Starting a Saturday afternoon with 2 losses horrific losses.
1) I been playing a lot of mordekaiser recently, so I went solo top against Garen and Blitzcrank. The oppoenent team didnt have junglers while my team did, so I asked my team's Udyr (Call him A) to come gank top often. I went 0/2/3 as A picked up all the kills. Mid was Akali (call her B) going even with Veigar. I farmed considerably, but didnt pick up any kills, mostly assists, with kills going to A and B. For whatever reason, A & B started calling me noob despite being top assist and top farm, and 1 of the 2 people buying wards (other was he support Alistair). Late game, then A was caught pushing mid by 5 people, but BLAMED me and Alistair for not helping him. That part lost us the game as we 4v5 at the Inhibitor tower. Ended 4/6/10
2) This time, A & B were in the opponent team. I was determined to win this game to show them how noob they are. I solo-ed top again and met them, playing Nidalee & Shen. While they only first blooded me, I had higher farm than 2 of them combined, since the start till the end (ended 300+ creeps while they had 100+ each, the game dragged very long) At level 11, I realised the Shaco on my team was only LV6. And for whatever reason started blaming his lane mate for whatever problems he had. I told him to pick up his game, and go farm/level. Then he pissed off and followed me everywhere and attempted to ks my farms, although without success. The game went on as we farm and traded kills, but the Shaco was annoying the hell out of everyone by ksing farms, threatening to quit, and demoralising the team. We lost the game as Shaco quitted prematurely. Ended 6/3/9
Played a bunch of ranked games yesterday, won most of em. Most of the games had at least one bad player on my team. This doesnt bother me too much. What bothers me is that every single game, people on my team started to fall out with eachother in pre-game chat, continued this all game and at various points people gave up. "If person X is going to be mean i'm going to go AFK" "If person Y keeps giving away kills i'm going AFK" "The game is lost now that we've lost dragon even tho we're 5 kills up, surrender or I go afk". The last bunch of games i've been more of a mum/motivational coach then a fucking player, trying to prod entitled little cockheads to please keep fucking playing the game because it's far from over. In the end it's worth it I guess because I want the win but at some point you wonder if you shouldnt just start working at a baby daycare and get payed for cleaning up crap and soothing crying little monsters.
Is there a bot that spams MIA / SS in chat every 30 seconds so I don't get reported by 100 wins each noob premade? Mid dies giving FB -> "ss???????!!!!!!!!!!!"... top overextends, whole enemy team missing, getting killed by 5 man -> "WTF CALL SS NOOB OR I GO AFK FUCKEREREWUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"...
After I carry them hard they are like "LOLOL u have over 1k wins and still don't call ss for your team? NOOOOOOOOB!" and I just couldn't think of any facepalm worthy to express how unbelievably speechless I was... pesky little children, I have no idea why women think they are cute when they actually are a pain in the gamer's ass 
What baffles me is that even in ranked people value acting like an entitled spoiled little brat higher then winning the game. Even games when you're ahead, if something doesn't go their way some people just afk out or start feeding because they didn't get their tummy rubbed. Are these really just 12 year olds or are there actually adults acting like this?
Why am I so bad at LoL. D: I end up feeding every single game I play with a group of friends. Even while I'm on support duty. I'm still amazed at the skill level difference between 1200's and 1700+
LOL @ people who say elo hell doesn't exist. That's fucking bullshit.
Pretty damn sure Riot has it out for me. Oh, he broke 1500 again? LOL HERE'S FOUR GAMES IN A ROW OF 4V5
Fuk, I derp so much today. Played 4 games, sucked in two of them. The other 2 I played quite well but not well enough to carry two feeders. I've been play the " fill in the blank" role, but now I think I need to jungle or solo top more if I want to win.
3 leavers at a row at last pick. I just want to play
Why do people insist on jungling malphite?
At my ELO, it's pointless, as they clear SO SLOWLY (like 2 levels behind or more at 10 minutes). Laning as Udyr against Gp, going all dandy, survive 3 ganks, low hp, get dove. Obviously as i go behind i expect at least ONE gank top... NOPE!
Btw, this isnt just one or two games, EVERY game with someone jungling malphite is like this.... jeeze, i might just ban him so it cant happen.
On March 24 2012 17:58 Promises wrote: Played a bunch of ranked games yesterday, won most of em. Most of the games had at least one bad player on my team. This doesnt bother me too much. What bothers me is that every single game, people on my team started to fall out with eachother in pre-game chat, continued this all game and at various points people gave up. "If person X is going to be mean i'm going to go AFK" "If person Y keeps giving away kills i'm going AFK" "The game is lost now that we've lost dragon even tho we're 5 kills up, surrender or I go afk". The last bunch of games i've been more of a mum/motivational coach then a fucking player, trying to prod entitled little cockheads to please keep fucking playing the game because it's far from over. In the end it's worth it I guess because I want the win but at some point you wonder if you shouldnt just start working at a baby daycare and get payed for cleaning up crap and soothing crying little monsters.
I was in a normal game going support, and our AD person told me off because he died, and it was really uncalled for. I politely said enjoy bottom lane, I will be helping other people. There is no need to yell at someone 2 minutes into the game when it really wasnt their fault.
Meh, just had a game where last pick called "IM GOING SOLO TOP GAREN" so as banner I obviously banned garen. He proceeds to pick teemo and follow our jungling shen around stealing his xp & creeps. Oh well at least he's going to get banned.
god damn 5 games in a row with someone on my team afk form the start closely followed by a game where bot lane went 4/16/1 and 2/18/5 after 33 minutes
wat. do.
... Karthus v kennen, surprisingly I manage to go even 1/1/0 early game (no first blood between us); up in CS, but oh wait my team decides to tower dive to the 2nd bott tower at 8 minutes in, and guess what? Yeah Kennen is slightly faster than karthus, picking up 3 kills apparently the entire final outcome of the game is my fault, even though on average their team is 3K+ gold up, it be my fault we lose. LOL. Only player with positive score (and no not due to ulti- I mainly used it pre-damage to attempt to help out during larger fights), but yeah mass flame and report against a 11/7/12 karthus mmmk., don't blame the 0/8/9 support or the 2/7/5 vayne; the useless jungle or the 6/10/5 top nono blame the mid ^_^:! gotta love solo queue. EUW ftw!
I fucking love people who afk.
My elo doesn't :<
What now irritates me are people who claim to be stuck in ELO hell yet actually are at their ELO.
Yes, a lot of people in this thread probably do deserve a higher ELO, but some people don't realize how bad they are sometimes. One of my friends for example claims ELO hell, he is almost 1300 about 170-160 W/L. His lifetime K:D is about 1600:1500, playing mostly top and mid. After 300 ranked games the number of AFKs and such should balance out.
I just wish you could specify in ranked what roles you can play and matchmaking would only do matchmaking and assign roles. Maybe assign ELO for those roles, so people with totally derpy supports who are 5th pick don't just lose the game (In my case, my derpy jungling)
On March 27 2012 09:47 bobbob wrote: What now irritates me are people who claim to be stuck in ELO hell yet actually are at their ELO.
Yes, a lot of people in this thread probably do deserve a higher ELO, but some people don't realize how bad they are sometimes. One of my friends for example claims ELO hell, he is almost 1300 about 170-160 W/L. His lifetime K:D is about 1600:1500, playing mostly top and mid. After 300 ranked games the number of AFKs and such should balance out.
I just wish you could specify in ranked what roles you can play and matchmaking would only do matchmaking and assign roles. Maybe assign ELO for those roles, so people with totally derpy supports who are 5th pick don't just lose the game (In my case, my derpy jungling)
It "should" balance out, but I've had five 4v5s in the past two days, and zero 5v4s. What are the chances of that?
Riot really hates some players.
On March 24 2012 23:13 Promises wrote: What baffles me is that even in ranked people value acting like an entitled spoiled little brat higher then winning the game. Even games when you're ahead, if something doesn't go their way some people just afk out or start feeding because they didn't get their tummy rubbed. Are these really just 12 year olds or are there actually adults acting like this?
P1: you're terrible P1: fags P2: wow, enjoy being 12 P3: he's 16 P3: fag P2: ...
True story.
On March 27 2012 12:50 Node wrote:Show nested quote +On March 24 2012 23:13 Promises wrote: What baffles me is that even in ranked people value acting like an entitled spoiled little brat higher then winning the game. Even games when you're ahead, if something doesn't go their way some people just afk out or start feeding because they didn't get their tummy rubbed. Are these really just 12 year olds or are there actually adults acting like this? P1: you're terrible P1: fags P2: wow, enjoy being 12 P3: he's 16 P3: fag P2: ... True story. Well since there's two of them, together they make 32, the pinnacle of maturity!
Unfortunately a large amounnt of people from ... (i don't know how low the minimum elo is so I'll jsut say 0) 0-1500 are under 18 or regardless of age lacking any sort of maturity, however; making a mistake once is normal making it again is stupid making it 3 times makes you an idiot ^_^;:, I'm not goig to say that after 3 times you deserve to be be flamed, but I'm going to imply it: this is a qq thread so IM SICK OF SOLO TOP THINKING THAT JUST BECAUSE HE WON HIS LANE THAT HE CAN 1V5 5+ TIMES THROWING THE GAME DSJGDFJGDHFGDFG T_T;: zomg./
Getting camped top is quite possibly the most retarded thing ever. Level 2 LS comes. Level 3 LS comes back. Level 5 LS comes again and I die. And yet it's worth it because now I'm suddenly behind and can't fucking do anything, while the worthless jungler just afks in the jungle.