As far as i can see, your team looks ok, then apparently qwqsome picked Chogath with revive cv and says "report, i am afk" It seems like he is doing that in reaction to something he does not like, but i don't see anything not to like about your team up to that point. It just does not make sense.
The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 240
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Germany11313 Posts
As far as i can see, your team looks ok, then apparently qwqsome picked Chogath with revive cv and says "report, i am afk" It seems like he is doing that in reaction to something he does not like, but i don't see anything not to like about your team up to that point. It just does not make sense. | ||
Deleted User 101379
4849 Posts
On August 07 2012 17:45 Simberto wrote: What happened there? As far as i can see, your team looks ok, then apparently qwqsome picked Chogath with revive cv and says "report, i am afk" It seems like he is doing that in reaction to something he does not like, but i don't see anything not to like about your team up to that point. It just does not make sense. Maybe it was the typical "mid or afk" and then someone else picked mid. There are too many of those "1 role only" guys running around in <1300 ELO. | ||
Germany1847 Posts
I had the worst extended weekend of lol evarrrrrrr. Friday to sunday, i desperately tried to get elo by playing nunu top. For every won game tough, my team loses the other lanes and then complains that nunu top with a high cs lead and some kills does no damage. Additionally, Nunu is a fucking jungle-magnet, haven't been camped so much in my life. To top it off, when i am firstpick, and i announce NUNU TOP! and i repeat it just so they know i fucking mean it, those unbelievable excuses of human beings just pick a top hero and tell me to support cause nunu top sucks. If i go top, they just write in all chat to report me for troll pick. Wow. So, i stopped playing Nunu at this level, it's too stressfull. I started playing support to get my elo back up. And here the real terror started. I got 6 Blitzcranks in a row. Every single one was bad. The first one didn't say a word, picked Blitzcrank with flash/exhaust and went mid. Our mid pinged and yelled at him until he finally went bot, where i had been doing okay. He likes to run forward to soraka/graves as if he wanted to knock them up first, get's silenced, eats autoattacks, runs back. Repeats. I still get really big, farm quite good and some jungleganks win the lane. We are really ahead as Singed top is 7/2/x or something, mid galio is doing okay and our bruiser in jungle get's his share of gold as well. However we can't finish, as the teamfigts are not won that decisively. I always have to kill riven solo in every teamfight, if lee get's to me as well, i am pretty much dead, whch happens every second teamfight. We had 4 bruisers in the team, everyone perfect for peeling stuff of me, but we lose because my team cannot keep 2 players of me. and then they yell at me, OMG TRISTANA YOU DO NO DAMAGE!!!!!! FOCUS GRAVES! wtf you stupid bastards, i had 20k gold at the end of the game, in the last teamfight, i killed tanky lee and riven by myself, absolutely no help from you and you still lost to fizz and graves. so mad. Then we get that fanny game vs graves /soraka as trist/blitz (see a pattern?). Blitz know the basics of the character this time, he also knows the basics of support. We do a bad trade of soraka for us in our first teamfight, blitz gets the kill, so we are on a disadvantage against graves, not good. Blitz still thinks every pull is a won botlane and i try to help him in his baaaaaaaad engagements, which backfires. Graves now is 5/0/1, i am 2/3/1 and still bltz pulls graves with me not even in position to jump in, blitz gets the frontload of the damage and runs off into the river to escape, i follow graves, hoping to be able to kill him as he has half health and cds burned, but he is too fed, just barely kills me. Then Blitz tells me how bad i am... Next Blitz can't hit shit either, we are chasing an already fed but fleeing Ezreal. He runs in a straight line, blitz get's in range to grab him and misses by and angle of about 45°. I don't get it. Blitz supports are the most annoying supportsever. 50% of the people playing Blitz are those guys in last pick who say "mid or solo, i don't support". If they don't completely troll, they pick Blitz. 40% of the Blitzcrank players think that blitz is the champ that carries the game, that wins the lane and if the lan is not won, how dare the ad was so heavy. 10% know the champs limitations and realize his usefulness. And i got 1 Blitzcrank yesterday, that was not just a dead weight. | ||
Germany11313 Posts
So far, him being a "mid or afk" guy appears to be the most likely explanation. | ||
Finland951 Posts
On August 07 2012 04:39 Zergneedsfood wrote: Just uhhh....charm the trist. And that does what? He cleanses out of it, and heals my full burst in 2 seconds... IE + PD + BT + GA when your own AD has IE + zeal is pretty much game over, no matter what you do as the AP. (Well, if they are not totally retarded that is) | ||
United Kingdom5338 Posts
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United States10467 Posts
On August 07 2012 19:54 Gaslo wrote: And that does what? He cleanses out of it, and heals my full burst in 2 seconds... IE + PD + BT + GA when your own AD has IE + zeal is pretty much game over, no matter what you do as the AP. (Well, if they are not totally retarded that is) Sometimes ADs are fun to play against. They're usually pretty dumb on the other team too. Eg. I play veigar. See an AD, come out of a bush, and 1 shot them. In general APs can win solo fights against ADs just due to burst and one shotting. I had a game as ryze yesterday and one as gragas while smurfing. I'm pretty sure many of the other players were smurfing too but I gave up an early kill to jungle ali and went 0-8 to start with only coming back 11-17 because ryze is bursty and my enemies started showing bad decision making. That was my game with the annoying zyra on my team that I muted and that complained about me getting kills. I mean I won both games. But that's because I was smurfing. | ||
United States185 Posts
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Canada747 Posts
On August 08 2012 05:03 HereAndNow wrote: Fuck global teams. Noc jungle, Shen top, Soraka support. 1v1 is never just fucking 1v1. Only way to make that worse is to have a Draven with Soraka, and TF mid. Ultimate Global Team. | ||
little fancy
Germany2504 Posts
Tryndamere: "omfg fucking lucker !!!!!!!!" Dude, just rape my team before you go after me, take the pentakill and be happy. But it doesn't matter that I am SUCH A LUCKER, we lose the game in the end. | ||
Canada6208 Posts
I dropped enough that playing support junglers doesn't work. Doesn't matter if I get our mid 10-1-x at 20 minutes. He'll 1v5, hide in warded bushes etc etc and throw the game for us. Whatever. I'll win games eventually since 3/5 chance I get a carry and win lane but losing ~18/20 games in a row sucks balls. The only wins are from people feeding and trolling x___X. There is a CS differential though, a huge one. I'm generally ~15-25 cs up by 10-12 minutes, even in a passive lane. | ||
United States15977 Posts
then again, tele exhaust should have told the story. so i pick blitz b/c he's op in normals. get first blood for teemo by pulling ez into turret range. npnp. i say gj teemo, though really all he did was ks me, but hey im support and i'm trying to get my carry fed. teemo proceeds to not cs, not communicate and feed 4 kills to ez. | ||
Sweden690 Posts
![]() More gold than the solo lanes, least deaths on team, hit lvl 18 before draven, zyra and pantheon. Constantly save team from diving, stop a 1v5 push by myself. Only reason we lost is because of shit players getting caught. Draven calls me the worst support ever, while he as an AD carry walks straight into the middle of a teamfight and dies. Mundo loses every baron to lee sin. At the end of the game everyone ofcourse blames me and says they will report me for "feeding and ksing noob". | ||
Germany11313 Posts
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little fancy
Germany2504 Posts
Me playing Hecarim gets a Shen top lane with me. After 3 minutes: Shen: "its hard to farm when a Hecarim fucks up the cs you know?" I say nothing and kill the enemy bots. Shen: "thats why hes played in the jungle you know?" I say nothing and proceed to push, just want to end the game fast. Shen: "stupid bastard you know i cant cs with you on lane?!? FUCK YOU" Me: "are you trolling me or do you really fucking care about cs in a COOP GAME?! lol" Shen: "its karma your negative attitude will cause your parents to die in a horrible accident" Me: "wtf?!" Shen: "stupid shit noob go die" I ignore him and check his profile after the game. Someone that plays only coop games to reach lvl 30 - wtf?! | ||
United States1238 Posts
udyr finally decides to gank at lvl 6 and fails a flash stun onto sona. which leads her to ulti 3 of us with her ulti and corki unloads for triple kill. | ||
United States10467 Posts
As heimer I just maxed turrets and got some grenades because I was up against darius and diana and I felt if they pulled me close I could stun them. We gave up two kills. Rammus checking the brush at level 4 and then me getting double pulled just like him under tower. I mean I did fine after that, but I expected to be able to carry. Then I play a game as annie mid against leblanc. I haven't played annie in years and waste a lot of mana mistiming my Q's. It's dangerous to push since they have a jungler singed and I don't. I just go boots -> get chalice -> negatron cloak and I somehow keep leblanc in lane all game. But I died once trying to follow her to top. I knew where she was, I just jumped the gun and attacked her before my allies got there. Then the rest of the game I just go even trying to focus people that were low or squishy. I don't lose these games but I'm not carrying either. It's sad ![]() What qualifies me to be lvl 30 if I can't random a champion and beat level 14s badly? I'm just bad. But some of those guys are smurfs. Also I was playing champs that I'm no longer familiar with and I'm tired. | ||
United States8519 Posts
Edit: Then lost a game where our Varus was trolling all game long and quit right before we were about to win, then we lost because it was 4v5 and the enemy team had Zyra and Blitzcrank which equates to near perma cc when you're down a man. SO DUMB. >_< | ||
United States33802 Posts
MBR rushing Sivir and 0 wards on the map unless I place them. WHY. | ||
King of Blades
United States94 Posts
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