Just played a SoloQ Draft Game....I was first pick, but someone else wanted mid. I decide to play my Nasus solo top, which I'm of the opinion is pretty beastly. I'm up against a lanewick that lets me free farm my q all game long, and Maokai only comes in for 2 unsuccessful ganks on me. Our own jungler was a Blitzcrank that was doing alright until the Malphite on our team started stealing all his jungle.
Not looking good so far.
Pantheon starts spamming surrenders at 20, and keeps telling the other team to report me for feeding, I'm 1/0/2 at the current moment.
Fast forward to lategame, I'm super farmed with like 800 damage on my Q, Atmogs, FoN, Guardian Armor and working on Maw of Malmortius for funsies. I'm literally waltzing into teamfights and shrugging off the damage. We ace them at Baron and as we push for the win Pantheon goes "gg report Nasus feed" and puts up another surrender vote....I'm currently 4/0/23
Why are some people so stupid?
Why the fuck would you play sejuani support, then tell me to buy wards when i'm ad? Randomly charges into Taric Graves no less, and expects to win in trades when she has no damage or sustain. God damn it.
Hi, my name is Uta, I'm in OTP Anonymous because I can't stop sucking ass at everything except Kassadin.
I once cried to a buddy, we'll call him Neo. He said "don't worry Uta, you'll be able to find another hero you can play."
It's been three years and I'm still a OTP. I think he lied.
Takes 2 days to build my comp, but takes 2 weeks to fix it.... Somehow, I haven't been banned from TL yet.
Lose game. Obviously it the 8/1/5 Caitlyns fault and not the 0/14/5 Zigg's. Duo queuer spotted...
"Wow Cait, you fucking useless, why would you build a god damned fucking Guardian Angle? Nicre KDA man but you fucking terrible at this game. Why not get LW instead? Oh that rite yopu bad."
Yup... obviously my fault. I have no idea why a carry would build a GA, that the worst idea ever...
![[image loading]](http://i.imgur.com/BYw4l.png)
Sometimes I wonder about the people that play this game... Funny thing is we prolly win if Duo queue Ziggs/Shyvana not get caught all alone in enemy jungle, lose baron, then lose ensueing teamfight in which I get focused hard. Too bad I had a GA though, it only let me kill someone along with me despite no one actually peeling for me.
I can deal with people raging... I can deal with people feeding, I can even deal with people throwing the game... I can't however deal with someone doing all three then telling me it my fault we lost. Maybe if their Karthus not so damn big we wreck them every fucking time, considering their ashe has like 100 farm and I at 250 with 2 kills at the 30 minute mark. ZZzzzz.....
I think if I afk in fountain and just spend all game making soothing/reassuring noises to my team of 6-year olds then my win-rate might go up. Support not that important anyway. Whoever said earlier in this thread that he's just a babysitter in this game is on to something. Close to every game that I spend trying to hold the team together and give them a plan other than arguing we win. Every game where I can't be fucked babysitting for an hour we straight up lose as my team inevitably rages and starts trolling.
Who says you can't carry as support. Positive attitude OP.
On April 01 2012 01:23 TheLink wrote: I think if I afk in fountain and just spend all game making soothing/reassuring noises to my team of 6-year olds then my win-rate might go up. Support not that important anyway. Whoever said earlier in this thread that he's just a babysitter in this game is on to something. Close to every game that I spend trying to hold the team together and give them a plan other than arguing we win. Every game where I can't be fucked babysitting for an hour we straight up lose as my team inevitably rages and starts trolling.
Who says you can't carry as support. Positive attitude OP.
Yeah, the amount of players who give up after first blood is ridiculous.
"An Enemy has drawn First blood!"
"Welp, GG. Better luck next time."
If you just keep playing, eventually you get better or you team does. At least that's what we all tell ourselves every, fucking, game.
At the start of a game, our nasus IMMEDIEATLY says (in German) "I gtg, I want to watch soccer" and leaves with a " ^_^ ".
So Im 2v1 bot lane and end up winning the lane with 4 kills and a death and only 10 cs behind their carry. Didn't matter. Some asshole wanted to queue and leave immediately, giving us the loss. We were far ahead in kills at the end of the game, but we couldnt capitalize on the advantage since not having a good top ended up costing us.
Fuck off asshole.
EDIT: Hey, just go done with another game and guess what. Another fucking leaver that says "gtg". This time he had a doctors appointment 10 minutes into the game. Won my lane again. Our Tryn was fed. Didn't fucking matter. Had a horrible akali that never shrouded to save her life, rarely ever used her ult, would just run around in a team fight. And when an ally was being chased, she never tried to peel them off. A leaver ruins a second game in a row.
I'm done with letting lane callers have their shit so they don't rage. I'm taking Riven top so they at least can't fuck up that solo lane.
I keep forgetting that weekend late mornings/afternoons are the absolute worst time to que up
ranked is really frustrating...
Right. So I have to 1v2 bottom lane as Vayne against Cait/Blitz because Fiddle is afk in fountain. The Veigar mid feeds and talks trash at me for losing tower despite the fact I have higher cs than him and didn't die in lane lol. Cait/Blitz continue to push down bottom lane down to the inhib freely while the rest of my team does goodness knows what. I now get trashtalked for building Doran Blades and Wriggles just to survive the lane.
I dun get how people can be so bm
On April 02 2012 03:34 Bambipwnsu wrote:ranked is really frustrating...  Yep It always is. I lost 300 elo in three days. Now 1200 -_-, I should stop messing around and go to the jungle again to climb back. I also discovered that the only carry that I can play well is Ashe. I suck at Corki and Trist T_T.
Enemy jungler is Pantheon -> Soraka starts mana manip. First pick Lulu -> gets counterpicked by Cass, ganked by Pantheon, never wards. Get dived by Pantheon + Nidalee because he went through our jungle via mid -> get blamed?! Go wriggles/tabi and only lose your tower as Shen because you gave fb and then had to ult to save Lulu getting caught for nothing -> "LOL AD Shen?"
People are so dumb, they don't even know the game, it's frustrating to see them higher than me in the pick list.
Dropped 4 games with feeders, trolls, leavers an EVE. Surprisingly not angry though. Is the QQ therapy working?!
On April 03 2012 04:34 -Valor- wrote: Dropped 4 games with feeders, trolls, leavers an EVE. Surprisingly not angry though. Is the QQ therapy working?!
Nope. It's just that after the initial rage you are left in deep resignation and stop caring anymore.
However, I find that it is time to stop playing ranked when you reach this point since in my experience you're not playing your best which causes you to lose more games than necessary. Playing while tilting after another game that caused you to rage isn't better, but playing while your attitude is like "I don't care if I lose because of some retard throwing / dcing / trolling" isn't gonna help either.
I tried to play the game by telling myself "ELO is only a number and LoL is just a game" but this caused me to lose even more games (surrendering at 20 when you could still win became a bad habit during those days) compared to the games when I was raging. Finding balance is key I believe, but I didn't find balance yet, too.
Get a fully farmed Tankplank cept for an infinity edge (had shurelya's in the interim because their Tris was really hard to get to), zero defense Shaco 45 minutes in blames me for us losing when its a 4v5 every fight becaues he dies when the wind blows. Also argues he's an assassin and why would he need defensive items. Because Tris 2 hits you? >_>
I feel like I've gotten an exceedingly large number of people like this lately, I'm like 2-18 in my last 20 games or so. And it's not because I'm playing especially poorly, people just have no idea what they're doing and make stupid arguements like the above Shaco.
Like a Ryze who was against an Anivia mid and blames our Shyvanna jungler for him being 0/7/9. Our Shy wasn't exactly exceptional, but wasn't terrible either. Ryze didn't rush Banshee's Veil or get a single magic resist item- instead he went tear, catalyst, glacial shroud... and was perhaps the worst Ryze I have ever seen.
How do people play 500 games and have this little awareness about how the game works? Ngh...
So, now I know why I have to ban Shaco. Guy calling top or there'll be two people top, meh whatever. He picks Nida (turns out he's got no idea how to play her, rushing FM against Shen). I fucked up and didn't ban Shen so they got him and didn't ban Shaco on purpose, both got picked. Shen was no biggie that game.
I see invasion via Blitz on minimap, warn (yeah, Sona didn't take cv against Shaco/Blitz team), we move a bit. Sona and Graves stay like they want to fight, while Nidalee is top so we're 4 at best. Sona doesn't pull, gets grab by Blitz, flashes, Ryze flash ignite and gets fb. Nice. Well I go towards wraiths then... to see Shaco emerge with my red buff. The one Nidalee didn't care to cover, nor trap, despite me asking. After some chase, Gragas and me get killed because Ryze (fresh off a mana crystal and boots thanks to the firstblood) followed, and I didn't have boots for my part (started cloth+5 since Shaco). Then Nidalee's pushing top like a madman, gets predictably ganked, and manages a kill on Shen I don't know how before dieing. Bot starts feeding as Sona-Graves to Blitz-Sivir.
As it probably isn't enough, they all call ganks at the same time, and my jungle gets further invaded from 3rd blue onward. I get underleveled and without any farm as they all die anyway before I arrive. They also barely ward, don't call misses and mid gets ganked 1(+me that was near)v3 without bot reporting anything different from normal.
Sigh... we'd probably have lost anyway, with Nid's huge ego and Sona and Graves being mind-bogglingly unaware of how to play their matchups (and Sona roaming with some awful positioning to feed mid too), but Shaco made that worse. Oh, and speaking of him. Ping an incoming gank while we were 2-5. Botlane rushes toward Shaco and predictably gets double killed. Neat game.
omg joining game, jungle first pick.
he takes rammus, because enemy team didn't ban him.
nearly dies to double golem and fails his next 4 ganks. with him 0/4 he starts to flame mid, karthus, because he hasn't his ultimate ready every 30 seconds.
after the game he complains about riot and that they "overnerfed" rammus and that he is unplayable now.