On September 30 2012 01:11 plasmidghost wrote: I just noticed I was in the OP, and I have to say, I'm honoured. I am about to play ranked for the first time, and I'm nervous as fuck to be honest. I've heard tales of ELO hell and have nightmares of being stuck there. What if the people I play with suck hard? What if I suck hard? What if I or my teammates do amazingly well? What if the other team's actually TSM, but smurfing? Sometimes, I guess, you just have to bite the bullet and go for it, and do your best to not fuck it up. Hopefully Jayce is as OP as people say he is, I spent all my IP on him.
Glad you are honored, as you should be! I think we should all strive to make others laugh in the times of our rage.
I do hope no one takes offense as well. I don't mean to make fun, I just like to highlight the hilarity of people rage. I started the thread with the intent of cleaning up the general forum of the constant, "My teammates suck" posts (Shikyo in particular did this constantly, hence the name).
I have a favorite weekly column called, "This Week in Schadenfreude" which highlights the best of the forum meltdowns of college team blogs after their team loses. I was inspired to start documenting the most hilarious posts so they won't get lost in the vast pages of the Shikyo Memorial QQ Therapy thread.
And your summoner name is awesome! IloveOOV was amazing.
That game was so winnable, why did Zyra have to run next to the wall where we knew AP DFG Ez was waiting, why did Jax always try to chase Sona when we knew her team would come before she died, why did Ashe always stand in front of the team and get caught instead of initiating for our wombo combo Ashe/Orianna/Zyra? I'm sad now, it's not even raging, it's "if only they had been reasonable". T_T
Ugh, French premade in this game, and I have the same Jax from the previous one. We're done for. With an AD Vayne last pick (after an Ezreal first pick for the enemy team) against Leona support we're so screwed. ^ yeah, fucking moron tries to towerdive Ez when Leona is 6 with all cds and summoners up. Also Rammus doesn't give any blue to Zilean. Who's against Mordekaiser. Bai midlane, was nice knowing you.
Yep, Jax did stupid shit like dive the enemy team (with nashor) while top and bot were pushing and they weren't trying to engage us under our tower mid. Stupid moron then blames all of thus, I guess it can be helped, that game is just another kinda good mechanically but idiot to the core guy.
On September 30 2012 04:55 Alaric wrote: That game was so winnable, why did Zyra have to run next to the wall where we knew AP DFG Ez was waiting, why did Jax always try to chase Sona when we knew her team would come before she died, why did Ashe always stand in front of the team and get caught instead of initiating for our wombo combo Ashe/Orianna/Zyra? I'm sad now, it's not even raging, it's "if only they had been reasonable". T_T
Ugh, French premade in this game, and I have the same Jax from the previous one. We're done for. With an AD Vayne last pick (after an Ezreal first pick for the enemy team) against Leona support we're so screwed. ^ yeah, fucking moron tries to towerdive Ez when Leona is 6 with all cds and summoners up. Also Rammus doesn't give any blue to Zilean. Who's against Mordekaiser. Bai midlane, was nice knowing you.
I always instadodge when I get a French premade. No offense to you ^^
This game is so fucking glitchy and they haven't fixed any of the issues that came out with the Rengar patch. I'd rather not play than keep causing bad games for my teammates.
No offense taken. I hate the kind of French players that, well, show you they're French. That one was named "sudiste83" (sudiste = southerner, and 83 is the number of a southern French department) so it was obvious, and his first question when I mentioned it was "are u fr?" (in French obv.). That's generally indicative of younger and worse players, that also have a bad attitude since not being able to speak English doesn't give them incentive to try and communicate. It's hard to coordinate with them, so they don't try to. The age also leads to more childish behaviour like raging and insulting teammates.
I dunno if the reputation of French players is earned, but the French-speaking players' is, so I feel sorry myself when I see them. :/
Hey guys, I picked support Taric. Go, pick Heimer top, Ahri mid, and Amumu jungle. Can't go wrong. Then give fb when you try to invade a Nunu jungle's red buff so our start's even better. Oh, and don't forget to feed Cho so we can't do shit against them. Really... So, that's -70 Elo overall. At least that one was a -11.
This one Olaf gets ddestroyed by Jarvan top, bot by... I dunno, they got destroyed. I beat Morgana handily (fp? Let Morgana open, pick Viktor, see them counterpick themselves). So now my tower is the only one standing, everybody else loses, and the enemy team is so tanky I can't gib them because of super early aegis on fed Amumu. And I eat some 4-man dives because Skarner can't play safe and brings them all. And Janna dc. Well, another loss I couldn't do anything about. Actually Janna reconnects, and her first ult... puts everybody out of mine. GG Janna. And next Skarner ult, he brings Jarvan with ult up right next to me, so he can trap me after I barely escaped Alistar+Jarv gap closers. GG Skarner. Sigh...
that feel when team surrenders in a winning game
On September 30 2012 06:16 Alaric wrote: No offense taken. I hate the kind of French players that, well, show you they're French. That one was named "sudiste83" (sudiste = southerner, and 83 is the number of a southern French department) so it was obvious, and his first question when I mentioned it was "are u fr?" (in French obv.). That's generally indicative of younger and worse players, that also have a bad attitude since not being able to speak English doesn't give them incentive to try and communicate. It's hard to coordinate with them, so they don't try to. The age also leads to more childish behaviour like raging and insulting teammates.
I dunno if the reputation of French players is earned, but the French-speaking players' is, so I feel sorry myself when I see them. :/
Haha I know that very well. In fact, I have delevoped a sort of inner criteria to identify types of players by their nick by associating it to a certain quality (nationality, age, maturity, stupidity, selfishness, etc.). While shallow, it works pretty well; gotta optimize the dodges to evade the penalty times. I mentioned the French thing because when I find French individuals, they don't seem too braindead, but when they group up -either premade either randomly- they tend to go full retard mode. That is opposed to most of the other nationalities where kids tend to be equally retarded alone or grouped. Brits and Germans tend to be hit or miss, but that's probably because of the higher population, which leads to a bigger number of both skilled and unskilled players. Again, no offense to any nationality, in the end almost everyone in league is a fucking tool, including myself.
To hell with BSODs in the middle of crucial teamfights.
Its fun getting shit talked and blamed by 1500's with 1k+ games in that ELO as a jungler when you also made the most gold in the game
anyone who isnt a member of the internet (eg speaks english passably) is a fucking foreigner and sucks at LoL and makes their countrymen look bad.
true story.
Belgium16168 Posts
Playing as Anivia, doing reasonably well, then accidentally walled off Amumu with the entire enemy team. The results weren't pretty.
On September 30 2012 08:31 plasmidghost wrote: Playing as Anivia, doing reasonably well, then accidentally walled off Amumu with the entire enemy team. The results weren't pretty.
today i learned: always dodge 3men premades. they always suck. no exceptions.
Seriously, lane rengar is really, really annoying.
I played some normals to relax and laned top with malphite against rengar. Any harass i could do was gone 5 seconds later when he used W and as a side-effect he also cleared the lane easily. No matter what i did, he just shrugged it off with an empowered W and continued to harass me until i was 30cs down.
After the jungler failed to show up i gave up the tower and started to roam with my ult to help win the other lanes but then rengar started to roam, too, and got his godlike - mostly from the mid katarina - and snowballed so hard that we had to surrender at 35 minutes because we couldn't get into a 5v5 since one person always got caught by him.
His W needs a nerf to his sustain, seriously. He might be squishy but if you can't stick to him and beat him in a 1v1, he will just harass, heal up, harass, heal and then kill you under tower and have full health after that.
I have so much ladder anxiety now. I played a game and got carried hard in all the lanes. Game ends 40-19 with us dicking around.
soloqueueing at 4am is so stressful :S most people at that time are junkies so in every game there's at least one ragequit before the 5 min mark
but this time, for once, it happened to the enemy team hue hue hue
1 100 hp Nautlius away from an Irelia Pentakill.... I was in range. Eve steals it.
sometimes there are these times when you play lots of dota2 and then you think "man i gotta play league again cause i like that game too" so you fire it up and then you play an inhouse for the first time and then you do well and you're like YEAH I GOT THIS and you start slacking off and then the next thing you know you lose after an hour of playing and you're not syndra so you have no excuse for throwing
Dear god low elo on smurf is a nightmare. Pick Garen, lane partner singed. I'm legendary by 9 minutes. Sadly, sivir DC's after her and teemo die a collectivve like 10 times in lane. Annie is losing ultra hard to cho because she can't dodge, and unfortunately I spend the rest of the game attempting to snipe people and force objectives, to no avail.
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/UVU37.jpg)
Was middle pick and they told me to ADC, so what does the next idiot pick? Fucking Corki. Now I'm stuck laning with this idiot, fiddles is getting raped in mid, and we have no jungler. By the way, did I mention that they said they were all premades? Yeah, fuck these retards and fuck riot for allowing these jackasses to waste my time. I bet they would even lose to bots they are so fucking terrible. They got mad at me when I afked because we were down like 20 kills. Ya, we can totally come back guyz, our AP Corki will win us the game. Fucking idiots god damn.