This is why I stopped playing Tris.
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United States8519 Posts
This is why I stopped playing Tris. | ||
Taiwan1571 Posts
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Australia2725 Posts
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France45622 Posts
I thought Eve couldn't be that annoying with pinks as long as you green ward the wraiths and stay on that side, but turns out not. Also matchmaking. Stop putting Bronze IV against Plat IV just because of premades, or 3+2 against 5 solos, wtf Riot. ._. | ||
United States7684 Posts
On June 26 2013 21:45 TheLink wrote: Does anyone have a really funny joke I can say at the start of each game to get my team in a good mood? serious question. Or a random fact or something. Maybe a link to a funny picture. Got to work on everyone though. "I usually play Nami because she has a good wave clear." I start every match by announcing FRIENDSHIP! in chat. | ||
United States540 Posts
On June 27 2013 07:02 Jerubaal wrote: "I usually play Nami because she has a good wave clear." I start every match by announcing FRIENDSHIP! in chat. As a Nami main, I'm ashamed that I have not thought of that joke yet. I'm gonna steal it =P. | ||
United States6012 Posts
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United States2316 Posts
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United States1938 Posts
Seriously. You are not supporting your team if you refuse to buy one ward and build straight AP while taking buffs and farm from the carries. Edit: And missing every god damn spear. | ||
United States2316 Posts
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Australia2725 Posts
On June 27 2013 17:18 Shotcoder wrote: My problem with LoL? I hold myself to super high standards, I get mad at myself when I fuck up and I try my best to prevent those mistakes a second time. But LoL seriously forces you to not care about that, especially at lower MMR. I expect junglers to know how to gank, my Support to know which summoners are on CD in lane, the general CD on the opponent spells, etc... I put this on them when I really shouldn't. I should just go into every game expecting my team to be retarded every time and that I will have to carry them, and that's what's wrong with LoL. I forces you into the mindset where not only do you have to crush your lane, but you have to babysit everyone else as well. Try thinking of them as team-mates at the level they're at and see how that works rather than under/over-estimating every time. | ||
Bulgaria4096 Posts
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United States35091 Posts
On June 27 2013 18:07 M2 wrote: Why are Lux and Lee Sin in every fuckin game for the last 3 or more months? I am so fed up of seeing them. No matter Top, Mid, Jungle, Support, my team, enemy team they are always there like the sun ![]() Blame Insec for LeeSin | ||
United States8519 Posts
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Russian Federation1401 Posts
On June 27 2013 17:13 Mondeezy wrote: I hate support Nidalee. Seriously. You are not supporting your team if you refuse to buy one ward and build straight AP while taking buffs and farm from the carries. Edit: And missing every god damn spear. I hate it that every time I pick support nidalee, everyone starts flaming me. Yes, I get it. Nida has no CC. But she has complete river bush and botlane bush control with traps and wards. She makes the team immune to unsuspecting invade and she has GREAT poke. She can also defensive trap your golems and offensive trap enemy golems for an astute jungler that wants to steal. Sure, you can't get a leona off the adc's back, but against anyone else, hit 2 spears and a caitlyn, draven, varus, vayne or almost any adc for that matter will go for the kill! Also, she basically doesn't die with her high mobility. | ||
Canada812 Posts
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Germany11324 Posts
On June 27 2013 21:38 SF-Fork wrote: I hate it that every time I pick support nidalee, everyone starts flaming me. Yes, I get it. Nida has no CC. But she has complete river bush and botlane bush control with traps and wards. She makes the team immune to unsuspecting invade and she has GREAT poke. She can also defensive trap your golems and offensive trap enemy golems for an astute jungler that wants to steal. Sure, you can't get a leona off the adc's back, but against anyone else, hit 2 spears and a caitlyn, draven, varus, vayne or almost any adc for that matter will go for the kill! Also, she basically doesn't die with her high mobility. The main problem with her is that she is actually bad as a support. She works against people who are equally bad. Also, she is usually played in a pretty trolly manner. Like a dorans start when it was still 475, and then building pure AP and never buying a single ward during the whole game. With her reliance on not being pushed back too hard this means that your botlane is at complete mercy of the enemy jungler. This works from time time to, but is solely reliant on the enemy jungler not noticing.the lack of wards botlane or running through bushes which you obviously trapped to gank you. She preys on bad players who don't push the lane against her. Any other support can push harder then Nida, but most enemies choose to sit back and only lasthit because they are scared of Nidalees damage. Which is pretty much the worst thing you can do. | ||
United States2316 Posts
On June 27 2013 17:27 TheLink wrote: Try thinking of them as team-mates at the level they're at and see how that works rather than under/over-estimating every time. THat's what I'm expecting? I mean Blitz grab is 15-20 second cooldown depending on masteries, levels, or items in the laning phase. It's not rocket science to know this. Gold 3 players should know this. So I'm not over estimating anything. if you havent seen leona throw her sword recently as sona? you probably shouldnt walk up and try to q Her. just a few examples of my bot lane experiences, and experiences that shouldnt happen in Gold | ||
Germany11324 Posts
The Sona who gets hit by leona e? Depending on her position you can still win this trade if her AD has to walk a bit towards her, because you can just shoot the AD all the time. And if you can't win it, make sure you don't die too. Don't criticize what your teammate do, criticize what you do and optimize your own play in accordance to what your team does. | ||
United States2316 Posts
On June 28 2013 01:01 Simberto wrote: The best way to treat this is in my opinion to just look at bit like poker. The teammates/enemies are the hand you get. Your job is to make the best out of it. Some games you can't win, others you can't lose. The important games are the games in between, those where you can win a percentage depending on how good you are. The Sona who gets hit by leona e? Depending on her position you can still win this trade if her AD has to walk a bit towards her, because you can just shoot the AD all the time. And if you can't win it, make sure you don't die too. Don't criticize what your teammate do, criticize what you do and optimize your own play in accordance to what your team does. This is such a cop out way of just saying play better. I'm not being a dick but you can't win games alone and if your team doesn't uderstand basic champion mechanics(like zed losing to a karthus in lane),understand basic champion cooldowns(sona getting e'd by a leona), objective control, ganking potential, diving potential..etc This is why I stopped duoing with my Silver friends. I'm tired of babysitting players and I feel you should bne held accountable for playing like shit or playing like a retard. Ing if you try your best and go 0/6 you should be reported but you should understand you fucked up somewhere really bad. That's the issue with solo queue, no one say 'oh I fucked up'. ,id roamed bot and you didn't have your shit warded bot side and they get 4 man dove under tower? That's on you mid laner don't blame lack of wards or lack of map awareness, you didn't follow, you didn't pressure, or you didn't ward. 3 possible thing that could have changed the outcome. people in solo queue don't ask 'what could I have done better?'. They rave about how bad the team is or how they got camped. I can distictly remember games where I died and I know I lapsed on a cait q cooldown or graves q cooldown. | ||
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