The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 454
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Germany11329 Posts
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Canada10567 Posts
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Spain1114 Posts
It's hard for me to get mad at games but this is starting to be really annoying | ||
Germany11329 Posts
I guess i need to learn to play jungle again. But i don't want to. Supports are so bad at this level, but apparently that is not influential enough to actually make me rise in any relevant way. | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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27 Posts
i snowball 2 kills in 6 minutes and make the enemy mid ragequit the game, and my team dies 15 times in the next 6 minutes, i'm at 4-0 and the records like 6-17. I honest to good get such a violent mindset where if I knew these people in real life I wouldn't feel bad if they hung themselves. how are people this bad at something so unbelievably fucking easy? and yet every day i log on thinking, "surely not everyone that plays league of legends is as fucking stupid as the teams I've been getting for the past week" | ||
United States27 Posts
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United States27 Posts
On July 11 2013 23:00 krndandaman wrote: I am jungle nunu. I tell my support zyra to ward the bush area above red (near ramp) at around 1:40. She says ok. I finish my blue at 2:00ish and I start running to red. I see zyra still there and I say zyra?? can you ward?? as I'm doing red. I assume that shes dc'd or something so I just do red since I have vision anyway. Right before I smite to finish off red zyra dc's and starts walking back. I finish red and iceball the last small minion when all of a sudden fucking hecarim starts flying out of the bush I just left while doing red and first bloods me for double buff. WTF? He then snowballs from that firstblood/double buff as he massacres all the lanes and I can't keep up. At the end of the game Hecarim calls me a noob for playing nunu and makes fun of me (and it was a 4v5). Yay. its a theme, when you lose 4v5. The other team is always like ez noob learn to play. Even if you were crushing them before the dc. League Community... | ||
United States7684 Posts
On July 11 2013 19:08 OmegaKnetus wrote: Except that the server regularly throws people out on the loadscreen or in the middle of a game. There's maybe 1 in 10 games where noone is disconnected at the start. I've learned to stop alt+tabbing during the load screen or my client crashes. | ||
United States2316 Posts
On July 11 2013 18:48 Simberto wrote: Why do people who disconnect always claim that it is not their fault? If it is not yours, whose fault is it? I don't disconnect. You do. Thus there must be something wrong with what you do. If you got a shitty PC or shitty internet, don't play LoL. There are lots of cool singleplayer or 1v1 games out there where you don't ruin shit for your team. Except that's not how it works. Server can be buggy at times and I've played so many game without issues then randomly will get disconnected form games mid way through or not able to even connect to the game for like a week then eventually they stop being buggy and it works fine. | ||
Canada10567 Posts
Down a full league, 10 points at a fucking time. EDIT: Fucking great. Jungle decides to hold blue as a fucking chogath, and loses the 3rd. All while against an ahri who gets to fucking push for free because she gets blue donated. Free fucking win. Losing 24 points now for a fucking loss, gonna take ages to work my way back up. | ||
Iraq16955 Posts
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United States2300 Posts
17:00 loss after winning an unwinnable lane. | ||
United States7684 Posts
On July 12 2013 14:33 BrokenMirage wrote: FUCK! Just had a game with this Leona who bmed me non-stop for not following her in her suicidal tower dives. She sold all her items to build lines of wards across the map. Fuckers like that should be shot. Also she probably reported me along with her stupid friends who were in game. 8 years. | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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Bulgaria4097 Posts
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France8631 Posts
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Sweden5302 Posts
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England1046 Posts
On July 11 2013 12:35 Shotcoder wrote: They reworked Shyvanna huh? Lets ult chogath into our midlaner multiple times and blame the karthus for not being able to dodge the cho feast. Feasible argument. Only in Solo queue. Edit: I must have broken back into ELOhell, we're at the point where there are 4 smites on our team... Edit2: I have gone from Promo in Gold 2 to 17 in gold 5. When do I get real players again? When summer break is over? Yep, I can't wait for being able to play without kids called 1337n00bk1ll3r97 to get back to school, the immaturity kills the game so often. I just need to get up to challenger away from the kiddies, but that ain't happening anytime soon. | ||
Germany11329 Posts
On July 12 2013 19:22 M2 wrote: Riot pls Riot make an option not to play with a particular person anymore. Pls. Even if it costs IP or RP. For some people I will pay. Ignore list should have that function built in. If i put someone on ignore, i obviously don't want to play with that guy. So don't give him to me again in the very next game. Though i assume that that would make matchmaking pretty hard if noone on the team can have anyone else on his ignore. But maybe it would even work like a charm and make annoying people not find games anymore, and non-annoying people only getting other non-annoying people. | ||
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