, but man, I just want to be carried for once in these games - or at least have a team capable of using my advantage to their advantage without me having to spell it out for them. Friend, ADC is not the role for this on Bronze level. Trust me, I have experience, personally I am silver, so nothing special, but I played on a friend's bronze account for the last several days and It went from bronze 5 to 1. What I notice is that you gotta be top or mid to carry the game. When I carried with ADC I was like 9-0 in lane or something bullshity like that. ADC is too dependent on the team to carry with only 3-4 kills, while Mid/Top there you can carry with 3-4 kills extra. Jungle can also carry you, but again you gotta play not just strong, you gotta play amazing, all ganks have to be successful, you gotta steal buffs, you gotta kill enemy jungle, its more or less like the adc role: it can carry but you need to be "the man of steel" ![]() Another hint for going out of bronze: You gotta make kills, it doesnt help you a lot if you know about objectives, about farm, about right items, about counters, about right team decisions, as Mike Tyson once said: "Hit the head and the body will fall by itself", in bronze is the same: keep killing them and the nexus will fall by itself :-)) p.s Saw that I forgot to mention the support:-)) if you feel like you can win lanes, support is out of the question, whenever you can avoid it (and this is an advice from a person who mains support in his main account) do it, dont take support, as I said you gotta make kills, do you know with what I supported in my friend's bronze? and it worked like Christmas miracle, I did it with my main mid- Pantheon, I leave the farm for the adc (who misse 60% of the creeps anyway), I ward, I ping him but I also go for the kills, as I said above you gotta kill them nothing more nothing less ![]() | ||
France2198 Posts
On July 09 2013 17:30 M2 wrote: Friend, ADC is not the role for this on Bronze level. Trust me, I have experience, personally I am silver, so nothing special, but I played on a friend's bronze account for the last several days and It went from bronze 5 to 1. What I notice is that you gotta be top or mid to carry the game. When I carried with ADC I was like 9-0 in lane or something bullshity like that. ADC is too dependent on the team to carry with only 3-4 kills, while Mid/Top there you can carry with 3-4 kills extra. Jungle can also carry you, but again you gotta play not just strong, you gotta play amazing, all ganks have to be successful, you gotta steal buffs, you gotta kill enemy jungle, its more or less like the adc role: it can carry but you need to be "the man of steel" ![]() Another hint for going out of bronze: You gotta make kills, it doesnt help you a lot if you know about objectives, about farm, about right items, about counters, about right team decisions, as Mike Tyson once said: "Hit the head and the body will fall by itself", in bronze is the same: keep killing them and the nexus will fall by itself :-)) p.s Saw that I forgot to mention the support:-)) if you feel like you can win lanes, support is out of the question, whenever you can avoid it (and this is an advice from a person who mains support in his main account) do it, dont take support, as I said you gotta make kills, do you know with what I supported in my friend's bronze? and it worked like Christmas miracle, I did it with my main mid- Pantheon, I leave the farm for the adc (who misse 60% of the creeps anyway), I ward, I ping him but I also go for the kills, as I said above you gotta kill them nothing more nothing less ![]() TLDR : Don't pick something that relies on your teammates. | ||
France45622 Posts
Nor to rush over to nashor right after they pinked it, and they just walked past river to try and push mid. I guess it doesn't matter too much because after Lee steals nash and gets out alive and I kill Ahri who followed him, he and Kog decide to chase Jax in the jungle. It's a 3v4 (Lissandra died in the pit, and dumbass Janna hasn't respawned yet) and our ults are down, but nevermind, let's chase the Jax who has a GA on top of it and suicide. "don't matter" and "had fun except for lags" say them after I ask why they chased him. Yeah? Well, "had fun except for moronic throws". Because it tends to be frustrating. You know. You thought things could go well, you could work with the team. And suddenly they go full retard for no reason. | ||
Netherlands4122 Posts
Game before that too, apparently I just can't carry hard enough. | ||
Sweden5302 Posts
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