beardedfawn: hey
Awesome Açai: first time teemo
ChainScriptZ: pwoahhhhhhh
beardedfawn: can u guys report that cait pls
AstralShot: sure
beardedfawn: only way shes gonna learn
beardedfawn: to be respectful
AboutFiftyNinjas: Can you please report Taric.
beardedfawn: thx
AstralShot: l0l
AboutFiftyNinjas: Eat a bag of fucking dicks
AstralShot: this guy
AstralShot: so mad
AboutFiftyNinjas: I won't fucking respect trolls
AstralShot: and so bad
AboutFiftyNinjas: I'll go play fucking DotA 2
mikehawkburn: taric trollin' hard
AboutFiftyNinjas: Where there aren't fucking niggers like you
AstralShot: whoa
AboutFiftyNinjas: Because they get fucking banned for trolling
AstralShot: bigshot in the room
AstralShot: he plays dota 2
AboutFiftyNinjas: And kicked from the fucking Beta.
AstralShot: cuz u baaaaaaaaaaaad
beardedfawn: lol
AboutFiftyNinjas: DotA actually takes skill.
Awesome Açai: i play techies
Awesome Açai: in dota 1
beardedfawn: lo
Awesome Açai: so teemo came naturally
AboutFiftyNinjas: Techies isn't in DotA 2 yet.
mikehawkburn: i'll go back to diablo
AstralShot: k guys
AstralShot: back to maple story
AstralShot: bb
AboutFiftyNinjas: Taric needs to go back to huffing paint.
Awesome Açai: Great game team.
beardedfawn: 50 ninja maybe theres another game where ur talents would be better suited
AstralShot: lololol
Awesome Açai: We stuck together and pulled through.
Awesome Açai: Big props
AboutFiftyNinjas: no you didn't.
AboutFiftyNinjas: The game was won from level 1.
AstralShot: l0l
AboutFiftyNinjas: Because Taric went mid.
AstralShot: hesomad
AstralShot: you do realize
AboutFiftyNinjas: Taric went mid. Intentionally trolling.
AstralShot: people pull off 2 bruiser bot
AboutFiftyNinjas: You do realize fuck off.
AstralShot: or urgot mid
AboutFiftyNinjas: You do realize I don't give a fuck.
AboutFiftyNinjas: You do realize we had an AP mid
AstralShot: or double ad
beardedfawn: lol
AboutFiftyNinjas: And a support caster.
AboutFiftyNinjas: Who should have been bottom
Awesome Açai: Taric had 5 summoner levels on annie
beardedfawn: cait said his other acct is banned
AboutFiftyNinjas: WHo didn't say he was going fucking mid
Awesome Açai: it was obvious why he should mid
AstralShot: keep raging
AboutFiftyNinjas: Because of faggots like Beardedfawn
AstralShot: gotta get some popcorn
AboutFiftyNinjas: Who fucking intentionally ruin games.
beardedfawn: lol
AboutFiftyNinjas: Can't just fucking play the meta
AboutFiftyNinjas: Noo0oooooo
beardedfawn: lol
beardedfawn: meta is boring
AstralShot: got sand in his vagina
AboutFiftyNinjas: Gotta go and intentionally fuck other people so they can waste 45 minutes of their life.
Awesome Açai: most cs on the team
AboutFiftyNinjas: No
Awesome Açai: and i was bottom
Awesome Açai: YAHOO!
AboutFiftyNinjas: I'm sick of fucking faggots who waste my time
beardedfawn: and also meta is made by people changing builds and ideas constantly
AstralShot: cait
beardedfawn: how do u think meta evolves
AstralShot: think you got sand in your vajayjay
AstralShot: wash it out
AstralShot: you'll feel better
AboutFiftyNinjas: And also going a support MEANS YOU PLAY FUCKING SUPPORT
Awesome Açai: M5 changes the meta
AboutFiftyNinjas: You stupid fucking cocksucker.
AstralShot: oh shit
Awesome Açai: it says teemo is a support in the champ info

AstralShot: he pulled the "cocksucker" card
beardedfawn: u arent made good by just copying others cait
AboutFiftyNinjas: The meta doesn't evolve from fucking morons like you going mid AP Taric in a sub-30 game
beardedfawn: food for thought
AstralShot: morgana = support champ according to riot
AstralShot: holy shit she's an ap carry
AboutFiftyNinjas: Here's food for thought: go plank in traffic.
AstralShot: who would've guessed
mikehawkburn: neg
mikehawkburn: veigar ap carry
Awesome Açai: i've seen alistar AP mid also
Awesome Açai: and karthus that jungle!
AstralShot: yep
mikehawkburn: I play morgana a lot
AboutFiftyNinjas: Yeah, but not when there's an annie mid
beardedfawn: um
AstralShot: before ali got his ap ratios nerfed
AboutFiftyNinjas: This game going AP taric = troll
Awesome Açai: he can still ap mid
beardedfawn: last season reginald played janna mid
AstralShot: so? fiddle's been used as support
beardedfawn: ap carry
AboutFiftyNinjas: No
AboutFiftyNinjas: He cannot
AboutFiftyNinjas: Not in this fucking team comp
beardedfawn: hehe
AboutFiftyNinjas: He does NOT go fucking mid
beardedfawn: lol
AstralShot: oh shit
AboutFiftyNinjas: He goes fucking bottom
beardedfawn: lol
AstralShot: we're on the topic of teamcomps now
AboutFiftyNinjas: And he plays a fucking support like he fucking picked
AstralShot: watch out people
AboutFiftyNinjas: You pick a fucking support, you God damned better play fucking support
beardedfawn: ok its been fun but ima go to sleep now
AstralShot: kk
AstralShot: g'night
beardedfawn: b4 50 ninja burst
AboutFiftyNinjas: You didn't say a God damned thing about going mid
Awesome Açai: night man
beardedfawn: cu
AboutFiftyNinjas: Please get bent.
AstralShot: LOL
AboutFiftyNinjas: Die of AIDS kkthx
Awesome Açai: was a pleasure to play with your!
AstralShot: aw
Awesome Açai: you*
AstralShot: hemad
AboutFiftyNinjas: The world will be better when you are dead.
AstralShot: yusomed