I reckon I've gone 5-10 in my last 15 ranked games, and at least half those losses are me randomly lagging out in the middle of games. I am going to a fucking PC cafe tomorrow so I can actually play with no lag :/ .
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Australia3856 Posts
I reckon I've gone 5-10 in my last 15 ranked games, and at least half those losses are me randomly lagging out in the middle of games. I am going to a fucking PC cafe tomorrow so I can actually play with no lag :/ . | ||
Canada6208 Posts
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Deleted User 101379
4849 Posts
On August 09 2012 10:28 obesechicken13 wrote: Omg I don't lose but I keep getting bad KDA's on my smurf. What is going on. A game as annie mid today and another as heimer top. As heimer I just maxed turrets and got some grenades because I was up against darius and diana and I felt if they pulled me close I could stun them. We gave up two kills. Rammus checking the brush at level 4 and then me getting double pulled just like him under tower. I mean I did fine after that, but I expected to be able to carry. Then I play a game as annie mid against leblanc. I haven't played annie in years and waste a lot of mana mistiming my Q's. It's dangerous to push since they have a jungler singed and I don't. I just go boots -> get chalice -> negatron cloak and I somehow keep leblanc in lane all game. But I died once trying to follow her to top. I knew where she was, I just jumped the gun and attacked her before my allies got there. Then the rest of the game I just go even trying to focus people that were low or squishy. I don't lose these games but I'm not carrying either. It's sad ![]() What qualifies me to be lvl 30 if I can't random a champion and beat level 14s badly? I'm just bad. But some of those guys are smurfs. Also I was playing champs that I'm no longer familiar with and I'm tired. Even lowlevel games use ELO. When i created my smurf i thought "hey, lets stomp a little, it will be just like bot games. Noone will get CS, noone will ward and everyone will just go for kills. It will be fun!". Now with my smurf at level 10 there are junglers, lots of wards and almost every game 2+ players have 200 CS between 25 and 30 minutes. It's almost harder than playing ranked. QQ: Yesterday I've had the worst team since i started playing ranked. Opponent picks Shaco jungler, i end up as Ryze mid. My team never placed a single ward while Shaco farmed the players on each lane without any problems. They even made it easier for him by pushing hard. Our Lee Sin tried to gank but the opponents had wards like any sensible player, so everyone on my team kept flaming him for "never gank"... It was the most 1-sided stomp i've seen in quite a while. Well, at least the 2 games after were games where both teams played really, really well. They rarely got caught, farmed well, peeled for the carries, went for objectives at the correct time, didn't get greedy, ... There were still mistakes of course but in general everyone played the way he should. It's suprising how big the difference in skill is around 1200 ELO. In one game you get really, really bad players, in the next you get decent players with a good grasp of the game. | ||
Australia3856 Posts
I also hate when people push their lane 24/7, die to a gank, then the one time it starts pushing back they rage at you for not ganking :/ . | ||
Germany11313 Posts
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Germany1847 Posts
![]() Yesterday i had a game as jungle Udyr. in Champ selct, one player calls mid and takes ap ezreal. I am not amused, but i just type "oh well, can't stand ap ezreals ![]() Anyway. This ezreal is bad as well, not THAT bad with cs, but bad, he get's killed two times early and needs help. Our premade bot lane needs help as well. And our top riven pings top 4 the first minutes constantly as she gets pushed to her tower. So i gank her lane and get her a kill. then i gank bot and get e kill and an assist. then i try to make something work at mid, which is not possible against anivia. Then i gank top again, my e bugs and the stun doesn't land altough the aa gets through, so lee sin escapes with 10% health. Then i gank bot and get 2 assists again, being 1/0/4. All that time, riven pings and screams and me for helping her bot. She is even in cs and has one kill on lee sin, while all other lanes fail. I even fucking ward for her and clear lees wards. She still thinks i lost her the lane cause i didn't gank top enough and later blames me for dying twice when my gank turns into a 2vs3 with their fed anivia cause of no ss. All the junglers fault... | ||
United States1549 Posts
1st game vs Darius with no ganks from jungle and a feeding bot = Cocky Darius shittalking all game. 2nd game vs Renekton I get FB from a bad enemy jungle gank but die = Our jungle Diana tower dives low hp renek just to miss nuke and give up free kill, now i'm not ahead. I get baited hard thinking runes will let me kill half health renek, ONLY 1-2 CRITS PROC D ![]() 3rd game vs. Cho I actually get a solid 2/0 = Shaco with fail ganks/noitems and teemo that rush frozenmallet/madreds with almost no dps means we lose. 4th game with a premade that piss the shit out of me because I called out one of their friends playing AP Yi mid and how useless it is. So I grief with Blitz by not buying wards. Game somehow turns out good even though I was trolling our Graves hard and I actually start trying = OF COURSE Horrible Diana + AP Yi are deadweights in teamfights but I'm not in the fucking premade so I get mass reported. I just facepalmed after the 4th one and called it a day. LoL community is pure shit sometimes. | ||
United Kingdom6056 Posts
On August 09 2012 17:12 schmutttt wrote: Junglers cop way too much shit in ranked. I'll be honest jungle along with support is the main role I play, but even when I play solo lanes I'll win the lane and the other guy QQs in all chat about the jungler. An example was yesterday I was Vlad vs Morg mid, I won (We won the game pretty easily) and Morg starts spamming 'report riven'. After I pointed out Morg fucked Riven over by making her give the first blue up (Riven ended up two levels behind our jungler really early) she didn't say anything. I also hate when people push their lane 24/7, die to a gank, then the one time it starts pushing back they rage at you for not ganking :/ . I'm glad this is a common consensus among sensible players. I had a game yesterday where the enemy team walked up and took blue off my jungle Amumu(all 5 of them walked on me so I had to just run, no chance to smite) with no support from my team (even though I said "protect blue" at the start of the game). Once I've completed my jungle route I get to top and the top-lane asks for a gank. I say I'm oom and he says "stupid noob learn to keep mana"!! Then he dies 20 seconds later and that's my fault of course. I've just started ranked a week ago after about 250 normal games and it really is bad. I'm slowly creeping up my ELO but even at the 1600 range there are still terrible, horrible players. Thank god for the mute feature; without it I wouldn't even be able to play. I find myself muting 1-2 players in 90% of my games and that allows me to focus on just playing well rather than listening to teammates argue the whole time. | ||
United States33802 Posts
For example, if top fails at CS, gets pushed out of lane, and just generally plays bad, no one is probably going to call them out because they're not paying attention to top, unless they die a bunch. Mid isn't watching them miss last hits or constantly having to back, as long as the enemy top doesn't get a lot of kills or roam, it doesn't effect the other lanes. Conversely, when the jungler ganks or the laner gets ganked by the enemy jungler, it's imminently noticeable to them. If your gank doesn't get a flash or kill, or if you take the kill from the laner, or the enemy jungler gets a good gank off, it stands out prominently in your teammate's mind, despite how well you've been playing otherwise. Like last night. I had a Skarner game with Annie mid against a LeBlanc. The enemy jungler was Nocturne. I ganked top and got an assist, bot and got a kill, farmed a bunch. When I ganked mid, LB just teleported away because I wasn't 6 yet, and escaped. Noc, on the other hand, ganked a bit afterwards and secured a kill on Annie. Annie probably wan't paying attention to the other kills, all she saw was that my gank failed and the enemy gank succeeded, so of course she followed it up with "wow I wish we had the other team's jungler". Despite me having more farm and getting other good ganks off, all she saw was that I did worse in her lane. (We won, of course. Skarner OP.) So really, I can understand why laners bitch about junglers a lot, despite other standings in the game. It doesn't make it ok, but I can understand it I guess. | ||
3534 Posts
Try to learn a limited amount of AD and AP carries lose 200 Elo lose motivation Now I'm waiting for motivation to come back so I'm not playing on tilt all the time. FML. | ||
United States1179 Posts
On August 10 2012 00:00 Shiv. wrote: Try to shift away from top because it's a dumb fucking lane decided by jungle presence more often than not Try to learn a limited amount of AD and AP carries lose 200 Elo lose motivation Now I'm waiting for motivation to come back so I'm not playing on tilt all the time. FML. Play top lane Lee, Vlad, Riven, or Kennen. Enemy jungler presence immediately becomes a non factor. | ||
United States33802 Posts
On August 10 2012 02:15 Tatari wrote: Play top lane Lee, Vlad, Riven, or Kennen. Enemy jungler presence immediately becomes a non factor. You. You are the type of person I hate. If you had added Rumble to that mix I would have just shot you. | ||
United States8298 Posts
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United States33802 Posts
But I just hate him in general, so that's me. | ||
Deleted User 101379
4849 Posts
How are you supposed to carry that? Also, my current champ select: ![]() So tempted to dodge -.- | ||
United States8298 Posts
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914 Posts
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United States405 Posts
We get our blue invaded so Shen buttrushes their blue and gets destroyed when all 5 of the enemy team are standing there waiting for him. He then comes into lane and buttrushes the enemy Ez through Taric and feeds 3 kills that way. I call him out on being a fucking retard so he goes to top lane which was actually winning and dual lanes that while I get 3 man ganked in my lane. Fuck it, not dealing with that shit, I legitimately left a game for the first time in half a year. How do shitbags like that survive in ranked? | ||
United States33802 Posts
ALL IN THE FIRST EIGHT MINUTES. It's my fault as the jungler, though. I'm supposed to be able to gank super fed lanes while my teammates run in horror and start 2v4 fights. HAHAHhashahah | ||
Belgium16168 Posts
I can't even have fun anymore, it's gotten this bad... And now I've uninstalled the game. Good riddance. | ||
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