The Shikyo Memorial for QQ Therapy - Page 158
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France8631 Posts
Vietnam10817 Posts
On March 23 2012 07:10 Soloside wrote: Chinese players are so bad. I played the first 3 months of season 1, June to August and had to carry every fucking game to 17xx. And the highest then was about 1900. I thought chinese people were suppose to be good at mobas. dafaq. Typical Chat: Teammate 1: 又是这个sb外国人 Me: BUT I CARRY YOU REAL HARD Teammate 2: FUK YOU MOM DOG The server just opened so ofc they can't be compare to NA/EU level. But yeah what disgust me is their manner. Chinese players have some worst manner in the whole world ![]() | ||
France45622 Posts
Then Alistar/Vayne camps Tristana/Janna at tower, Irelia lets Shyvana push her and just types "ss" without ever trying to help protecting the jungle, Annie underleveled despite me zoning Vlad all that time, tries to fight him and dies, obviously. FUCK. THAT. At least 3 fucking morons on the 4 other players, and a fucking ruined game without anything to learn nor any fun to have. What a waste of times. Cursing won't ever change anything nor even calm me but damn, why do goddamn idiots like this plague my games? I'm never even pretending not belonging to that Elo, but damn, at least I don't try to fight when I'm underleveled compared to my opponent and I don't ever fucking counterpick myself, be me first or last pick. FUCKING. MORON. GET A FUCKING BRAIN OR LEARN YOUR MATCH-UPS IF YOU'RE BENT ON EVEN PRETENDING TO KNOW WHAT YOU'RE DOING. Can't even say "fuck it, I'll surrender at 20 and try to play well till then", Shyvana steals golems, Vlad steals wraiths, one of them help Skarner get my red, and I can't even receive help or count on one of my teammates to even move a lash. Dumps. Edit: next game? Fucking idiot moron trash dumpster Nasus decides not only to pick that champ against a top Urgot, but that he shouldn't look at the jungle in case of invades, nor start anything other than that fucking regen pendant all those trash Nasus start with because "herp derp I build philostone so I start regen that guide said it" and proceeds to feed Urgot then ragequit. FUCKING. MORON. USE YOUR BRAIN. Or don't queue. | ||
United States9908 Posts
Janna on the other team decides that shes janna and goes AD. Later she 1v1s vayne and wins. Tryndamere feeds Volibear top and somehow Xin Zhao is 5-0-5. Normal Gamessssssss | ||
Canada10567 Posts
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United States668 Posts
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United States13684 Posts
On March 23 2012 08:27 mr_tolkien wrote: -250 elo in a day. COME AT ME BROS. Wow. That is some dedication to losing elo. How many games did it take? | ||
Bahamas15899 Posts
On March 23 2012 13:21 Kenpachi wrote: oh my god. i hoped i wouldnt see a fail Lulu, but TELEFLASH LULU WTF? Botlane loses cause of lack of sustain in 5 minutes Janna on the other team decides that shes janna and goes AD. Later she 1v1s vayne and wins. Tryndamere feeds Volibear top and somehow Xin Zhao is 5-0-5. Normal Gamessssssss lolwat | ||
France727 Posts
On March 22 2012 21:40 Evilmonkey. wrote: This, so much this. I've already played 3 games as an ad carry with a Lulu bottom and every game they steal cs, refuse to ward, and generally prioritize keeping themselves alive instead of protecting the carry. Soooo frustrating as someone who mains supports most of the time. It baffles me that some people literally have no idea what a support is supposed to do. Exactly this. I lost ton of elos cause I use to main AD CARRY for my team and so I usually ask for ad carry when i go ranked... I used to do that until i realised low elo solo queue is full of retarded support. First Step Pray that the last pick will pick a support. This step fail half the time Second Step: Pray that he can properly pick summoners Third Step: Hope (i don't say pray this time) that he can bring a support that synergyze well with your carry ad. Game starts. No cv nexus (always give you an indication if the support wants to coutner ward or not) - No wards - Level up dmg spell first (jana's tornado, soraka's q, sona's q and such) - Auto attack (happen alot) : good you're now fighting vs 2 guys to last hit, your lane is pushed and you have no ward, hmm do you smell the death roaming around you? - Positioning : either one mile behind the carry or in the middle of their minions tanking dmg for no reason... - Shop management : No gp10 items, bad tp management, like this when i come back i'm getting zoned until my support comes back on lane... - When you finally sees an opportunity to make a good move, your support sits in the brush last hitting minions... Oh god, I stopped AD on solo Q since then and gained back most of my loss. Now I play mid/top/jungler and i do my own business. You gotta love this new lulu era, things will get better. | ||
France8631 Posts
On March 24 2012 02:15 Two_DoWn wrote: Wow. That is some dedication to losing elo. How many games did it take? 21 losses in a row. 2.6 KDA overall. THIS IS WHAT I CALL REAL ELO HELL. 1k8 elo hell too mean for me. | ||
United States8519 Posts
Either way it's hilarious (but frustrating). | ||
Croatia11752 Posts
jungle vayne first pick kassadin into getting counterpicked by urgoth afk pick shyvanna pick after renekton solo top and jungle was already picked _____________________________________________________ = -60 elo Some days its just better not log in at all. | ||
France8631 Posts
Launch game. Last pick. FP : "Can I pick support for you". Me : "Pick me Ali" 3rd pick Tristana : "mid" Me : "AD or AP Tristana ?" Him : "Omg you fucking faggot I said mid lol nigger fuck you lol" <- exact chat Others asks him about AP or AD, "lol this my smurf I'm 2k1 idc lol u so bad" My time to pick FP : "only AD open but I can't play AD..." Me : "want me to play AD ?" FP : "LOL NO XDDDEDEDDXDXDXDxdxdx pick me Ashe» Games begins 2minutes : FIRST BLOOD. Trist died mid. Not even to a gank. She had used 1 pot from forcing a 1v1 in the jungle though. "omg retard ali had to use my pots because of you omg so bad" Me, quite annoyed indeed : "real 2k1" For the next 6 minutes, all my team begun insulting me non stop for being a flamer, losing us the game and sucking so bad I should uninstall. All the while, tristana goes 0/4/0 in less than 10 minutes, insults a little bit more, and goes AFK. Our top : "Report Alistar for flaming" Real game. Seriously. This just happened. I'm 1650 atm. And really, to anybody who doesn't believe in very wide random fluctuation of elo (elo hell), what happened to me in 2 days and 30 games (-250 elo) is a good example. | ||
57 Corvette
Canada5941 Posts
zzzzz | ||
United States2140 Posts
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Sweden238 Posts
On March 24 2012 03:15 oHInsane wrote: That last part about Sona is, at least in my opinion, just wrong. You should pretty much always max Sona's Q first unless you're for some reason taking an extraordinary amount of harass in lane. It's the main reason as to why she's even considered to be such a strong laner.- Level up dmg spell first (jana's tornado, soraka's q, sona's q and such) | ||
Finland8662 Posts
Like, how much of a douche you gotta be to get your epeen hurt because you lose a 15 minute ARAB so you have to cheat? And still lose rofl... | ||
United Kingdom1483 Posts
Slow on lulu's ult needs to go, or the knock-up. Something has to give, it's far too strong imho as is. | ||
57 Corvette
Canada5941 Posts
Sweden558 Posts
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