Russian Federation798 Posts
On March 19 2012 03:58 ninjakingcola wrote: Ffs I hate these fucking bads. I'm Noc jungle, and doing hella good, we fb the enemy Yourik top, and manage to snipe the enemy Ashe and Sona on bot, I'm feeling good. I kill Yourik again and I'm thinking this will be easy, Our Malz is kicking Kat's ass in mid, bot lane is...wait...Shyv went down there and got 4 kills...wat? The rest of the story is our AD Carry Teemo builds no damage and Sona refuses to ward or clear wards making any moves I try to make on the bottom of the map tantamount to souicide. I get on her case about it and she says we're not killing enough for her to be able to afford wards. She's already turned her philo into a Shurelia's and she's got a Warden's Mail.
Shyv and Ashe basically snowballed ftw and we had 0 ward coverage vs their complete map vision. Even when I bought oracle I just got gibbed because of how fed their fucking team was. People need to learn to fucking play before doing fucking ranked.
I wouldnt get oracles on noc, he is very squishy without items unlike some other junglers (udyr, shyv) and basicaly have to dive into the enemy team so there is a high probability of loosing your oracle.
Early oracles are good on Junglers who tend to not die when caught. When you're clearing wards by your self and no CV, you're exposing your self when you clear a ward which is dangerous. Nocturne unfortunately tends to die when he's caught, but you can get away with early oracles. Its a heavy investment, and on a champ that likes to snowball like Noct you're setting your self up to fail if you get caught while carrying the target over your head, but can be situationally correct when you've got a greedy support who doesn't want to sit on 2 gold/10s and 10 wards.
Well this and noc can avoid wards with his ult so oracles is less valuable on him.
According to saint buying oracles is a noob trap on jungles.
Well saint doesn't believe in wards either :d
![[image loading]](http://i53.photobucket.com/albums/g52/Lord__Link/LoLQQ.png)
Was 35-10 or so at one point with baron and 3 dragons under our belt. 1v5 Mord monster shows up and I continue my steady drop in Elo. Wondering if I hit 800 or so I might start winning again.
edit: bugger, pics pretty small, don't know how to fix that.
Team rages at second pick Eve. Ask her to be reported as soon as the game starts. Graves proceeds to lose his lane by dying twice before 5 minutes, and ragequits right after that. Eve didn't win her lane or anything (couldn't, really, it was against Singed) but she did well, outfarmed the rest of the team except for Morgana (obviously) and even got several kills on ganks she initiated. Team surrenders at 20, 4v5, WW insulting Eve heavily in post game chat and asking for reports.
Those were my opponents. I feel for Eve's player. :/
On March 20 2012 10:00 Alaric wrote: Team rages at second pick Eve. Ask her to be reported as soon as the game starts. Graves proceeds to lose his lane by dying twice before 5 minutes, and ragequits right after that. Eve didn't win her lane or anything (couldn't, really, it was against Singed) but she did well, outfarmed the rest of the team except for Morgana (obviously) and even got several kills on ganks she initiated. Team surrenders at 20, 4v5, WW insulting Eve heavily in post game chat and asking for reports.
Those were my opponents. I feel for Eve's player. :/ playing eve these days is just asking to get reported. it's stupid and sad, but that's the way people see the champion.
the dev team should really just deactivate her until they finally finish the "stealth rework" we've been promised for so long. not because it's impossible to win games with her mechanically, but because it's impossible to pick her without immediately making one teammate go afk and the rest scream at you in all chat for the entirety of the game's 20-minute duration. it's not fair to newer players when they choose an interesting champ and get flamed for a lack of champion power that isn't even discernible at their skill level.
Actually Graves didn't feed on purpose. He just played that badly, which is what makes it worse. You get a guy saying we should report said player, because he'll give us free Elo, and is a troll, and stuff like that. Then that guy actually plays far worse than the other, in a way that makes it so that regardless of the champions played, he'd probably be a heavier burden for his team. What's sad is that people will focus on Eve "because it's Eve". The most you might do would be to assume Graves went on tilt because he had an Eve on his team, but other than that I'd only blame him for their loss.
went 6-0 vs leblanc as ahri. didn't matter, bot lane was 0-11 T_________________________T
Dear 17xx players,
Stop playing this game if you're KDA ratio is below 1 and you have ~50-52% winrate.
has sydtko always been a shitty player? was tuning in to a friend's stream whose theme is trying to get out of elo hell (or rather back to 1400 elo if you insist that it doesn't exist), and sydtko's smurf was on his team and all he does is farm all day, blames his team for feeding, justifies his playing by saying he has the highest cs (I mean literally all he did was jungle, counter jungle, steal lane cs, ignore teamfights a few inches away from screen, etc) on his stream. i guess what i mean to say is he a bench player because he is such shitty player or is he a dick because he is a bench player?
start game 5-0, hold enemy top laner to 12 cs at 20 minutes lol still lose, team blames me solo queue
My friend made me play a few games. One game ended up bot lane soraka + some random kayle vs lulu cait. Kayle opens dagger. Rushes zerkers. Walks directly into cait q everytime it was up. Even kayle + soraka heal together can't heal that back up. Says he can't lane bot so goes mid and dies within 5 seconds of entering mid lane. Leaves me to 1v2 bot as soraka. Like wtf lol. I had the 2nd highest cs on my team doing 1v2 as soraka and i haven't played for months. Wtf is this i don't even.
I've just been on a super bad streak lately, And they're not because I'm chaining games either. I'm something like 6 games down from where I was 7 days ago because we just have that one or two epic game throws that just seem to happen. Like the carry decides to go farm by himself and we get 4v5'd and all though were up like 10 kills we still get poo'd on. It doesn't matter what role i play either, AP mid, the carry, top lane, jungle, whatever. It just happens to feel like my team will do that one epic throw.
I can't be in 4 other places at once as much as I would like to be, just super disappointing at times.
I'm currently serving my 3rd suspension from the league, and still have no clue why.
Jungle shyv, start with red, then top, we have a long fight top with their top and mid, ends up with them getting fb, and me getting one kill.
After that i go B and notice that mid has just died. "Fuck you Shyvana, he pushes to my tower and u do nothing, no ganks no nothing" I am like "i was just top fighting for some time, coming mid now"
Get to mid just in time for another counter gank, we kill them both after fierce fight, swain gets away with 100hp.
-> Fuck you shyv for taking those kills, i am the AD, i need kills.
Went 8/1/5 or something in 20minutes, and that mid kept yelling at me for the whole duration. Well, if we meet again, i will stop hitting when the enemis are at 10% and we are at 10%, and move away from them so my burnout does not kill them, lets see if he likes that.
16/3 Vayne - lose 12/2 Ashe - lose 14/5 Ashe - lose
Last 3/5 games.
Playing with my new duo queue partner who gets Lulu. That little sorceress is BOSS at peeling. Without her we could have surrendered at 20 very of these games.
Instead, random super retarded fuck shit brainless homo "human" players decide to alternate between facechecking or randomly dying because they overextend in a 50 minute game thus losing us the game since we didn't have single a 5v5 from 25 minutes on. Pure frustration.
4th game:
11/4 Vayne - lose
Froggen Anivia with Warmog's and Spirit Visage dealing ZERO damage just like solo top 1/9 Poppy and 0/7 Udyr. FML.
Just a normal game, but I was playing Udyr because I wanted to pratice my jungling, my team has no ranged AD. Swain feeds mid against Vlad hardcore. Enemy team composition is Lulu, Vlad, Nasus, Vayne, Lee Sin. I dominated the game in the jungle, but at some point Wither, Whimsey, Condemn, and Vlad's troll pool is just too much. Most of the team fights consisted of Vlad running away with god know what move speed, troll pooling if I did catch up. At the end, I was the only one on my team that could output any real damage, so they would use all of their CC on me... I literally could not do anything because I was perma cced except sit there and get beat on all day long.
Really frustrating stuff.
<CSheep> what did u get banned for <Shauniugu> int feeding i think <CSheep> were you intentionally feeding <Shauniugu> i was teaching my allies a lesson