if you duo bot in a ranked game i hope you get bitten in the nutsack
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United States33802 Posts
if you duo bot in a ranked game i hope you get bitten in the nutsack | ||
Spain1114 Posts
On July 07 2013 03:38 Requizen wrote: HERDERR WE'RE DUO BOT TOGETHER if you duo bot in a ranked game i hope you get bitten in the nutsack You can duo bot without being obnoxious about it but yea people who think they are entitled to some role just because they are duoQing are scum | ||
Germany11326 Posts
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United States2316 Posts
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France8631 Posts
In post-game damage recap, he had exactly one third of my support's damage. One. Third. ONE. THIRD. ONE. FUCKING. THIRD. U.D.Y.R. | ||
Germany11326 Posts
Does not matter, enemy got an absurdly fed shen and a fed lissandra. End game with 1/3/16 as a nami support and lose. Also, i have come to the conclusion that winning bot is not necessarily good. It just means that the enemy mid and jungle will gank bot nonstop, while yours run around doing random shit. This usually leads to the losing botlane being ahead after a few minutes of that, and the enemy getting at least a turret + dragon. Second game similarly fun. Fiddle ganks bot, via the same route, on ult cd. Stands in wards, does not matter. Varus dies to it every single time. Meanwhile the rest of my team loses so hard it is absurd. Fizz loses to kassadin mid, lee to jax top, and our jungle manages to go 0/3. After all of this, varus still insists on engaging the now 4/0 ez with his 0/4 and complains when i tell him that that is a stupid idea. Promotion series done. I hate it. | ||
United States200 Posts
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Germany11326 Posts
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United States1179 Posts
On July 07 2013 07:21 mr_tolkien wrote: Just got a Udyr in my game who got gifted FB during an invade (by gifted he flashed for it), proceeded to rush Ancient Golem before boots, never gank, and not hit anybody in teamfights. In post-game damage recap, he had exactly one third of my support's damage. One. Third. ONE. THIRD. ONE. FUCKING. THIRD. U.D.Y.R. Sir, I believe you're a little too trigger happy with that dcap rush on supports. | ||
United States7684 Posts
On July 07 2013 11:33 Simberto wrote: Can someone explain to me why if my team is ahead, they ALWAYS do the stupidest shit for about 20 minutes, continuously fighting bad fights and getting caught until we finally lose. And if my team is behind, the enemy team never does that shit? It's you. | ||
Germany11326 Posts
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United States840 Posts
Lets go support (Mid Ap) Lux, that never wards. Cho that rushes D-cap/void staff mid. Have a Teemo that afks in the top brush (Seriously... just leave the game. You're not even split pushing.) Top it all off with a jungle Shaco who's first gank was, at lvl 9, in a team fight mid. I love bronze. | ||
Canada11044 Posts
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Germany11326 Posts
Edit: 0/6 Nasus and 1/7 shen flaming each other all game long, both absolutely sure that only the other one is flaming. | ||
United States2316 Posts
I main adc and it's so frustrating sometimes, you HAVE to rely on your team to win. You have no impact early game with ganks or anything and you need good peels in team fights to truly achieve anything. And I was playing vs Plat 4-5 at one point, now I'm back to Silver 1-4 and I'm pissed about it. | ||
Germany11326 Posts
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Canada11044 Posts
Also, the servers were messing up and no loss prevent. Goddamn. | ||
Mozambique16569 Posts
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United States10531 Posts
Shaco on other team= The Joker mass murderer | ||
Netherlands4122 Posts
Also a trist who had no idea about positioning and somehow a 5v4 with their jungler dead doesn't equal baron 40 minutes into the game cuz they all back away when their fucking gp top shows.... | ||
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